Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Nature ~ Nemesis ~ Rhamnous

13 August 2021

Ramnous, near the Temple of Nemesis

You might be able to feel that the future is rapidly approaching. Once the war starts, it continues. It doesn’t necessarily take a break and resume. So, the whole situation with the pandemic could represent a war. What is the war with? Nature. With the Earth itself. You could say that the Earth has gone to war with humanity. We avoid doomsday prophecies, we have been speaking about the Earth, the importance of recognizing, honoring, etc. We will say that it is the nemesis for the human nature that has created this battle that they face. Of course, it is not only with the virus but with the fire, the water, the air. It is not necessarily going to improve. You know what war is; you know what happens with war. There are battles and they continue until someone surrenders. How …

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New Year Reading with Delphinians

10 January 2020

New Year Reading with the Delphinians

We are here with you, with each of you. We ask you to find yourself in a receptive manner, to open yourself. Don’t be closed, closed legs, etc. For this is an energy transmission. You know that you don’t have to be in the same room with us for us to access your energy field. Although your minds are very active, our intentions are to shift you energetically. Now there is a lot of talk about DNA, viruses, vaccines, fear, future, past….The moment is now.  Now the atmosphere on the Planet Earth is more receptive or open for the activation of your accelerated energy fields. You are living in a dualistic environment, dualistic atmosphere. So, when something is going down, something else is going up. There is always going to be a balancing act in this dimension. Your individual responsibility is …

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2021 ~ New Year Online Reading with Delphinians

Greetings to each individual and to all parts of the mass!
Old friends and new!
We invite you to join us for an impromptu, live question and answer session with our channeled source DELPHINIANS.
We would like to explore the past, the present and our future as humans upon our beloved planet EARTH….or elsewhere…
Every question is relevant.

~ Following are all the practical information ~
The gathering will take place through Zoom, the link for computer or mobile is

You can join also through calling a land telephone
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdYp6uKpk8
Greece local calling number: 2311 180599 or 211 198 4488
Meeting ID: 812 2494 2974#
Passcode: 1010#
The meeting will be open 15 minutes before the actual gathering, please connect in advance so as to start on time.

Delphinians during the reading will open up for questions, you can unmute your microphone or send a …

Delphinians Talk about the Crisis in Humanity and our Relationship with Mother Earth

26 March 2020

We want the Delphinians to go a little deeper into this situation that we are dealing with as humanity.

As a family of humanity, you are dealing with a crisis.
You are dealing with a plague and ideally you are joining together in some way shape of form in order to improve your own personal consciousness.

What you are thinking, what you are feeling, how you are dealing.
There is a great tendency to isolate yourself, to fear others, to criticize others, to criticize your leaders…As you are in this dualistic world.

You can say black and white if you like.
All these aforementioned behaviors are in the black, are in the shadow and expand the shadow.
If you criticize another, if you criticize China, for instance, on how they dealt with the outbreak, you are feeding the shadows.

The Earth is one, it is one planet.…

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How to maintain harmony with siblings ?

How to maintain harmony with siblings ?

“Family’s are created so that each individual can work on harmony, peace, love, all of those things. You know that from the beginning the relationship between family members is based on love. This is why you come together, even if two siblings hate each other they really love each other, they just can’t see through the differences that exist. They can’t forgive.

  What happens with siblings..as a character you choose your parents because they mirror you . This means that every character shares similar characteristics with their parents. There is something that is very similar. As  a being you might accept some parts of yourself and you might reject others. This is what causes internal conflict within a character. That one characteristic denies another or in some way it is difficult to balance those  two parts of the self. Perhaps those two parts …

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Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side? Why do they acquire a bad reputation??   It makes me feel hopeless..

There is no hope for humanity. As a human you always have foibles. And the pilgrim who is looking for God wants to SEE God . If you are traveling and going someplace you have never been before, let’s say Rome.. you are driving on roads that you don’t know. How do you feel when you see a sign that says Rome with an arrow? Don’t you feel relieved? And you continue driving, you still don’t know where you are going and you see another sign with an arrow pointing to Rome. You may think ‘ did someone turn that sign, is this the right direction, did I take a wrong road? ‘ Until you see another sign that says Rome, Rome…100 K…and then you feel ‘ Yes , Yes!!’  And …

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Mudbaths, Krinides

Mudbaths, Krinides

20 July 2019

Mud baths, Krinides

Let’s begin, let’s hold hands. You know numbers are important but the small numbers are just as important as the big ones. One large group is not necessarily better than a small group. We are greeting each of you and welcoming you. You all know that the changes that are occurring on your planet are accelerating now. This gives each of you the opportunity to change yourselves, there is no better time than now to transform. You see all the transformations around you and many appear to be detrimental so this means you might choose something about yourselves that you would like to destroy, that is no longer serving you whether it is an emotion, a behavior, a relationship, thoughts…There is a cycle in everything. Often you cannot create unless you first destroy. Generally, on the planet there is a movement toward destruction, the …

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About the Tragedies at this moment in time upon the Earth (Personal Reading)

About the Tragedies at this moment in time upon the Earth (Personal Reading)

Question: About the Tragedies at this moment in time upon the Earth

“Tragedies cannot be avoided at this moment in time upon the Earth, as humanity is faced with the debt that it owes to this glorious planet. Each should show gratitude through  demonstration for what they receive from the great Mother as a method of avoiding her wrath. (For instance bless the food before eating!)

What one might do for those who have passed is PRAY. Ask the great father to forgive them their ‘sins’, their misjudgments, their ignorance when faced with such a giant force. Pray also for those who remain, empty handed , those who have lost loved ones and must now go forward.  

If one can walk through the devastated area apologizing to Earth, asking for her forgiveness, for her blessings and her assistance to free those energies that might linger, trapped. Imagine a light spiral

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Mud baths, Krinides

14 July 2018


Certainly we welcome each of you energetically. You are on the Earth so please put your bare feet on the Earth now as you have quite a magical situation here with the wetness and it is very good for your systems. Self-healing is a very important aspect of life. First it is very simple to recognize when your body is healing itself. You can watch it. If you cut or bruise yourself, you watch it transform. So it is very important to keep this in mind as you go through your lives. It is very important that you forgive yourselves if you do any damage to your physical bodies. If you have an accident, trip or fall, immediately begin the self- healing with forgiveness. The first necessity in loving the self is to forgive the self. Think about this last year, is there …

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JULY 14 and 15, 2018
Join The DELPHINIANS (channeled by Jayne Claire) as they lead you through a healing intensive at the LASPOLOUTRA (healing mud/clay baths) in LYDIA, GREECE.

Receive guidance and energetic support from the source as you heal old wounds, forgive past grievances and clear yourself from any bitterness, remorse and unhappiness .

Trust that the Earth is waiting with opened arms to assist you in your personal quest for healing.

Opening circle
10am: channeling session.
11:30am : mud bath
12:30-2:00 lunch
4:00 Lydia baptism

9:00 am visit to PHILLIPI
12:00- mud bath
1:30-3:00 lunch
Closing circle

For those who are interested we will be carrying on for the week of JULY 16-20 with Mud baths, Delphinians magic and surprises.

For the week 16th

Athens Healing Circle

Athens Healing Circle

16 December 2017


You know that you have a kind of a club here and that is a good thing. It is always important to share your path with other humans and with those that you love. Of course you all have felt love and you all know that love is something that you cannot really grab. Love is not something that you can keep. When you love another, sometimes you do not feel it. You might feel something else. That is not a bad thing. The journey of life is one of self-discovery and it is so important to identify all the parts of yourself, not to deny yourself. Not to choose a specific condition of being, but to allow the energy of the life, of the living, to pass through you. Many times on this so called spiritual life the pilgrim or the participant is encouraged only …

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Grounding Forgiveness and Jump into Joy! Philippi, Kavala

Grounding Forgiveness and Jump into Joy! Philippi, Kavala

30 July 2017


Very well. Everyone rub your hands together and throw it and then put your hands on the Great Mother. You know yesterday you gave a gift to the Earth by releasing from yourself something that is a burden. Guilt and bitterness make the energy field of the human form heavy and the Earth feels that. When you lighten up your own field you are giving the Earth a gift. You are taking a burden off of your mother. The Earth is very transformative and very transforming. You can do this exercise of release anytime you want, anywhere you want and this is how you do it. You lie on the Earth on your stomach, make sure your palms are flat on the Earth and your forehead and your will center (solar plexus). You make an affirmation, for example I will release this anger, I will release

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Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy, Mud baths, Krinides

Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy, Mud baths, Krinides

29 July 2017


Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy

Close your eyes and put your feet on the ground if you are not sitting on the ground, if you are sitting on the ground that is okay. You know we can talk and talk and talk but the job gets done regardless of what is said. First we want you to think about yourselves. Imagine that you are seeing yourself standing in the center of the circle and everybody is looking at you. You just imagine yourself in the center. See yourself, what are you doing over there? We go around and do some energy work on the forms while you just look at yourself there…Look at yourself and see how you are feeling in the center of that circle. What is happening to you? Do you feel uncomfortable? What is coming up? Are you smiling? Are you feeling …

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Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

4 December 2015

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki

You have managed to find a very sacred site within your city. Most churches are built on particular ley lines within the Earth. Maybe Christianity thought it could wipe out paganism, but it was following paganism. Christianity was built upon the celebration of life which was paganism. Perhaps the religious leaders thought the humans were having too much fun. They were too immersed in the sensual pleasures of life and they needed to believe in suffering. So they created the mythological stories of the suffering on the cross and they tried to instill guilt. You know that sometimes you can feel guilty about enjoying your life. Particularly, if you are well off during these times of economic crisis in your country, there might be an element of guilt when you choose to satisfy your desires thinking about your fellow man that is suffering. So what …

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Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

29 August 2015


Our interest is always energy moving, energetic connecting and Earth balancing so we will ask you all right away to stand and make a circle here. Stand in a circle. Most people take their problems to work with them; we are interested in taking your problems off of you today. Move close together. We want to walk around behind you, we are interested in energy moving and we want to touch you all. Close your eyes and let it all go to the Earth as you exhale.


Imagine two channels from the bottom of your feet going into the Mother Earth. This country belongs to you; the Earth here is welcoming for any of your stress. The Earth is always grateful to receive your gratitude. Do not forget. Do not put anything in your mouth before you thank the Mother, even a cigarette. Tobacco is …

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Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

19 July 2015


Let’s have a talk. You must realize by now that life is full of challenges and as a Greek citizen it is time to come together as one. It is time to remember the law of brotherhood. Each time you have a selfish thought “What about me? What is going to happen to me? What will I do? Me, me, me…” Pause for a moment, stop your thoughts, sit down on the Earth and say, “We shall unite.” This is the mantra we want you to all remember; even if you have no idea the why, how or what. Repeat, “We shall unite”. Go around the circle and say it “We shall unite.” We want you to believe it. There is power in numbers. You are in a difficult position as a nation, you must unite! What else can save you? Say it again and mean …

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Cape Sounio, Attica

You all know that Poseidon was, probably, your most fierce god – if you think he could not have beaten up his brother, Zeus, you are wrong… you know how the sea can wear away the earth… what can the earth do to the sea? Perhaps contain it, perhaps affect the currents, but control? Absolutely not!

Now, as you know, this god was the representative of the water… the first thing We want you all to do is to increase your intake of water, particularly, for the next two weeks – don’t drink the water from the tap unless you filter it… so you want the purest water you can find – if you live next to or near a natural spring, take the trip and carry some water back home, at least one liter more per day…

Not only do We connect you, energetically, with the Site, We introduce

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time

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Before the meditation
You all must understand that you are standing on Sacred Ground…
you know that those humans that have chosen to stay spend most of their time praying for you and the others – and this you should keep in mind when you are here… that there are others who are looking out for your connection with the Divine, they make it their life-mission to be the channel between the Divine and the humans below…
So you’ve come up here today…
you’ve come up to join them in their prayers… you are all Christians, are you not? Or were… so you might choose a prayer, one that you know by heart and begin to repeat it silently to yourself as you enter the home of those who pray; you pray – in this way, you connect with them… you, also, become a channel for the Divine allowing it

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Opening Ceremony
We’re greeting each one of you…
We will be working on your physical forms at the spring at Delphi…
When We finish here and when you leave, that will be your first stop before you go to the Site…
We’d like you to go to the Museum first, find something that catches your eye, that draws you in; you are going to become one with that relic – We will be clearing your forms before you go there to make it easier…
So you find something, you stand in front of it and you internalize that item: you bring it into your form, you put it in your mind with your imagination…
After that you will go to the Site and you will manifest that form on the Site…
If you’re lucky, you might find the place where that relic was discovered or where it stood…
Then you

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Thermopyles Springs

Before the give-away
It’s quite easy to greet each and everyone of you today and We won’t hold your for long…
You know you came to receive a gift from Delphi…
You’ve all been born – you’ve all received the gift of life from your mothers from that point, so you go to Delphi for new life You come here today to this healing water to give away your old lives… You might all imagine that you’re on a spiritual path; now you’re going to put your life on a spiritual path…  
Before you enter the water, you ask the water to receive you, you ask if you’re welcome… as you get into the water, you ask what it is you need to leave behind… you just keep asking until you get the answer… once you get the answer, you can focus on that… maybe it’s impatience, maybe

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Petra on Mt. Olympus

Greetings to each of you…
We understand that some of you have taken your anesthesia last night – alcohol is one of the early anesthetics so you might not witness the results or the effects of this Field…
you might be a close friend, so you have become accustomed to the Energy; the more recent is your contact, the more you might be affected by Our Operations… 
it’s important to accept that We do no harm – Protection is Our first step towards each and every one of you…
Of course, you might not have met yet the Essence of your god or goddess, but this is the intention you each should have: to reach the Essence – this is the Centre, this is the entity of the god or goddess that you want to access…
Now We want to open the floor so that you may deposit any blocks

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DELPHI (Opening)

Certainly, We greet each and every one of you, old friends and new…
You can always make an old friendship new if you close the circle and open a new one and this is what We intend to do here: to open a New Circle…
You know the importance of numbers of working together on a common purpose; the purpose for this Ceremony is to acknowledge Greece… Is there anyone here who’s not Greek?
 (…) A couple…
 Have you forgotten the power of your Land?!
Have you put it aside so that you could focus on the present crisis?! 
The human population is presently in a spiritual crisis… dogmatic systems are collapsing and when they collapse, they carry those who believe in their doctrines with them; you don’t want to go down, you want to go up and this is Our intention: to lift each of you up

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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Thessaloniki, Open

First, We’d like to greet Our hostess welcoming you once again, T.; you’ve never left this Circle…
We’d also want to welcome the old friends and the new…
We don’t have such great expectations because We understand that the minds are full of their own expectations
One reason that you’re involved in this chaos is to sort out your mind, to decide what really matters, what is controlling your thoughts – or how you can wrestle your thoughts away from Matter and bring them back into balance…
You might imagine that in other times there was an easier existence; some of you may have experienced easier existence, some of you might remember that when life was simpler, when there wasn’t so much technology and so much pressure to perform and compete…
So you know there’s a race going on: who will dominate this world, who will control

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You have a very significant role in this Project of securing Greece, in creating an energetic structure on and in this Land itself, security…
Those of you who are the closest to this Source eventually become part of the actual structuring – and there’s a number, there are more approaching… and as you prepare the next phase of Operation to bring other persons here, you have the intention to call the other pillars… for this is what you’re doing e.g. look at the Acropolis, how many pillars were needed to hold the structure solid and strong; you can imagine how many pillars are necessary, you can imagine yourself as a pillar… and if you have this idea when you begin the projection of consciousness, for this is what happens: you project your consciousness out to attract those others who have agreed to participate in the Resurrection of the Golden Days

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Lifetimes have a tendency to fold one over the other and become a volume like a book…
Of course, you have understood you had many lifetimes, as many as you could fit in one volume that you yourself could pick up and carry… for, once the volume becomes too heavy, then the essence or the entity or spirit, when the existences become too much, then the energy is splattered, not destroyed but broken and spread into many directions to begin again… seeds flying and growing into trees…
You’re on the verge of this, you’ve come to that point in your evolution of deciding ‘do you want to continue? Can you continue to carry such a heavy volume of lifetimes?
Today We intend to move very rapidly through many, many of your existences so that you can finish them up, chapters that you can close so that you can

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Always the personal evolution of any member, of any organization is significant in the movement of the whole; each expansion contributes to the whole – whatever organization that happens to be… whether it’s your personal organization of your different aspects of yourself…
As you grow emotionally, that growth contributes to your spirit…
As you grow spiritually, that growth contributes to your emotional body…
You see, nothing is isolated; no human is isolated from the mass…
Forgiveness is a necessity in every interaction that occurs between two – this is a very important step towards Unconditional Love or towards the Central Point…
And each time that one individual reaches that central point, they expand, there’s expansion at the point of the boundaries or the most distant point is where the expansion occurs…
Life is really about moving to the center and then moving out again, moving to the center again, moving

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Athens, Philopappou

It’s important that you understand and accept that as We grow and expand, so do you… 
We have absorbed a new Energy Field…
We have joined forces although those of you on the earth may have conflicts with each other, you may have emotional disagreement; this does not exist in Our realm…
We seek co-operation; We know the importance of cooperating with each other…
There’s no star war: We wouldn’t be where We are if We were interested in such behavior and activity…
For each of you, it’s important that you express your emotions, it’s almost impossible to reach a peaceful continent, a peaceful demeanor in life until you go through your emotional field…
We always encourage you to express how you feel…
You don’t have to destroy in that process, but sometimes it does happen and then you rebuild…
If you feel you have some type of incomplete emotions

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Of course, you understand that We’re always listening in on your conversations…
We’re always somehow accompanying each of you wherever you go… We don’t forget you now…
As things become more fine-tuned, We need to be grounded more often, We need more anchors… We need to be even more attentive as each of you let go of controlling the future, let go of worrying about it releasing their judging minds that ‘you aren’t good enough’…
Who else is better to do what you’re doing?
Whenever you question yourself, ask yourselves ‘who can get this close without getting burnt’ or ‘Who can do it better than you?’
Many persons have tried and fallen out of line… 
This is all for the strong and the courageous and a little bit about the desperate; all of you have felt desperation in your life at some point whether that

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As you move along understanding your own evolutionary process, you also have an opportunity to understand the prospective that We must take in viewing your existences, in recognizing the directions in which you’re approaching…
We’re unable to take you – any of you, out of your own creation!
You see, each person has the potential to become a realized god in their existence – this means that you have the creative power to design your own life… We can only impress you with certain ideas, with certain past performances; We can’t control you – any of you…
And if you suspect that We were pushing you in a certain direction, perhaps you can see that that was the direction you were moving in on your own; We only fortified your movement e.g. if you’re walking, We brought along the automobile so that you could move with more smoothness, more

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Understand that each of you carries this Energy with you!
Into the energy form We enter in the neck area… and through the solar plexus, the center of the will power, is the way to come in association with the physical bodies…
And you can communicate with Us in many ways, there is not an obstacle…
It’s ok when you think it’s your imagination; We like you to use your imagination anyway!
It’s an error, a fallacy for the human to think that they are alone!
Each of you live in a body of thoughts: your own thoughts and of those around you, the thoughts that you’ve had historically… also, the fantasies and the dreams that you have for the future!
Who wants to talk about dreams for the future?
 (K.) I want to be able to live in the moment freeing myself

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Life, like any other subject, is not completely understood until it’s over!
This means that many passages, illnesses, relations are not, fully, comprehended, digested until you finish the circle of life…
Some clouds obscure all of the sun, you know, all of the beings of the sun, all of the sunshine when others, partially, obscure the light…
This is why the theme of Acceptance and Forgiveness are so major for any evolving spirit! At some point there are no questions – you, simply, accept life, you, simply, accept the meal that is being served, eat what you like or what you choose and leave the rest without any comment or any discussion of ‘why we are eating this today’, ‘What are the ingredients’ etc…
This is for energetic adjustments: this is why We are present! 
Everything else We can discuss but We can’t, really, fix anything

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