Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Acropolis (Election Day)

Certainly, We are greeting each of you…
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many people are participating, it’s the quality of the individual that matters… in order to be a trail blazer in life, very often you have to walk alone and you have others following behind…
Those of you who live in the city do well to visit this Site often or at least to remember it, to fantasize it in your mind when you are in another location…
You might all have an inkling to the Ceremony today and you know it has something to do with the Marbles that are visiting foreign lands…
you all know how important it is for them to return so what We want you to do today when you go to the Museum is to go directly to the top floor and wander around that area that is supposed to be structured the

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Athens, Philopappou

Now We can begin with the small Circle…
better if you’re closer to each other… in this way you can create more unity… you all know what’s happening in your country… you all suspect what might happen in this wonderful area, Athens… you all know who is the Guardian of this City – you might have forgotten Her; today We come together to remember her…
You see, now that Delphi, the Omphalos, is wide open – that’s the will centre, correct? , you can will the energy of Spirit to move anywhere you choose…
or We can – that’s why We came here…
We’ve been here many times; many of you have, also, joined Us, but now that the channel is wide open, We can bring the Force here to the Rock – and each of you can help Us… particularly, those of you who joined Us at

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Athens, Philopappou

You know that your city is taking the stress of your nation and each of you can feel it, each of you have an opportunity to turn it into something more palatable, tastier…
We have a small group which is appropriate at the moment – each person has their own flow and their own understanding of the general flow, but you’re all part of a new Energy Field… particularly those of you who were present at Delphi, you’re carrying a piece of Greece inside now… and that is Delphi… and We’d like you to give birth on the Rock this day, Acropolis…
This is the meditation for today…
Some of you have already, physically, given birth… one is preparing to give birth and two of you are of the male gender… We’d like you to use your imagination to walk on the Site, find a

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Understand that this is Our First Line of Defense, this small Group…
You know that the battle is always with the self; there really is no enemy outside, it’s inside… 
there really is no evil, no good/bad… only Choices: you can choose something with good results or something that might have bad results…
Now We choose each of you because We suspect good results; you’ve all come from different directions in life and you meet in one Central Point: a degree of Involvement…
you’ve each managed in your own ways, your own methods, with your own will power to reach a pinnacle of evolution, and We congratulate you…
There’s always the opportunity to fall back and what happens with this association with Us: if you fall back, We catch you… that’s all We can promise… We won’t let you fall so you can keep climbing… there

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It is the time for increasing Joy and joyful experiences…
Those of you who are able to accompany Us here today will receive a gift: We have opened this Rock and there’s a vacancy within that has the power to absorb anything that you no longer need, that no longer serves you…
Of course, you’ve used the springs to make a giveaway, but as We have said before, here you can give away and receive
This is a place of balance in the city – one reason why We have been interested in protecting this area: this Site can secure the city in a way that nothing else can
Of course, We’re interested now in securing the new Museum because those items within are valuable for humanity
It is always positive to have a number of heirlooms in your family, some things that you don’t want

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Each time that you, deliberately, ground yourselves here, you move the Energy deeper into the earth: this is why We’ve given the advice to ground yourselves at Delphi… and that advice stands for the rest of your lives…
We’ve given this advice to the four of you who were here for ‘the joining of the earth and the heavens’
We represent the heavenly bodies, as they’re called – whether you want to see angels or whatever anyone likes to imagine; it is valid according to their own dreams…
You might say that this life is a dream; so are your thoughts and your imaginings: they expand the dream
Whatever you want to believe about the so-called heavenly bodies – whether you even call them stars or representatives from the stars or the star system, all of it is acceptable from Our perspective…
Now each

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Athens, Philopappou

Summer solstice
Very nice to find you here…
You see, We have a connection with this place and you might have guessed We have had residents around the Big Rock and it’s a bit like a homecoming for Us…
We greet each one of you individually…
You know We always work energetically on your forms when you’re in direct contact with Us or indirect contact when you ask for it…
you can ask any time that you like – for healing, for adjustment, for balance, for messages even
and We’ll try to get through…   
The opening is the most important part of it; this means that you yourselves agree to come before this Force: that’s the opening
After that it’s your choice how open you stay – whether or not you stay open…
Now this is the lightest day of the year, but would any of you

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