Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Acropolis (Election Day)

Certainly, We are greeting each of you…
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many people are participating, it’s the quality of the individual that matters… in order to be a trail blazer in life, very often you have to walk alone and you have others following behind…
Those of you who live in the city do well to visit this Site often or at least to remember it, to fantasize it in your mind when you are in another location…
You might all have an inkling to the Ceremony today and you know it has something to do with the Marbles that are visiting foreign lands…
you all know how important it is for them to return so what We want you to do today when you go to the Museum is to go directly to the top floor and wander around that area that is supposed to be structured the

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Opening Ceremony
We’re greeting each one of you…
We will be working on your physical forms at the spring at Delphi…
When We finish here and when you leave, that will be your first stop before you go to the Site…
We’d like you to go to the Museum first, find something that catches your eye, that draws you in; you are going to become one with that relic – We will be clearing your forms before you go there to make it easier…
So you find something, you stand in front of it and you internalize that item: you bring it into your form, you put it in your mind with your imagination…
After that you will go to the Site and you will manifest that form on the Site…
If you’re lucky, you might find the place where that relic was discovered or where it stood…
Then you

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8.9 earthquake in Japan
As any good farmer knows, you deposit many seeds and when they sprout, you sprout a number of them, a number more than one, in order to allow the strongest to grow and develop…
You can’t judge Nature for the destructive force that she wheels… you can pray for those who give their lives and you can send light to the Planet and hope for your own evolution… as an individual you’re not separated from the Whole, so you feel when the Whole, the mass decreases… you can have more power, you’re not the only representatives of your entity… so that if portions of your entity were in Japan and passed over, you can take the power they return to the entity, you can take it for your own… 
How does that happen?
First, by being conscious of what’s occurring on the Planet… this is the

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It is the time for increasing Joy and joyful experiences…
Those of you who are able to accompany Us here today will receive a gift: We have opened this Rock and there’s a vacancy within that has the power to absorb anything that you no longer need, that no longer serves you…
Of course, you’ve used the springs to make a giveaway, but as We have said before, here you can give away and receive
This is a place of balance in the city – one reason why We have been interested in protecting this area: this Site can secure the city in a way that nothing else can
Of course, We’re interested now in securing the new Museum because those items within are valuable for humanity
It is always positive to have a number of heirlooms in your family, some things that you don’t want

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