Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


The physical form itself is being altered, is being reformed…
Your child belongs to the new humans arriving to the earth who have adapted to the shifting vibration that’s occurring as a result of the transformation of the earth herself…
All of this may sound far out but you can take it and make use of it… the royalty must accept everything that’s happening in their kingdom if they want to continue to rule
 (F.) I’d like to ask about my relationship with my wife – I fear we’re becoming parents only…
 Families and marriage are institutions and thus crumpling… institutions are finding it difficult to strengthen those pillars to hold up the ceiling…
A general advice: it’s always a better choice to agree to be parents than it is to agree to be husband and wife at this point of the evolution of the human…

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If you can see that humans are beginning to scare like rats – and you know that most humans are afraid of rats…
Do you have any idea how afraid rats are of the humans?
It’s a type of mirroring that’s occurring these days and it’s the time to pay the piper as the saying goes…
Just as you see an acceleration within institutions of destruction – there’s an acceleration of a destructive force within all institutions
We’ve been talking about this for many years and now it’s happening in this country… there’s a general attitude of ‘I don’t know’ because when something collapses from the inside, it’s difficult to find the source of destruction, to know where the origin of the fate of humanity is …
To say that these are troubling times would be an understatement but most people don’t want to hear about it, they

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