Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


Of course, you’re all welcomed here…
Perhaps you know of your own history of participating in the rituals here, you know that nothing was really transferred mouth-to-ear during those initiation rides; it was energy transference
no drugs were used – they weren’t necessary…
this was a very sacred Site during the matriarchal society here in Greece; if Delphi was the Naval, this Site was the Heart
This is the Site where it all began and it all ended for the education of the citizens in the matriarchal civilizations… the education was, of course, geared towards enlightenment – this was the understood goal of incarnation… 
probably some of you have already figured that out, that that’s your goal in life… so in coming here, you can begin again and you can end whatever you want… so you have an intention of something you want on your path to Enlightenment – not a new car, and you have in your mind the intention of something you want to close in your life…
and We’ll give you a suggestion…
any addictions could be the first thing you’d like to discard here… of course, you’ll be making your deposits at the cave, the Site where they believed it was the entrance to the Underworld – We’ll open up a channel there that will, magnetically, take from you what you’d like to discard… Then you find another place on the Site – wherever you choose, to receive… at the same time, you will be initiated into the Mysteries… 
pay attention for the next 2 weeks because the Energy will continue to move… by moving the Force through this Form to your own when We touch you, you will be initiated… 
We just gave you the instructions about meditating again…
Any questions about those Mysteries?
– (…) Why were those particular gods celebrated here: Demeter, Pluto and Persephone?
– We’re connecting the matriarchal society with Ancient Greece because many of the creations in the Ancient Greece were influenced by that matriarch just like in this patriarchal existence god is seen as male – even in the Olympic gods, the Head God was male…
In the matriarchal period, God was a female – the Mother… and the Mother lost her daughter to the flesh, you might say… the myth of Demeter and Persephone was created based on the religion in the matriarchal period…
Even the Christian, Adam and Eve: Eve ate the fruit and took the whole system down… the daughter, Persephone, ate the fruit and had to go to the Underworld… 
the earth life – or the life with flesh, was considered ‘the Underworld’; the real world was in the sky
So the goal of life is Enlightenment (bells ringing in the area)… to rise above… the control of the lower chakras… 
of course, you have energy there, but you don’t allow ‘the driver of your chariot’ – yourself, to sit there; better sit in the heart
This Site is the heart… 
and you know that you can have many sick organs in your physical form, but if your heart is still beating, you live… 
Our intention is to bring the pulse back to this heart land… Also, when you go to the Hades over there, the cave, release any concern, anger, frustration, fear you have for your body, this country, Greece, and rise above… and wait for the spring to come again… 
Be hopeful; don’t allow them to catch you! 
Your responsibility is to pull everyone else up who’s around you; not to go under them…
– (…) How will we feel inside this initiation at this Site?
– You all know that each person walks on their own path… and each person has different needs… so each person will have their own unique experience; some of you may have nightmares, some may have more moments of illumination… it’s an individual experience… 
some may lose weight rapidly, some may put on weight… This has the potential to affect any and all of your form – this means not only your physical, but your mental, emotional as well… 
it’s very important that you choose what you need – you each have a choice what you really need, what you really want on your path and what you want to release; this will, in many ways, influence your experience in the next 2 weeks…
– (…) You mentioned that what we can release has to do both with us, individually, and our relationship with Greece, as well…
– Correct… you allow the Earth to transform these things… you must be part of the Phoenix and you must allow the rest to go out with the ash…
– (…) What would be useful to release concerning Greece apart from the fears?
– You don’t have to ask for the Land…
you see, this is a selfish spiritual exercise: just by coming here and participating, you’re revitalizing the heart of the land… it’s not a mindful thing… 
We’re asking you to use your mind to know what you need, personally, to put more light in your path… because by illuminating your own path, you illuminate others… 
We add that when you deposit, deposit also all the fear, if you have any… if you feel sadness, worry, fear for Greece, put it also into the land… you know that the heart directs all the flow in the body…
when We gather again is when We will be giving Our blessing… first, you have to ‘take a shower before you put on your clean clothes’
– (…) What was happening here in Ancient Greece and for what reason?
– The spirit was being revitalized… to realize that you are one with your spirit… that Life was not just a physical experience (bells ringing)… energy movement…
– (…) And why all this secretiveness?
– Because each person had their own experience… 
you know that if everyone is talking about their experiences, then jealousy and competitioncomparing come in – all this was avoided… there was a number of initiations, all geared towards pushing the individual towards the centre and push the personality out, lose your personality… and in so doing, you lose your attachment… the first thing that happens after death is that you lose your personality… you might remember it, but you’re not attached to it any more, you’re not thinking ‘I am this person who acts this way, looks this way, thinks this way, talks this way etc’, there’s a detachment that occurs… and this is what you may already have felt after Dion – if you were there, and you might feel it even more after this experience…
– (…) Is there a difference between Ascension and Enlightenment?
– You have to ascend to become enlightened… 
the ascension is that you’re moving with intention from the above of the solar plexus – the heart and above; that’s a simple definition for ascension…
a simple definition for enlightenment is awareness in every moment
 (…) So what’s the connection between darkness and light?
– There can be no darkness if there’s light… 
so if you lighten a dark place, then the darkness doesn’t exist so the light was shown on those places which the personality wished to keep in the shadows… 
so you left the ceremony knowing yourself a bit better – most people didn’t come just once, they came many times… about the god of Darkness, this is a bit of gossip, let’s say…
– (…) Is it possible that we have thoughts about death before or after this meeting?
– Certainly… death doesn’t exist, your body belongs to the earth… you’re just borrowing it just like a rental car: you’re driving it, it’s yours, you take care of it; some people take better care of rental cars than their own property…
Always take care of your physical form as if it is a temple – it is your temple… We’ve said that ‘it’s your gift that you give to your spirit’ so love it!
– (…) The Energy has said that the Ascension has already occurred; but then how can the lower chakras and the instincts be operating and blooming e.g. arrogance, lust, aggression, desire?
– We’ve said that ‘the channels have been opened’; We’re not responsible for you climbing the stairs, you have to climb yourself… We support your climbing, We protect your climbing, but each of you have free will: you can choose to go down the cellar or the basement if you like…
– (…) So ascension means that the upper chakras are opened and receiving
– Yes, those centers above your forms… We will be working exclusively on your heads today… don’t forget the importance of grounding – how many times did your parents have to tell you to brush your teeth? 
Now you do it without anybody telling you; We hope that you remember the same thing… stay grounded, you are on the earth… Be grateful!
– (…) How can we de-armor, break the solar plexus in a negative way?
– Awareness… be aware of what you’re willing
many people behave in a structured manner without knowing what their intention is; when you know your intention, then you can clear out your will center… if you have hidden intentions, you need to use your will power in an almost secretive way so you shield it, you don’t want others to see your true intention, you block your will…
if you’re moving from your heart, then the will is open but moving up from the heart first, upwards, not downwards…
– (…) Did I understand correctly that the meaning of life is reincarnation? Is this related to Hades and what we did here today?
– The meaning of life, why we come to life is to become one with the planet which sustains us all: why do We talk about the earth so much? You can’t embrace enlightenment if you don’t embrace the earth
Anything else? We’ll be back, you know…
– (…) Can we go to the cave many at once?
– Yes, it will actually strengthen the release of tension for your country if you go as a Group… 
Ok? Is everyone ready now? 
We’ll be over there and start passing through…
After the Release
We haven’t gone, We stay with you…
the actual physical contact was an opening and We continue to accompany you on your journey… you might say that We’ve invited you into Our world and it’s important for each individual to keep that in mind… 
you know that your minds exist within your consciousness so that the awareness of what the mind is thinking may originate from the consciousness, not from the mind itself…
so you begin a new journey today; this experience should open your heart a bit more as you align, energetically, with this heart centre…  
Any questions?
– (…) Could You comment on our connection with the Holy Spirit and what happened today here? (bells from a nearby church ringing)
– Better not to say anything, you know that…
when you speak about the Holy Spirit, you might be referring to the Energy of Christ and the Christ Energy does not need any language… 
you know yourself that when you say too much or if too much has already been said, better to use Silence – silence is more powerful than words… 
The Holy Spirit or the Power of the Christ Energy is a sensation, a being that comes into your form and helps to direct your thoughts, your actions, your emotions… you know that the Christ Energy is back on the earth but won’t be speaking
– (…) Can You give an example concerning awareness coming from the mind and the one coming from the consciousness?
– If you become conscious that an experience you’re having was created by your thoughts, then you got it e.g. if you’re thinking ‘I might trip’ and then you trip, then you’re there at that point… if you use an affirmation ‘My mind swims through my consciousness’, you can break the blocks to awareness… if you find that you’re thinking the same thoughts over and over again worrying about something and you use that affirmation, you can put an end to those thoughts, you can break the cycle of thoughts…
– (…) How will we understand what we gave away or asked to receive? In what form and when?
– We continue the effects of this Ceremony for approximately two weeks – this means that We work alongside of you… 
so if you ask for something e.g. patience, you can create some type of an altar in your home for that where you make offerings everyday for 2 weeks… if you have an altar already, you can place something on the altar that represents the desire or need that you have… every day when your shower, you can remove what you’ve taken off… 
As an individual, you take responsibility for what you did here today… only you know what you need and what you need to release; you don’t leave here and forget about it and expect Us to do all the work! You use your will, your intention, your prayers, your meditations to fortify this ceremony, to strengthen it… use your imagination, what you might do to actualize it e.g. if you ask for freedom from worrying about money, you might make a demonstration that you’re not worried: buy something you want, spend a little bit more on something rather than keep the mind always in the budget… 
if you ask to be more sensitive to the needs of others, take more time to listen to your partner or your friend or your mother or your sister or whatever… do you see how it works?
Many of you have participated directly in these Operations here in Ancient Greece… a couple of you were part of the… you basically lived here, you facilitated the Mysteries… 
and you might say that you’re motivated to bring others into greater self-awareness… rather than focusing on what’s going on around you in the next two weeks, focus on what’s going on inside of you, pay more attention; you might find that you’re craving a different kind of food, something that you didn’t like before… open up and try it, don’t resist the change that this initiation facilitated
– (…) You mentioned cleansing through shower; what is the spiritual power of water?
– It depends whether it’s a salt water or fresh water, on whether it’s moving or still… if it’s a waterfall fresh water that has those bubbles, then it’s very transforming water – it’s relating water and air
if you go to the hot springs, this has different qualities… generally you can say ‘all water is transforming’… 
before you drink water, if you put a thought or you can put a vibration of peace in it, if you first centre yourself in the will and then imagine that you’re putting peace in that water and then you drink it, it works…
water also has the power to carry vibration – unless it’s polluted and then there’s a great disturbance… 
you know your body is mostly water anyway… you can write books on the power of water; We can only say so much today…
– (…) I feel like writing again; Your advice?
– Is that what you asked for?
– (…) Yes…
– You shouldn’t talk about it, your personal ceremony today should remain secret… and don’t compare it with others, this will take the power out of it…
Now you have to go again and walk around and redo the meditation as punishment for speaking… don’t bleed from this area (throat)… you know if you cut those arteries, you lose your life fast… you can hug another person, you can shake your hands if you feel close to them, but don’t talk about what happened here today… We thought you’d have figured that out… if you didn’t go to a Greek school, then We forgive you, but if you did, you probably know this was a Mystery School… 
– (…) Is there some kind of food we shouldn’t consume?
– Genetically modified food… 
each person is an individual: choice… if you want to try a certain diet, try it and see how you feel… generally, each person should eat food that is grown close to them so that you’re closer to the earth…
– (…) Is it ok to talk to people about the ceremony we had here?
– This has to do with your own personal discernment… why would you tell them, what is your purpose of them knowing? 
Always ask yourself that before you reveal…
 (…) Would You like to say something about silence?
– ………………………………….. 
can you hear Us?!
– (…) Some people back in Thessaloniki would like to know about what happened here…
– Use your discernment, you know what to share and with whom… of course, they’re welcomed to know, they already know anyway…
– (…) I’d like to thank You because I was revealed the cause of bleeding energy…
– We don’t want any thanks… 
We want all of you to form a circle with the hands again as you already know – right down, left up and now you’re sharing the benefits with all the others who participated here… you support everyone else to relieve themselves of their burdens…
There is no competition on the spiritual path, there’s co-operationsometimes in order to co-operate with another, you no longer associate with them and that doesn’t mean that you have bad intentions for them… 
We ask you all to close your eyes and bring a Source of Healing to this particular Heart Centre… 
use your imagination: you can bring light, a waterfall, a heart beating strongly…
and We’re greeting each of you individually and energetically and We welcome you…