Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


Each person, each individual becomes very attached to themselves during life, they become identified with themselves…
When you know yourself completely, you can live in the moment, you can be present, inspired in every moment… and this is Enlightenment: when you know you’re bigger than your personality, than your identity, you’re no longer limited by your experiences… you learn and you keep moving energetically and this is about Consciousness, it’s not even about Spirituality…
Spirituality is a method of identifying Expansion of Consciousness
Religion has the tendency and the responsibility to limit this expansion of consciousness, to put a limit to it… you have a plant; in order to grow, you put it in a pot that co-operates with the size of the plant… once the plant is too big, you give it a bigger pot and you use the smaller pot for another plant…
So all systems

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If you can see that humans are beginning to scare like rats – and you know that most humans are afraid of rats…
Do you have any idea how afraid rats are of the humans?
It’s a type of mirroring that’s occurring these days and it’s the time to pay the piper as the saying goes…
Just as you see an acceleration within institutions of destruction – there’s an acceleration of a destructive force within all institutions
We’ve been talking about this for many years and now it’s happening in this country… there’s a general attitude of ‘I don’t know’ because when something collapses from the inside, it’s difficult to find the source of destruction, to know where the origin of the fate of humanity is …
To say that these are troubling times would be an understatement but most people don’t want to hear about it, they

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We open a New Circle with those of you who are joining for the first time…
It’s important to understand that the energy moves from one person to the next; this happens naturally, always Energy is moving…
if you notice, you can recognize different flavors of energy
Whenever you come into alignment or contact or close to another person, you’re affected by their energy field; you can classify people in simple terms – whether they’re thoughtful or they’re putting their thoughts out or they’re pulling their thoughts in…
whether they’re dreamy
or whether they’re caught in a specific emotional plane e.g. if you get close to somebody who’s angry, you might start to feel anger or heat…
Also, increasing one’s sensitivity allows them to notice imbalances that exist in other energy fields or forms: you might come to recognize a physical disease or imbalance in others…
First and

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Understand that each of you carries this Energy with you!
Into the energy form We enter in the neck area… and through the solar plexus, the center of the will power, is the way to come in association with the physical bodies…
And you can communicate with Us in many ways, there is not an obstacle…
It’s ok when you think it’s your imagination; We like you to use your imagination anyway!
It’s an error, a fallacy for the human to think that they are alone!
Each of you live in a body of thoughts: your own thoughts and of those around you, the thoughts that you’ve had historically… also, the fantasies and the dreams that you have for the future!
Who wants to talk about dreams for the future?
 (K.) I want to be able to live in the moment freeing myself

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Life, like any other subject, is not completely understood until it’s over!
This means that many passages, illnesses, relations are not, fully, comprehended, digested until you finish the circle of life…
Some clouds obscure all of the sun, you know, all of the beings of the sun, all of the sunshine when others, partially, obscure the light…
This is why the theme of Acceptance and Forgiveness are so major for any evolving spirit! At some point there are no questions – you, simply, accept life, you, simply, accept the meal that is being served, eat what you like or what you choose and leave the rest without any comment or any discussion of ‘why we are eating this today’, ‘What are the ingredients’ etc…
This is for energetic adjustments: this is why We are present! 
Everything else We can discuss but We can’t, really, fix anything

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Now, you see and you feel the great acceleration that comes along with this Project; for this is a Project that We have been preparing beyond Space and time, beyond this dimension… 
this is not something simple, not something human and each of you who enters into the Inner Circle have your own commitments, your soul…

It’s your spirit that puts you here and you know this!
You as an individual felt it from the beginning: you knew what was coming and you’ve been waiting all your life, you’ve been preparing yourself; that’s why you chose this type of acceleration of spirit, that’s why you press yourself to get on top, to be the top of the class! You’ve, always, been the top of the class…

And you understand that if you are right under the spring, it’s your responsibility to build the dam along with the others, to know

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You see, Jayne brings the seriousness to this experience in order to prepare and protect each of you, individually… she is a big Mama and into coming to terms with that role, she becomes more open to express her concerns to each of you…
You know, it’s not something simple to be standing in front of this Force of Energy; most of you have understood the effect!
Now what’s happening is that We become more invasive; We’re going deeper inside each of you!
We want to have a Question-and-Answer today – this is Our intention…
We want you to begin and clockwise We want to cover your personal concerns…
Also, We would like you to consider what it is you would like to get rid of, what you want to give away today… something about yourself: it could be an emotional state, a physical condition, an addiction

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Certainly, We’re the ones causing, who are responsible for all the giggling around here because We do want to have fun with you human beings…
You take yourselves way too seriously!
Now, We want you to close your eyes and think about the most serious thing about your life this moment… take a moment to think about that!
Who has the most serious problem in the room? Seriously now!
We want you to raise your hands!
Jayne is raising her hand! Come on! Be honest with yourselves! Everyone thinks that their pattern, their project, their challenge is the most serious in the room! And it’s important that you feel that way: because you’ll never resolve a challenge if you don’t take it seriously, if you don’t believe it deserves your full attention! If you don’t give your challenge your full attention, then, you’re not serious about resolving it!

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We want to have fun!
The mind of the humans is too serious and tends to create trouble where it is not needed…
We have, certainly, raised the bet!
This means that it costs you more to participate because We become more invasive… We can get inside of you easier now…
Many of you welcome this; and you may as well! It’s positive after all… you wouldn’t be here if you thought it was something negative, would you?
What do you say?
 (…) Yes!
– So you don’t have to worryWe’re bringing you all on the plane with Us
And you know that a plane is not, only, an aeroplane; you can say a dimension is another plane, a different focus in life, a different way of looking at your lives…
Any time you’re concerned about something, you can ask yourself: ‘Can I see

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