Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Parallel realities and the entity

Parallel realities and the entity

(Part from the Reading that took place on 21st September  2024)

Parallel realities and the entity

Do parallel realities exist and how could we balance the influence? You know that you might believe that you are your personality but you are really an entity field and your personality is an off shoot from that entity. The entity also has other personalities and off shoots in other dimensions and in the same dimension where you are at the same time and in other times. All of this interacts all the time so it is very difficult to be specific about anything to do with your question. It is like a big soup and all of the other personalities or characters in your entity field are in that soup. If you add extra salt to your pot, all the other pots get extra salty too. You are all one.

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God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

7 July 2021 ~ (from Personal Reading)

More than ever, it is time to turn your attention to the Lord, to God. Every thought that you have, realize that God is listening, ok? You might say that now is the moment in time that the chosen are being chosen. You could say that God is paying more attention to the human beings during these moments of crisis than in the last few hundred years because it is the time for transformation. It is the time for the preparation for the New Earth and who is welcomed and who will be left behind. It has more to do with the train of thoughts than it does with almost anything else. We have said it before that no matter what happens in one’s life you are in control of what you think. What are your train of thoughts during the day? How …

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DELPHINIANS closing ceremony for Greece

Delphi Closing Ceremony

6 June 2021

Close your eyes and take some deep grounding breaths. Connect with the Mother Earth. Wherever we take this body, she will be connected to the Earth and you can connect with us through that root. Many of you know that we have been working here for years, particularly on this site, to open the wounds that were inflicted with the years on a sacred site. You doctors know that you open the wound and you clean it out. The first years were clearing out. And then after that healing of the wounds, you came here to connect with the ancient spirit that resides here.

Meditation exercise
Today if you choose to go onto the site, you are going to have it in your minds that you are connecting. That you are opening through the soles of your feet, palms of your hands, your heart, …

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Choices ~ Evolution ~ Incarnation ~ New Earth (from Personal Reading)

Choices ~  Evolution ~ Incarnation ~ New Earth (from Personal Reading)

30 May 2021  ~ (from Personal Reading)

It is always appropriate to count your blessings. It is always appropriate to see yourself as a witness. That you have the opportunity to participate and witness the big shift that is happening in humanity. And this is the position you should take. This is the position you have achieved in your life. Often when one becomes the witness they want to participate, speak up, say what they see. But that is not the place of the spiritual witness because once you become the spiritual witness, you are part of the audience. You know when you are at the theater and you are watching the performance, you keep your demeanor quiet, you stay quiet. Wait for the next scene, take a break. What do you do when they have the intermission? You take a break, get a drink, you do not really do …

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Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

29 December 2020

The ending of this year is a time for gathering. Gather what is most important to you: what really matters, what is of value and what can be discarded. It can be physical, material things, it can be emotions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, desires…it is a time to really clear it out. To empty the self of the past, of whatever is not needed for the future because the future is rapidly approaching now. As you well know from your investigations, new energies are arriving on the Planet Earth. The Earth is entering into a new vibrational position in the solar system and this is one of the causes of the great disruption that is happening at the moment within your civilization. As you see that there is not one area …

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About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

30 August 2020

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

Truly it is a time to tune into a higher force or to tune into the depth of the love you feel for anyone or anything. Finally, love is the only answer. Always out of curiosity the child will get into some mischief and getting into mischief always brings the shadow side out. Should I lie or should I tell the truth about what I did…? It pushes out the self-exploration, the self-examination and that is what is important at the moment for everyone. Self-examination. Everything is on the surface at the moment; therefore it is easier. Even though life may appear to be more difficult, it is easier to know thyself. That is the yin yang of the circumstances at the moment. The duality of the experience. The more challenging on the outside, the more …

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Delphinians Reading for the New Generation

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Personal Reading (About Transformation)

Personal Reading (About Transformation)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

5 June 2020 ~ Lunar eclipse Day

During this transition for the human race it is very important to focus on the future. The past has got to be buried under all the old emotions. Anything that did not satisfy must be put behind you. If you are moving forward, you cannot really see behind you. When you are driving, you can use those mirrors but when you look in the mirror to look behind you, you are no longer looking forward so you just glance at the mirror. If you are driving a vehicle you are never looking completely into the rearview mirror unless you are backing up. If anyone has the tendency to dwell on the past, they are moving backwards energetically. There is a huge power pushing each of you …

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Delphi Ceremony

Delphi Ceremony

20 April 2019


Close your eyes. Let’s begin with a bit of magic. Close your eyes and smell the herbs. Take deep breaths in through your nose and your mouth. You must know that your entity field never stops growing. It is like a spiral, an energy spiral that keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Those of you that are attentive to that – and of course that means all of you here – have a better chance of realizing that growth and development. You do not want to stop growing in life. Once you reach your adulthood, your mature height, then you begin with more development of your soul or spiritual development. This is what you want. You can use affirmations: Let me grow from this experience. Let me develop from this experience. The more challenging the experience, the more you can grow. Do not reject anything …

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Lydia River

You all must know that ‘there are no accidents’, particularly when you are working with this type of a Source…
So We begin…
Close your eyes and ground yourself here… send some energy into the earth, remember that exercise that you did yesterday – if you were present – and use that channel that you’ve created to the core so that you may be more affective… as you walk along your path of spirit, one of the most important things is to stay grounded…
You are on the earth for a reason…
First, it’s a personal reason
And then, second, it’s a more general reason for your entity field… of course, We are interfering energetically with this Operation going on alongside of Us (a catholic mass by the river) just like yesterday (a gathering of the farmers’ association)…
You know this is

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Mud baths, Krinides

Of course We have a bigger audience here (a farmers’ gathering nearby)… you know even if they’re not participating within this circle, they are affected… It’s very important food, isn’t it… if you don’t grow your own food then you’re dependent on these individuals… and they are the ones who are dealing directly with the mother earth… so your first blessing today is that they are a part of this operation…
You know We like to work outdoors because We have a very big aura…
Today you are going to go into the Earth over there… you’re going to ground yourself… of course this is a very grounding experience… but if you use your imagination and ground yourself even more your energy field will connect to the core… this is what We want you to do today… to imagine that you’re connecting with the core of

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Mudbaths, Krinides

(the first part of the reading didn’t get recorded)
At Pella, the dreaming after Pella… you might have tuned in to the consciousness of Alexander the Great, you might have seen one of your lifetimes lived during that period, you might have had a contact with the power that was shared there….
it’s important to keep records without even a thought of what they mean… you might not know until six months later when you look back at your own records…
so if you start your journal this month and you keep up with it, you keep up writing, writing whatever, maybe in January, when you read back, you begin to see your own progress as a prophet…
everyone has so- called ‘psychic abilities’… everyone has inner senses… it’s just that all the technology and the mindfulness of the times keeps you focused elsewhere...
 (R.) What

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Cave, Loutraki, Aridaia

Does everyone feel successful for this exercise today?
(…) Not really…
You might try it again… don’t give up… you can even become water through listening to the water… so before you clear yourself, you might try again to send some of the flow…
what We want to do: We want to touch each of you and then you can go to the entrance of the cave or go inside – whatever you choose, imagining a strong force that pushes the flow out of your body through your feet…
you see, We instructed you to fill yourself with the water, now you’re going to empty that out through the bottom of the feet…
Any questions about today’s experience?
– (R.) We imagine the water going where?
Into the cave, into the earth… the earth will help with the clearing…
We create a magnetic pull in cooperation with

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Delos Island

You’ve come here to take energy, We will tell you…
and be prepared to receive… 
the easiest way to receive sοmething is to turn-off your minds… to pause the thoughts… 
so the first instruction is when you’re walking, We want you when your mind is leading you off of the Site, to just say ‘stop’ – you will be communicating with your own minds today… you are going to learn to stop the mind… 
you can’t be a Channel if your mind is not closed… in order to open the door for inspiration to come through, you must close the door of the small mind, let’s call it: the thoughts, the worries, concerns
We told you last evening that this is a very powerful Site for oracles… and oracles are always a bit mysterious… you must use your mind in order to interpret an oracle…

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Aptera, Chania (Crete)

(very poor recording)
Certainly We greet each and every one of you…
When you make a decision, when you put your will behind sth, you have an opportunity to receive inspiration…
maybe the biggest difficulty for the human beings is that they think too much – you try to solve problems with your mind and you often create obstacles for solution when you need inspiration…
it is a very good idea to use an affirmation ‘I’m open for inspiration, I’m now ready for inspiration’ and then you put your will to open further those channels to be inspired… you all know what inspiration means, you’ve all been inspired in your lives… if you think too much, you might sometimes toss yourselves out of following that inspiring idea…
it is very important to become more instinctual… if you have any pet, observe them, pay more attention to their instinctual nature…

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Epidavros (1st day)

Those of you who have been participating in this Operation are already feeling the Energy… you can say that the Spirit is sleeping in the air, and when you start to walk, you awaken the Spirit and you start to rise…
This is the purpose of this Project…
You all know what’s happening in your Land, on the surface…
it’s time to focus what’s happening inside… 
in some ways, the ancient spirit of Greece must lead in the revolution of an energy transformation in the humans

you’re all familiar with the DNA shifting; if you as humans don’t stay in contact, connected with the spirit of the earth, Ascension is of no value… you’re here on the planet for a purpose and that purpose is to transform the self… transform yourselves into super humans… you need the earth; you can’t do it without the earth…
so by participating

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Ancient Dodoni

First part

We help you all to take a moment to ground yourselves, your feet flat on the ground and use your exhalation to join your Mother…

every time that you get caught up in your thoughts, particularly if you’re worried or unsure, you lose your ground, the security and you know this is your Mother, the one who’s feeding you, who protects you, and who’s forgiven you… and this is very important: to know that you are embraced by the Mother, that you’ve done your work to break the dependence on the social system that surrounds you… 
it exists, you know you’re affected by it, but you’re no longer attached to it… you’ve been connected to another Line through your own efforts… 
you’ve each managed to ascend and it’s important to remember that; don’t let them pull you down… keep you heads above water…

For today,

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Petra on Mt. Olympus

Greetings to each of you…
We understand that some of you have taken your anesthesia last night – alcohol is one of the early anesthetics so you might not witness the results or the effects of this Field…
you might be a close friend, so you have become accustomed to the Energy; the more recent is your contact, the more you might be affected by Our Operations… 
it’s important to accept that We do no harm – Protection is Our first step towards each and every one of you…
Of course, you might not have met yet the Essence of your god or goddess, but this is the intention you each should have: to reach the Essence – this is the Centre, this is the entity of the god or goddess that you want to access…
Now We want to open the floor so that you may deposit any blocks

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We welcome you all to this wonderful Site…
you are at the foot of the Holy great mountain; this Mt. holds the balance of the f and the m power
You know that the Greek gods had both genders… 
you know that the patriarch chose the male deity… you wouldn’t want the matriarch to choose only a f deity, would you? You want balance, don’t you?
We’re bringing to you the energy, the power of the gods and the goddesses who hold this Sacred Mountain each of you are to consider where you need balance first – the m side or the f… then you choose a god or goddess –  whichever one comes into your mind, whichever one you like or dislike… all are available
We will assist the connection between each of you and that deity you’ve chosen… for the next 7

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DELPHI (Closing)

You’re all carrying a bit more of this Force; you’re part of a tribe, don’t forget that and don’t, necessarily, assume that you know the other members – there are more than are present at this moment…

We want to thank you all, to show you Our appreciation for assisting Us in Our mission to give something back to the earth, to honour the sacredness that gathers at certain points on your earth – and this is just the beginning…

We worked on each of you: many We grounded, many We opened – you will all feel something… look in the next 7 days before the Operation will be completed… 
We’ve connected you all with this Site, you can use it whenever you need to reconnect with your spirit any time in your life – It’s open and you’re connected and your entity remembers…

– (M.) What

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DELPHI (Opening)

Certainly, We greet each and every one of you, old friends and new…
You can always make an old friendship new if you close the circle and open a new one and this is what We intend to do here: to open a New Circle…
You know the importance of numbers of working together on a common purpose; the purpose for this Ceremony is to acknowledge Greece… Is there anyone here who’s not Greek?
 (…) A couple…
 Have you forgotten the power of your Land?!
Have you put it aside so that you could focus on the present crisis?! 
The human population is presently in a spiritual crisis… dogmatic systems are collapsing and when they collapse, they carry those who believe in their doctrines with them; you don’t want to go down, you want to go up and this is Our intention: to lift each of you up

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8.9 earthquake in Japan
As any good farmer knows, you deposit many seeds and when they sprout, you sprout a number of them, a number more than one, in order to allow the strongest to grow and develop…
You can’t judge Nature for the destructive force that she wheels… you can pray for those who give their lives and you can send light to the Planet and hope for your own evolution… as an individual you’re not separated from the Whole, so you feel when the Whole, the mass decreases… you can have more power, you’re not the only representatives of your entity… so that if portions of your entity were in Japan and passed over, you can take the power they return to the entity, you can take it for your own… 
How does that happen?
First, by being conscious of what’s occurring on the Planet… this is the

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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Part of Our agreement was to use the English language because this is the present-day universal language; it’s as simple as that… We want to be able to reach as many ears that are open on your planet earth…. as this is the language required at schools, it’s also Our requirement… 
some years ago it would have been French, correct? Not Greek, unfortunately…
Of course, the spirit speaks all languages, the spirit knows the nuances that flow through any language and anyone can understand anyone else if they choose, without words… you can understand your husband without even speaking to him – If he has an emotional dramatic response to something, you will feel it or your children…

We’ve been discussing the value of the emotional body, to have contact with how you’re feeling… not to overlook the emotional response to any circumstance in your day…

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Enlightenment is a responsibility of the individual in relationship to your own entity… Enlightenment is coming to Oneness with your entity: Know Thyself
If you explore every aspect of the self through every experience in life, as meet all of those other persons, personalities that were expressed by the entity, enlightenment is a possibility… and from that point, you move into a greater search of the self, of the creative self – just as the responsibilities of the baby are different than the responsibilities of the school-age child or the university student or the graduate student… on and on it goes…
Life mirrors the evolution of the spirit, Life is the Great Teacher…
Life is the moment – enlightenment comes in moments 
Each time that you come into that sense of knowing why you created the experience, that’s enlightenment, you’re enlightened… eventually, you know, every experience;

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We greet many old friends here today – and some new ones…
We’re here for some energy adjustment, that’s why We enter into this environment; We’ve been busy all these years that We’ve been separated from you, old friends…
There’s a great deal of ground to be covered and also uncovered…

As you know many changes have come to your Land and it’s not all bad news either – there’s a lot of good news…
And it’s important always to keep the focus on something positive…
If you find yourself with negative thinking or depression, immediately lift yourself up with a positive thought; it works!
Whether you can believe it or not, you’re creating your reality with your thoughts, dreams, desires and intention
If you have an intention to stay positive, you can – no matter what you encounter in life…
As you know Life is a Journey of

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Understand that this is Our First Line of Defense, this small Group…
You know that the battle is always with the self; there really is no enemy outside, it’s inside… 
there really is no evil, no good/bad… only Choices: you can choose something with good results or something that might have bad results…
Now We choose each of you because We suspect good results; you’ve all come from different directions in life and you meet in one Central Point: a degree of Involvement…
you’ve each managed in your own ways, your own methods, with your own will power to reach a pinnacle of evolution, and We congratulate you…
There’s always the opportunity to fall back and what happens with this association with Us: if you fall back, We catch you… that’s all We can promise… We won’t let you fall so you can keep climbing… there

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The surface of your planet has altered…
The actual dimension has shifted a vibration and this allows the earth to move more freely through her own transformation; at the same time makes it more difficult for the common man, let’s call him, to adjust to the environment, to the weather, to the circumstances of his/her own existence…  

It’s not easy to be on the earth at this moment…
In other centuries, in other times it may have been easier, it may have felt more secure or safer… of course, many persons in this particular land are questioning their security, their safety and this is a part of the transformation…

It’s important to know who your friends are, who’s with you or who’s not with you; this is another reason why J. was called Rock: so that she could clearly cut some persons from her Circle…
We’ve said previously that

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You have a very significant role in this Project of securing Greece, in creating an energetic structure on and in this Land itself, security…
Those of you who are the closest to this Source eventually become part of the actual structuring – and there’s a number, there are more approaching… and as you prepare the next phase of Operation to bring other persons here, you have the intention to call the other pillars… for this is what you’re doing e.g. look at the Acropolis, how many pillars were needed to hold the structure solid and strong; you can imagine how many pillars are necessary, you can imagine yourself as a pillar… and if you have this idea when you begin the projection of consciousness, for this is what happens: you project your consciousness out to attract those others who have agreed to participate in the Resurrection of the Golden Days

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Delphi (Opening)

Don’t forget the elements are part of this Operation; there’s a divine co-operation here…

Each of you have had your own personal reasons for participating; Our reason is to share what We have accomplished on the Site… a few of you were part of the initial Opening here, and now you’ve come to receive your rewards…

Of course, We were working with your spirits and it’s your spirits that animate your lives… it’s your spirit who wants you to live… it’s your spirit who draws you to the Sacred Sites…

Now you’re above one of the most sacred Sites on this planet – there are many but this one is the Centre… this one has the potential to secure the Earth through her transformation… and this is why We’ve asked you to come here!

Each of you have the responsibility for yourselves! No matter how you align with each …

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Certainly you all know that the earth is rapidly transforming, she has her own design… just like each of you sometimes in your lives decide to take a new hairstyle or gain or lose weight, you change the style of your dress, the earth also has a style, also has a desire to evolve, to transform…

Each of you are lucky to be alive during this period because as the earth mother transforms, she offers you the opportunity to transform as well, to choose a new path, to change the way that you think, the way that you feel, to change your beliefs, to change your attitudes – anything that you like to change, you have the support of the earth…

There’s a great deal of receptivity in the earth now and this allows the Force of Spirit to meet with the earth and give even more support to those …

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You must understand that transforming energies come like waves to your earth and the more receptive you are, the easier you can surf those waves…
This is the goal: to use that Force to move in the direction that you choose…
This is not a time on the Earth to have any complaints; better to be grateful
Any surfer knows that you need Balance and Attentiveness and as one develops their ability, they look for bigger and bigger waves… they look for the challenge….
So each of you can accept that the challenges you’re facing, you’ve chosen them so that you can move from one position to another needing only balance and attentiveness…
Now what’s on your minds?
First, they have to empty… you can begin!
 (A.) All kinds of problems… and also we’re thinking of having a baby but we wonder if this is a wise choice

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