Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Personal Reading (About Transformation)

Personal Reading (About Transformation)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

5 June 2020 ~ Lunar eclipse Day

During this transition for the human race it is very important to focus on the future. The past has got to be buried under all the old emotions. Anything that did not satisfy must be put behind you. If you are moving forward, you cannot really see behind you. When you are driving, you can use those mirrors but when you look in the mirror to look behind you, you are no longer looking forward so you just glance at the mirror. If you are driving a vehicle you are never looking completely into the rearview mirror unless you are backing up. If anyone has the tendency to dwell on the past, they are moving backwards energetically. There is a huge power pushing each of you …

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“The last year I am concerned about time…

It is because you are in tune, in touch with the accelerating energies that are present. You are aware that things have sped up. What you can do to balance that, do you do any aerobic exercises? We suggest that the first thing you do is accelerate, whether you run or walk very quickly, you speed up. In order to balance this feeling that time is rushing by, because it is.

For everyone?

Yes, for humanity. It has to do with the shifting into a new age, into a new Earth, a new vibration. Think about physics for a moment, when you are at a finer frequency it moves faster. Think about music, the higher octaves have a higher frequency. This is what is impressing you, because you are impressed, you have an impression in your energy field. Your mind

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Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

11 September 2016

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Just as you have hospitals, places of healing in the modern age, the ancients had temples for healing. Of course, you know that wherever there are: humans, communities, relationships, there is imbalance. At some point it manifests in the physical or psychological form. So, you take your sac and go over to the temple for a healing. Now here as you might have understood, they chose this place because of the water. The water was very clear and fresh and they knew the value of the water. By the taste they could determine if there was an opportunity for balancing oneself. It carries on today, although the water is not coming here but you can pick it up over there. Today when you walk back past you can take the water and throw it at yourself or Jayne can throw it at …

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Vergina Archeological Site Ceremony

Vergina Archeological Site Ceremony

6 December 2015


Here you have a relatively balanced land as far as the feminine and masculine energies go. This is why it is a good place to take down the patriarch. What does that mean? Just step off the throne and allow the feminine consciousness to rise and take the place. No need for battle or arguments, it is always important between the man and the woman to understand that they are coming from different directions. They have crossed different territories to reach the same position so neither is necessarily right or wrong. Even if you are angry, frustrated with your partner, put that in your mind that you have come from different directions. Therefore what you know is right about the journey is probably not the same thing that he/she knows. So if you find yourself frustrated, angry bring in an element of curiosity as to how …

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Vouliagmeni Lake, Attica

Of course, We are here, We are with you each and everyone… please sit in an open manner; don’t cross your arms or legs so that you may allow the energy to move without blocks…
If you want to protect yourself from a situation or the energy of another, you can cross your fingers in front of your solar plexus – thumbs as well… in this way you maintain your own field… you know with the left you receive and with the right you give – by creating this type of circuit, you move the energy inside of yourself or around your own centre…
So, say you are at a meeting and you feel yourself becoming a bit emotional about the exchange of information; if you, deliberately, close yourself like that, close your eyes for one moment and you will begin to return to your own center – that’s a

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We want to welcome this Circle as it grows…
there is Power in Numbers… any time two people put their heads together, they have doubled the power to create, doubled the power to destroy – watch how you argue with another… know that the earth is absorbing everything…
some years back the earth awakened from her slumber and started to participate in each of your energy fields; just as if sb moves into your home with you, they become part of your family, the earth became part of the family of your individual energy field…
each one of you is an electromagnetic field and you exchange energy with anyone with whom you communicate, any circumstance that you put yourselves in…  any experience that you have, you’re participating energetically, you’re affected…
now the earth is available to support you…
after all she’s been sustaining your life, hasn’t she? She’s

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Greetings to this Gathering…
very nice to see some new faces and very nice for some of you, Greeks, to visit some of the old places… you all know the history of Thermopyles and how many have given their lives here… what you might not know is what they received for that give-away
in order to be open to receive, you might consider giving sth away… even if you want to receive e.g. a new job, a new love, a new house, a new car, you can give sth you consider valuable to sb else, sb who you feel will value that gift… and you give it with the internal attitude ‘I’m giving this away so that I may receive this what I need, what I want’…  you don’t need to tell the other person; this is a conversation with the Universe so you’re talking

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Lydia, Baptistery

You know this is a very famous Site…
also, for the matriarchal society… this is where the children were born and this is where the elders came to die… it was honorable to die consciously… it was honorable to give birth consciously…many women gave birth in the running water… there was a great deal of activity here before Christianity came around the corner… now this place is honored as a Baptistery and we plan to baptize each of you into the energy of the New earth…
now this is sth you have to agree to… you can disagree if you like… because the transformative work in your physical forms will be accelerated… so take a few moments to consider those aches, those pains, those experiences you’ve been having in these last years and consider if you want to have that accelerated… we suggest you take approximately 5 min without talking

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Of course, We haven’t gone far from you… 
you know We have Our ways of keeping contact with those of you who are deeply involved with this Operation… sometimes you may feel that nothing is moving, but always from the inside of yourself you move outwards… with every inward motion there’s an equal outward movement – this is the nature of travelling on a so called Spiritual Path…
Those of you who have committed to Know Thyself are always receiving illumination, light and direction… times is necessary or Time is necessary to process the experiences that one passes through and sometimes it’s appropriate to rest, to relax and to take stock of the past deciding what you want in your future and then you begin moving again…
Certainly We greet you once again and We welcome you; what would you like to cover today?
 (D.) Thank you for

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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We’re never far away!
Our intention has always been to realign Ourselves with the earth in order to support her evolving self…
Now as participants in humanity, you are on the earth; you’re not, necessarily, a part of the earth…
We have encouraged you many times to realize that when the earth awakened, your fields rather than being four-part became five – the earth playing an equal partner with your spirit, with your emotions, with your physical form and, of course, with your intellect
This means that if you’re not utilizing the earth energies for your own benefit, you’re not playing the game for gain in the evolutionary process…
You know this is the most important game that one individual can attain or aspire to in order to gain wisdom, to gain expansion of consciousness – the rest is unimportant…
Of course, if you’re playing a game

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Athens, Philopappou

We always enjoy small gatherings…
Because with a small group, the individuals have the tendency to focus on themselves; if they’re many persons, there’s a great deal of distraction…
Now you know that Life is about Knowing Yourself, to fill in the blanks; and most often, you use other people to do this: you see your reflection on another and you find yourself…
Meditation is a method to go inside and find yourself; and that’s why it’s so difficult for most people: they don’t want to be alone
It’s important to accept that you are alone; unless, of course, you’re carrying another inside your womb – that’s the only time in life you’re truly not alone…
Now We’d like you all to close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you’re completely alone, that the earth belongs to you and you’re the only one here…

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Trip to Springs (Sidirokastro, Serres – Loutraki, Aridaia)

Sidirokastro Spring (morning)

This is an Operation that has been in preparation within all of your Fields – many more than even you would imagine… there are more than three of you (J., N., D.) who are involved in this; it’s a matter of time… 
as the necessity for service appears, the appropriate candidate will step up to battle…

There’s a Team that is being formed
Now you know that some come into service and have been retired, others have been called to service and have stepped back or avoided their responsibilities – but they’re all on the sidelines… they’re still in the audience; if they’re not actually on the playfield or sitting on the bench, they’re sitting on the benches watching and actually waiting for the call to come back…

J. has the responsibility of orchestrating the flow and she has been working on that for

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Each time that you, deliberately, ground yourselves here, you move the Energy deeper into the earth: this is why We’ve given the advice to ground yourselves at Delphi… and that advice stands for the rest of your lives…
We’ve given this advice to the four of you who were here for ‘the joining of the earth and the heavens’
We represent the heavenly bodies, as they’re called – whether you want to see angels or whatever anyone likes to imagine; it is valid according to their own dreams…
You might say that this life is a dream; so are your thoughts and your imaginings: they expand the dream
Whatever you want to believe about the so-called heavenly bodies – whether you even call them stars or representatives from the stars or the star system, all of it is acceptable from Our perspective…
Now each

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Athens, Philopappou

It’s important that you understand and accept that as We grow and expand, so do you… 
We have absorbed a new Energy Field…
We have joined forces although those of you on the earth may have conflicts with each other, you may have emotional disagreement; this does not exist in Our realm…
We seek co-operation; We know the importance of cooperating with each other…
There’s no star war: We wouldn’t be where We are if We were interested in such behavior and activity…
For each of you, it’s important that you express your emotions, it’s almost impossible to reach a peaceful continent, a peaceful demeanor in life until you go through your emotional field…
We always encourage you to express how you feel…
You don’t have to destroy in that process, but sometimes it does happen and then you rebuild…
If you feel you have some type of incomplete emotions

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Samothraki Island

At the Temple in Samothraki
You come here so that the New System can express itself…
You see, there’s an underground networking of Energy Fields between the islands… and there was an agreement between this particular Site and the area in Ios, Santorini, Delos – all connected…
There was a type of movement within the Civilization of the Matriarch that you completed at the end of the life…
Of course, the travel wasn’t so frequent or without delay and the stay was much longer: years were spent in specific places in order to educate those who were, let’s call it, ‘the ruling class’…
Although it wasn’t a system with blood  it was a system designed on who deserved to rule so that throughout the educational process, the participants were evaluated and it was decided in which capacity within society or within the governing body,

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Ios Island

Everything is moving as planned…
There’s a divine Design that’s being followed, intuitive and actualized by this Joining of Fields

First, We join the Earth…

Μany times you look at humanity…first, it’s the joining of the masculine and the feminine…
What is the next step? What happens next?

First comes Love… then comes Marriage… and then the baby…

And this new Energy Field that is in the embryonic phase will be representing that joining; before a soul can seek the parents, the feminine aspect of that parent must find the masculine aspect… and then the soul has the capability of choosing the Mother and Father – dynamics

Now this new Field has been working through Th.’s resourcefulness as a medium and becoming more and more anxious for Birth – there’s a level of anxiety within that Field and almost a bit of desperation for Actualization…

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You don’t, necessarily, need to know your destination in order to move…
You can trust that you are moving in the right direction even if you are unsure which way you’re going, who you’re traveling with, who will accompany you or who will be at the final destination when you reach that point…
Of course, you haven’t made any mistakes, you’re not in the wrong way…
This is very important association for you this lady, E.; she has something to offer you she’s not even aware, she only knows that she trusts you… she feels an affinity for your energy field and she likes you and she trusts you… you don’t have to prove anything to her, you don’t have to go out of your own way to please or satisfy her; there’s an expectation that she will satisfy you
And that expectation is from the Cosmos, from Us

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We open a New Circle with those of you who are joining for the first time…
It’s important to understand that the energy moves from one person to the next; this happens naturally, always Energy is moving…
if you notice, you can recognize different flavors of energy
Whenever you come into alignment or contact or close to another person, you’re affected by their energy field; you can classify people in simple terms – whether they’re thoughtful or they’re putting their thoughts out or they’re pulling their thoughts in…
whether they’re dreamy
or whether they’re caught in a specific emotional plane e.g. if you get close to somebody who’s angry, you might start to feel anger or heat…
Also, increasing one’s sensitivity allows them to notice imbalances that exist in other energy fields or forms: you might come to recognize a physical disease or imbalance in others…
First and

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Agistron Springs, Serres

Good Thursday
These waters help to erase the past, you could say…
help to rewind the energy of the participant… 
When you enter into the flow, into the moving waters, you’re participating in that movement, in that energy shift…
This indicates that you may unwind yourself from any programming that you have – whether this is physical, psychological, emotional…
If you have a condition that’s affecting the health, this can be eliminated if the focus is on eliminating the psychological cause of that imbalance or illness
If it is something terminal or something that has been deemed terminal or if it’s from birth, it’s much more difficult to remove…
The waters, also, increase the sensitivity or the receptivity of the physical organism and electric or electronic instruments should be avoided…
When interacting with the water, the effect does not end when you leave the pool; it begins… you

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Certainly, We’re the ones causing, who are responsible for all the giggling around here because We do want to have fun with you human beings…
You take yourselves way too seriously!
Now, We want you to close your eyes and think about the most serious thing about your life this moment… take a moment to think about that!
Who has the most serious problem in the room? Seriously now!
We want you to raise your hands!
Jayne is raising her hand! Come on! Be honest with yourselves! Everyone thinks that their pattern, their project, their challenge is the most serious in the room! And it’s important that you feel that way: because you’ll never resolve a challenge if you don’t take it seriously, if you don’t believe it deserves your full attention! If you don’t give your challenge your full attention, then, you’re not serious about resolving it!

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Thessaloniki, Open

Many of you have already been introduced to this Energy so it won’t be a surprise…
We know who’s arriving – and some people have better excuses than others…
Some people are very good at making excuses, finding excuses – not to move, not to grow, not to change; but those of you who know Us, know that it’s quite difficult not to adjust yourselves, not to find a reason to grow…
We’re here for energy adjustment… We have raised the bet… We’re raising the bid…
You have to give more in order to receive
If you’re gambling, sometimes, you have to put your life on the line, don’t you?
What is that line’, you might ask…
What does it mean to ‘put your life on the line’?
– Has anyone here been close to Death? Have you had a near-death experience?

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Greeting each of you, We’re welcoming you back as you welcome Us!

This is where We made the breakthrough with the Channel, this is where We opened the first vortex here, some of you may remember that… and this is where We closed one circle, and this is where We open another here tonight… you can expect that magic feeling will follow after this magic experience…
Some of you have been having some difficulties, most of you have been experiencing shifts in your energy fields, many times, noticed physically – it’s normal!
With the changes that are happening in the energy fields on the earth and that have been happening, now there’s an easier opportunity to have physical adjustments made…
We’ll be expanding Our repertoire of energy adjustments going into the next phase

Who wants to speak? Who has questions about what’s happening?

 (Ag.) I’d like to know

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We’d like to, energetically, bring this Group together…
Always when a number of persons have the intention to work together, cooperation is the goal: this is the topic that We would like to discuss with you here this evening…
Firstly, how you cooperate with yourself, how much you understand your own needs, how much you take care of your own needs, how much you expect from others – whether you expect them to care for you or to stay out of your way, the effect is the same on your energy field!
First, of course, We’d like to do energy work on each of you, this is Our purpose anyway of joining you here… you must protect your body…
 (S.) How can I make the most use of my potential?
 Pay attention to what you’re seeing wherever you are  this is the way to open

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Now, D., you have your own contract with this Force of Energy…
When the invisible ink is exposed to the right light, it’s revealedthis is how We operate: when the individual allows the subject, the topic, to be illuminated, then, We reveal the informationWe work along with the subjectyou may say that We step alongside with the subject, moving along their path…
Targets are important in life, goals: what is the goal in your association with this Force, what is your target, what is your own personal purpose in coming in line with this Μovement, for, We guarantee movement… We have a purpose in being here! We invest energy into the movement of the individual; it’s their responsibility to steer themselves to their chosen destination… in any project, in any endeavour, there’s a destination or a goal and to know, to

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Well, D., We greet you and welcome you!

You’re very open; understand that the progress one makes, spiritually, in one lifetime can be carried on into another…
Now, this is not the rule, but once the individual reaches a certain level of experience or a certain position within the understanding of their energy field, they can carry their understanding to the next life and the life after that; and this is your position in this present incarnation: simply put, you’ve been able to carry the energy field, the experiences of some of your former lifetimes into this life – and this is a positive thing for you, this is something you should, well, be congratulated for

You see, in some fields of expression, there’s a term – a spirit shield, as when you imagine a warrior in a battle with his shield, and he carries his

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