Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Mykonos Island

Certainly, you all have your personal reasons for being here and, hopefully, you will understand that by the end of this weekend… 
We have chosen to begin the Operation here, in Mykonos, for personal reasons and, also, to open an area in which you may return any time you feel the need to reconnect… these Operations have one thing in common and that is to connect you directly with the Source of your Substance – and that is the earth… 
too many people are trying to ascend – you can’t ascend unless you’re grounded
You’re humans; make the best of that experience… 
you don’t need to try to be spiritual… that is your personal Source… each human has a connection to the Unknown, many seek after Knowledge to understand the Unknown….
Better to look for yourselves: look at the person sitting directly across from you and pretend you’re

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The physical form itself is being altered, is being reformed…
Your child belongs to the new humans arriving to the earth who have adapted to the shifting vibration that’s occurring as a result of the transformation of the earth herself…
All of this may sound far out but you can take it and make use of it… the royalty must accept everything that’s happening in their kingdom if they want to continue to rule
 (F.) I’d like to ask about my relationship with my wife – I fear we’re becoming parents only…
 Families and marriage are institutions and thus crumpling… institutions are finding it difficult to strengthen those pillars to hold up the ceiling…
A general advice: it’s always a better choice to agree to be parents than it is to agree to be husband and wife at this point of the evolution of the human…

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We keep the group small this time so that the Joy can move…
Any time there is an energy adjustment being made, each person becomes connected to the next…
Therefore, every time you are participating in one of Our groups or any other group – no matter what, energy moves from one to the other…
This is the nature of being human: you are not so closed up as you might imagine…
Even if you lock yourself in a room, alone, your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams connect you with others… you always have a choice with whom you wish to stay connected…
In other words, you are not obligated to stay close to anyone in your life besides your children, that is…
So parents try to get away from children – they don’t really succeed…
There is always something that is holding on, there is always

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