Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

4 April 2024

It is always good to bring up the humor! Laughing has the ability to break into belief systems; to loosen the hold on whatever the mind believes is truth or relevant to being. Sometimes it is better to be without any beliefs just open-minded and open-hearted. If you are empty headed then it is easier to go into life, to learn to trust life as you meet it if you are not filled with expectations or anything that you believe that you know. Knowing is valuabale up to a certain point then it becomes a limitation. It can limit one from expanding on any topic, so it is always a positive thing to be receptive, to be open, and to hear what the universe has to offer to you. You have a mothering instinct toward others and that is positive, that is love.


Advice on helping family

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If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle

If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle


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~ Donations are going towards Jayne for further support of her work ~

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Delphinians on Relationships

Delphinians on Relationships

Different extracts from Personal Readings

It doesn’t matter how the other feels, if you keep your heart open loving another and losing expectation in every moment; then your open heart has an effect to open the heart of the other.  If you have an expectation of another, to love you back equally, to treat you a certain way, to have the same desire as you have…then you are closing your heart.  If you can realize and label your own expectations, this can help you to keep your own heart open.


Letting go

Letting go is the greatest lesson…very often these are the most challenging relationships for anyone who is experiencing them.  Many times within a married couple this is not an issue because they are aware that any some point one of them will die and this is something that is accepted and almost expected.  If two people have agreed …

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God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

7 July 2021 ~ (from Personal Reading)

More than ever, it is time to turn your attention to the Lord, to God. Every thought that you have, realize that God is listening, ok? You might say that now is the moment in time that the chosen are being chosen. You could say that God is paying more attention to the human beings during these moments of crisis than in the last few hundred years because it is the time for transformation. It is the time for the preparation for the New Earth and who is welcomed and who will be left behind. It has more to do with the train of thoughts than it does with almost anything else. We have said it before that no matter what happens in one’s life you are in control of what you think. What are your train of thoughts during the day? How …

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New Year Reading with Delphinians

10 January 2020

New Year Reading with the Delphinians

We are here with you, with each of you. We ask you to find yourself in a receptive manner, to open yourself. Don’t be closed, closed legs, etc. For this is an energy transmission. You know that you don’t have to be in the same room with us for us to access your energy field. Although your minds are very active, our intentions are to shift you energetically. Now there is a lot of talk about DNA, viruses, vaccines, fear, future, past….The moment is now.  Now the atmosphere on the Planet Earth is more receptive or open for the activation of your accelerated energy fields. You are living in a dualistic environment, dualistic atmosphere. So, when something is going down, something else is going up. There is always going to be a balancing act in this dimension. Your individual responsibility is …

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2021 ~ New Year Online Reading with Delphinians

Greetings to each individual and to all parts of the mass!
Old friends and new!
We invite you to join us for an impromptu, live question and answer session with our channeled source DELPHINIANS.
We would like to explore the past, the present and our future as humans upon our beloved planet EARTH….or elsewhere…
Every question is relevant.

~ Following are all the practical information ~
The gathering will take place through Zoom, the link for computer or mobile is

You can join also through calling a land telephone
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdYp6uKpk8
Greece local calling number: 2311 180599 or 211 198 4488
Meeting ID: 812 2494 2974#
Passcode: 1010#
The meeting will be open 15 minutes before the actual gathering, please connect in advance so as to start on time.

Delphinians during the reading will open up for questions, you can unmute your microphone or send a …

Delphinians Reading for the New Generation

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Personal Reading (About Transformation)

Personal Reading (About Transformation)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

5 June 2020 ~ Lunar eclipse Day

During this transition for the human race it is very important to focus on the future. The past has got to be buried under all the old emotions. Anything that did not satisfy must be put behind you. If you are moving forward, you cannot really see behind you. When you are driving, you can use those mirrors but when you look in the mirror to look behind you, you are no longer looking forward so you just glance at the mirror. If you are driving a vehicle you are never looking completely into the rearview mirror unless you are backing up. If anyone has the tendency to dwell on the past, they are moving backwards energetically. There is a huge power pushing each of you …

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Mudbaths, Krinides

Mudbaths, Krinides

20 July 2019

Mud baths, Krinides

Let’s begin, let’s hold hands. You know numbers are important but the small numbers are just as important as the big ones. One large group is not necessarily better than a small group. We are greeting each of you and welcoming you. You all know that the changes that are occurring on your planet are accelerating now. This gives each of you the opportunity to change yourselves, there is no better time than now to transform. You see all the transformations around you and many appear to be detrimental so this means you might choose something about yourselves that you would like to destroy, that is no longer serving you whether it is an emotion, a behavior, a relationship, thoughts…There is a cycle in everything. Often you cannot create unless you first destroy. Generally, on the planet there is a movement toward destruction, the …

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Mud baths, Krinides

14 July 2018


Certainly we welcome each of you energetically. You are on the Earth so please put your bare feet on the Earth now as you have quite a magical situation here with the wetness and it is very good for your systems. Self-healing is a very important aspect of life. First it is very simple to recognize when your body is healing itself. You can watch it. If you cut or bruise yourself, you watch it transform. So it is very important to keep this in mind as you go through your lives. It is very important that you forgive yourselves if you do any damage to your physical bodies. If you have an accident, trip or fall, immediately begin the self- healing with forgiveness. The first necessity in loving the self is to forgive the self. Think about this last year, is there …

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Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

11 September 2016

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Just as you have hospitals, places of healing in the modern age, the ancients had temples for healing. Of course, you know that wherever there are: humans, communities, relationships, there is imbalance. At some point it manifests in the physical or psychological form. So, you take your sac and go over to the temple for a healing. Now here as you might have understood, they chose this place because of the water. The water was very clear and fresh and they knew the value of the water. By the taste they could determine if there was an opportunity for balancing oneself. It carries on today, although the water is not coming here but you can pick it up over there. Today when you walk back past you can take the water and throw it at yourself or Jayne can throw it at …

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Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

19 July 2015


Let’s have a talk. You must realize by now that life is full of challenges and as a Greek citizen it is time to come together as one. It is time to remember the law of brotherhood. Each time you have a selfish thought “What about me? What is going to happen to me? What will I do? Me, me, me…” Pause for a moment, stop your thoughts, sit down on the Earth and say, “We shall unite.” This is the mantra we want you to all remember; even if you have no idea the why, how or what. Repeat, “We shall unite”. Go around the circle and say it “We shall unite.” We want you to believe it. There is power in numbers. You are in a difficult position as a nation, you must unite! What else can save you? Say it again and mean …

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Laspoloutra ~ Healing Mud Baths in Krinides, Kavala


18 July 2015

Close your eyes for a moment. Settle yourselves, feet flat on the ground and your hands in an open receptive manner. We are greeting each and every one of you. The stress level in your country accelerates and this has the tendency of taking you off the Earth; destroying your centers. We want to work on your centers so that you feel better. Life is an experience of feeling and no matter what is happening if you are feeling okay then you really have nothing to worry about.

It is all about feelings. So we want you to just feel today, see what you are feeling.

Many times the thoughts are responsible for the feelings. Whatever the emotion consider what you have been thinking. If you can will yourself to become one with the source, one with God, you might find that you do not feel …

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Greetings to this Gathering…
very nice to see some new faces and very nice for some of you, Greeks, to visit some of the old places… you all know the history of Thermopyles and how many have given their lives here… what you might not know is what they received for that give-away
in order to be open to receive, you might consider giving sth away… even if you want to receive e.g. a new job, a new love, a new house, a new car, you can give sth you consider valuable to sb else, sb who you feel will value that gift… and you give it with the internal attitude ‘I’m giving this away so that I may receive this what I need, what I want’…  you don’t need to tell the other person; this is a conversation with the Universe so you’re talking

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Aptera, Chania (Crete)

(very poor recording)
Certainly We greet each and every one of you…
When you make a decision, when you put your will behind sth, you have an opportunity to receive inspiration…
maybe the biggest difficulty for the human beings is that they think too much – you try to solve problems with your mind and you often create obstacles for solution when you need inspiration…
it is a very good idea to use an affirmation ‘I’m open for inspiration, I’m now ready for inspiration’ and then you put your will to open further those channels to be inspired… you all know what inspiration means, you’ve all been inspired in your lives… if you think too much, you might sometimes toss yourselves out of following that inspiring idea…
it is very important to become more instinctual… if you have any pet, observe them, pay more attention to their instinctual nature…

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Petra on Mt. Olympus

Greetings to each of you…
We understand that some of you have taken your anesthesia last night – alcohol is one of the early anesthetics so you might not witness the results or the effects of this Field…
you might be a close friend, so you have become accustomed to the Energy; the more recent is your contact, the more you might be affected by Our Operations… 
it’s important to accept that We do no harm – Protection is Our first step towards each and every one of you…
Of course, you might not have met yet the Essence of your god or goddess, but this is the intention you each should have: to reach the Essence – this is the Centre, this is the entity of the god or goddess that you want to access…
Now We want to open the floor so that you may deposit any blocks

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8.9 earthquake in Japan
As any good farmer knows, you deposit many seeds and when they sprout, you sprout a number of them, a number more than one, in order to allow the strongest to grow and develop…
You can’t judge Nature for the destructive force that she wheels… you can pray for those who give their lives and you can send light to the Planet and hope for your own evolution… as an individual you’re not separated from the Whole, so you feel when the Whole, the mass decreases… you can have more power, you’re not the only representatives of your entity… so that if portions of your entity were in Japan and passed over, you can take the power they return to the entity, you can take it for your own… 
How does that happen?
First, by being conscious of what’s occurring on the Planet… this is the

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Certainly you all know that the earth is rapidly transforming, she has her own design… just like each of you sometimes in your lives decide to take a new hairstyle or gain or lose weight, you change the style of your dress, the earth also has a style, also has a desire to evolve, to transform…

Each of you are lucky to be alive during this period because as the earth mother transforms, she offers you the opportunity to transform as well, to choose a new path, to change the way that you think, the way that you feel, to change your beliefs, to change your attitudes – anything that you like to change, you have the support of the earth…

There’s a great deal of receptivity in the earth now and this allows the Force of Spirit to meet with the earth and give even more support to those …

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You must understand that transforming energies come like waves to your earth and the more receptive you are, the easier you can surf those waves…
This is the goal: to use that Force to move in the direction that you choose…
This is not a time on the Earth to have any complaints; better to be grateful
Any surfer knows that you need Balance and Attentiveness and as one develops their ability, they look for bigger and bigger waves… they look for the challenge….
So each of you can accept that the challenges you’re facing, you’ve chosen them so that you can move from one position to another needing only balance and attentiveness…
Now what’s on your minds?
First, they have to empty… you can begin!
 (A.) All kinds of problems… and also we’re thinking of having a baby but we wonder if this is a wise choice

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We greet you once again welcoming you to this communication, this Gathering as We have been drawing in extra help, more troops, more force, more energy…
You see, as the earth continues with her transformation, those of you who are walking on her surface must find your own avenue, your own path to join her: you must continually transform yourselves, keep yourselves abreast of what’s happening in the world of transformation…
We don’t even have to use the word spirit
It’s more about developing into your self, more about knowing yourself…
How can you accept yourself if you don’t know yourself?!
You must be able to guess e.g. how you might react to a certain circumstance when it occurs in your life… in this way, when you experience that circumstance, you’re not surprised by your reaction no matter how dramatic it is…
It’s not about comparing yourself to

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Athens, Philopappou

(dogs around)

Very nice to have these small creatures assist you to carry the Field; everyone can benefit
You might say that each of those represents a potential person to come and join the fun…

We guarantee that the tours will be fun, N.! We will see to that…
When you have something serious to work with, you have to balance it with a level of joyful acceptance like the catharsis today, D.
Afterwards, it’s very important to make space for Joy; this is why you released those emotions that tend to press on down so that there’s space for joy…

Life is filled with celebrations – even those insects (cicadas) are celebrating themselves; they like to hear themselves…

Now what’s happening?       
What do you imagine is the purpose of gathering in such an outdoor place?

The Energy can expand more easily

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We keep the group small this time so that the Joy can move…
Any time there is an energy adjustment being made, each person becomes connected to the next…
Therefore, every time you are participating in one of Our groups or any other group – no matter what, energy moves from one to the other…
This is the nature of being human: you are not so closed up as you might imagine…
Even if you lock yourself in a room, alone, your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams connect you with others… you always have a choice with whom you wish to stay connected…
In other words, you are not obligated to stay close to anyone in your life besides your children, that is…
So parents try to get away from children – they don’t really succeed…
There is always something that is holding on, there is always

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You are witnessing a series of events that will affect the future of this country…
It may seem like a small insult at the moment but things have a tendency to grow from one small seed!
There is a seed of discontent within the citizens of Greece and these situations are like fertilizer for that seed… the only thing that you can do as individuals is to hope for the best and watch your own emotional field as it either turns away, moves along with or stands opposite the general consensus…
Who has any questions about this?
 (…) Could You be more specific as to what our attitude towards it should be?
– Watch from above as you have each chosen to go your own ways…
On your own pass towards understanding yourselves, you examine yourself how you react or respond to the scenes going on around you… if

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Each person has their own responsibility to deal with the elements
You might think that your life is something personal, that you are dealing with your own intimate challenges or difficulties but as the Earth has become a part of every dynamic, as it is moving through her own transformational process, each of you are affected…
You might like to try an exercise!
Each day you might ask yourself: how are you feeling in relation to those elements – Air, Earth, Water, Fire to come to a clearer understanding or relationship of how you are being affected,  what parts of you are being affected…
Those of you who are busy with daily activities may feel a bit detached from yourselves…
this will help you to feel yourselves…
those of you who are isolated or without much activity, who are sinking deeply into yourselves, this exercise will help you to

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We want to have fun!
The mind of the humans is too serious and tends to create trouble where it is not needed…
We have, certainly, raised the bet!
This means that it costs you more to participate because We become more invasive… We can get inside of you easier now…
Many of you welcome this; and you may as well! It’s positive after all… you wouldn’t be here if you thought it was something negative, would you?
What do you say?
 (…) Yes!
– So you don’t have to worryWe’re bringing you all on the plane with Us
And you know that a plane is not, only, an aeroplane; you can say a dimension is another plane, a different focus in life, a different way of looking at your lives…
Any time you’re concerned about something, you can ask yourself: ‘Can I see

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Thessaloniki, Open

Many of you have already been introduced to this Energy so it won’t be a surprise…
We know who’s arriving – and some people have better excuses than others…
Some people are very good at making excuses, finding excuses – not to move, not to grow, not to change; but those of you who know Us, know that it’s quite difficult not to adjust yourselves, not to find a reason to grow…
We’re here for energy adjustment… We have raised the bet… We’re raising the bid…
You have to give more in order to receive
If you’re gambling, sometimes, you have to put your life on the line, don’t you?
What is that line’, you might ask…
What does it mean to ‘put your life on the line’?
– Has anyone here been close to Death? Have you had a near-death experience?

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We greet you all…
J. has the intention of sharing an exercise with the Group that would assist each person to step aside from their mind, We will say, because if there is a blockage to receiving this Energy, it is within the mind… and when the mind becomes a little tired of processing so much, then the mind steps back and relaxes and then We can sneak in!
We welcome you, once again, and each of you!
Now, there are many concerns and each person would do well to ask their own questions… this is why are trying to push Honesty and this Honesty is for yourselves; admit that you have concerns and questions, the Secretiveness is not necessary…
Now, We will call Yi. who has a question about his departed father – We would like to hear the question…
 (Yi.) Can I, at

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