Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


We keep the group small this time so that the Joy can move…
Any time there is an energy adjustment being made, each person becomes connected to the next…
Therefore, every time you are participating in one of Our groups or any other group – no matter what, energy moves from one to the other…
This is the nature of being human: you are not so closed up as you might imagine…
Even if you lock yourself in a room, alone, your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams connect you with others… you always have a choice with whom you wish to stay connected…
In other words, you are not obligated to stay close to anyone in your life besides your children, that is…
So parents try to get away from children – they don’t really succeed…
There is always something that is holding on, there is always a line that connects parent and child as long as there is birth through fornication…
If there comes the time when you are able to participate in procreation without sex, you will have a whole new platform from which to create…
This is what We would like to talk about this evening: Creation
what you are creating every day with your thoughts, with your emotions, memories, desires… 
what are those things you want to forget…
Everyone has something in their life that they want to forget…
And We will help you this evening to forget
There is an opportunity for a certain level of brainwashing this year…
It’s easier to release; and We can help you…
Keep a moment each of you about something you want to forget…
Remember what you would like to forget…
It’s not so difficult… perhaps it was a decision made in haste… some thoughtless words or actions, some affirmation that you made about yourself that no longer holds truth, that you realize has limited you…
We can break that…
 (K.) I feel responsible for everyone trying to help them but, of course, I can’t and I keep feeling…
 Guilt, that you do not, necessarily, deserve, to be happy with yourself…
 (K.) … feeling responsible for everyone…
 It’s part of being a teacher that you have taken on the responsibility of judging the others – whether they’re progressing as well as they should, whether they are making the most of their opportunities… all of these things…
Because you have the capacity to know, to see…
You, also, have the capacity to judge – although you don’t need to…
You don’t, necessarily, have to give your feedback to others…
You don’t have to tell them what you see, how you feel, what they are doing wrong, how they could do it better…
You can become one of the Jury!
During the courtroom the jury members do not speak, do they?
They, simply, listen and observe and wait for their opportunity to go behind doors and participate with the other members in order to come to some type of a decision…
You can put yourself into this situation whenever you find that you want to pass judgment or give the verdict… you can imagine a courtroom and see yourself as a juror, not the Judge!
This will help you to separate… also, to share responsibility…
Why are there 12 jurors?!
Why were there 12 gods?!
What is this number and what does it represent?
Or how can somebody blame the jury?! Why are there so many?!
 (K.) Why do I do this?
 Because you are in the fast lane for evolution… because you are a teacher and you can fall into that position easily, effortlessly, without thought…
 (K.) How?
 Use imagery: see a court case… a situation, a scene where you get to see the jurors: how they do not participate…
So when you feel you want to pass a judgment, step back…
Because you are a teacher, it doesn’t mean you are ‘the final say’…
When you are talking about evolution, nobody can really give a passing or failing grade to anyone except for them self… each person is responsible; We are not responsible…
So step out of the responsibility… you are one of 12 members… you don’t have to take the full responsibility for what happened, what is happening, what is not happening…
 Why were there 12 Apostles?!
 (…) I want to forget 2 things: a disaster I experienced when I was twenty years old, and an ex-lover and all the sadness I felt with his betrayal…
 Now these memories can become like motion pictures that you have seen, that impressed you deeply but didn’t, actually, happen to you…
You can, all, feel the challenge of connecting with yourself of the past e.g. when you were a child… you might have memories – but you don’t remember… or you don’t associate that child so much with who you are at the moment…
It was a part of life that seems to have been lived by some other portion of the self…
for you, this has to do with pride
It’s difficult for you to accept that these circumstances happened to you: that you didn’t really deserve to have such things happening to you…
This is how you can separate from them…
You can imagine that they happened to somebody else!
You might even give a different name to that person – If you have a memory or a dream, you can paint a different face on that past self that you were….
On the other hand, each time that you feel abandoned in a dream, you are, actually, gaining emotional strength…
 (…) But I wake up exhausted….
 And as you move the day through your life, even if you are feeling physically worn out, emotionally you are tougher…
You are less apt to become less sensitized or sensitive to others… and that movement, that transformation that occurs is, actually, strengthening for you… during that transformation you are turning it into yourself; it becomes you rather than you being affected by it…
This is what transformation is: you are transferring it to a strength rather than a weakness… you don’t, necessarily, become less sensitive; you become less sensitized by the others… or less reactive
See how it happens in the future…
 (M.) I’d like to forget this past year…
 Perhaps We could create some amnesia for you – you would like to skip last year… energetically speaking, this year is when you will find yourself closer to the ground… not confused…
We can unwind some of the confusion of last year but We can’t really erase the whole year…
If you’d like to do an exercise, you can do the spinning like the dervish…
This affect of spinning can dislodge memory… and then afterwards, you can choose to remember what you will…
If you do this every day, you will notice an alteration in the field of memory… you might remember past life information more quickly than present life information…
e.g. when you meet somebody, you might remember past lives immediately, and then know how to begin with that rather than just going on the initial surface reaction…
What else?
Is there something in your memory you would like to rearrange so that you can take a different information from the experience?
 (M.) Maybe the past relationship to release the guilt…
 And not feel guilt about choosing what is right for you rather than what’s right for somebody else…
You see, you are not in the courtroom like K. is… 
you like to please others – this is part of your permanent desire on this planet… you want to make sure everyone is satisfied with your contribution to them…
With this individual you witnessed that there really is no chance to play the same role that you have been playing… and you reach a point where you have to make a choice that satisfies yourself… this requires that you do a bit of redecorating: you are faced with the challenge to redefine who you are…
And accept that every human is selfish… or self-serving… self-centered
You can look at the interactions that you have and ask yourself: How am I serving myself here? Which parts of myself am I serving?
You can’t really save another person from them self
You can make space for them to save themselves… but you can’t save them…
If K. is the teacher, then you are the savior…
And neither one is really welcomed in the private sea of one’s inner sanctuary… They don’t want them there…
Because it’s private work: you have to do it yourself
This is why the greatest teachers, the greatest masters show an example!
Always one learns best by doing…
Human beings are like monkeys, you know…
it’s easier to imitate another person rather than to take instructions…
People keep in a distance those who teach or preach all the time…
Each person is on a journey towards their inner self; and they really want to be alone…
You want to share the journey, but when you reach the throne, the centre, you want to sit on it, you want to feel that you are responsible for yourself…
You did it!
You don’t want to get off your throne and bow down a teacher or a savior or somebody else… you know you are sitting on the throne of goodness anyway…
That God created the throne… that there is space for you…
If you make another person your savior, your teacher, then, you don’t feel worthy to sit on your own centre… and this is another selfish aspect of humanity… 
And it’s necessary; not negative… it’s positive…
 (E.)  I want to forget many things…
 We are playing a trick on you people… We make you remember what you want to forget…
 (E.) It’s a long journey and…
 And you are feeling better and better…
 (E.) I have forgiven people, myself too… I’m trying to help a friend who is nagging at me…
 She’s mirroring you; you behave like that sometimes; why not tell her directly: I’m not your savior…
 (E.) Actually, I want to come to an understanding of my mistakes and, really, forgive those I’m saying I have forgiven…
 It requires that you set them free… 
you don’t hold them responsible – even for their behavior…
You just throw them into the sea of humanity – and forgive them ‘for they know not what they do’ if you keep identifying the person who upset you, who used you, who abused you, you are giving them power…
If you can just blur their image, and see that they are just other human beings, sometimes desperately, trying to find their own centre so that they used you in their desperation to reach home – home being their own centre, then you can disengage energetically with them…
The most difficult thing about forgiving another is that you hold very tight on their own identity  you keep a very clear memory of what they did wrong, how they did it instead of blurring that picture…
Does it really matter who is calling you?
It’s just somebody who is caught into your game of ‘I can save your life’…
You can be strict with her anyway without going into the guilt…
When people are emotionally too attached, they might guide people to go where they want them to go – not necessarily, where they want to go… being the guide-savior strokes the ego…
 (B.) What hurt me the most had to do with my mother…
 What didn’t you do for her?
 (B.) I could have taken her to stay with me instead of leaving her alone…
 The relations between mother and child are the strongest because these two were the humans that were connected, and had to be separated at birth… as a product of sexual union, this bond is never really broken…
What you are doing is forming a future position of knowing, you are going back and judging yourself for what you didn’t know – and this is what We will take off of you…
Forgive yourself because you couldn’t do any better at the moment…
This is what keeps people stuck together who aren’t mother-and-child, you know: going back to the past and judging themselves for how they behaved to that person at that particular moment… that they should have acted differently…
This is like creating this umbilical cord…
It’s important to understand that you are on a journey – and until you take a trip and get stuck out in the rain without an umbrella, you won’t think to get an umbrella before you go… you have to have the experience before you have the knowledge…
And your mother doesn’t hold anything against you, you know – her level of suffering was her own choice…
Each human being likes to suffer…
Until they wake up and choose a different experience of living…
 (E.) How do we forgive ourselves?
 The same way you forgive everybody else: don’t identify so much with it… Don’t wrap your identity so tight with the experience…
 (D.) I’m moving out of an old business but I have fear of a potential failure…
 While you are relaxing, D., remember different situations from that endeavor that bring up emotion inside you…
 (D.) I only have negative feelings from this…
 Release them…
you can imagine that you’re returning them to the sea of humanity…
Did you ever see a very busy street with hundreds of persons moving?
That is where you are going to pour them back… let the people step on them, on this negativity so that it’s transformed, it’s going into the earth…
It’s important for you also to visualize a new beginning… you can see a country road with the sun rising in the distance and you are walking towards the light…
These two exercises of the imagery can help you a great deal…
First, you give away those negative feelings you have and then you are alone in the country walking towards the sun…
Anyone can do this exercise, you know…
 (D.) I feel positive about the future…
 Very good idea to be positive…
Now We’d like to do a grounding meditation in closing…
All close your eyes and put your feet on the ground…
Think about what you would like to experience, a positive experience in the next month – whether it’s something emotional, physical… anything that you would like to have as an experience…
Focus on this as We unwind out of this…
And what We will be doing is removing any obstacles that you may have moving towards having that experience…