Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy, Mud baths, Krinides

Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy, Mud baths, Krinides

29 July 2017


Grounding forgiveness and Jump into Joy

Close your eyes and put your feet on the ground if you are not sitting on the ground, if you are sitting on the ground that is okay. You know we can talk and talk and talk but the job gets done regardless of what is said. First we want you to think about yourselves. Imagine that you are seeing yourself standing in the center of the circle and everybody is looking at you. You just imagine yourself in the center. See yourself, what are you doing over there? We go around and do some energy work on the forms while you just look at yourself there…Look at yourself and see how you are feeling in the center of that circle. What is happening to you? Do you feel uncomfortable? What is coming up? Are you smiling? Are you feeling self conscious? Everyone is looking at you…Don’t let your mind wander, see yourself there.

Okay, open your eyes and again see yourself in the middle. What is happening now after all this time? What happened?

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