Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Parallel realities and the entity

Parallel realities and the entity

(Part from the Reading that took place on 21st September  2024)

Parallel realities and the entity

Do parallel realities exist and how could we balance the influence? You know that you might believe that you are your personality but you are really an entity field and your personality is an off shoot from that entity. The entity also has other personalities and off shoots in other dimensions and in the same dimension where you are at the same time and in other times. All of this interacts all the time so it is very difficult to be specific about anything to do with your question. It is like a big soup and all of the other personalities or characters in your entity field are in that soup. If you add extra salt to your pot, all the other pots get extra salty too. You are all one.

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Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

4 April 2024

It is always good to bring up the humor! Laughing has the ability to break into belief systems; to loosen the hold on whatever the mind believes is truth or relevant to being. Sometimes it is better to be without any beliefs just open-minded and open-hearted. If you are empty headed then it is easier to go into life, to learn to trust life as you meet it if you are not filled with expectations or anything that you believe that you know. Knowing is valuabale up to a certain point then it becomes a limitation. It can limit one from expanding on any topic, so it is always a positive thing to be receptive, to be open, and to hear what the universe has to offer to you. You have a mothering instinct toward others and that is positive, that is love.


Advice on helping family

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Family Dynamics (From Personal Reading)

Family Dynamics (From Personal Reading)

26.10.23 ~ (From Personal Reading)

What do you hope for? Peace and love. Then you become that. That is as simple as it gets. You become what you hope for and then wait to see how that works out. Something else?

Humans are meant to be multidimensional and multi-faceted and have multiple intimate relationships in life, it is necessary for self-development. It is about respect. With intimacy often comes a great deal of disrespect for others. This is just a human emotional thing. People come together intimately and expect the other family members or whoever should disappear but that is not going to happen. It exists. There is not just one-for-one and forget everybody else. The best direction to take in a relationship is to just pipe down, to be neutral. Freedom. There is a need for freedom. That is the only way to understand the multidimensional self. When there …

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El Meco Archeological Site Cancun, Mexico

El Meco Archeological Site Cancun, Mexico

”An essential part from the reading that took place at the site”

What happens when you visit places that matter, it is very beneficial to have a clear intention when you are going to a foreign country. Not just to vacation but why do I want to go there?
What do I want to take?
What do I want to give?
What am I looking for?
What is my purpose to revisit this point on the Planet Earth?

All those questions will help you to stay protected from something that you wouldn’t necessarily choose to manifest in your physical body. This is general information for anyone. Anyone visiting a foreign land might have the intention to create clarity inside of themselves in relationship to that place, a general direction for anyone. This is in order to protect yourself. If you have a strong connection with that place you might be …

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Update about Jayne & Delphinians

Well, I never succeeded in creating a physical center in Greece, but through all the travels, all the trials and tribulations, all the multiple sessions with our source I have managed to create that unmovable, indefinable center within myself. For this, I am grateful to each and every person who participated in this project of uncovering the sacredness of this wonderful land Hellas, and mostly I thank the land, the sea and the healing waters. Let us be blessed!
Thank you!
My personal path has gone full circle returning me to my birth land. Years ago the DELPHINIANS informed me that I had agreed to work on the East coast of the USA, so here I find myself as far south as I could dream, in beautiful, mystical Florida, Tampa Bay, home of the Tocobaga Native Americans….
And so the journey continues….

~ Jayne Claire ~…

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If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle

If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle


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On Easter, on seasons and cooperating energetically

On Easter, on seasons and cooperating energetically

It is appropriate to have a sense of gratitude as the Easter holiday approaches. As the Holy Week approaches there is the opportunity for strengthening ties and bonds. During the season of spring (opening) there are also openings with other individuals from past lives. How it works: You relate with your loved ones in certain patterns and these patterns most often represent past life relationships. As the season turns and everything opens– energetically it creates openings between individuals. If you have a certain pattern that you are following it gives the opportunity to move in a new direction. Imagine a liquid following a path and if there is an opening the liquid has the opportunity to move in a new direction.

Therefore you can conclude that if you want to change the way you are relating to someone do it in the springtime. If you want something to grow between …

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Delphinians on Relationships

Delphinians on Relationships

Different extracts from Personal Readings

It doesn’t matter how the other feels, if you keep your heart open loving another and losing expectation in every moment; then your open heart has an effect to open the heart of the other.  If you have an expectation of another, to love you back equally, to treat you a certain way, to have the same desire as you have…then you are closing your heart.  If you can realize and label your own expectations, this can help you to keep your own heart open.


Letting go

Letting go is the greatest lesson…very often these are the most challenging relationships for anyone who is experiencing them.  Many times within a married couple this is not an issue because they are aware that any some point one of them will die and this is something that is accepted and almost expected.  If two people have agreed …

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Covid Meditation (From Personal Reading)

Covid Meditation (From Personal Reading)

The time has come to add this visualization to ones meditative practices.

Imagine a spiral of energy flowing counter clockwise ( towards the left) that is lifting the coronavirus out of humanity . You  may see it leaving the Earth planet, an individual that you know is suffering…you may imagine a continent, a town, a city…use your imagination. See the entity of the virus dissipating and disappearing.”
– The Delphinians…

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Nature ~ Nemesis ~ Rhamnous

13 August 2021

Ramnous, near the Temple of Nemesis

You might be able to feel that the future is rapidly approaching. Once the war starts, it continues. It doesn’t necessarily take a break and resume. So, the whole situation with the pandemic could represent a war. What is the war with? Nature. With the Earth itself. You could say that the Earth has gone to war with humanity. We avoid doomsday prophecies, we have been speaking about the Earth, the importance of recognizing, honoring, etc. We will say that it is the nemesis for the human nature that has created this battle that they face. Of course, it is not only with the virus but with the fire, the water, the air. It is not necessarily going to improve. You know what war is; you know what happens with war. There are battles and they continue until someone surrenders. How …

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God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

7 July 2021 ~ (from Personal Reading)

More than ever, it is time to turn your attention to the Lord, to God. Every thought that you have, realize that God is listening, ok? You might say that now is the moment in time that the chosen are being chosen. You could say that God is paying more attention to the human beings during these moments of crisis than in the last few hundred years because it is the time for transformation. It is the time for the preparation for the New Earth and who is welcomed and who will be left behind. It has more to do with the train of thoughts than it does with almost anything else. We have said it before that no matter what happens in one’s life you are in control of what you think. What are your train of thoughts during the day? How …

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DELPHINIANS closing ceremony for Greece

Delphi Closing Ceremony

6 June 2021

Close your eyes and take some deep grounding breaths. Connect with the Mother Earth. Wherever we take this body, she will be connected to the Earth and you can connect with us through that root. Many of you know that we have been working here for years, particularly on this site, to open the wounds that were inflicted with the years on a sacred site. You doctors know that you open the wound and you clean it out. The first years were clearing out. And then after that healing of the wounds, you came here to connect with the ancient spirit that resides here.

Meditation exercise
Today if you choose to go onto the site, you are going to have it in your minds that you are connecting. That you are opening through the soles of your feet, palms of your hands, your heart, …

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Choices ~ Evolution ~ Incarnation ~ New Earth (from Personal Reading)

Choices ~  Evolution ~ Incarnation ~ New Earth (from Personal Reading)

30 May 2021  ~ (from Personal Reading)

It is always appropriate to count your blessings. It is always appropriate to see yourself as a witness. That you have the opportunity to participate and witness the big shift that is happening in humanity. And this is the position you should take. This is the position you have achieved in your life. Often when one becomes the witness they want to participate, speak up, say what they see. But that is not the place of the spiritual witness because once you become the spiritual witness, you are part of the audience. You know when you are at the theater and you are watching the performance, you keep your demeanor quiet, you stay quiet. Wait for the next scene, take a break. What do you do when they have the intermission? You take a break, get a drink, you do not really do …

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New Year Reading with Delphinians

10 January 2020

New Year Reading with the Delphinians

We are here with you, with each of you. We ask you to find yourself in a receptive manner, to open yourself. Don’t be closed, closed legs, etc. For this is an energy transmission. You know that you don’t have to be in the same room with us for us to access your energy field. Although your minds are very active, our intentions are to shift you energetically. Now there is a lot of talk about DNA, viruses, vaccines, fear, future, past….The moment is now.  Now the atmosphere on the Planet Earth is more receptive or open for the activation of your accelerated energy fields. You are living in a dualistic environment, dualistic atmosphere. So, when something is going down, something else is going up. There is always going to be a balancing act in this dimension. Your individual responsibility is …

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Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

29 December 2020

The ending of this year is a time for gathering. Gather what is most important to you: what really matters, what is of value and what can be discarded. It can be physical, material things, it can be emotions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, desires…it is a time to really clear it out. To empty the self of the past, of whatever is not needed for the future because the future is rapidly approaching now. As you well know from your investigations, new energies are arriving on the Planet Earth. The Earth is entering into a new vibrational position in the solar system and this is one of the causes of the great disruption that is happening at the moment within your civilization. As you see that there is not one area …

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Transformation of Earth & Humanity (from Personal Reading)

Transformation of Earth & Humanity  (from Personal Reading)

The Earth, let’s say, is no longer a willing participant in the energy fields of the human. Remember some many years ago we have said that the Earth has awakened and now the Earth is more conscious of being a part of your energy. You are not only your emotions, your mind, your body…but the Earth is one of those elements. Now, let’s say the Great Mother is pushed to her limit and not necessarily endeavoring to assist humanity in their project of being on the planet.

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About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

30 August 2020

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

Truly it is a time to tune into a higher force or to tune into the depth of the love you feel for anyone or anything. Finally, love is the only answer. Always out of curiosity the child will get into some mischief and getting into mischief always brings the shadow side out. Should I lie or should I tell the truth about what I did…? It pushes out the self-exploration, the self-examination and that is what is important at the moment for everyone. Self-examination. Everything is on the surface at the moment; therefore it is easier. Even though life may appear to be more difficult, it is easier to know thyself. That is the yin yang of the circumstances at the moment. The duality of the experience. The more challenging on the outside, the more …

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Delphinians Reading for the New Generation

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Personal Reading (About Transformation)

Personal Reading (About Transformation)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

5 June 2020 ~ Lunar eclipse Day

During this transition for the human race it is very important to focus on the future. The past has got to be buried under all the old emotions. Anything that did not satisfy must be put behind you. If you are moving forward, you cannot really see behind you. When you are driving, you can use those mirrors but when you look in the mirror to look behind you, you are no longer looking forward so you just glance at the mirror. If you are driving a vehicle you are never looking completely into the rearview mirror unless you are backing up. If anyone has the tendency to dwell on the past, they are moving backwards energetically. There is a huge power pushing each of you …

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On love and relationships

On love and relationships

29 March 2020

On love and relationships

When you love someone it doesn’t stop. Love is not something that you can turn off. Many people try. People use their minds to manipulate love and loved ones. You can never stop loving, you can’t turn it off. To keep an open heart towards those that you love without judgment is the name of the game. Call him just to say I am thinking of you and I’m hoping that you are well. You don’t even have to ask any questions. You don’t have to impose on another to tell them that I love you and I hope you are well. You see? In this way you elicit from them a different response. If you go to a past lover with questions then you might open up doors that might as well stay closed. If you go to a past lover and …

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Enlightenment, evolution and progress for the spirit

Enlightenment, evolution and progress for the spirit

29 March 2020

You know that this is actually a time of gathering energy. It is so important to realize what it is that you are gathering. You don’t want to gather something that will block you in the future. Whatever you are gathering during this period, you will need to evaluate in the near future. Imagine you are in a grocery store and you are filling your cart with whatever you need; you will need to push that cart into the next period. We don’t want to put a time element onto it because time is becoming irrelevant. This is the whole picture. It is one of the realizations of the illusions that accompany living as a human – to have a greater understanding that this is an illusion. Whatever it happens to be, it is a time to learn to discern with more accuracy what is illusion? and …

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Delphinians Talk about the Crisis in Humanity and our Relationship with Mother Earth

26 March 2020

We want the Delphinians to go a little deeper into this situation that we are dealing with as humanity.

As a family of humanity, you are dealing with a crisis.
You are dealing with a plague and ideally you are joining together in some way shape of form in order to improve your own personal consciousness.

What you are thinking, what you are feeling, how you are dealing.
There is a great tendency to isolate yourself, to fear others, to criticize others, to criticize your leaders…As you are in this dualistic world.

You can say black and white if you like.
All these aforementioned behaviors are in the black, are in the shadow and expand the shadow.
If you criticize another, if you criticize China, for instance, on how they dealt with the outbreak, you are feeding the shadows.

The Earth is one, it is one planet.…

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How to maintain harmony with siblings ?

How to maintain harmony with siblings ?

“Family’s are created so that each individual can work on harmony, peace, love, all of those things. You know that from the beginning the relationship between family members is based on love. This is why you come together, even if two siblings hate each other they really love each other, they just can’t see through the differences that exist. They can’t forgive.

  What happens with siblings..as a character you choose your parents because they mirror you . This means that every character shares similar characteristics with their parents. There is something that is very similar. As  a being you might accept some parts of yourself and you might reject others. This is what causes internal conflict within a character. That one characteristic denies another or in some way it is difficult to balance those  two parts of the self. Perhaps those two parts …

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Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side? Why do they acquire a bad reputation??   It makes me feel hopeless..

There is no hope for humanity. As a human you always have foibles. And the pilgrim who is looking for God wants to SEE God . If you are traveling and going someplace you have never been before, let’s say Rome.. you are driving on roads that you don’t know. How do you feel when you see a sign that says Rome with an arrow? Don’t you feel relieved? And you continue driving, you still don’t know where you are going and you see another sign with an arrow pointing to Rome. You may think ‘ did someone turn that sign, is this the right direction, did I take a wrong road? ‘ Until you see another sign that says Rome, Rome…100 K…and then you feel ‘ Yes , Yes!!’  And …

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Mud baths, Laspoloutra

Mud baths, Laspoloutra

21 July 2019


We always come in with humor because the spirit is quite humorous; all your spirits have a good sense of humor. Whatever experiences you are having in your life whether dramatic or comical, if you can see the cosmic joke aspect of this situation, you lift yourself up. Most people believe that the spirit is higher than they are, in the sky or in the higher chakra system. That is why we say “it will lift you up”. When you are above things, you can see more clearly what is going on. That is not a bad place to reside. To rise above it all. Yesterday we worked on the hearts. You know that the times are changing, there is a new age approaching and this is an age of cooperation rather than the selfish approach to living/being. There will be more cooperation and community required. …

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Mudbaths, Krinides

Mudbaths, Krinides

20 July 2019

Mud baths, Krinides

Let’s begin, let’s hold hands. You know numbers are important but the small numbers are just as important as the big ones. One large group is not necessarily better than a small group. We are greeting each of you and welcoming you. You all know that the changes that are occurring on your planet are accelerating now. This gives each of you the opportunity to change yourselves, there is no better time than now to transform. You see all the transformations around you and many appear to be detrimental so this means you might choose something about yourselves that you would like to destroy, that is no longer serving you whether it is an emotion, a behavior, a relationship, thoughts…There is a cycle in everything. Often you cannot create unless you first destroy. Generally, on the planet there is a movement toward destruction, the …

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Distinction between intuition, fear or desire

 How can I make a distinction between intuition, fear or desire?

“Make a list of that. When you are puzzled write something. Intuition tells me…Fear says…Take it out of your head and put it on paper. Give each a platform. Desire is a part of life; it is not necessarily as you are interpreting it. You are labeling many things as your desire. But desire has a firmer relationship with need than intuition or fear. Often you desire things that you need. You desire water because your body needs to be hydrated. You might have a strong desire for affection in a moment because you have been feeling insecure or something. So the need is for someone to love you. That is normal. Desire is not a bad thing at all. When you have a desire and you write I have a desire for this…you can ask yourself what

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“The last year I am concerned about time…

It is because you are in tune, in touch with the accelerating energies that are present. You are aware that things have sped up. What you can do to balance that, do you do any aerobic exercises? We suggest that the first thing you do is accelerate, whether you run or walk very quickly, you speed up. In order to balance this feeling that time is rushing by, because it is.

For everyone?

Yes, for humanity. It has to do with the shifting into a new age, into a new Earth, a new vibration. Think about physics for a moment, when you are at a finer frequency it moves faster. Think about music, the higher octaves have a higher frequency. This is what is impressing you, because you are impressed, you have an impression in your energy field. Your mind

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