Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle

If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle


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Delphinians on Relationships

Delphinians on Relationships

Different extracts from Personal Readings

It doesn’t matter how the other feels, if you keep your heart open loving another and losing expectation in every moment; then your open heart has an effect to open the heart of the other.  If you have an expectation of another, to love you back equally, to treat you a certain way, to have the same desire as you have…then you are closing your heart.  If you can realize and label your own expectations, this can help you to keep your own heart open.


Letting go

Letting go is the greatest lesson…very often these are the most challenging relationships for anyone who is experiencing them.  Many times within a married couple this is not an issue because they are aware that any some point one of them will die and this is something that is accepted and almost expected.  If two people have agreed …

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God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

7 July 2021 ~ (from Personal Reading)

More than ever, it is time to turn your attention to the Lord, to God. Every thought that you have, realize that God is listening, ok? You might say that now is the moment in time that the chosen are being chosen. You could say that God is paying more attention to the human beings during these moments of crisis than in the last few hundred years because it is the time for transformation. It is the time for the preparation for the New Earth and who is welcomed and who will be left behind. It has more to do with the train of thoughts than it does with almost anything else. We have said it before that no matter what happens in one’s life you are in control of what you think. What are your train of thoughts during the day? How …

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DELPHINIANS closing ceremony for Greece

Delphi Closing Ceremony

6 June 2021

Close your eyes and take some deep grounding breaths. Connect with the Mother Earth. Wherever we take this body, she will be connected to the Earth and you can connect with us through that root. Many of you know that we have been working here for years, particularly on this site, to open the wounds that were inflicted with the years on a sacred site. You doctors know that you open the wound and you clean it out. The first years were clearing out. And then after that healing of the wounds, you came here to connect with the ancient spirit that resides here.

Meditation exercise
Today if you choose to go onto the site, you are going to have it in your minds that you are connecting. That you are opening through the soles of your feet, palms of your hands, your heart, …

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New Year Reading with Delphinians

10 January 2020

New Year Reading with the Delphinians

We are here with you, with each of you. We ask you to find yourself in a receptive manner, to open yourself. Don’t be closed, closed legs, etc. For this is an energy transmission. You know that you don’t have to be in the same room with us for us to access your energy field. Although your minds are very active, our intentions are to shift you energetically. Now there is a lot of talk about DNA, viruses, vaccines, fear, future, past….The moment is now.  Now the atmosphere on the Planet Earth is more receptive or open for the activation of your accelerated energy fields. You are living in a dualistic environment, dualistic atmosphere. So, when something is going down, something else is going up. There is always going to be a balancing act in this dimension. Your individual responsibility is …

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2021 ~ New Year Online Reading with Delphinians

Greetings to each individual and to all parts of the mass!
Old friends and new!
We invite you to join us for an impromptu, live question and answer session with our channeled source DELPHINIANS.
We would like to explore the past, the present and our future as humans upon our beloved planet EARTH….or elsewhere…
Every question is relevant.

~ Following are all the practical information ~
The gathering will take place through Zoom, the link for computer or mobile is

You can join also through calling a land telephone
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdYp6uKpk8
Greece local calling number: 2311 180599 or 211 198 4488
Meeting ID: 812 2494 2974#
Passcode: 1010#
The meeting will be open 15 minutes before the actual gathering, please connect in advance so as to start on time.

Delphinians during the reading will open up for questions, you can unmute your microphone or send a …

Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

29 December 2020

The ending of this year is a time for gathering. Gather what is most important to you: what really matters, what is of value and what can be discarded. It can be physical, material things, it can be emotions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, desires…it is a time to really clear it out. To empty the self of the past, of whatever is not needed for the future because the future is rapidly approaching now. As you well know from your investigations, new energies are arriving on the Planet Earth. The Earth is entering into a new vibrational position in the solar system and this is one of the causes of the great disruption that is happening at the moment within your civilization. As you see that there is not one area …

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About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

30 August 2020

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

Truly it is a time to tune into a higher force or to tune into the depth of the love you feel for anyone or anything. Finally, love is the only answer. Always out of curiosity the child will get into some mischief and getting into mischief always brings the shadow side out. Should I lie or should I tell the truth about what I did…? It pushes out the self-exploration, the self-examination and that is what is important at the moment for everyone. Self-examination. Everything is on the surface at the moment; therefore it is easier. Even though life may appear to be more difficult, it is easier to know thyself. That is the yin yang of the circumstances at the moment. The duality of the experience. The more challenging on the outside, the more …

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Delphinians Reading for the New Generation

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Delphinians Talk about the Crisis in Humanity and our Relationship with Mother Earth

26 March 2020

We want the Delphinians to go a little deeper into this situation that we are dealing with as humanity.

As a family of humanity, you are dealing with a crisis.
You are dealing with a plague and ideally you are joining together in some way shape of form in order to improve your own personal consciousness.

What you are thinking, what you are feeling, how you are dealing.
There is a great tendency to isolate yourself, to fear others, to criticize others, to criticize your leaders…As you are in this dualistic world.

You can say black and white if you like.
All these aforementioned behaviors are in the black, are in the shadow and expand the shadow.
If you criticize another, if you criticize China, for instance, on how they dealt with the outbreak, you are feeding the shadows.

The Earth is one, it is one planet.…

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Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side? Why do they acquire a bad reputation??   It makes me feel hopeless..

There is no hope for humanity. As a human you always have foibles. And the pilgrim who is looking for God wants to SEE God . If you are traveling and going someplace you have never been before, let’s say Rome.. you are driving on roads that you don’t know. How do you feel when you see a sign that says Rome with an arrow? Don’t you feel relieved? And you continue driving, you still don’t know where you are going and you see another sign with an arrow pointing to Rome. You may think ‘ did someone turn that sign, is this the right direction, did I take a wrong road? ‘ Until you see another sign that says Rome, Rome…100 K…and then you feel ‘ Yes , Yes!!’  And …

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Mudbaths, Krinides

Mudbaths, Krinides

20 July 2019

Mud baths, Krinides

Let’s begin, let’s hold hands. You know numbers are important but the small numbers are just as important as the big ones. One large group is not necessarily better than a small group. We are greeting each of you and welcoming you. You all know that the changes that are occurring on your planet are accelerating now. This gives each of you the opportunity to change yourselves, there is no better time than now to transform. You see all the transformations around you and many appear to be detrimental so this means you might choose something about yourselves that you would like to destroy, that is no longer serving you whether it is an emotion, a behavior, a relationship, thoughts…There is a cycle in everything. Often you cannot create unless you first destroy. Generally, on the planet there is a movement toward destruction, the …

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Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis, Athens

30 March 2019

Acropolis, Athens

At least you do not have to run a marathon today. We brought you here to walk. Walking is a very grounding experience. Whether you realize it or not whatever you are thinking of as you are walking you are encouraging the energies of the Earth to support that manifestation. It is always important that you are attentive to your thoughts. There is no easier way to know yourself. The human form is an energy system and the thoughts are part of the operating mechanism. You must have all had the experience of the manifestation of a thought in a moment in order to realize that the thought comes before the action. Usually you do not move before you think about it “I am going to get up and walk around the acropolis.”

Meditation exercise

Today as you are walking we want you to get …

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Parents: Wish for your children

Parents: Wish for your children

Wish for your children

“Always in life there are happy moments and sad moments. Life is an educational process. Each persons life is full of everything, good  and bad, happy and sad, healthy and sick..there is not one life that is perfect. There’s not one life that completely stable, a straight line. As the heart rhythm  flows, up and down, that represents the life. Today you wake up and you feel fabulous, tomorrow you wake up and you feel depressed or low or sick. That’s the life and each day is valuable whether it is up or down. Each moment is valuable . This is the greatest  lesson that you can give to your children. No matter what is happening in your life make the best of it. Find out how you can grow from that experience whether it is good or bad. A good job, a bad job, a

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New definition of TWIN FLAME…

New definition of TWIN FLAME…

New definition of TWIN FLAME….

     “The whole bit about the twin flames and the soul mates is a romantic illusion about spirituality. Everybody is your twin flame you could say. As far as finding a life long partner, you may turn them into your twin flame.  Whoever you love completely and unconditionally becomes a twin flame.

   You are moving through life and when you share light… if you take two candles that are lit and you put them together they become a twin flame. So if you meet someone  and you fall in love with him or her and you work really hard on yourself to become more aware, to become more responsible for your contributions to the relationship and you don’t blame the other person for what goes wrong between you, you share the blame. WHEN YOU SHARE THE BLAME YOU SHARE THE FLAME. Then the flame will grow

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The Acropolis

The Acropolis


27 May 2018

The Acropolis


Usually when you have special forces it is a small group. As the crisis takes a more stable form in your country the people become more and more aggravated and greedier. Everyone is thinking of the same thing, their pocketbook, their cash; what they are spending, what they are taking. It is a rather desperate position to be in. They do not really believe in God anymore, let alone that you could come in contact with the goddess Athena. It seems like a fairy tale. That the Greek mythology is too far away to capture anymore but we say it is not. We say that the gods and goddess exist outside of you and inside of you and it is your responsibility to connect.


Opening meditation

What we want you to do at the moment is close your eyes and imagine that …

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Grounding Forgiveness and Jump into Joy! Philippi, Kavala

Grounding Forgiveness and Jump into Joy! Philippi, Kavala

30 July 2017


Very well. Everyone rub your hands together and throw it and then put your hands on the Great Mother. You know yesterday you gave a gift to the Earth by releasing from yourself something that is a burden. Guilt and bitterness make the energy field of the human form heavy and the Earth feels that. When you lighten up your own field you are giving the Earth a gift. You are taking a burden off of your mother. The Earth is very transformative and very transforming. You can do this exercise of release anytime you want, anywhere you want and this is how you do it. You lie on the Earth on your stomach, make sure your palms are flat on the Earth and your forehead and your will center (solar plexus). You make an affirmation, for example I will release this anger, I will release

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Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis, Crete

Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis, Crete

10 September 2016


Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis

Fortunately you have reincarnation. This is why it can become easier to accept the closure of the present life that you live. If you had to design a future life, what would you take with you? What would you leave behind? Would you take your technology? You always want to destroy it and leave it behind? You really have to think about it. The nature of the human is to evolve and to improve not to collapse. It is important as you age to expect to feel better; to expect to be more at peace with your life; to expect to be more satisfied with the life. There are systems that convince the human that aging is a decaying process. But it does not have to be that way.

Let’s say a little about this place here. This is a …

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Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

19 July 2015


Let’s have a talk. You must realize by now that life is full of challenges and as a Greek citizen it is time to come together as one. It is time to remember the law of brotherhood. Each time you have a selfish thought “What about me? What is going to happen to me? What will I do? Me, me, me…” Pause for a moment, stop your thoughts, sit down on the Earth and say, “We shall unite.” This is the mantra we want you to all remember; even if you have no idea the why, how or what. Repeat, “We shall unite”. Go around the circle and say it “We shall unite.” We want you to believe it. There is power in numbers. You are in a difficult position as a nation, you must unite! What else can save you? Say it again and mean …

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Laspoloutra ~ Healing Mud Baths in Krinides, Kavala


18 July 2015

Close your eyes for a moment. Settle yourselves, feet flat on the ground and your hands in an open receptive manner. We are greeting each and every one of you. The stress level in your country accelerates and this has the tendency of taking you off the Earth; destroying your centers. We want to work on your centers so that you feel better. Life is an experience of feeling and no matter what is happening if you are feeling okay then you really have nothing to worry about.

It is all about feelings. So we want you to just feel today, see what you are feeling.

Many times the thoughts are responsible for the feelings. Whatever the emotion consider what you have been thinking. If you can will yourself to become one with the source, one with God, you might find that you do not feel …

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20 June 2015


It might not have been a warm welcome but it was a cool welcome. We want you all to have a drink of water from the spring that is running over there after we finish here. What we were doing was clearing your energy fields so that you could receive this ceremony this morning. Each person is unique, each person carries their own history and this is what we will be working on today. When you find a nice quiet place we can gather and go into more details. Greetings to all.

A very good location because what is the goal of today? To go out of your mind, to complete the history of this life so you can go forward to a greater state of enlightenment. Each time a car passes by, send your consciousness to follow the car. Can you do that? Can you …

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Mt. Olympus ~ Mountain of the Gods

Mt. Olympus ~ Mountain of the Gods

9 May 2015

Mt. Olympus


Opening meditation

The first step is to put the water into your heads. Just listen to the water, get the sense of how it is moving, how it is running. Probably everyone has something inside their minds and first we want to empty that and you participate by opening your ears. Close your eyes.


Everyone likes to know that they are spiritual beings, today we want you to focus on being a human being because being a human being is what leads you to your spiritual presence whether or not you choose to go to church and pray or you go to the Buddhist temple and prostrate yourself or you do yoga. Whatever path you choose you are a human being walking that path.


Meditation exercise

So what we want you to do today as you are taking this short walk that …

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time

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Before the meditation
You all must understand that you are standing on Sacred Ground…
you know that those humans that have chosen to stay spend most of their time praying for you and the others – and this you should keep in mind when you are here… that there are others who are looking out for your connection with the Divine, they make it their life-mission to be the channel between the Divine and the humans below…
So you’ve come up here today…
you’ve come up to join them in their prayers… you are all Christians, are you not? Or were… so you might choose a prayer, one that you know by heart and begin to repeat it silently to yourself as you enter the home of those who pray; you pray – in this way, you connect with them… you, also, become a channel for the Divine allowing it

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Ancient Pella

A humble place indeed…
and no-matter what you’ve heard about Alexander, he was a humble man…
most humble people want the best for everyone, don’t they?
And that was his path, you might say…
he believed that he knew the right way… he believed that he could share it with the world – he almost succeeded
Before We give the instructions for today, We’d like to have an opportunity for any questions you have – and you can go around the circle…
We’d like to say something…
before you come to this Ceremonies, We suggest that you sit down one day and write down 5-10 questions – probably you’ll get the answers between when you write them and when you arrive, but by the time you get here, you’ll have a valid question to Us, a question not from the mind… you see, the exercise of

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We want to welcome this Circle as it grows…
there is Power in Numbers… any time two people put their heads together, they have doubled the power to create, doubled the power to destroy – watch how you argue with another… know that the earth is absorbing everything…
some years back the earth awakened from her slumber and started to participate in each of your energy fields; just as if sb moves into your home with you, they become part of your family, the earth became part of the family of your individual energy field…
each one of you is an electromagnetic field and you exchange energy with anyone with whom you communicate, any circumstance that you put yourselves in…  any experience that you have, you’re participating energetically, you’re affected…
now the earth is available to support you…
after all she’s been sustaining your life, hasn’t she? She’s

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Aptera, Chania (Crete)

(very poor recording)
Certainly We greet each and every one of you…
When you make a decision, when you put your will behind sth, you have an opportunity to receive inspiration…
maybe the biggest difficulty for the human beings is that they think too much – you try to solve problems with your mind and you often create obstacles for solution when you need inspiration…
it is a very good idea to use an affirmation ‘I’m open for inspiration, I’m now ready for inspiration’ and then you put your will to open further those channels to be inspired… you all know what inspiration means, you’ve all been inspired in your lives… if you think too much, you might sometimes toss yourselves out of following that inspiring idea…
it is very important to become more instinctual… if you have any pet, observe them, pay more attention to their instinctual nature…

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You have a very significant role in this Project of securing Greece, in creating an energetic structure on and in this Land itself, security…
Those of you who are the closest to this Source eventually become part of the actual structuring – and there’s a number, there are more approaching… and as you prepare the next phase of Operation to bring other persons here, you have the intention to call the other pillars… for this is what you’re doing e.g. look at the Acropolis, how many pillars were needed to hold the structure solid and strong; you can imagine how many pillars are necessary, you can imagine yourself as a pillar… and if you have this idea when you begin the projection of consciousness, for this is what happens: you project your consciousness out to attract those others who have agreed to participate in the Resurrection of the Golden Days

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Each person, each individual becomes very attached to themselves during life, they become identified with themselves…
When you know yourself completely, you can live in the moment, you can be present, inspired in every moment… and this is Enlightenment: when you know you’re bigger than your personality, than your identity, you’re no longer limited by your experiences… you learn and you keep moving energetically and this is about Consciousness, it’s not even about Spirituality…
Spirituality is a method of identifying Expansion of Consciousness
Religion has the tendency and the responsibility to limit this expansion of consciousness, to put a limit to it… you have a plant; in order to grow, you put it in a pot that co-operates with the size of the plant… once the plant is too big, you give it a bigger pot and you use the smaller pot for another plant…
So all systems

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From Our perspective, from Our perch, everything is going along smoothly, everything is taking its rightful course… you might imagine that the three of you – and there are a number of others who are involved,  met at a certain point, sent off in different directions with the intention to return to that meeting place…
So each of you is moving independently of the others, of course, with the energetic support from this Force, with the intention to join together at some point in time in space… and you’ve all been hesitating early on in your journeys, you’ve all stumbled many times, you’ve all stopped even but now each is moving along…
There’s very seldom any hesitation any longer in anybody – particularly those main persons to change, to alter, to move in a different direction or to embrace a companion, temporarily, to support the movement…
This is all about

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Samothraki Island

At the Temple in Samothraki
You come here so that the New System can express itself…
You see, there’s an underground networking of Energy Fields between the islands… and there was an agreement between this particular Site and the area in Ios, Santorini, Delos – all connected…
There was a type of movement within the Civilization of the Matriarch that you completed at the end of the life…
Of course, the travel wasn’t so frequent or without delay and the stay was much longer: years were spent in specific places in order to educate those who were, let’s call it, ‘the ruling class’…
Although it wasn’t a system with blood  it was a system designed on who deserved to rule so that throughout the educational process, the participants were evaluated and it was decided in which capacity within society or within the governing body,

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