Mud baths, Krinides
Of course We have a bigger audience here (a farmers’ gathering nearby)… you know even if they’re not participating within this circle, they are affected… It’s very important food, isn’t it… if you don’t grow your own food then you’re dependent on these individuals… and they are the ones who are dealing directly with the mother earth… so your first blessing today is that they are a part of this operation…
You know We like to work outdoors because We have a very big aura…
Today you are going to go into the Earth over there… you’re going to ground yourself… of course this is a very grounding experience… but if you use your imagination and ground yourself even more your energy field will connect to the core… this is what We want you to do today… to imagine that you’re connecting with the core of
If you see that life does not necessarily become easier, the wiser one becomes…
Many times, it becomes more complicated in order to allow those participants in the life to evolve, to develop, to put their wisdom to good use…
At this moment in your life, it’s appropriate to accept that you have this wonderful position in the life of your child… to accept that your child has chosen her position on the earth, her position within the family, her position in her life at the moment…
She’s not a typical human being!
These children – and they are not indigo children – are crystallized…
And this means that her emotional body takes on a different form… or responds to life in a different, a new way or method than the old model, which is you, your wife…
E.g. consider the automobile: now you have an automobile that