Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis, Athens

30 March 2019

Acropolis, Athens

At least you do not have to run a marathon today. We brought you here to walk. Walking is a very grounding experience. Whether you realize it or not whatever you are thinking of as you are walking you are encouraging the energies of the Earth to support that manifestation. It is always important that you are attentive to your thoughts. There is no easier way to know yourself. The human form is an energy system and the thoughts are part of the operating mechanism. You must have all had the experience of the manifestation of a thought in a moment in order to realize that the thought comes before the action. Usually you do not move before you think about it “I am going to get up and walk around the acropolis.”

Meditation exercise

Today as you are walking we want you to get …

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Healing Circle & WALK for GODDESS ATHENA in ATHENS

Healing Circle in ATHENS Friday MARCH 29, 2019


We will have a group session with the DELPHINIANS as they offer vibrational support and direction. Each participant will have time for  a personal question.

Location: Ifikratoys 25-27 PAGRATI

WALK for GODDESS ATHENA Saturday MARCH 30, 2019

12noon meeting at the entrance to the theater Odeon

Directed by our source DELPHINIANS  we will walk around the ACROPOLIS ( we will not enter the site) with the intention to honor our GODDESS ATHENA and invite her wisdom  and power into our personal energy fields.


Phone Jayne Claire for further info. 6987944921

The Acropolis

The Acropolis


27 May 2018

The Acropolis


Usually when you have special forces it is a small group. As the crisis takes a more stable form in your country the people become more and more aggravated and greedier. Everyone is thinking of the same thing, their pocketbook, their cash; what they are spending, what they are taking. It is a rather desperate position to be in. They do not really believe in God anymore, let alone that you could come in contact with the goddess Athena. It seems like a fairy tale. That the Greek mythology is too far away to capture anymore but we say it is not. We say that the gods and goddess exist outside of you and inside of you and it is your responsibility to connect.


Opening meditation

What we want you to do at the moment is close your eyes and imagine that …

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MEDITATION in honor of ATHENA GODDESS of wisdom, courage and inspiration

Join Jayne Claire channeling the DELPHINIANS under the big Rock , ACROPOLIS in ATHENS on SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2018 at 12:00hrs for a group reading and meditation geared towards incorporating the energies of the Goddess ATHENA into your field.

Meet under the entrance to the theater before 12:00pm !

Suggested donation 20euros.

For more information call JC +30  6987944921

Acropolis (Election Day)

Certainly, We are greeting each of you…
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many people are participating, it’s the quality of the individual that matters… in order to be a trail blazer in life, very often you have to walk alone and you have others following behind…
Those of you who live in the city do well to visit this Site often or at least to remember it, to fantasize it in your mind when you are in another location…
You might all have an inkling to the Ceremony today and you know it has something to do with the Marbles that are visiting foreign lands…
you all know how important it is for them to return so what We want you to do today when you go to the Museum is to go directly to the top floor and wander around that area that is supposed to be structured the

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Vouliagmeni Lake, Attica

Of course, We are here, We are with you each and everyone… please sit in an open manner; don’t cross your arms or legs so that you may allow the energy to move without blocks…
If you want to protect yourself from a situation or the energy of another, you can cross your fingers in front of your solar plexus – thumbs as well… in this way you maintain your own field… you know with the left you receive and with the right you give – by creating this type of circuit, you move the energy inside of yourself or around your own centre…
So, say you are at a meeting and you feel yourself becoming a bit emotional about the exchange of information; if you, deliberately, close yourself like that, close your eyes for one moment and you will begin to return to your own center – that’s a

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Nisaki, Ioannina

Let’s begin with an energy game which you all know…
there’s power in numbers; if you all have the same thought at the same time, you can create, destroy or preserve with greater power, greater energy…
Now We’d like to offer a blessing to this body of water (lake) so that it may clean itself of the debris… take a moment… 
You know that of all the elements, water is the most needed for the physical form, you all know some exercises you can do with water e.g. if you have a physical ailment, a pain, you can take a vessel in your home and you can put your thoughts in the vessel to wash away the pain or that emotion or that problem and every day you have the intention on the vessel: you put water in the vessel, you cover it with sth – not

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Athens, Philopappou

You know that your city is taking the stress of your nation and each of you can feel it, each of you have an opportunity to turn it into something more palatable, tastier…
We have a small group which is appropriate at the moment – each person has their own flow and their own understanding of the general flow, but you’re all part of a new Energy Field… particularly those of you who were present at Delphi, you’re carrying a piece of Greece inside now… and that is Delphi… and We’d like you to give birth on the Rock this day, Acropolis…
This is the meditation for today…
Some of you have already, physically, given birth… one is preparing to give birth and two of you are of the male gender… We’d like you to use your imagination to walk on the Site, find a

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Road Trip (Vouliagmeni Lake – Sounio – Delphi)

Vouliagmeni Lake, 12th March 2010

Always if you should enter the water, symbolically, if you don’t feel like putting your physical form in, you can do it with your imagination; it’s an opportunity to take even more strength from the earth, from the positioning of the earth… the earth is shifting and this is something that We’ve been expecting and waiting for, for many lines have fallen into place… the earth is always shifting: some co-ordinates are in better position now for aligning the human form with the earth… you see that you don’t have to make any extraordinary efforts in any direction; you only need to be receptive and available…  
Now as far as the structure goes, this area is for balancing the m and f aspects of the Self, of the soul, you might say… as you all know, you’ve had some lifetimes as male, some as female

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Very well to have an open position; don’t cross the legs… 
in this way you allow the energy to flow through your physical form… any time that a group forms, energy is flowing from one to another – you’ve all heard about the Oneness of all things, so you know you’re all connected…
when something is happening on the other side of the planet, if you are directly in line through the earth, you might have the same experience as a human who is opposite you… always when you are in a circle, any circle, examine the person who is directly opposite you and you will get some messages, something will reflect e.g. when sitting across somebody in the train…
 (R.) Two things I want to ask…
the first is about me: lately I’ve been experiencing some palpitations in my heart…
and the second about the crop circles in

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Each time that you, deliberately, ground yourselves here, you move the Energy deeper into the earth: this is why We’ve given the advice to ground yourselves at Delphi… and that advice stands for the rest of your lives…
We’ve given this advice to the four of you who were here for ‘the joining of the earth and the heavens’
We represent the heavenly bodies, as they’re called – whether you want to see angels or whatever anyone likes to imagine; it is valid according to their own dreams…
You might say that this life is a dream; so are your thoughts and your imaginings: they expand the dream
Whatever you want to believe about the so-called heavenly bodies – whether you even call them stars or representatives from the stars or the star system, all of it is acceptable from Our perspective…
Now each

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We open a New Circle with those of you who are joining for the first time…
It’s important to understand that the energy moves from one person to the next; this happens naturally, always Energy is moving…
if you notice, you can recognize different flavors of energy
Whenever you come into alignment or contact or close to another person, you’re affected by their energy field; you can classify people in simple terms – whether they’re thoughtful or they’re putting their thoughts out or they’re pulling their thoughts in…
whether they’re dreamy
or whether they’re caught in a specific emotional plane e.g. if you get close to somebody who’s angry, you might start to feel anger or heat…
Also, increasing one’s sensitivity allows them to notice imbalances that exist in other energy fields or forms: you might come to recognize a physical disease or imbalance in others…
First and

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