Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


Each person feels the pressure…
Each person is responsible for choosing to be here at this moment, this position on the Globe… some of you have come from a long distance to be here; some from a shorter
You can’t blame anyone else…
The Earth is pressing from below now… the last years, all of these, so-called, energies available coming down to the earth, entering the earth have managed to assist the earth in her own evolution…
Now if you can imagine that you have a head full of lice, what do you do?
You try to get rid of it…
you poison it actually… you poison your own head in order to kill off the eggs; actually, to kill the bugs and then you have to pick the eggs off…
Has anyone ever had lice?
Do you remember how challenging it was to get them off?!  
The Earth makes no apologies to humanity; she doesn’t need to apologize, she has her work cut out for her…
How many people have known somebody who’s got cancer, who had some part of the body cut out and they, still, live…   
How does the earth work?      
First, with the elements
She uses the power that she has: Fire, Water, Air        
You don’t know that the Earth can poison herself in order to send out a message…
Where do you get your fossil fuels from?
The Mother Earth…  
Be careful! That’s all We can say… 
You can press Us…
Go ahead!
Ask direct questions; We won’t lie… We never lie anyway… this is serious; you all feel it one way or another… 
 (K.) Many times You’ve said you have plans for us… it’s so vague; could You elaborate? 
– We work through your forms, you see…
By agreeing to participate in this Project, you have surrendered your bodies for energetic adjustments; and, also, so We can use your forms to work through your energy fields with the earth…
The benefits are many…
There’s a great acceleration of spiritual evolution: you don’t need to sit and meditate for ten thousand hours… it’s greatly reduced by your association with this Energy Field… 
 (K.) How does this affect our everyday reality?
What would be the difference if we didn’t join it? 
– It has more of an effect on you when you die, when you go to the next dimension
when you move through this life, you will understand the benefits… you might not understand them… 
 (K.) Sometimes I feel I’m part of a plot or something, and I don’t like that feeling… 
– You’re part of a plot to what? 
 (K.) I don’t know… 
 To heal the earth: that’s the plot
That’s Our karma, you can say, this is a karmic experience for Us… 
We’ve been on the earth and We have no responsibility to adopt a physical form to be on the earth… We’re grateful for the experience of interacting with the earth elements having those physical forms that We’ve had…
Most, many of them have been in Greece…
We have a Council of popular figures in Ancient Greece – this is who the Delphinians are, if you want to know…
you can name them if you like and We can say yes or no
Of course, the association with Delphi is major: Apollo
those Greek gods had an actual association with flesh, you know… not exactly as you are involved with your flesh – more of a movement from one dimension to the other
This is why they were called godsthey weren’t entrapped in the material realm; they weren’t entrapped in the life-death cycling 
 (K.) They could move through… 
– Yes… and this is how they got the title godssometimes they were human as they could adopt the human form… 
 (K.) Why did they decide to come here in this way? Where did they come from? 
– From the Origin… 
 (R.) What Origin? 
– God then… from the One
It was an experiment, it was another experiment, you see…
you can see you’re having an experiment as R. in Greece on the 21st century: this is your own personal project-experiment… 
 (R.) Exactly how I see it…
but who has organized the whole experiment of earth? 
 It’s a collaboration of, first, the earth...        
You must realize the simplicity of the experience, particularly your experience with this Energy Field…
How many times have We spoken about grounding, connecting with the earth?
So often and it’s forgotten; it’s one of the most important things that you can do every day consciously with your intention…
There are many ways to ground yourself:
you can jump up and down…
you can do the exercise of grounding yourself with your imagination… imagery… the gold cord into the earth…
sitting under a tree consciously…
Second thing: Gratefulness
Find an excuse to thank the earth everyday…
You see, without the earth, you cannot be human
your body is from the earth after all – simple…
Now We have grown too big to have the earth form: this is why We’re engaged in this Operation called channeling… We want to have contact with the earth…
You are part of this conspiracy; a conspiracy to heal yourself… that’s the first thing: to heal the earth so that you can continue to incarnate...
so you lend your human form to a Source that has the intention to assist the earth – We work directly with the earth now…
 (K.) Have we made this agreement before life?
– Of course… or you can ask ‘is this the reason why my entity made it without my awareness’?  
You know you were drawn in this direction…
and you know that after you had your first experience, you had a choice to get out too… you can get out, there’s no obligation…
There never has been…
few of you do have an obligation...
You do, N., you know it… you had a contact before you even met this Channel… 
 (N.) I did?! 
– Yes… why did you come to this country anyway? 
 (N.) Following the wind of life, I guess… surfing on the Cosmos… 
– You had no choice… 
 (N.) I feel I have… 
– You had to find your ground over in that New Land first…
 (N.) I want to ask very down-to-earth questions… 
– Go on! 
 (N.) It is a known fact that since 1913 and 1920 investing in gold was a very bad investment; it was widely believed that the gold prices have been manipulated by certain few in order to fuel the monetary system and crediting debt… 
my question is why You a year ago advised one member of our meeting to invest in gold… 
– It was a personal question… they asked what the best investment is or what is the most secure… 
 (N.) Why would You say this? 
– What you’re describing is the pollution that We discussed in the introduction…
Gold comes from the earth…
the earth herself has polluted the minds of those greedy humans to gather as much as they can…
you might take a next step into exploring the gold rush, what has happened… 
 (N.) Are You talking about the old rush or the one happening now? 
– What’s the difference?! 
 (N.) There is no difference; that’s what I’m talking about…
and if we go back in time… is the economic system that we know of, actually, collapsing or are we, already, into the next Big Oppression? 
– How many people have been feeling depressed or have been through a depression over the last year?
Anyone in this room?
If you have a choice to hold on paper money, land or gold, what would you choose? 
 (N.) Gold! 
– Why? 
Because it’s valueless, you can’t, really, put a price on it…
Now the economical system will try to put a price on it: ‘buy-and-sell, buy-and-sell’… if you have gold, don’t sell it; it will be worth more because the system of currency is going into the darkness, going through a tunnel… 
 (N.) How long will we be in a tunnel? 
– You’re not in the tunnel; the currency is… 
 (N.) Ok, how long will the currency be in a tunnel? 
– This is something that is unknown… 
 (N.) Are there reasons that we, living in Athens, should be concerned within the next six months to one year – and if it’s two years, please do Tell us – that things will be difficult with money? 
– It already is… it’s getting worse… 
 (N.) Well no-one is talking about it… 
– Everyone is talking about it… 
 (R.) Is there something we can do working on a personal level that could bring us money although there’s a crisis? 
– There are always people who get a lot of money in crisis but what do they get in the end?!
Why not ask: ‘why is this happening anyway?’
The earth is moving towards a shifting of the poles, energetically…
The scientists are talking about this; and it’s the truth… 
the earth is a living organism; she’s affected, electromagnetically, from the other planets in the solar system, she’s not alone, is she?!
Now you all know there’s a great imbalance on this earth; that some persons have not even seen money…
and don’t even know what money is…
They’re, still, living on the earth…
Are they better-off or worse-off?
You don’t know… you don’t know how they’ve been affected by those who are chasing after the money…    
Each of you knows, personally, that to choose something only for monetary game is contributing to the imbalance so if you choose something just to gain financial reward… 
in other words, if it’s not something from your heart, you will run into problems somewhere, something will come on your path to turn your sight in another direction…
When you agree to co-operate with your, so-called, spiritual purpose of existing, the first is balance
It’s about balance, it’s about being balanced on the earth, being balanced with the earth…
You do that with Gratitude, of course: being gracious with what you receive, being conscious of what you’re consuming, always…
when you have food in front of you to acknowledge the co-operation that has gone into that…
We’ve been talking about this from the beginning: why are all the dogmatic systems beginning to break down from the inside out?
You might say that the monetary system, the stock market, all of this, isn’t it dogma surrounding money or surrounding currency?
What is valuable etc…
It’s another dogmatic system, isn’t it? What is the value of money?! 
 (R.) Doesn’t it all come down to power
– If you have a purely materialistic focus in your life, then you might have this balance between wealth and power
Once you turn your sights towards more spirit or more essence of being, then you might come to a different dimension of being: Life and Death…
What’s more valuable than money?
 (K.) Yes, but not in the reality we live in… 
– Why not in the reality? Even more so in the reality that you’re living… 
 (K.) The practicality of life…
– That’s what We’re talking about, too…
Would you rather be unaware with five thousand euros in your pocket on the train and get robbed or aware and have fifty euros in your pocket and not get robbed?! Because you feel the vibration… 
 (K) I prefer to be aware and have the five thousand euros… and travel and have experiences and do whatever I feel like doing… 
– Surely when you’re aware, you want fewer things, but still… 
 (R.) Why can’t we have both material and spirit
– It depends on who you’re comparing yourself to… 
 (K.) I don’t want to compare myself to anyone, but right now I’m facing real difficulties with money and I would like to have money issues solved and all the worries about bills leave me with no energy to become more aware, more accelerated spiritually… 
– What’s the solution? Who has the solution here? 
 (K.) The word trust comes into my head… 
– You’re expressing a desire to be without challenge, without stress… 
 (K.) Are there other challenges apart from this? 
– Yes… if you had more, you might worry more about what you have to lose…
If you have so much, you might worry about so many persons who have nothing… and maybe you had a lot of guilt about having an excess
One law: Nothing will change until you accept where you are at the moment…
Unfortunately We’re not a production company that We can secure your physical needs; We can only secure the evolution of your spirit…
This means that when you decide to go to the next dimension, when you close this life and you die, you will get your bonus from associating with this Field… 
 (N.) Is it true that people who owe money to the banks are in a really bad situation? 
– First, the banks are in a really bad situation so who are they going to press down on?! 
 (N.) Exactly! Who’s going to get the hot potato: it’s us
– Who’s sitting on the top? 
 (N.) Well, that’s a good question… Exxon, world banks… 
– And who gets the pressure? And how do they depressurize themselves?
By pushing it on those who are under…
it’s like a family: when the parents have problems, it’s the children who suffer… 
 (N.) So are those of us who are indebted to the bank right now in a very precarious situation? 
– Don’t you feel that way?! 
 (N.) Yes, extremely… 
– What do you have to lose? 
 (K.) If we see it like that, we have nothing to lose… 
– If you die today, are you going to be worried about what? 
 (N.) I’m worried about my personal freedom because if all these things are happening and we lose all we have or owe to the bank, then we are slaves… 
– You see by buying into the system, you’re exchanging your freedom, you’re depending on the system…
We’re not here to gather…
We haven’t told you ‘give Us all of your valuables and We’ll take care of you’, have We? 
 (N.) I can’t imagine now with everything that’s happening, how anyone can work on a Delphi Project when God knows what’s going to happen now? 
 (R.) We’re all slaves to the system… 
– Now you’re aware of it… maybe you weren’t aware of it, you didn’t want to know…
There are some warnings, let’s say, on those packets of cigarettes, right?
Do you read them? You know what the risk is… 
 (N.) The banking system is different as we were raised in this type of society and I can’t believe how there are people so sinister as to construct all this… I’ve heard it but I could not believe it… 
– We’ve been giving information all along…
We have said that the dogmatic systems are collapsing from the inside out whether it’s a marriage, a church, the school systems, banking systems… it’s a dogma, is it not?
What is a Dogma?
You want this, you must give this!
You, N., are wise; and you have the means to transform… you will have the opportunity to evaluate your own system of balance… do you feel balanced with the material world, let’s say, and the spiritual aspects of yourself? 
– (N.) For the first time in my life, I could say yes, but now I don’t know what is happening… 
– What do you want?!
Evaluate for yourself: what are you holding onto that would be better to release? Where are you holding yourself? How are you holding yourself? 
 (N.) …………… 
– We won’t take your power; you must understand…
We’re not in this game to gather power from the human, We give power… 
 (K.) Is the challenge for us to let go and totally be free from dogma and any material? 
 (N.) You can’t… if I want to sell this house, somebody has to buy it… 
 (R.) We have to choose for ourselves, it has to do with us, our choices… 
 (N.) I want to be close to my spirit, I love it, but… 
– Close to your essence exactly… you see, spirituality is not something to like; it’s something to live…
It’s not easy to surrender to spirit…
When you begin surrendering to spirit, you make little types of small demands, let’s say, or small expectations or small communications with the spirit…
But the spirit is very alive, very aware…
You might make a small request but the spirit will take a big step into your energy field, very big…
We’ve, also, always expressed that We protect you from your own spirit… 
 (K.) Does this mean letting go of every desire that we might have on the material? 
– In a way, yes… you see, this is a time of transformation…
This means that as a human you have the potential to transform your life into spirit… this means that in one life you can take the spiritual power of a thousand lives because the energy is moving so fast you have so many opportunities to evolve that you don’t even realize it…
Whether you have a little bit of money, a lot of money, a little bit of land, a lot of land, your opportunities for evolution are, basically, the same…
It’s a matter of the earth and heaven in earth – let’s use this word ‘heaven’ for the first time since We’ve been here… Heaven and earth now come into the
What do you need to take when you go to Heaven?  
What do you really want to take with you?
You can play games with yourself: what is so valuable? What have you become attached to? 
 (…) All the experience… 
– The experience…
Now this is a very opportunistic experience for those of you who are in the money market… maybe it seems easier to have a tsunami flood come in and take everything that you own…
And then you’re free; you don’t have to worry about paying the bank because you don’t have anything and the bank doesn’t have anything in it…
And you can die the life that you were living and you can start anew…  
Or you can have the fires… or air
What is money anyway? 
It doesn’t come from the earth…
Is it some type of earth element?
Or is it metal?
What types of machines make money? Are they metal? 
 (N.) Now the money is printed on the computer digitally…
– For you, N., you’re not attached; you’re trying to convince yourself that you are… you want to play the game, you like this, you want to struggle with this… 
 (N.) I’m not attached to money; it’s just that…
 (K.) Of course, we’re not attached to Matter; it’s just that our life, our relations would become easier – what are we doing wrong here? 
– You are attached to Matter: you’re attached to body… 
 (K.) Those who are attached to money have an easy life… 
– Every person is an individual…
Now this is a global experience… everyone is feeling pressed somehow… 
 (…) What will happen in 2012
– It will appear as a new beginning… 
 (…) Is it connected to catastrophes? 
– If you want to build a new building here, you have to knock this one down… 
 (K.) Will it be a smooth transition? 
– Do you feel like this is smooth?! 
 (R.) It’s not going to be the same for everyone, is it? 
– No… 
 (N.) How will it be in Greece? 
– There’s a necessity for the citizens of this country to appreciate what they have that doesn’t cost…
and We’ve said this so many times: appreciate what you have in abundance that costs very little…
And to have the attitude of gratefulness…
If a fire blows through this room right now, and half the people survived and the other half died, what is the first thing those who survived are going to feel?     
Gratefulness that you’re alive, correct?  
You’re going to feel for those who passed…
but you’ll feel grateful you’ve survived…
And then you’re going to get a wake-up call that you’re here for a reason, there’s a reason that you survived…
Why did you survive and the other person didn’t? Why is that?   
You see you go through right to the point…
Why is life so valuable anyway?
So you can evolve spiritually – that’s why… it sounds so ridiculously esoteric… 
 (N.) And never-ending… 
– It never ends… that’s right…
 You’re here today; next life you maybe starving… a starving child in Africa… or a rich oil-man…
and then you’ll be stressed about how much oil you can take out of the earth before you have to close the mine and how much money you make and how much money you lose… 
 (R.) Can You say more about this spiritual transformation You mentioned before? 
– Be more specific… what do you mean? 
 (R.) What can we do to contribute to this? 
– Honesty… Gratefulness… going over your own Pride… your own Self-pity… 
 (R.) Sometimes it’s difficult to be honest even if you try… 
– Then write it down…
Be honest with your own greed…
Find your greed! Know what you’re greedy for and enjoy it if you have it…  
We’re not saviors, you know… We’re not here to save the world to bring Love and Life and all this stuff… 
It’s wonderful, of course… 
But it’s a long path to have Unconditional Love…
It’s a long path to the Light
What is Light anyway?
This is your life; it’s passing day by day…
What are you focused on? What is your focus every day?
Do you have Balance between thinking, feeling, expressing and meditating? Each person…
Of course, there’s an economic crisis – you need to think about that…
But if you don’t put a balance in your own self, you cannot contribute to Balance manifesting on the outside – that’s the simple fact…
You are a crystal that has the power to reflect your center, your essence outward…
How are you maintaining that essence of yourselves?
Easy: Keep a balance between those four sides of the self; Emotional, Physical, Mental and the Spirit… 
 (K.) I had a vision the other day while awake: I was flying in the sky going through the clouds and a city appeared in front of me and I moved very quickly inside the city and I found myself a meditating woman who opened her eyes and in them I saw my life as a dream… I often have this feeling that one day I will wake up and say ‘this was only a dream’… 
– You’re tuning in your multi-dimensional self, you’re tuning into your entity, you’re coming into a contact with other members of your entity…
for, they’re, also, dreaming their own lives…
You just described, earlier in the session, a certain reality about wanting to be well-off and travel… you’re experiencing that in another personality…
So the entity, also, needs balance…
The entity might send a man over here to wilderness and a woman over here to the centre of New York City to have the same goal almost, some type of a spiritual desire or something scary inside both of them…
And the entity sends it to different directions as a type of balancing
also as a type of game to see where this is found: in the wealth or in the poverty, in the west or in the south, in the male or in the female
You understand it’s not only you…
You have a whole team working towards the same goal; you can tune into that team…
This is why the meditative practice of the balancing, the so-called spiritual… whether you’re praying, meditating or using some type of deep vibe relaxation…
Something to take your focus out of your head or off of your personality; your condition of your personality…
That’s what meditation is; there are so different techniques We don’t need to explain them… 
 (K.) This very nice woman woke up from her dream and talked about my life – the surroundings were very nice, with compassion about me and the life of people… 
– When you started thinking about that experience, did you consider that, possibly, this was a future life in the New Earth?! 
 (K.) Yes, I thought of that because it was me… the reality was so nice… 
– You took power from that experience: how to go deeper into yourself… you will be aware… it was death anyway…
The most valuable thing, from Our perspective, that you might hope for in your life is to die consciously, to be conscious… 
And this is what you’re describing: conscious dying
So instead of closing, you open…
instead of focusing on what you’re closing, you’re focusing on what you’re opening… 
 (K.) When I had this vision, and I’ve had several, I never asked for it consciously, it just happens so it seems to me that I have no power over it … 
– Because you would be controlling it; that’s why…
You had an idea of what it would be, what the vision is
In order to have a fulfilling experience of expansion of consciousness, the controlling mind must be relaxed…
These things happen when the mind is relaxing…
Also, don’t base your experience on another’s… you can’t compare this type of things…
Now if you say that some persons can manifest it at will, how do you think they’re doing it?
Look at Jesus Christ! 
What did He do? Who knows?
Everyone knows… come on… you all know this: He was fasting…   
And what does fasting do?
It, also, shifts the energies inside… 
What can you, willfully, do?
Alter something in your own constitution…   
What did Buddha do?
He sat under a tree until…
Have you done that? Have you tried that?
Who are you comparing yourself to?!
If you want to compare yourself, compare to one of the Great Masters…
Go to the mountain for forty days and don’t eat; drink water only…
And you will have visions!
Go sit under the tree for how many weeks without any stimulation…
You understand… 
 (K.) Yes… so, again, who’s controlling my visions?
– Nobody… it’s energy moving, it’s energy flowing…
In some way, you’re contributing to it; We’re contributing to it…  
You could say ‘your spirit’, if you like!
Who controls when you fall asleep?
Who controls when you get hungry?
Who controls your heartbeat?
You see the question is irrelevant after all…
When you have the experience, the best thing: be grateful, be thankful for it…
And then you may say ‘I’m available for this type of an experience’ when you feel you’re in that dimension…
Something else: Pay daily attention to your body…
The body is a creature and it needs to be treated with love… a loved pet…
Care for your own form… be nice to it….
We want you to go to the Central Energetic Source of the city – the Acropolis – to help to move energy from the center of that system throughout the city… 
 (N.) What’s going on in Athens?
J. and I were talking about it; she knew something was going down, she knew something big was happening… 
– You will see it; you’re witnessing it…
There’s a type of flow towards greed, consumption and distress…
And there’s too much energy going to that direction, too many minds are thinking the worst, too many persons are expecting the worst, too many people are feeling defeated…
Now if you have an army of soldiers: when they go into battle, if they have the attitude of defeat, is there any chance to win or to conquer?! Is there?! 
 (N.) No, but are You saying the Greeks, the Athenians are going to battle? 
– Yes! Don’t you feel it?! Don’t you feel that you’re in a battle with your itching side of yourself?! Is it not? 
 (N.) Yes…
– Now first, you go find a place in the Site…
and you can imagine gold, liquid gold coming out, filling your form… and you’re going to imagine, if you agree, of course, that your spine and then the blood circulation turns to liquid gold…
Stay there for twenty min to fill your own form… that’s it…
When you’re leaving the place, you will be imagining it’s flowing in front of you: this is the personal benefit that each of you receives…
It’s going out of you before you for as long as you like for the rest of your life… see a highway in gold ahead of you…
What We do is We connect you…
We will open a channel on the Rock and this is where you will draw from…
We create the receptivity in each of you here to go to that Site and receive…
This is Our role…
But We want to protect you as well from overdose: We won’t be keeping it open…
But maybe you can open it yourselves… you can come back and do it…
We never let you down…
We suggest that you appreciate the simplicity of this experience
At the same time, when you feel full, stop…
Each person is individual… and you might get full fast…
We greet you! 
 (…) Thank you very much!