Vouliagmeni Lake, 12th March 2010
Always if you should enter the water, symbolically, if you don’t feel like putting your physical form in, you can do it with your imagination; it’s an opportunity to take even more strength from the earth, from the positioning of the earth… the earth is shifting and this is something that We’ve been expecting and waiting for, for many lines have fallen into place… the earth is always shifting: some co-ordinates are in better position now for aligning the human form with the earth… you see that you don’t have to make any extraordinary efforts in any direction; you only need to be receptive and available…
Now as far as the structure goes, this area is for balancing the m and f aspects of the Self, of the soul, you might say… as you all know, you’ve had some lifetimes as male, some as female and they’re all playing inside you or inside of your personality, inside of your character…
First, you want to balance yourself, your left and right sides of the self – this is a challenge for everyone, for anyone… as We’ve all said, it’s a good idea to test your balance every day, your physical balance… this experience is more of an emotional balance: water represents the emotion and the desire for balancing oneself, one’s emotional response to one’s life… it’s what this place is about: balancing the emotional portion of the personality…
The Acropolis is for intellectual balance, more of an opportunity to balance the intellectual response to the circumstances of one’s life; it doesn’t matter which way you go first… either one, both are included…
The focus of the mind is on the co-operation that you can take from your spirit; you ask your spirit to assist you in balancing your emotions when you come to this lake… you make a type of decision for Balance and then you immerse yourself in the water or your feet if you don’t want to enter… when you’re in the water – and We’re talking to the mass now, to the participants, you will, many times, have memories or you will be stimulating yourself to remember imbalanced circumstances… you might remember when you were feeling extremely vulnerable in a situation – this would be leaning towards the feminine or aggressiveness leaning to the masculine side… you might like to consider or have a list of what behaviours are identified as masculine, what behaviours or emotions are identified as feminine… in this way, you prepare the participants a bit more for their co-operation in understanding what it is about… We will always be available to give them some insight to themselves; it might have better results…
Now for you two, personally, you and J. have an intimate relationship, let’s say, and as or when you’re leaning towards the m side, she’s leaning towards the f side… you two, are playing a game of balance with each other which is very fine and very good for this co-operation; it works without effort, it happens without any input of desire – it just happens as a result of your life situations, circumstances etc… this is a grace in your life, in your relationship you have grace… now is there something you’d like to ask?
– (N.) Can You tell me something about the Temple of Zeus?
– This is a supreme stance, let’s say, one might take in their reality… that might be the first place to visit in order to activate the spirit, to activate the god in the self…
Now what role did he play in the Gods?
He was the top dog so that might be the first place to visit just as an introduction to Ancient Greece – at that place each person might make an offering… you, girls, might go there this week and make an offering using your imagination – something material… Now what do you usually offer to an altar? Flowers, fruits, things like that, something symbolic…
– (N.) I always put coins there…
– That’s in the earth! This has to do with your own personal balance of metal in your energy field… you, by putting coins in the earth, are connecting your physical form to the earth, you’re grounding yourself because you know your ability to fly and your tendency to fly or to lift off the ground… by putting coins in the earth, you’re paying the earth to hold you down or grounding yourself – that’s a personal ceremony that you have… you see as J. has a thing with shoes – they keep her on the earth, you have a thing with coins and the earth…
Now you might go to this Temple of Zeus and make an offering of participation that, as a participant in the tour, you’re willing to see from all of the gods, any of the gods that you might want to identify with or that you might need to identify with in the process of realigning yourself with the earth energies here…
The major point of the tours is to realign yourself, energetically, with the spirit of the earth or with the Flame of Ancient Greece or with the Glory of Greece… most people, especially those who will want to participate, already have this hunger of Greece, they want to taste it, they don’t even know what it is but it is the Spirit they want to align with… this is a very big Project and this is the goal: to have a choice where you want to go rather than be obligated to return here and complete your lessons…
– (N.) It seems a big honor to be able to have a choice!
– Certainly! It is! You know how We work, you’ve seen Us in action and you know that We flick a lot of switches; combined with the earth element, there’s a greater grounding! Electricity always needs to be grounded, doesn’t it?
– (N.) You told us a couple of years ago that the people of the tours will be bringing together the tribe – which tribe are you referring to?
– We’d rather not say! You know you’ve already understood that you’ve been together sharing a common goal, sharing a passion – it’s not even desire! And when you share a passion, it’s more exciting than sharing anything else – this is why the sexual scene is so exciting for the humans…
When you have a passion to create something, it’s very enlivening, it brings up the many forms of Force from within yourselves… now there are a number of Tribes that are seeking consolidation, to come together and as the two of you have your origins in your homeland where you were born, you can imagine that it’s one of those Tribes: this is the first Tribe, it’s a Native American Tribe, the one that has the desire to see the Nation recreated and, unfortunately, it won’t be recreated on this Planet, it has to move to another Dimension… it’s a step in Evolvement to let go, to surrender and as the Surrender was not really successful in America, there’s still a very strong longing for earth, for the old way…
– (N.) You said about Olympia about choosing a god; does somebody consciously choose a god or do they wait until something comes to them?
– Whatever, whatever they like… it would be appropriate to have a small introduction to the gods and the goddesses of Ancient Greece and how they influenced the citizens… And they want to be identified again and they want to be recognized as individuals, like that… rather than one supreme god, they want to be recognized as individuals… It’s easier to forgive yourself if you can identify with a god or goddess who shares the emotions you’ve shared, like this… this is what it’s about: it’s not so much about the practical life in Ancient Greece as it is about the spiritual life in Ancient Greece…
– (N.) So they exist on a certain level, some type of energy!
– Yes, of course!
– (N.) That sounds really exciting, I’ve been feeling that!
– And you can put this in the advertisement…
Sounio, 13th March 2010
Each of the Temples has been identified for which god or goddess or deity they were being worshipped; there were celebrations many times occurring at the Temples as well as a type of mass meditation… the Ancients would come together, put their minds together in order to contact that particular god or goddess with, often, a request… if there was a trouble with the sea or if many ships got lost etc, they would come here and pray in their own way, silently… there was a great deal of offerings made and agreements among the participants to share in the same thought and this is Power when you align your thoughts; particularly if it’s for the good of all or the common benefit for all, then the results seem to be less hampered, more easily occurring…
Do you have any questions?
– (N.) When we bring the people here, what should we do?
– Of course, many people would like to see as many of the sites as possible. This is, of course, a place for the setting sun and this is a good destination for the final day… you might take them for a celebration to the sea, to a tavern, something like that and then end the tour here with the setting sun representing the alignment of the light onto their path, something like that to iron itself out… so this is a very good finality because it’s in the area of Athens and that will be the central point you know…. you will be moving in types of circular manner out from Athens, and back… you might question why you have so many rentals in Athens: so that you can move them back and forth from there, not to keep them in the city but to have day trips out and after the sun sets, then you return them back to the centre of the city…
– (N.) I feel like we’re celebrating the beginning today! Thank you!
At the Graveyard (Delphi), 15th March 2010
Any material gifts that you receive will not measure up to the gifts of spirit that are waiting for the three of you here at Delphi! Of course, We’ve been preparing for many lifetimes to reawaken the spirit here – it has been tossing and turning and the time has come! You might think that you’re controlling the times of your lives, that you’re somehow orchestrating for yourselves, but now you know that it’s a participation, that each of you make adjustments in order to participate in this awakening… and every day is a new awakening for your spirits and every day brings you closer and closer to the goal…
J.’s little test on Us has encouraged Us to put a few tests on your paths and, of course, you all passed with flying scores – you’re all doing very well and you should be feeling well! Any small disturbances that might come up, let them go quickly! Don’t sweat the small stuff because there are big things happening and even bigger things in store in the future!
Of course, We want to talk a bit about Apollo and We’d like to do that right on the Site tomorrow morning before you open the Gate because he also wants to be acknowledged, recognized in this new way of approaching the Sites…
Now We’d like to take care of your personal concerns before you settle down into your evening… N., you first, since We’ve been with you for the last few days…
– (N.) Thank you for the treasure I found, I wasn’t expecting that!
– You need to keep your feet on the ground, you know… you need to be sure not to get too enthusiastic about any of the characters that approach, you can mislead them with your enthusiasm… and people are always a bit suspicious – not only the Greeks but, also, Americans… they’re living during a time of Change, Unrest and many that you meet are having personal challenges with illness or their lives are not, necessarily, moving as they expect them to… if you get too enthusiastic, they might get a bit confused or not know, lose their own ground…
It’s always important to ground yourselves and this is going to be the Number One Concern… with every place where you stop, the first thing is to ground there… so take a few moments right now and ground yourselves here… with your exhaling breath, send energy into the earth from your root chakra, take a few breaths for the next five breaths and We will pause to allow J. also to do this…
Now the coins are a physical representation of the treasure that you can receive here… you can imagine that you find treasure after you open the Gate, you will go in and you will pick up a treasure: you can imagine that it’s in a box full of coins if you like or whatever you believe is the most valuable or material item…
J. will probably use some type of gems or even quartz or amethyst she seems to like quite a bit…
and you, D., could choose a material that you consider valuable…
what do you value materialistically that originates from the earth?
J. will probably use some type of gems or even quartz or amethyst she seems to like quite a bit…
and you, D., could choose a material that you consider valuable…
what do you value materialistically that originates from the earth?
– (N.) Water!
– You can have liquid gold then, some type of liquid… give it a bit more substance than water, contain it somehow… if you go down to the water, you can take a journey and if you’re bringing something back, bring something that has more form, structure… what’s your next choice? What type of stone do you like?
– (N.) Gems, too!
– You might choose gems then…
Now, D., what are your feelings lately?
– (D.) First, I want to say that I feel honoured to be here again and I thank You for making this happen!
Talking about gems, I had a dream last night: I was with a colleague and we were looking at a collection of gems; I don’t know what to say…
Talking about gems, I had a dream last night: I was with a colleague and we were looking at a collection of gems; I don’t know what to say…
– Maybe when you go down to the Gate, you can bring them back as a symbolic gesture… the Earth wants to give you energy but you have to materialize it somehow with your imagination, with your thoughts and with your affirmation so you will go to the Gate, open the Gate, go in and collect something you can imagine – that place where you saw the gems if you like…
you can imagine a flea market if you like, N., that you’re discovering again a great chest of coins… however you like to do it! And every time you go, you can bring something else out!
you can imagine a flea market if you like, N., that you’re discovering again a great chest of coins… however you like to do it! And every time you go, you can bring something else out!
– (D.) I’m not sure I understand everything, but with the help of the two ladies here…
– You see, it’s an imaginative journey…
We will go to the Temple of Apollo and We will say a few words from him as he wants to welcome you in his own way… We’ve been speaking about the Greek gods for the past few days that ‘they want to be identified, acknowledged, they want to participate, they don’t want to go unnoticed’ so at each Site the particular deity that was being recognized wants to say a few words…
We will go to the Temple of Apollo and We will say a few words from him as he wants to welcome you in his own way… We’ve been speaking about the Greek gods for the past few days that ‘they want to be identified, acknowledged, they want to participate, they don’t want to go unnoticed’ so at each Site the particular deity that was being recognized wants to say a few words…
– (D.) What is my connection with Artemis?
– There was a type of tribe of women – and this is the matriarchal society that recognized a deity similar to Artemis as their deity and you were part of that tribe, you were dedicating your life to this particular deity….
Now you, N., choose Athena – you were also in the matriarchal society, there were different tribes or different establishments and each one chose their own goddess in order to bring the tribe together… you remember that We said that the Ancient Greeks would go to the particular Temple of Poseidon and put their thoughts together in order to set up a prayer and this is the co-ordination of the matriarchal system: the women came together to honour the goddess…
why do you feel connected to Artemis? What do you feel, D., about her?
Now you, N., choose Athena – you were also in the matriarchal society, there were different tribes or different establishments and each one chose their own goddess in order to bring the tribe together… you remember that We said that the Ancient Greeks would go to the particular Temple of Poseidon and put their thoughts together in order to set up a prayer and this is the co-ordination of the matriarchal system: the women came together to honour the goddess…
why do you feel connected to Artemis? What do you feel, D., about her?
– (D.) She represents Independence, Free spirit, Speed even… didn’t get married, lived in nature, with people of her choice, with animals – a woman of her own self…
– It’s time to accept that the structure of Christianity is no longer serving the citizens, it’s not making anyone feel closer to god… and these ancient systems of worshiping nature, for instance, of worshiping Twelve Gods, bring the citizen, the individual, the personality closer to godness or closer to understanding how to be a god or a goddess…
and this is part of Our plan, part of why Greece is so important because the Temples still stand and within those Temples, the Energy is vibrating…
all those thoughts and dreams and affirmations and emotions etc are still playing a melody and the present personalities – if they come together with the same attention to honour that god or goddess, then they might be eventually able to hear this melody or to dance through their life with that melody playing whatever is necessary…
it’s a new beginning, a new circle opens and it’s the right time…
and this is part of Our plan, part of why Greece is so important because the Temples still stand and within those Temples, the Energy is vibrating…
all those thoughts and dreams and affirmations and emotions etc are still playing a melody and the present personalities – if they come together with the same attention to honour that god or goddess, then they might be eventually able to hear this melody or to dance through their life with that melody playing whatever is necessary…
it’s a new beginning, a new circle opens and it’s the right time…
– (D.) Unlike before, now I find it very important to remain in this land and be here with the Greeks – how come?
– And you’re bringing foreigners in! It is no accident that you’re involved, you created a new job which is taking you out of Greece more often than the old job did and it’s also facilitating you to have contact with foreigners and this is what you wanted: more contact with Europe, not just in the classroom with the students…
you see, you succeeded, that’s how you broke out! You broke out of the egg; the egg is hatched or the shell has cracked and you no longer feel so identified with the person that wanted to escape from Greece, you’re not the same person! There was a time when you were considering leaving Greece, you wanted this escape and you did escape: you did leave, temporarily, and spent some time abroad, if you remember…
you see, you succeeded, that’s how you broke out! You broke out of the egg; the egg is hatched or the shell has cracked and you no longer feel so identified with the person that wanted to escape from Greece, you’re not the same person! There was a time when you were considering leaving Greece, you wanted this escape and you did escape: you did leave, temporarily, and spent some time abroad, if you remember…
– (D.) How can I forget?!
– So you don’t need to go there, you don’t necessarily need to finish that projection; it helped you to escape from your own limiting beliefs about what you were capable of doing while you were here… you always want to help, you always want to improve everything and you felt very stifled as if you couldn’t help unless you got away so you got away!
You came back, you’re still not sure where the best place for you to be is but you’re realizing that the best place for you to be is in your own centre wherever you happen to be standing on the planet! You don’t need to have an absolute starting point, you can start wherever you are!
What else?
You came back, you’re still not sure where the best place for you to be is but you’re realizing that the best place for you to be is in your own centre wherever you happen to be standing on the planet! You don’t need to have an absolute starting point, you can start wherever you are!
What else?
– (D.) Why was I with that colleague admiring that collection of gems?
– How do you feel? Don’t you feel friendly with him? Don’t you feel nice when he’s around? So see that it’s something valuable, that’s why he was there because he’s becoming a valuable ally to you! You feel that he’s valuable in your life, that he’s worth something, that he’s worthwhile, he’s a gem! He is!
So you can make any assumptions that you like about the dreamscape, but wait and see… write down your dreams and wait and see how they materialize or how they affect the materializations that are coming up in the future… he’s a good guy! You’ve been siblings… you’ve also been a type of Commander to him, he respects you, he really respects you a lot…
So you can make any assumptions that you like about the dreamscape, but wait and see… write down your dreams and wait and see how they materialize or how they affect the materializations that are coming up in the future… he’s a good guy! You’ve been siblings… you’ve also been a type of Commander to him, he respects you, he really respects you a lot…
– (D.) Ok, thank you!
– Ok? Enjoy your evening!
This is for reacquainting, girls, with each other, getting settled a bit, enjoying the energy here and preparing yourselves to receive a celebratory gift for opening up…
This is for reacquainting, girls, with each other, getting settled a bit, enjoying the energy here and preparing yourselves to receive a celebratory gift for opening up…
– (…) Thank you so much!
– We greet you each with pleasure!
The Temple of Apollo, 16th March 2010
This was one of the most treasured places in Ancient Greece as there was always an offering that was being given to the gods, to the Spirit and the offerings were most often materialistic: many statues, gold coins…
this is why We’ve chosen this place as the Gateway because the energy of those offerings, still, exists, still remains here…
this is why We’ve chosen this place as the Gateway because the energy of those offerings, still, exists, still remains here…
Apollo is always present here and you might ask him to guide you if you like when you open the Gate… you might ask for an escort from the side of Spirit as this is an exercise in imagination, thought and feeling…
Now you all have the instructions and We move on in order to preserve the energy of this Channel…