Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis, Athens

30 March 2019

Acropolis, Athens

At least you do not have to run a marathon today. We brought you here to walk. Walking is a very grounding experience. Whether you realize it or not whatever you are thinking of as you are walking you are encouraging the energies of the Earth to support that manifestation. It is always important that you are attentive to your thoughts. There is no easier way to know yourself. The human form is an energy system and the thoughts are part of the operating mechanism. You must have all had the experience of the manifestation of a thought in a moment in order to realize that the thought comes before the action. Usually you do not move before you think about it “I am going to get up and walk around the acropolis.”

Meditation exercise

Today as you are walking we want you to get …

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 2)

How many found themselves floating down the river last night in the dream? How many dreamt about the water?
Any dreams? Go on! We want to interpret the dreams first…
(Ef.) I dreamt I was somewhere with people I knew and others I didn’t and they were all white, also a dog – white as well…
– Didn’t you associate that with the light? Sometimes when the light is shining in the mirror, all you see is white… you were sharing the light that you gathered with some associates and loved ones – We want to say ‘patients’… so any time you are dealing with someone, if you don’t understand them, if they’re disturbing you, you can imagine that they’re turning white with light…
(M.) I found myself in an old, deserted house where a friend since childhood lived and he was using drugs – which

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DELPHI (Opening)

Certainly, We greet each and every one of you, old friends and new…
You can always make an old friendship new if you close the circle and open a new one and this is what We intend to do here: to open a New Circle…
You know the importance of numbers of working together on a common purpose; the purpose for this Ceremony is to acknowledge Greece… Is there anyone here who’s not Greek?
 (…) A couple…
 Have you forgotten the power of your Land?!
Have you put it aside so that you could focus on the present crisis?! 
The human population is presently in a spiritual crisis… dogmatic systems are collapsing and when they collapse, they carry those who believe in their doctrines with them; you don’t want to go down, you want to go up and this is Our intention: to lift each of you up

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Certainly you all know that the earth is rapidly transforming, she has her own design… just like each of you sometimes in your lives decide to take a new hairstyle or gain or lose weight, you change the style of your dress, the earth also has a style, also has a desire to evolve, to transform…

Each of you are lucky to be alive during this period because as the earth mother transforms, she offers you the opportunity to transform as well, to choose a new path, to change the way that you think, the way that you feel, to change your beliefs, to change your attitudes – anything that you like to change, you have the support of the earth…

There’s a great deal of receptivity in the earth now and this allows the Force of Spirit to meet with the earth and give even more support to those …

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Road Trip (Vouliagmeni Lake – Sounio – Delphi)

Vouliagmeni Lake, 12th March 2010

Always if you should enter the water, symbolically, if you don’t feel like putting your physical form in, you can do it with your imagination; it’s an opportunity to take even more strength from the earth, from the positioning of the earth… the earth is shifting and this is something that We’ve been expecting and waiting for, for many lines have fallen into place… the earth is always shifting: some co-ordinates are in better position now for aligning the human form with the earth… you see that you don’t have to make any extraordinary efforts in any direction; you only need to be receptive and available…  
Now as far as the structure goes, this area is for balancing the m and f aspects of the Self, of the soul, you might say… as you all know, you’ve had some lifetimes as male, some as female

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Very well to have an open position; don’t cross the legs… 
in this way you allow the energy to flow through your physical form… any time that a group forms, energy is flowing from one to another – you’ve all heard about the Oneness of all things, so you know you’re all connected…
when something is happening on the other side of the planet, if you are directly in line through the earth, you might have the same experience as a human who is opposite you… always when you are in a circle, any circle, examine the person who is directly opposite you and you will get some messages, something will reflect e.g. when sitting across somebody in the train…
 (R.) Two things I want to ask…
the first is about me: lately I’ve been experiencing some palpitations in my heart…
and the second about the crop circles in

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It is the time for increasing Joy and joyful experiences…
Those of you who are able to accompany Us here today will receive a gift: We have opened this Rock and there’s a vacancy within that has the power to absorb anything that you no longer need, that no longer serves you…
Of course, you’ve used the springs to make a giveaway, but as We have said before, here you can give away and receive
This is a place of balance in the city – one reason why We have been interested in protecting this area: this Site can secure the city in a way that nothing else can
Of course, We’re interested now in securing the new Museum because those items within are valuable for humanity
It is always positive to have a number of heirlooms in your family, some things that you don’t want

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As you move along understanding your own evolutionary process, you also have an opportunity to understand the prospective that We must take in viewing your existences, in recognizing the directions in which you’re approaching…
We’re unable to take you – any of you, out of your own creation!
You see, each person has the potential to become a realized god in their existence – this means that you have the creative power to design your own life… We can only impress you with certain ideas, with certain past performances; We can’t control you – any of you…
And if you suspect that We were pushing you in a certain direction, perhaps you can see that that was the direction you were moving in on your own; We only fortified your movement e.g. if you’re walking, We brought along the automobile so that you could move with more smoothness, more

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