Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


We welcome you all to this wonderful Site…
you are at the foot of the Holy great mountain; this Mt. holds the balance of the f and the m power
You know that the Greek gods had both genders… 
you know that the patriarch chose the male deity… you wouldn’t want the matriarch to choose only a f deity, would you? You want balance, don’t you?
We’re bringing to you the energy, the power of the gods and the goddesses who hold this Sacred Mountain each of you are to consider where you need balance first – the m side or the f… then you choose a god or goddess –  whichever one comes into your mind, whichever one you like or dislike… all are available
We will assist the connection between each of you and that deity you’ve chosen… for the next 7

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The physical form itself is being altered, is being reformed…
Your child belongs to the new humans arriving to the earth who have adapted to the shifting vibration that’s occurring as a result of the transformation of the earth herself…
All of this may sound far out but you can take it and make use of it… the royalty must accept everything that’s happening in their kingdom if they want to continue to rule
 (F.) I’d like to ask about my relationship with my wife – I fear we’re becoming parents only…
 Families and marriage are institutions and thus crumpling… institutions are finding it difficult to strengthen those pillars to hold up the ceiling…
A general advice: it’s always a better choice to agree to be parents than it is to agree to be husband and wife at this point of the evolution of the human…

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If you see that life does not necessarily become easier, the wiser one becomes…
Many times, it becomes more complicated in order to allow those participants in the life to evolve, to develop, to put their wisdom to good use…
At this moment in your life, it’s appropriate to accept that you have this wonderful position in the life of your child… to accept that your child has chosen her position on the earth, her position within the family, her position in her life at the moment…
She’s not a typical human being!
These children – and they are not indigo children – are crystallized
And this means that her emotional body takes on a different form… or responds to life in a different, a new way or method than the old model, which is you, your wife
E.g. consider the automobile: now you have an automobile that

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You see, Jayne brings the seriousness to this experience in order to prepare and protect each of you, individually… she is a big Mama and into coming to terms with that role, she becomes more open to express her concerns to each of you…
You know, it’s not something simple to be standing in front of this Force of Energy; most of you have understood the effect!
Now what’s happening is that We become more invasive; We’re going deeper inside each of you!
We want to have a Question-and-Answer today – this is Our intention…
We want you to begin and clockwise We want to cover your personal concerns…
Also, We would like you to consider what it is you would like to get rid of, what you want to give away today… something about yourself: it could be an emotional state, a physical condition, an addiction

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We want to have fun!
The mind of the humans is too serious and tends to create trouble where it is not needed…
We have, certainly, raised the bet!
This means that it costs you more to participate because We become more invasive… We can get inside of you easier now…
Many of you welcome this; and you may as well! It’s positive after all… you wouldn’t be here if you thought it was something negative, would you?
What do you say?
 (…) Yes!
– So you don’t have to worryWe’re bringing you all on the plane with Us
And you know that a plane is not, only, an aeroplane; you can say a dimension is another plane, a different focus in life, a different way of looking at your lives…
Any time you’re concerned about something, you can ask yourself: ‘Can I see

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