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Personal Reading (About Transformation)
An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment
5 June 2020 ~ Lunar eclipse Day
During this transition for the human race it is very important to focus on the future. The past has got to be buried under all the old emotions. Anything that did not satisfy must be put behind you. If you are moving forward, you cannot really see behind you. When you are driving, you can use those mirrors but when you look in the mirror to look behind you, you are no longer looking forward so you just glance at the mirror. If you are driving a vehicle you are never looking completely into the rearview mirror unless you are backing up. If anyone has the tendency to dwell on the past, they are moving backwards energetically. There is a huge power pushing each of you …
“The last year I am concerned about time…
It is because you are in tune, in touch with the accelerating energies that are present. You are aware that things have sped up. What you can do to balance that, do you do any aerobic exercises? We suggest that the first thing you do is accelerate, whether you run or walk very quickly, you speed up. In order to balance this feeling that time is rushing by, because it is.
For everyone?
Yes, for humanity. It has to do with the shifting into a new age, into a new Earth, a new vibration. Think about physics for a moment, when you are at a finer frequency it moves faster. Think about music, the higher octaves have a higher frequency. This is what is impressing you, because you are impressed, you have an impression in your energy field. Your mind
Crete – Temple of Asclepius
11 September 2016
Crete – Temple of Asclepius
Just as you have hospitals, places of healing in the modern age, the ancients had temples for healing. Of course, you know that wherever there are: humans, communities, relationships, there is imbalance. At some point it manifests in the physical or psychological form. So, you take your sac and go over to the temple for a healing. Now here as you might have understood, they chose this place because of the water. The water was very clear and fresh and they knew the value of the water. By the taste they could determine if there was an opportunity for balancing oneself. It carries on today, although the water is not coming here but you can pick it up over there. Today when you walk back past you can take the water and throw it at yourself or Jayne can throw it at …
Vergina Archeological Site Ceremony
6 December 2015
Here you have a relatively balanced land as far as the feminine and masculine energies go. This is why it is a good place to take down the patriarch. What does that mean? Just step off the throne and allow the feminine consciousness to rise and take the place. No need for battle or arguments, it is always important between the man and the woman to understand that they are coming from different directions. They have crossed different territories to reach the same position so neither is necessarily right or wrong. Even if you are angry, frustrated with your partner, put that in your mind that you have come from different directions. Therefore what you know is right about the journey is probably not the same thing that he/she knows. So if you find yourself frustrated, angry bring in an element of curiosity as to how …
Vouliagmeni Lake, Attica
Lydia, Baptistery
you know We have Our ways of keeping contact with those of you who are deeply involved with this Operation… sometimes you may feel that nothing is moving, but always from the inside of yourself you move outwards… with every inward motion there’s an equal outward movement – this is the nature of travelling on a so called Spiritual Path…