Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Distinction between intuition, fear or desire

 How can I make a distinction between intuition, fear or desire?

“Make a list of that. When you are puzzled write something. Intuition tells me…Fear says…Take it out of your head and put it on paper. Give each a platform. Desire is a part of life; it is not necessarily as you are interpreting it. You are labeling many things as your desire. But desire has a firmer relationship with need than intuition or fear. Often you desire things that you need. You desire water because your body needs to be hydrated. You might have a strong desire for affection in a moment because you have been feeling insecure or something. So the need is for someone to love you. That is normal. Desire is not a bad thing at all. When you have a desire and you write I have a desire for this…you can ask yourself what

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Due to unusual weather conditions we are rescheduling our HEALING MUD BATHS.
Our new dates are JULY 20-21.
We begin at 10 am on Saturday.
For further info please phone Jayne: 306987944921


Join the  DELPHINIANS ,  Jayne Claire and company for our annual  HEALING at the MUDBATHS  in Northern GREECE 

JULY 20-21 2019

 Combine the healing powers of our Mother Earth with the wisdom, humor and wit of our source Delphinians . We will visit archeological sites, impressive caves, beaches, rivers and a Greek island. Always under the direction and protection of our source this is an excursion for your soul!


Contact for more information!!


A session from previous experience

Transcribed Reading: Healing Mud Baths Ceremony with Delphinians ~ 18 July 2015



Nestos River

Nestos River

20 July 2018

Nestos River


Today we will have you as hunters, looking for your winged ones. This is a sanctuary for the winged creatures that bring the possibility of soaring, flying above whatever happens to be going on in life. You know that the laspi is very grounding. This is why you all start to feel the heaviness and the lack of sleep is because you really do not need it. This is what the human fails to understand that when you put yourself in such an intensive environment into that clay, day after day. It has many effects on the different systems of the body. When you are in the mud it is as if you are sleeping. You all feel some type of altering in the consciousness. If you focus on it after you exit, if you lie down and allow yourself to be inside of …

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JULY 14 and 15, 2018
Join The DELPHINIANS (channeled by Jayne Claire) as they lead you through a healing intensive at the LASPOLOUTRA (healing mud/clay baths) in LYDIA, GREECE.

Receive guidance and energetic support from the source as you heal old wounds, forgive past grievances and clear yourself from any bitterness, remorse and unhappiness .

Trust that the Earth is waiting with opened arms to assist you in your personal quest for healing.

Opening circle
10am: channeling session.
11:30am : mud bath
12:30-2:00 lunch
4:00 Lydia baptism

9:00 am visit to PHILLIPI
12:00- mud bath
1:30-3:00 lunch
Closing circle

For those who are interested we will be carrying on for the week of JULY 16-20 with Mud baths, Delphinians magic and surprises.

For the week 16th

Eleutherna Crete Ceremony, (group session)

Eleutherna Crete Ceremony, (group session)

18 February 2018 

Eleutherna Crete Ceremony,

We are laughing along with you and you should be laughing about all this. You know that yesterday was why? why? why? Today is: why not? why not? why not? As everyone discovers obstacles on their way or you take the wrong route or you are very late…it doesn’t matter. Why not?

We have warned you that this island was going to be a tough land to access. Lots of distractions but your efforts do not go unawarded. If you have a jar that you want to open and get inside and if you cannot open it you might ask someone to help or you might smack it, but you do not give up. Our answer to Jayne is don’t give up; don’t throw in the towel yet. Keep pushing. You know that you are on the site at the moment. It has not …

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Limenas, Thasos

Limenas, Thasos

2 August 2017

Limenas, Thasos

Archaeological site

It is no accident that you are here; this family affair and you plan to stay for a few more days. You are responsible to hold the ground. You were in Philippi and you had your walk around there with your magic.

Meditation Exercise

We want you to walk around the site here and recall your experience at Philippi. In some way you are bringing the power back from Philippi here, back where it originated. If you go in the museum, find an article that you would wear on your body, whether it is a ring, earrings, a necklace and imagine that you are wearing it and it is yours. So you are taking it for yourself, you came back to take it. If you happen to see something similar to it when you are shopping around the island, buy it. You are …

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Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy, Mud baths, Krinides

Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy, Mud baths, Krinides

29 July 2017


Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy

Close your eyes and put your feet on the ground if you are not sitting on the ground, if you are sitting on the ground that is okay. You know we can talk and talk and talk but the job gets done regardless of what is said. First we want you to think about yourselves. Imagine that you are seeing yourself standing in the center of the circle and everybody is looking at you. You just imagine yourself in the center. See yourself, what are you doing over there? We go around and do some energy work on the forms while you just look at yourself there…Look at yourself and see how you are feeling in the center of that circle. What is happening to you? Do you feel uncomfortable? What is coming up? Are you smiling? Are you feeling …

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Lydia River

You all must know that ‘there are no accidents’, particularly when you are working with this type of a Source…
So We begin…
Close your eyes and ground yourself here… send some energy into the earth, remember that exercise that you did yesterday – if you were present – and use that channel that you’ve created to the core so that you may be more affective… as you walk along your path of spirit, one of the most important things is to stay grounded…
You are on the earth for a reason…
First, it’s a personal reason
And then, second, it’s a more general reason for your entity field… of course, We are interfering energetically with this Operation going on alongside of Us (a catholic mass by the river) just like yesterday (a gathering of the farmers’ association)…
You know this is

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Mud baths, Krinides

Of course We have a bigger audience here (a farmers’ gathering nearby)… you know even if they’re not participating within this circle, they are affected… It’s very important food, isn’t it… if you don’t grow your own food then you’re dependent on these individuals… and they are the ones who are dealing directly with the mother earth… so your first blessing today is that they are a part of this operation…
You know We like to work outdoors because We have a very big aura…
Today you are going to go into the Earth over there… you’re going to ground yourself… of course this is a very grounding experience… but if you use your imagination and ground yourself even more your energy field will connect to the core… this is what We want you to do today… to imagine that you’re connecting with the core of

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Acropolis (Election Day)

Certainly, We are greeting each of you…
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many people are participating, it’s the quality of the individual that matters… in order to be a trail blazer in life, very often you have to walk alone and you have others following behind…
Those of you who live in the city do well to visit this Site often or at least to remember it, to fantasize it in your mind when you are in another location…
You might all have an inkling to the Ceremony today and you know it has something to do with the Marbles that are visiting foreign lands…
you all know how important it is for them to return so what We want you to do today when you go to the Museum is to go directly to the top floor and wander around that area that is supposed to be structured the

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We want to welcome this Circle as it grows…
there is Power in Numbers… any time two people put their heads together, they have doubled the power to create, doubled the power to destroy – watch how you argue with another… know that the earth is absorbing everything…
some years back the earth awakened from her slumber and started to participate in each of your energy fields; just as if sb moves into your home with you, they become part of your family, the earth became part of the family of your individual energy field…
each one of you is an electromagnetic field and you exchange energy with anyone with whom you communicate, any circumstance that you put yourselves in…  any experience that you have, you’re participating energetically, you’re affected…
now the earth is available to support you…
after all she’s been sustaining your life, hasn’t she? She’s

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Mykonos Island

Certainly, you all have your personal reasons for being here and, hopefully, you will understand that by the end of this weekend… 
We have chosen to begin the Operation here, in Mykonos, for personal reasons and, also, to open an area in which you may return any time you feel the need to reconnect… these Operations have one thing in common and that is to connect you directly with the Source of your Substance – and that is the earth… 
too many people are trying to ascend – you can’t ascend unless you’re grounded
You’re humans; make the best of that experience… 
you don’t need to try to be spiritual… that is your personal Source… each human has a connection to the Unknown, many seek after Knowledge to understand the Unknown….
Better to look for yourselves: look at the person sitting directly across from you and pretend you’re

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Lydia, Baptistery

You know this is a very famous Site…
also, for the matriarchal society… this is where the children were born and this is where the elders came to die… it was honorable to die consciously… it was honorable to give birth consciously…many women gave birth in the running water… there was a great deal of activity here before Christianity came around the corner… now this place is honored as a Baptistery and we plan to baptize each of you into the energy of the New earth…
now this is sth you have to agree to… you can disagree if you like… because the transformative work in your physical forms will be accelerated… so take a few moments to consider those aches, those pains, those experiences you’ve been having in these last years and consider if you want to have that accelerated… we suggest you take approximately 5 min without talking

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Aptera, Chania (Crete)

(very poor recording)
Certainly We greet each and every one of you…
When you make a decision, when you put your will behind sth, you have an opportunity to receive inspiration…
maybe the biggest difficulty for the human beings is that they think too much – you try to solve problems with your mind and you often create obstacles for solution when you need inspiration…
it is a very good idea to use an affirmation ‘I’m open for inspiration, I’m now ready for inspiration’ and then you put your will to open further those channels to be inspired… you all know what inspiration means, you’ve all been inspired in your lives… if you think too much, you might sometimes toss yourselves out of following that inspiring idea…
it is very important to become more instinctual… if you have any pet, observe them, pay more attention to their instinctual nature…

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Ancient Dodoni

First part

We help you all to take a moment to ground yourselves, your feet flat on the ground and use your exhalation to join your Mother…

every time that you get caught up in your thoughts, particularly if you’re worried or unsure, you lose your ground, the security and you know this is your Mother, the one who’s feeding you, who protects you, and who’s forgiven you… and this is very important: to know that you are embraced by the Mother, that you’ve done your work to break the dependence on the social system that surrounds you… 
it exists, you know you’re affected by it, but you’re no longer attached to it… you’ve been connected to another Line through your own efforts… 
you’ve each managed to ascend and it’s important to remember that; don’t let them pull you down… keep you heads above water…

For today,

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Of course, you’re all welcomed here…
Perhaps you know of your own history of participating in the rituals here, you know that nothing was really transferred mouth-to-ear during those initiation rides; it was energy transference
no drugs were used – they weren’t necessary…
this was a very sacred Site during the matriarchal society here in Greece; if Delphi was the Naval, this Site was the Heart
This is the Site where it all began and it all ended for the education of the citizens in the matriarchal civilizations… the education was, of course, geared towards enlightenment – this was the understood goal of incarnation… 
probably some of you have already figured that out, that that’s your goal in life… so in coming here, you can begin again and you can end whatever you want… so you have an intention of something you want on your path

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We welcome you all to this wonderful Site…
you are at the foot of the Holy great mountain; this Mt. holds the balance of the f and the m power
You know that the Greek gods had both genders… 
you know that the patriarch chose the male deity… you wouldn’t want the matriarch to choose only a f deity, would you? You want balance, don’t you?
We’re bringing to you the energy, the power of the gods and the goddesses who hold this Sacred Mountain each of you are to consider where you need balance first – the m side or the f… then you choose a god or goddess –  whichever one comes into your mind, whichever one you like or dislike… all are available
We will assist the connection between each of you and that deity you’ve chosen… for the next 7

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DELPHI (Closing)

You’re all carrying a bit more of this Force; you’re part of a tribe, don’t forget that and don’t, necessarily, assume that you know the other members – there are more than are present at this moment…

We want to thank you all, to show you Our appreciation for assisting Us in Our mission to give something back to the earth, to honour the sacredness that gathers at certain points on your earth – and this is just the beginning…

We worked on each of you: many We grounded, many We opened – you will all feel something… look in the next 7 days before the Operation will be completed… 
We’ve connected you all with this Site, you can use it whenever you need to reconnect with your spirit any time in your life – It’s open and you’re connected and your entity remembers…

– (M.) What

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DELPHI (Opening)

Certainly, We greet each and every one of you, old friends and new…
You can always make an old friendship new if you close the circle and open a new one and this is what We intend to do here: to open a New Circle…
You know the importance of numbers of working together on a common purpose; the purpose for this Ceremony is to acknowledge Greece… Is there anyone here who’s not Greek?
 (…) A couple…
 Have you forgotten the power of your Land?!
Have you put it aside so that you could focus on the present crisis?! 
The human population is presently in a spiritual crisis… dogmatic systems are collapsing and when they collapse, they carry those who believe in their doctrines with them; you don’t want to go down, you want to go up and this is Our intention: to lift each of you up

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Of course, We haven’t gone far from you… 
you know We have Our ways of keeping contact with those of you who are deeply involved with this Operation… sometimes you may feel that nothing is moving, but always from the inside of yourself you move outwards… with every inward motion there’s an equal outward movement – this is the nature of travelling on a so called Spiritual Path…
Those of you who have committed to Know Thyself are always receiving illumination, light and direction… times is necessary or Time is necessary to process the experiences that one passes through and sometimes it’s appropriate to rest, to relax and to take stock of the past deciding what you want in your future and then you begin moving again…
Certainly We greet you once again and We welcome you; what would you like to cover today?
 (D.) Thank you for

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Thessaloniki, Open

Days after Sai Baba’s departure
Surely you know that the things are getting more serious now…
If you look around, you may witness former members of tribal life; you’ve shared many lifetimes with others in this Gathering…
This is the future; it’s time to start looking for your tribe
in order to co-operate with each other, the humans beings must separate…
you know you can’t get along with everyone…
you know there are some persons that have beliefs you can’t accept…
There is no time for debate any longer
There is no time for arguments or ill feelings – you simply separate yourself…
You know the great degree of greed that exists within humanity and you know they’re not going to win the race
Those of you who search for self-realization, who open to wisdom, truth, love, harmony, co-operation have a great chance…
Now the Great Light

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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Athens, Philopappou

We always enjoy small gatherings…
Because with a small group, the individuals have the tendency to focus on themselves; if they’re many persons, there’s a great deal of distraction…
Now you know that Life is about Knowing Yourself, to fill in the blanks; and most often, you use other people to do this: you see your reflection on another and you find yourself…
Meditation is a method to go inside and find yourself; and that’s why it’s so difficult for most people: they don’t want to be alone
It’s important to accept that you are alone; unless, of course, you’re carrying another inside your womb – that’s the only time in life you’re truly not alone…
Now We’d like you all to close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you’re completely alone, that the earth belongs to you and you’re the only one here…

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If you can see that humans are beginning to scare like rats – and you know that most humans are afraid of rats…
Do you have any idea how afraid rats are of the humans?
It’s a type of mirroring that’s occurring these days and it’s the time to pay the piper as the saying goes…
Just as you see an acceleration within institutions of destruction – there’s an acceleration of a destructive force within all institutions
We’ve been talking about this for many years and now it’s happening in this country… there’s a general attitude of ‘I don’t know’ because when something collapses from the inside, it’s difficult to find the source of destruction, to know where the origin of the fate of humanity is …
To say that these are troubling times would be an understatement but most people don’t want to hear about it, they

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Trip to Springs (Sidirokastro, Serres – Loutraki, Aridaia)

Sidirokastro Spring (morning)

This is an Operation that has been in preparation within all of your Fields – many more than even you would imagine… there are more than three of you (J., N., D.) who are involved in this; it’s a matter of time… 
as the necessity for service appears, the appropriate candidate will step up to battle…

There’s a Team that is being formed
Now you know that some come into service and have been retired, others have been called to service and have stepped back or avoided their responsibilities – but they’re all on the sidelines… they’re still in the audience; if they’re not actually on the playfield or sitting on the bench, they’re sitting on the benches watching and actually waiting for the call to come back…

J. has the responsibility of orchestrating the flow and she has been working on that for

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We’re always hovering around…

We want each of you to take a moment to ground yourselves – simply have your feet on the ground and imagine with your exhale breath energy going into the earth…
You may awaken some of the tenants in the lower floors, but We won’t worry about them, will We? 
As you do this with your imagination, We will be bringing energy into your crown chakras…
This is the time for a new beginning; you know that the Chinese calendar is more accurate than the traditional Jan 1st, so each of you should be well on your way to greater satisfaction…

You know that the earth is changing, that she’s shifting and however you’re affected by her changes, you can use that for your benefit of your spiritual evolution…
although many of your brothers and sisters are facing tragic circumstances, most of you are in

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Road Trip (Vouliagmeni Lake – Sounio – Delphi)

Vouliagmeni Lake, 12th March 2010

Always if you should enter the water, symbolically, if you don’t feel like putting your physical form in, you can do it with your imagination; it’s an opportunity to take even more strength from the earth, from the positioning of the earth… the earth is shifting and this is something that We’ve been expecting and waiting for, for many lines have fallen into place… the earth is always shifting: some co-ordinates are in better position now for aligning the human form with the earth… you see that you don’t have to make any extraordinary efforts in any direction; you only need to be receptive and available…  
Now as far as the structure goes, this area is for balancing the m and f aspects of the Self, of the soul, you might say… as you all know, you’ve had some lifetimes as male, some as female

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Each time that you, deliberately, ground yourselves here, you move the Energy deeper into the earth: this is why We’ve given the advice to ground yourselves at Delphi… and that advice stands for the rest of your lives…
We’ve given this advice to the four of you who were here for ‘the joining of the earth and the heavens’
We represent the heavenly bodies, as they’re called – whether you want to see angels or whatever anyone likes to imagine; it is valid according to their own dreams…
You might say that this life is a dream; so are your thoughts and your imaginings: they expand the dream
Whatever you want to believe about the so-called heavenly bodies – whether you even call them stars or representatives from the stars or the star system, all of it is acceptable from Our perspective…
Now each

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Of course, you understand that We’re always listening in on your conversations…
We’re always somehow accompanying each of you wherever you go… We don’t forget you now…
As things become more fine-tuned, We need to be grounded more often, We need more anchors… We need to be even more attentive as each of you let go of controlling the future, let go of worrying about it releasing their judging minds that ‘you aren’t good enough’…
Who else is better to do what you’re doing?
Whenever you question yourself, ask yourselves ‘who can get this close without getting burnt’ or ‘Who can do it better than you?’
Many persons have tried and fallen out of line… 
This is all for the strong and the courageous and a little bit about the desperate; all of you have felt desperation in your life at some point whether that

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We open a New Circle with those of you who are joining for the first time…
It’s important to understand that the energy moves from one person to the next; this happens naturally, always Energy is moving…
if you notice, you can recognize different flavors of energy
Whenever you come into alignment or contact or close to another person, you’re affected by their energy field; you can classify people in simple terms – whether they’re thoughtful or they’re putting their thoughts out or they’re pulling their thoughts in…
whether they’re dreamy
or whether they’re caught in a specific emotional plane e.g. if you get close to somebody who’s angry, you might start to feel anger or heat…
Also, increasing one’s sensitivity allows them to notice imbalances that exist in other energy fields or forms: you might come to recognize a physical disease or imbalance in others…
First and

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Each person feels the pressure…
Each person is responsible for choosing to be here at this moment, this position on the Globe… some of you have come from a long distance to be here; some from a shorter
You can’t blame anyone else…
The Earth is pressing from below now… the last years, all of these, so-called, energies available coming down to the earth, entering the earth have managed to assist the earth in her own evolution…
Now if you can imagine that you have a head full of lice, what do you do?
You try to get rid of it…
you poison it actually… you poison your own head in order to kill off the eggs; actually, to kill the bugs and then you have to pick the eggs off…
Has anyone ever had lice?
Do you remember how challenging it was to get them off?!  

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We keep the group small this time so that the Joy can move…
Any time there is an energy adjustment being made, each person becomes connected to the next…
Therefore, every time you are participating in one of Our groups or any other group – no matter what, energy moves from one to the other…
This is the nature of being human: you are not so closed up as you might imagine…
Even if you lock yourself in a room, alone, your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams connect you with others… you always have a choice with whom you wish to stay connected…
In other words, you are not obligated to stay close to anyone in your life besides your children, that is…
So parents try to get away from children – they don’t really succeed…
There is always something that is holding on, there is always

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Greeting each of you, We’re welcoming you back as you welcome Us!

This is where We made the breakthrough with the Channel, this is where We opened the first vortex here, some of you may remember that… and this is where We closed one circle, and this is where We open another here tonight… you can expect that magic feeling will follow after this magic experience…
Some of you have been having some difficulties, most of you have been experiencing shifts in your energy fields, many times, noticed physically – it’s normal!
With the changes that are happening in the energy fields on the earth and that have been happening, now there’s an easier opportunity to have physical adjustments made…
We’ll be expanding Our repertoire of energy adjustments going into the next phase

Who wants to speak? Who has questions about what’s happening?

 (Ag.) I’d like to know

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