Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

El Meco Archeological Site Cancun, Mexico

El Meco Archeological Site Cancun, Mexico

”An essential part from the reading that took place at the site”

What happens when you visit places that matter, it is very beneficial to have a clear intention when you are going to a foreign country. Not just to vacation but why do I want to go there?
What do I want to take?
What do I want to give?
What am I looking for?
What is my purpose to revisit this point on the Planet Earth?

All those questions will help you to stay protected from something that you wouldn’t necessarily choose to manifest in your physical body. This is general information for anyone. Anyone visiting a foreign land might have the intention to create clarity inside of themselves in relationship to that place, a general direction for anyone. This is in order to protect yourself. If you have a strong connection with that place you might be …

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Delphinians Talk about the Crisis in Humanity and our Relationship with Mother Earth

26 March 2020

We want the Delphinians to go a little deeper into this situation that we are dealing with as humanity.

As a family of humanity, you are dealing with a crisis.
You are dealing with a plague and ideally you are joining together in some way shape of form in order to improve your own personal consciousness.

What you are thinking, what you are feeling, how you are dealing.
There is a great tendency to isolate yourself, to fear others, to criticize others, to criticize your leaders…As you are in this dualistic world.

You can say black and white if you like.
All these aforementioned behaviors are in the black, are in the shadow and expand the shadow.
If you criticize another, if you criticize China, for instance, on how they dealt with the outbreak, you are feeding the shadows.

The Earth is one, it is one planet.…

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Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

11 September 2016

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Just as you have hospitals, places of healing in the modern age, the ancients had temples for healing. Of course, you know that wherever there are: humans, communities, relationships, there is imbalance. At some point it manifests in the physical or psychological form. So, you take your sac and go over to the temple for a healing. Now here as you might have understood, they chose this place because of the water. The water was very clear and fresh and they knew the value of the water. By the taste they could determine if there was an opportunity for balancing oneself. It carries on today, although the water is not coming here but you can pick it up over there. Today when you walk back past you can take the water and throw it at yourself or Jayne can throw it at …

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Cape Sounio, Attica

You all know that Poseidon was, probably, your most fierce god – if you think he could not have beaten up his brother, Zeus, you are wrong… you know how the sea can wear away the earth… what can the earth do to the sea? Perhaps contain it, perhaps affect the currents, but control? Absolutely not!

Now, as you know, this god was the representative of the water… the first thing We want you all to do is to increase your intake of water, particularly, for the next two weeks – don’t drink the water from the tap unless you filter it… so you want the purest water you can find – if you live next to or near a natural spring, take the trip and carry some water back home, at least one liter more per day…

Not only do We connect you, energetically, with the Site, We introduce

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time

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Thessaloniki, Open

Certainly, you each have a personal concern that you’ve brought to this room – you might leave them outside the door…. You might imagine you stepped into a time warp and everything will change, particularly your relationship with Time…
you might have noticed that in this special year it seems that time has been accelerating, moving faster…
now for the next 2 months, it will be slowing down… time will be slowing down…
We’d like to greet each and every one of you, particularly the new faces who don’t really know who We are or what We do…
We come here to protect; We care about your country, We have deep roots here and We want to expose them… We would like the modern citizen to witness and realize the roots that exist in their Land…
and We’re not talking about the olive trees roots; We’re talking about the

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Athens, Philopappou

Now We can begin with the small Circle…
better if you’re closer to each other… in this way you can create more unity… you all know what’s happening in your country… you all suspect what might happen in this wonderful area, Athens… you all know who is the Guardian of this City – you might have forgotten Her; today We come together to remember her…
You see, now that Delphi, the Omphalos, is wide open – that’s the will centre, correct? , you can will the energy of Spirit to move anywhere you choose…
or We can – that’s why We came here…
We’ve been here many times; many of you have, also, joined Us, but now that the channel is wide open, We can bring the Force here to the Rock – and each of you can help Us… particularly, those of you who joined Us at

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Nisaki, Ioannina

Let’s begin with an energy game which you all know…
there’s power in numbers; if you all have the same thought at the same time, you can create, destroy or preserve with greater power, greater energy…
Now We’d like to offer a blessing to this body of water (lake) so that it may clean itself of the debris… take a moment… 
You know that of all the elements, water is the most needed for the physical form, you all know some exercises you can do with water e.g. if you have a physical ailment, a pain, you can take a vessel in your home and you can put your thoughts in the vessel to wash away the pain or that emotion or that problem and every day you have the intention on the vessel: you put water in the vessel, you cover it with sth – not

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Petra on Mt. Olympus

Greetings to each of you…
We understand that some of you have taken your anesthesia last night – alcohol is one of the early anesthetics so you might not witness the results or the effects of this Field…
you might be a close friend, so you have become accustomed to the Energy; the more recent is your contact, the more you might be affected by Our Operations… 
it’s important to accept that We do no harm – Protection is Our first step towards each and every one of you…
Of course, you might not have met yet the Essence of your god or goddess, but this is the intention you each should have: to reach the Essence – this is the Centre, this is the entity of the god or goddess that you want to access…
Now We want to open the floor so that you may deposit any blocks

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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The surface of your planet has altered…
The actual dimension has shifted a vibration and this allows the earth to move more freely through her own transformation; at the same time makes it more difficult for the common man, let’s call him, to adjust to the environment, to the weather, to the circumstances of his/her own existence…  

It’s not easy to be on the earth at this moment…
In other centuries, in other times it may have been easier, it may have felt more secure or safer… of course, many persons in this particular land are questioning their security, their safety and this is a part of the transformation…

It’s important to know who your friends are, who’s with you or who’s not with you; this is another reason why J. was called Rock: so that she could clearly cut some persons from her Circle…
We’ve said previously that

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Delphi (Closing)

There’s not much need for conversation now…

You know We’ve opened the circle and now We will close it…

We have connected each of you to the Site and now We will cut you free – the connection exists but you all must go forward into your lives…

Now this weather condition (rainy, windy) is a reminder that when you have an appointment, try to keep it! If you delay, then you don’t know what you might encounter on your way; We’ve been waiting for you, you see, since the agreed-upon-hour…

Any comments anyone has?

– (K.) It was great…

– … meeting yourselves… any time that you want the connection, you just imagine… put yourself back to the Site with your imagination…

Now We have the intention to perform some surgeries on you; We don’t have to touch you, just by being here, you’re opened to this… Now if …

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We’re never far away!
Our intention has always been to realign Ourselves with the earth in order to support her evolving self…
Now as participants in humanity, you are on the earth; you’re not, necessarily, a part of the earth…
We have encouraged you many times to realize that when the earth awakened, your fields rather than being four-part became five – the earth playing an equal partner with your spirit, with your emotions, with your physical form and, of course, with your intellect
This means that if you’re not utilizing the earth energies for your own benefit, you’re not playing the game for gain in the evolutionary process…
You know this is the most important game that one individual can attain or aspire to in order to gain wisdom, to gain expansion of consciousness – the rest is unimportant…
Of course, if you’re playing a game

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DELPHI Cemetery

Certainly, this experience is about Balancing…
between the right and the left
give and receive
to understand why you’re giving what you’re giving…
and what you’re taking in exchange for what you’re giving…
what you’re willing to give…
The whole trip for J. was closing circles with the receptivity of men with whom she involves herself…  
for you, N., it’s the same – whether the man is outside or it’s your own m reflection that you’re giving to the outside of your circle…
there have been no mistakes, you’ve made no errors in judgment; you’ve reached many conclusions and all of them are accurate and justified…
This is a study of family, this is a study of balancing that occurs between the man and the woman or the m and the f sides of the self or the soul even….

R. is on his own road

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Trip to Springs (Sidirokastro, Serres – Loutraki, Aridaia)

Sidirokastro Spring (morning)

This is an Operation that has been in preparation within all of your Fields – many more than even you would imagine… there are more than three of you (J., N., D.) who are involved in this; it’s a matter of time… 
as the necessity for service appears, the appropriate candidate will step up to battle…

There’s a Team that is being formed
Now you know that some come into service and have been retired, others have been called to service and have stepped back or avoided their responsibilities – but they’re all on the sidelines… they’re still in the audience; if they’re not actually on the playfield or sitting on the bench, they’re sitting on the benches watching and actually waiting for the call to come back…

J. has the responsibility of orchestrating the flow and she has been working on that for

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It is the time for increasing Joy and joyful experiences…
Those of you who are able to accompany Us here today will receive a gift: We have opened this Rock and there’s a vacancy within that has the power to absorb anything that you no longer need, that no longer serves you…
Of course, you’ve used the springs to make a giveaway, but as We have said before, here you can give away and receive
This is a place of balance in the city – one reason why We have been interested in protecting this area: this Site can secure the city in a way that nothing else can
Of course, We’re interested now in securing the new Museum because those items within are valuable for humanity
It is always positive to have a number of heirlooms in your family, some things that you don’t want

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Athens, Philopappou

It’s important that you understand and accept that as We grow and expand, so do you… 
We have absorbed a new Energy Field…
We have joined forces although those of you on the earth may have conflicts with each other, you may have emotional disagreement; this does not exist in Our realm…
We seek co-operation; We know the importance of cooperating with each other…
There’s no star war: We wouldn’t be where We are if We were interested in such behavior and activity…
For each of you, it’s important that you express your emotions, it’s almost impossible to reach a peaceful continent, a peaceful demeanor in life until you go through your emotional field…
We always encourage you to express how you feel…
You don’t have to destroy in that process, but sometimes it does happen and then you rebuild…
If you feel you have some type of incomplete emotions

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We can begin!

This is not a town for ‘to be exposed’

Each of you who has been close to this Source know that you are protected; and with those changes that are occurring within your earth mother, it’s important that you feel protected in life…

It’s a good affirmation: I am protected!

In this way, if you’re close to a natural disaster or tragic occurrence, you’ll be able to escape if you listen to your intuition…

You know, it’s important to follow your instincts; always you have direct messages from your own spirit… and they’re written inside your minds, you can read them, it’s simply a matter of focusing!

Now what is your main concern at this moment in your life?

Let’s ask Th. as you are a visitor; We welcome you to this group, it’s very harmless!

– (Th.) In general, I’m worried about …

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If you see that life does not necessarily become easier, the wiser one becomes…
Many times, it becomes more complicated in order to allow those participants in the life to evolve, to develop, to put their wisdom to good use…
At this moment in your life, it’s appropriate to accept that you have this wonderful position in the life of your child… to accept that your child has chosen her position on the earth, her position within the family, her position in her life at the moment…
She’s not a typical human being!
These children – and they are not indigo children – are crystallized
And this means that her emotional body takes on a different form… or responds to life in a different, a new way or method than the old model, which is you, your wife
E.g. consider the automobile: now you have an automobile that

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To begin, D., greeting you, once again, energetically, welcoming you…

Understand that this is a time of great acceleration energetically, for humanity, particularly for those of you who are consciously expanding, those of you who are focused on the expansion of your consciousness…

Now, life is a journey controlled by the consciousness expanding – this journey is, many times, hazardous to the emotions, to the mind… always the journey ends in the death of the physical form, but the consciousness continues to grow, to expand… and it’s time for you to put yourself into a clear focus, to recognize that the experiences that you have, the challenges that you face are all a matter of choice and decision
you, yourselves, decide to move in a certain direction, consciously and you pull the rest of the sides along with you… you’re not victims of anything outside yourselves;

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