Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

DELPHI (Closing)

You’re all carrying a bit more of this Force; you’re part of a tribe, don’t forget that and don’t, necessarily, assume that you know the other members – there are more than are present at this moment…

We want to thank you all, to show you Our appreciation for assisting Us in Our mission to give something back to the earth, to honour the sacredness that gathers at certain points on your earth – and this is just the beginning…

We worked on each of you: many We grounded, many We opened – you will all feel something… look in the next 7 days before the Operation will be completed… 
We’ve connected you all with this Site, you can use it whenever you need to reconnect with your spirit any time in your life – It’s open and you’re connected and your entity remembers…

– (M.) What

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Of course, We haven’t gone far from you… 
you know We have Our ways of keeping contact with those of you who are deeply involved with this Operation… sometimes you may feel that nothing is moving, but always from the inside of yourself you move outwards… with every inward motion there’s an equal outward movement – this is the nature of travelling on a so called Spiritual Path…
Those of you who have committed to Know Thyself are always receiving illumination, light and direction… times is necessary or Time is necessary to process the experiences that one passes through and sometimes it’s appropriate to rest, to relax and to take stock of the past deciding what you want in your future and then you begin moving again…
Certainly We greet you once again and We welcome you; what would you like to cover today?
 (D.) Thank you for

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8.9 earthquake in Japan
As any good farmer knows, you deposit many seeds and when they sprout, you sprout a number of them, a number more than one, in order to allow the strongest to grow and develop…
You can’t judge Nature for the destructive force that she wheels… you can pray for those who give their lives and you can send light to the Planet and hope for your own evolution… as an individual you’re not separated from the Whole, so you feel when the Whole, the mass decreases… you can have more power, you’re not the only representatives of your entity… so that if portions of your entity were in Japan and passed over, you can take the power they return to the entity, you can take it for your own… 
How does that happen?
First, by being conscious of what’s occurring on the Planet… this is the

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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You must understand that transforming energies come like waves to your earth and the more receptive you are, the easier you can surf those waves…
This is the goal: to use that Force to move in the direction that you choose…
This is not a time on the Earth to have any complaints; better to be grateful
Any surfer knows that you need Balance and Attentiveness and as one develops their ability, they look for bigger and bigger waves… they look for the challenge….
So each of you can accept that the challenges you’re facing, you’ve chosen them so that you can move from one position to another needing only balance and attentiveness…
Now what’s on your minds?
First, they have to empty… you can begin!
 (A.) All kinds of problems… and also we’re thinking of having a baby but we wonder if this is a wise choice

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Trip to Springs (Sidirokastro, Serres – Loutraki, Aridaia)

Sidirokastro Spring (morning)

This is an Operation that has been in preparation within all of your Fields – many more than even you would imagine… there are more than three of you (J., N., D.) who are involved in this; it’s a matter of time… 
as the necessity for service appears, the appropriate candidate will step up to battle…

There’s a Team that is being formed
Now you know that some come into service and have been retired, others have been called to service and have stepped back or avoided their responsibilities – but they’re all on the sidelines… they’re still in the audience; if they’re not actually on the playfield or sitting on the bench, they’re sitting on the benches watching and actually waiting for the call to come back…

J. has the responsibility of orchestrating the flow and she has been working on that for

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Very well to have an open position; don’t cross the legs… 
in this way you allow the energy to flow through your physical form… any time that a group forms, energy is flowing from one to another – you’ve all heard about the Oneness of all things, so you know you’re all connected…
when something is happening on the other side of the planet, if you are directly in line through the earth, you might have the same experience as a human who is opposite you… always when you are in a circle, any circle, examine the person who is directly opposite you and you will get some messages, something will reflect e.g. when sitting across somebody in the train…
 (R.) Two things I want to ask…
the first is about me: lately I’ve been experiencing some palpitations in my heart…
and the second about the crop circles in

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It is the time for increasing Joy and joyful experiences…
Those of you who are able to accompany Us here today will receive a gift: We have opened this Rock and there’s a vacancy within that has the power to absorb anything that you no longer need, that no longer serves you…
Of course, you’ve used the springs to make a giveaway, but as We have said before, here you can give away and receive
This is a place of balance in the city – one reason why We have been interested in protecting this area: this Site can secure the city in a way that nothing else can
Of course, We’re interested now in securing the new Museum because those items within are valuable for humanity
It is always positive to have a number of heirlooms in your family, some things that you don’t want

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Athens, Philopappou

Summer solstice
Very nice to find you here…
You see, We have a connection with this place and you might have guessed We have had residents around the Big Rock and it’s a bit like a homecoming for Us…
We greet each one of you individually…
You know We always work energetically on your forms when you’re in direct contact with Us or indirect contact when you ask for it…
you can ask any time that you like – for healing, for adjustment, for balance, for messages even
and We’ll try to get through…   
The opening is the most important part of it; this means that you yourselves agree to come before this Force: that’s the opening
After that it’s your choice how open you stay – whether or not you stay open…
Now this is the lightest day of the year, but would any of you

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As you move along understanding your own evolutionary process, you also have an opportunity to understand the prospective that We must take in viewing your existences, in recognizing the directions in which you’re approaching…
We’re unable to take you – any of you, out of your own creation!
You see, each person has the potential to become a realized god in their existence – this means that you have the creative power to design your own life… We can only impress you with certain ideas, with certain past performances; We can’t control you – any of you…
And if you suspect that We were pushing you in a certain direction, perhaps you can see that that was the direction you were moving in on your own; We only fortified your movement e.g. if you’re walking, We brought along the automobile so that you could move with more smoothness, more

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Agistron Springs, Serres

Good Thursday
These waters help to erase the past, you could say…
help to rewind the energy of the participant… 
When you enter into the flow, into the moving waters, you’re participating in that movement, in that energy shift…
This indicates that you may unwind yourself from any programming that you have – whether this is physical, psychological, emotional…
If you have a condition that’s affecting the health, this can be eliminated if the focus is on eliminating the psychological cause of that imbalance or illness
If it is something terminal or something that has been deemed terminal or if it’s from birth, it’s much more difficult to remove…
The waters, also, increase the sensitivity or the receptivity of the physical organism and electric or electronic instruments should be avoided…
When interacting with the water, the effect does not end when you leave the pool; it begins… you

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We want to have fun!
The mind of the humans is too serious and tends to create trouble where it is not needed…
We have, certainly, raised the bet!
This means that it costs you more to participate because We become more invasive… We can get inside of you easier now…
Many of you welcome this; and you may as well! It’s positive after all… you wouldn’t be here if you thought it was something negative, would you?
What do you say?
 (…) Yes!
– So you don’t have to worryWe’re bringing you all on the plane with Us
And you know that a plane is not, only, an aeroplane; you can say a dimension is another plane, a different focus in life, a different way of looking at your lives…
Any time you’re concerned about something, you can ask yourself: ‘Can I see

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To begin, D., greeting you, once again, energetically, welcoming you…

Understand that this is a time of great acceleration energetically, for humanity, particularly for those of you who are consciously expanding, those of you who are focused on the expansion of your consciousness…

Now, life is a journey controlled by the consciousness expanding – this journey is, many times, hazardous to the emotions, to the mind… always the journey ends in the death of the physical form, but the consciousness continues to grow, to expand… and it’s time for you to put yourself into a clear focus, to recognize that the experiences that you have, the challenges that you face are all a matter of choice and decision
you, yourselves, decide to move in a certain direction, consciously and you pull the rest of the sides along with you… you’re not victims of anything outside yourselves;

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Now, D., you have your own contract with this Force of Energy…
When the invisible ink is exposed to the right light, it’s revealedthis is how We operate: when the individual allows the subject, the topic, to be illuminated, then, We reveal the informationWe work along with the subjectyou may say that We step alongside with the subject, moving along their path…
Targets are important in life, goals: what is the goal in your association with this Force, what is your target, what is your own personal purpose in coming in line with this Μovement, for, We guarantee movement… We have a purpose in being here! We invest energy into the movement of the individual; it’s their responsibility to steer themselves to their chosen destination… in any project, in any endeavour, there’s a destination or a goal and to know, to

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