You’re all carrying a bit more of this Force; you’re part of a tribe, don’t forget that and don’t, necessarily, assume that you know the other members – there are more than are present at this moment…
We want to thank you all, to show you Our appreciation for assisting Us in Our mission to give something back to the earth, to honour the sacredness that gathers at certain points on your earth – and this is just the beginning…
We worked on each of you: many We grounded, many We opened – you will all feel something… look in the next 7 days before the Operation will be completed…
We’ve connected you all with this Site, you can use it whenever you need to reconnect with your spirit any time in your life – It’s open and you’re connected and your entity remembers…
– (M.) What exactly happened today? I personally felt like I didn’t have a body…
– Each person has had a personal experience you might like to write down so that you can remember it…
for you, We opened more circuitry in your head to expand your consciousness…
this is why We gave you the instruction to ground yourselves after the Operation: so that you would come back safely… the mind exists within the consciousness… when the consciousness expands, it affects the mind…
the thoughts might start rushing, memories might be stirred up or you might meet greater points of empty-mindedness which is always welcomed at the point of meditation and it’s usually a gradual process before enlightenment…
– (Ch.) During the process, the experience was not so clear to me because there were people around; did this affect the outcome?
– The people around were part of the Operation; it didn’t affect what We’ve done to you, it only distracted your mind in order to remove resistance…
We were opening up your form so that your mind will work more effectively… the persons around didn’t distract Us…
– (Yi.) I’ve been having sleepless nights and palpitations lately and so have I here at Delphi…
– This is always a sign that big energies are moving…
before you sleep, put your feet in hot water to ground yourself… We, also, grounded you so that you can walk with more balance: your spirit runs ahead of you sometimes and your body tires to catch up…
– (R.) I’ve been having sore throat issues and the first thing You touched was my throat…
– You’re moving into a position of speaking and this is what the irritation is about…
you can gargle with warm and salty water and use the affirmation ‘I only speak the truth’ and go from there…
– (T.) I really felt the energies strong and inside knots unblocking and afterwards I had in mind positions in life that would unblock me from now on… for the last half hour I’ve been having a stone in my stomach…
– There’s some grieving to be released – you all know catharsis can be a result of any energy work and if you have it, this will go out…
it’s something that’s moving; you don’t have to know what it is… accept it’s part of the progress and it’s moving out – cry, let it out…
– (N.) There’s a freedom in my life and I’d like to know what I can do to make the most of it for me and the others…
– Follow your impulses…
– (N.) I also saw my parents, who are not alive, in aggressive dreams…
– They’re affected by your experience; every time you adjust yourself, they respond… you’re directing the process and they benefit from your movement, your evolvement… take it as a good sign…
– (I.) I felt connected to J. at the time… also, You touched my head where I have a problem…
– We know what We’re doing – J. doesn’t know what she’s doing…
For the next 7 days each of you come back here with your consciousness, deliberately have a memory before sleep – a scene, the Ceremony, anything… this will keep the Process moving and this will benefit all who are present…
– (L.) I want to thank You all for this opening of my heart, I feel I love everyone around…
– Thank your heart, actually…
– (M.) I had a long discussion with my entity and I was asked to throw some garbage at the centre of Apollo…
– Do you mean energetic garbage, what you don’t need, you can’t use to support your evolution? So you release it… Keep records, write what you open to…
– (L.) I’d like to thank You for the light I received and the relief I felt on my neck; how can I get rid of this pain since I spend most time writing and reading…
– Pain is temporary, all pains are – believe it, it moves around… you can use warm compress, watch your posture and release it… forget about it sometimes… if it’s intense, go directly there with your consciousness and chase it… it will move if you put all your attention, it will go somewhere else until finally it goes out of your body…
You know that the bodies are temporary – so is pain; don’t ever forget it… every time you manifest pain, the first thought: it’s temporary; it’s not welcomed… and keep repeating that to the mind…
Now We want you to stand in the Circle with left hand up and right hand down… everything you experienced here, you share it with everyone… all and any imbalance that exists in your experience, you leave it in the centre of the circle, you don’t need it… and you don’t need to give it to another… give it to the earth who’s a generous mother and can transform…
And We carry on with each of you…