Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Choices ~ Evolution ~ Incarnation ~ New Earth (from Personal Reading)

Choices ~  Evolution ~ Incarnation ~ New Earth (from Personal Reading)

30 May 2021  ~ (from Personal Reading)

It is always appropriate to count your blessings. It is always appropriate to see yourself as a witness. That you have the opportunity to participate and witness the big shift that is happening in humanity. And this is the position you should take. This is the position you have achieved in your life. Often when one becomes the witness they want to participate, speak up, say what they see. But that is not the place of the spiritual witness because once you become the spiritual witness, you are part of the audience. You know when you are at the theater and you are watching the performance, you keep your demeanor quiet, you stay quiet. Wait for the next scene, take a break. What do you do when they have the intermission? You take a break, get a drink, you do not really do …

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Aggitis Cave

Aggitis Cave

16 July 2018

Aggitis Cave


So much magic for you today.

Opening exercise

The spider is one of the most creative creatures on the Earth. What you might do is spend a moment with your eyes following the pattern of the web created by one of the spiders. Spiders build around their intentions and then they just sit and wait. They have the most patience of any creature and can escape very quickly. Have you ever tried to catch one with your bare hands? Probably not. Humans are a bit leery of spiders, but why is that? Power. It’s the power that each individual fears in the other. Power makes you awaken, become aware. Any experience in your life that tends to be traumatic or dramatic, you become more aware, you stand up straight, it makes you focus. Today spend a moment seeing if you can follow the pattern …

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time

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The surface of your planet has altered…
The actual dimension has shifted a vibration and this allows the earth to move more freely through her own transformation; at the same time makes it more difficult for the common man, let’s call him, to adjust to the environment, to the weather, to the circumstances of his/her own existence…  

It’s not easy to be on the earth at this moment…
In other centuries, in other times it may have been easier, it may have felt more secure or safer… of course, many persons in this particular land are questioning their security, their safety and this is a part of the transformation…

It’s important to know who your friends are, who’s with you or who’s not with you; this is another reason why J. was called Rock: so that she could clearly cut some persons from her Circle…
We’ve said previously that

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We’re always hovering around…

We want each of you to take a moment to ground yourselves – simply have your feet on the ground and imagine with your exhale breath energy going into the earth…
You may awaken some of the tenants in the lower floors, but We won’t worry about them, will We? 
As you do this with your imagination, We will be bringing energy into your crown chakras…
This is the time for a new beginning; you know that the Chinese calendar is more accurate than the traditional Jan 1st, so each of you should be well on your way to greater satisfaction…

You know that the earth is changing, that she’s shifting and however you’re affected by her changes, you can use that for your benefit of your spiritual evolution…
although many of your brothers and sisters are facing tragic circumstances, most of you are in

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Athens, Philopappou

Summer solstice
Very nice to find you here…
You see, We have a connection with this place and you might have guessed We have had residents around the Big Rock and it’s a bit like a homecoming for Us…
We greet each one of you individually…
You know We always work energetically on your forms when you’re in direct contact with Us or indirect contact when you ask for it…
you can ask any time that you like – for healing, for adjustment, for balance, for messages even
and We’ll try to get through…   
The opening is the most important part of it; this means that you yourselves agree to come before this Force: that’s the opening
After that it’s your choice how open you stay – whether or not you stay open…
Now this is the lightest day of the year, but would any of you

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We keep the group small this time so that the Joy can move…
Any time there is an energy adjustment being made, each person becomes connected to the next…
Therefore, every time you are participating in one of Our groups or any other group – no matter what, energy moves from one to the other…
This is the nature of being human: you are not so closed up as you might imagine…
Even if you lock yourself in a room, alone, your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams connect you with others… you always have a choice with whom you wish to stay connected…
In other words, you are not obligated to stay close to anyone in your life besides your children, that is…
So parents try to get away from children – they don’t really succeed…
There is always something that is holding on, there is always

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