Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

4 April 2024

It is always good to bring up the humor! Laughing has the ability to break into belief systems; to loosen the hold on whatever the mind believes is truth or relevant to being. Sometimes it is better to be without any beliefs just open-minded and open-hearted. If you are empty headed then it is easier to go into life, to learn to trust life as you meet it if you are not filled with expectations or anything that you believe that you know. Knowing is valuabale up to a certain point then it becomes a limitation. It can limit one from expanding on any topic, so it is always a positive thing to be receptive, to be open, and to hear what the universe has to offer to you. You have a mothering instinct toward others and that is positive, that is love.


Advice on helping family

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If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle

If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle


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Delphinians on Relationships

Delphinians on Relationships

Different extracts from Personal Readings

It doesn’t matter how the other feels, if you keep your heart open loving another and losing expectation in every moment; then your open heart has an effect to open the heart of the other.  If you have an expectation of another, to love you back equally, to treat you a certain way, to have the same desire as you have…then you are closing your heart.  If you can realize and label your own expectations, this can help you to keep your own heart open.


Letting go

Letting go is the greatest lesson…very often these are the most challenging relationships for anyone who is experiencing them.  Many times within a married couple this is not an issue because they are aware that any some point one of them will die and this is something that is accepted and almost expected.  If two people have agreed …

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God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

7 July 2021 ~ (from Personal Reading)

More than ever, it is time to turn your attention to the Lord, to God. Every thought that you have, realize that God is listening, ok? You might say that now is the moment in time that the chosen are being chosen. You could say that God is paying more attention to the human beings during these moments of crisis than in the last few hundred years because it is the time for transformation. It is the time for the preparation for the New Earth and who is welcomed and who will be left behind. It has more to do with the train of thoughts than it does with almost anything else. We have said it before that no matter what happens in one’s life you are in control of what you think. What are your train of thoughts during the day? How …

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New Year Reading with Delphinians

10 January 2020

New Year Reading with the Delphinians

We are here with you, with each of you. We ask you to find yourself in a receptive manner, to open yourself. Don’t be closed, closed legs, etc. For this is an energy transmission. You know that you don’t have to be in the same room with us for us to access your energy field. Although your minds are very active, our intentions are to shift you energetically. Now there is a lot of talk about DNA, viruses, vaccines, fear, future, past….The moment is now.  Now the atmosphere on the Planet Earth is more receptive or open for the activation of your accelerated energy fields. You are living in a dualistic environment, dualistic atmosphere. So, when something is going down, something else is going up. There is always going to be a balancing act in this dimension. Your individual responsibility is …

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2021 ~ New Year Online Reading with Delphinians

Greetings to each individual and to all parts of the mass!
Old friends and new!
We invite you to join us for an impromptu, live question and answer session with our channeled source DELPHINIANS.
We would like to explore the past, the present and our future as humans upon our beloved planet EARTH….or elsewhere…
Every question is relevant.

~ Following are all the practical information ~
The gathering will take place through Zoom, the link for computer or mobile is

You can join also through calling a land telephone
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdYp6uKpk8
Greece local calling number: 2311 180599 or 211 198 4488
Meeting ID: 812 2494 2974#
Passcode: 1010#
The meeting will be open 15 minutes before the actual gathering, please connect in advance so as to start on time.

Delphinians during the reading will open up for questions, you can unmute your microphone or send a …

Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

29 December 2020

The ending of this year is a time for gathering. Gather what is most important to you: what really matters, what is of value and what can be discarded. It can be physical, material things, it can be emotions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, desires…it is a time to really clear it out. To empty the self of the past, of whatever is not needed for the future because the future is rapidly approaching now. As you well know from your investigations, new energies are arriving on the Planet Earth. The Earth is entering into a new vibrational position in the solar system and this is one of the causes of the great disruption that is happening at the moment within your civilization. As you see that there is not one area …

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About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

30 August 2020

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

Truly it is a time to tune into a higher force or to tune into the depth of the love you feel for anyone or anything. Finally, love is the only answer. Always out of curiosity the child will get into some mischief and getting into mischief always brings the shadow side out. Should I lie or should I tell the truth about what I did…? It pushes out the self-exploration, the self-examination and that is what is important at the moment for everyone. Self-examination. Everything is on the surface at the moment; therefore it is easier. Even though life may appear to be more difficult, it is easier to know thyself. That is the yin yang of the circumstances at the moment. The duality of the experience. The more challenging on the outside, the more …

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On love and relationships

On love and relationships

29 March 2020

On love and relationships

When you love someone it doesn’t stop. Love is not something that you can turn off. Many people try. People use their minds to manipulate love and loved ones. You can never stop loving, you can’t turn it off. To keep an open heart towards those that you love without judgment is the name of the game. Call him just to say I am thinking of you and I’m hoping that you are well. You don’t even have to ask any questions. You don’t have to impose on another to tell them that I love you and I hope you are well. You see? In this way you elicit from them a different response. If you go to a past lover with questions then you might open up doors that might as well stay closed. If you go to a past lover and …

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Delphinians Talk about the Crisis in Humanity and our Relationship with Mother Earth

26 March 2020

We want the Delphinians to go a little deeper into this situation that we are dealing with as humanity.

As a family of humanity, you are dealing with a crisis.
You are dealing with a plague and ideally you are joining together in some way shape of form in order to improve your own personal consciousness.

What you are thinking, what you are feeling, how you are dealing.
There is a great tendency to isolate yourself, to fear others, to criticize others, to criticize your leaders…As you are in this dualistic world.

You can say black and white if you like.
All these aforementioned behaviors are in the black, are in the shadow and expand the shadow.
If you criticize another, if you criticize China, for instance, on how they dealt with the outbreak, you are feeding the shadows.

The Earth is one, it is one planet.…

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How to maintain harmony with siblings ?

How to maintain harmony with siblings ?

“Family’s are created so that each individual can work on harmony, peace, love, all of those things. You know that from the beginning the relationship between family members is based on love. This is why you come together, even if two siblings hate each other they really love each other, they just can’t see through the differences that exist. They can’t forgive.

  What happens with siblings..as a character you choose your parents because they mirror you . This means that every character shares similar characteristics with their parents. There is something that is very similar. As  a being you might accept some parts of yourself and you might reject others. This is what causes internal conflict within a character. That one characteristic denies another or in some way it is difficult to balance those  two parts of the self. Perhaps those two parts …

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“The last year I am concerned about time…

It is because you are in tune, in touch with the accelerating energies that are present. You are aware that things have sped up. What you can do to balance that, do you do any aerobic exercises? We suggest that the first thing you do is accelerate, whether you run or walk very quickly, you speed up. In order to balance this feeling that time is rushing by, because it is.

For everyone?

Yes, for humanity. It has to do with the shifting into a new age, into a new Earth, a new vibration. Think about physics for a moment, when you are at a finer frequency it moves faster. Think about music, the higher octaves have a higher frequency. This is what is impressing you, because you are impressed, you have an impression in your energy field. Your mind

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  “As you become enlightened it is easier to love , you can love anybody, you can love everybody. Because you know that everybody is in their own process, is having their own experience of being human. Everyone has challenges but everyone deserves love. You become love. You are love. It’s not outside it’s inside . Love is a state of being it’s not an emotion.

When you meet somebody that you love you feel different don’t you ? What happened ? You  start being love. Everything looks brighter. What is that? It’s really not because of the other person, is it? Really? Because if it were it wouldn’t disappear would it? It would always be, but somehow it’s not is it? It’s only that initial WOW, I’m in love…I became love…because I met someone who can teach me a lot about myself that I

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Raising Children with the Delphinians

Raising Children with the Delphinians

Selections from personal readings on raising children with the Delphinians

When a woman becomes pregnant her receptivity to the energy of the man gets cut off because she is nursing the seed.  After you dig the earth and plant a seed, you don’t dig it up again and plant another seed on top, you leave it. Anytime a child is created, regardless of the physical distance there is an energetic connection between the parent and child.

When the fetus is in the body of the mother, the blood is flowing through both organisms, they are so connected.  And this energy can continue to flow between the mother and the child and often does flow between mother and child, mothers tune in all the time to the condition of their child.

…you understand that the plant when it is growing, the roots are also growing and the roots are getting more …

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Mud baths, Krinides

14 July 2018


Certainly we welcome each of you energetically. You are on the Earth so please put your bare feet on the Earth now as you have quite a magical situation here with the wetness and it is very good for your systems. Self-healing is a very important aspect of life. First it is very simple to recognize when your body is healing itself. You can watch it. If you cut or bruise yourself, you watch it transform. So it is very important to keep this in mind as you go through your lives. It is very important that you forgive yourselves if you do any damage to your physical bodies. If you have an accident, trip or fall, immediately begin the self- healing with forgiveness. The first necessity in loving the self is to forgive the self. Think about this last year, is there …

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Athens Healing Circle

Athens Healing Circle

16 December 2017


You know that you have a kind of a club here and that is a good thing. It is always important to share your path with other humans and with those that you love. Of course you all have felt love and you all know that love is something that you cannot really grab. Love is not something that you can keep. When you love another, sometimes you do not feel it. You might feel something else. That is not a bad thing. The journey of life is one of self-discovery and it is so important to identify all the parts of yourself, not to deny yourself. Not to choose a specific condition of being, but to allow the energy of the life, of the living, to pass through you. Many times on this so called spiritual life the pilgrim or the participant is encouraged only …

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Grounding Forgiveness and Jump into Joy! Philippi, Kavala

Grounding Forgiveness and Jump into Joy! Philippi, Kavala

30 July 2017


Very well. Everyone rub your hands together and throw it and then put your hands on the Great Mother. You know yesterday you gave a gift to the Earth by releasing from yourself something that is a burden. Guilt and bitterness make the energy field of the human form heavy and the Earth feels that. When you lighten up your own field you are giving the Earth a gift. You are taking a burden off of your mother. The Earth is very transformative and very transforming. You can do this exercise of release anytime you want, anywhere you want and this is how you do it. You lie on the Earth on your stomach, make sure your palms are flat on the Earth and your forehead and your will center (solar plexus). You make an affirmation, for example I will release this anger, I will release

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Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

16 July 2016

Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

Close your eyes and get with the elements here. This is a very sacred place above your city recognize since antiquity it has gone through different phases. You know we like to talk about the matriarch and certainly this was a point of great interest. The view, how far you can see, is important. Open your eyes now and look as far as you can. Decide for yourselves that you are willing to travel as far as is necessary to reach your goals in life. We have mentioned that we will be dealing with the balancing of the masculine and feminine here because this is one of the biggest challenges for every human. To balance themselves, to show both sides, to embrace both sides, to recognize both sides. Let’s play a small game: if you are a woman, imagine that you are a …

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Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

5 December 2015

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

There are a lot of activities in the cities and this is a stimulant and also very distracting. The cities in the ancient times were created with greater finesse. You might say that they understood more the kinesiology of energy moving and they created systems to support the human body, the systems moving within the human form. Now it is a bit of madness; flying this way, that way. It is very disconcerting, very disturbing. We ask you all to have your feet flat on the ground. Those of you who were with us last evening put the spiral going in a counter clockwise direction at the bottom of your feet so that we can drain you of the disturbances that occur from the city life. As you exhale, send the energy down through your feet. Ok, now you can relax and enjoy …

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Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

29 August 2015


Our interest is always energy moving, energetic connecting and Earth balancing so we will ask you all right away to stand and make a circle here. Stand in a circle. Most people take their problems to work with them; we are interested in taking your problems off of you today. Move close together. We want to walk around behind you, we are interested in energy moving and we want to touch you all. Close your eyes and let it all go to the Earth as you exhale.


Imagine two channels from the bottom of your feet going into the Mother Earth. This country belongs to you; the Earth here is welcoming for any of your stress. The Earth is always grateful to receive your gratitude. Do not forget. Do not put anything in your mouth before you thank the Mother, even a cigarette. Tobacco is …

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Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

19 July 2015


Let’s have a talk. You must realize by now that life is full of challenges and as a Greek citizen it is time to come together as one. It is time to remember the law of brotherhood. Each time you have a selfish thought “What about me? What is going to happen to me? What will I do? Me, me, me…” Pause for a moment, stop your thoughts, sit down on the Earth and say, “We shall unite.” This is the mantra we want you to all remember; even if you have no idea the why, how or what. Repeat, “We shall unite”. Go around the circle and say it “We shall unite.” We want you to believe it. There is power in numbers. You are in a difficult position as a nation, you must unite! What else can save you? Say it again and mean …

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20 June 2015


It might not have been a warm welcome but it was a cool welcome. We want you all to have a drink of water from the spring that is running over there after we finish here. What we were doing was clearing your energy fields so that you could receive this ceremony this morning. Each person is unique, each person carries their own history and this is what we will be working on today. When you find a nice quiet place we can gather and go into more details. Greetings to all.

A very good location because what is the goal of today? To go out of your mind, to complete the history of this life so you can go forward to a greater state of enlightenment. Each time a car passes by, send your consciousness to follow the car. Can you do that? Can you …

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Mt. Olympus ~ Mountain of the Gods

Mt. Olympus ~ Mountain of the Gods

9 May 2015

Mt. Olympus


Opening meditation

The first step is to put the water into your heads. Just listen to the water, get the sense of how it is moving, how it is running. Probably everyone has something inside their minds and first we want to empty that and you participate by opening your ears. Close your eyes.


Everyone likes to know that they are spiritual beings, today we want you to focus on being a human being because being a human being is what leads you to your spiritual presence whether or not you choose to go to church and pray or you go to the Buddhist temple and prostrate yourself or you do yoga. Whatever path you choose you are a human being walking that path.


Meditation exercise

So what we want you to do today as you are taking this short walk that …

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Lydia River

You all must know that ‘there are no accidents’, particularly when you are working with this type of a Source…
So We begin…
Close your eyes and ground yourself here… send some energy into the earth, remember that exercise that you did yesterday – if you were present – and use that channel that you’ve created to the core so that you may be more affective… as you walk along your path of spirit, one of the most important things is to stay grounded…
You are on the earth for a reason…
First, it’s a personal reason
And then, second, it’s a more general reason for your entity field… of course, We are interfering energetically with this Operation going on alongside of Us (a catholic mass by the river) just like yesterday (a gathering of the farmers’ association)…
You know this is

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time

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We ask each of you to sit in a receptive manner; this simply means that your feet are flat on the ground and your hands are open…

We have the intention to move a great deal of force through your physical bodies – Our intention is to bless this city…

You might all like to join in the blessing… first, those of you who joined Us at Meteora begin to say your prayer again and again and again… allow that vibration to move through your bodies into the earth and We will be working around the Circle first to greet each of you, energetically…
We ask you to bring the water… keep your prayers going…
A ritual follows
Ok, now We can begin with Our Meeting…
We were doing a clearing of your fields… also, We were connecting those of you who were not on the sacred land of Meteora

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Before the meditation
You all must understand that you are standing on Sacred Ground…
you know that those humans that have chosen to stay spend most of their time praying for you and the others – and this you should keep in mind when you are here… that there are others who are looking out for your connection with the Divine, they make it their life-mission to be the channel between the Divine and the humans below…
So you’ve come up here today…
you’ve come up to join them in their prayers… you are all Christians, are you not? Or were… so you might choose a prayer, one that you know by heart and begin to repeat it silently to yourself as you enter the home of those who pray; you pray – in this way, you connect with them… you, also, become a channel for the Divine allowing it

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Makrynitsa, Mt. Pelion

You must know We’re with you and you can communicate directly with Us…
of course, it’s easier to speak to you when your minds are sleeping…
you all know what the biggest cause of insomnia is: your thoughts, your thinking… when you sleep, what happens to your mind? It empties into your consciousness and it creates dreams – you are the creator of your dreams, you are the creator of your lives, this is your relationship with all that there is: gods, the Great Spirits…  whatever word you want to use to identify the Creative Principle, it’s your choice… whatever god you want to acknowledge, it’s your choice… but you should acknowledge a greater Force in your lives – it’s important…
sometimes in your life, in your daily existence, you feel as if you have no control… you are in a traffic jam and the person driving

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Thessaloniki, Open

Certainly, you each have a personal concern that you’ve brought to this room – you might leave them outside the door…. You might imagine you stepped into a time warp and everything will change, particularly your relationship with Time…
you might have noticed that in this special year it seems that time has been accelerating, moving faster…
now for the next 2 months, it will be slowing down… time will be slowing down…
We’d like to greet each and every one of you, particularly the new faces who don’t really know who We are or what We do…
We come here to protect; We care about your country, We have deep roots here and We want to expose them… We would like the modern citizen to witness and realize the roots that exist in their Land…
and We’re not talking about the olive trees roots; We’re talking about the

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We want to welcome this Circle as it grows…
there is Power in Numbers… any time two people put their heads together, they have doubled the power to create, doubled the power to destroy – watch how you argue with another… know that the earth is absorbing everything…
some years back the earth awakened from her slumber and started to participate in each of your energy fields; just as if sb moves into your home with you, they become part of your family, the earth became part of the family of your individual energy field…
each one of you is an electromagnetic field and you exchange energy with anyone with whom you communicate, any circumstance that you put yourselves in…  any experience that you have, you’re participating energetically, you’re affected…
now the earth is available to support you…
after all she’s been sustaining your life, hasn’t she? She’s

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Delos Island

You’ve come here to take energy, We will tell you…
and be prepared to receive… 
the easiest way to receive sοmething is to turn-off your minds… to pause the thoughts… 
so the first instruction is when you’re walking, We want you when your mind is leading you off of the Site, to just say ‘stop’ – you will be communicating with your own minds today… you are going to learn to stop the mind… 
you can’t be a Channel if your mind is not closed… in order to open the door for inspiration to come through, you must close the door of the small mind, let’s call it: the thoughts, the worries, concerns
We told you last evening that this is a very powerful Site for oracles… and oracles are always a bit mysterious… you must use your mind in order to interpret an oracle…

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