Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

New Year Reading with Delphinians

10 January 2020

New Year Reading with the Delphinians

We are here with you, with each of you. We ask you to find yourself in a receptive manner, to open yourself. Don’t be closed, closed legs, etc. For this is an energy transmission. You know that you don’t have to be in the same room with us for us to access your energy field. Although your minds are very active, our intentions are to shift you energetically. Now there is a lot of talk about DNA, viruses, vaccines, fear, future, past….The moment is now.  Now the atmosphere on the Planet Earth is more receptive or open for the activation of your accelerated energy fields. You are living in a dualistic environment, dualistic atmosphere. So, when something is going down, something else is going up. There is always going to be a balancing act in this dimension. Your individual responsibility is …

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2021 ~ New Year Online Reading with Delphinians

Greetings to each individual and to all parts of the mass!
Old friends and new!
We invite you to join us for an impromptu, live question and answer session with our channeled source DELPHINIANS.
We would like to explore the past, the present and our future as humans upon our beloved planet EARTH….or elsewhere…
Every question is relevant.

~ Following are all the practical information ~
The gathering will take place through Zoom, the link for computer or mobile is

You can join also through calling a land telephone
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdYp6uKpk8
Greece local calling number: 2311 180599 or 211 198 4488
Meeting ID: 812 2494 2974#
Passcode: 1010#
The meeting will be open 15 minutes before the actual gathering, please connect in advance so as to start on time.

Delphinians during the reading will open up for questions, you can unmute your microphone or send a …

Epidavros (2nd day)

Mothers’ day

There are many methods to shift your consciousness…
meditation is one, but using your senses is easier… 
you know about listening to the wind; this can clear the mind very easily, open the mind… the mind exists within the consciousness of being… at this moment, you’re being alive, you’re being human, you’re being Greeks, you’re being part of this Operation here…
You know that We cooperate with the Earth and We use each of you as a tool to pass the energy through your form to reach the earth… you can do this yourselves any time that you feel to or any time you have an impulse, any time you think about Us or anything that We’ve said: you can simply ask to have the Energy pass through your form… this can assist you to expand your consciousness awareness – this is the purpose of

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Nisaki, Ioannina

Let’s begin with an energy game which you all know…
there’s power in numbers; if you all have the same thought at the same time, you can create, destroy or preserve with greater power, greater energy…
Now We’d like to offer a blessing to this body of water (lake) so that it may clean itself of the debris… take a moment… 
You know that of all the elements, water is the most needed for the physical form, you all know some exercises you can do with water e.g. if you have a physical ailment, a pain, you can take a vessel in your home and you can put your thoughts in the vessel to wash away the pain or that emotion or that problem and every day you have the intention on the vessel: you put water in the vessel, you cover it with sth – not

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Athens, Philopappou

You know that your city is taking the stress of your nation and each of you can feel it, each of you have an opportunity to turn it into something more palatable, tastier…
We have a small group which is appropriate at the moment – each person has their own flow and their own understanding of the general flow, but you’re all part of a new Energy Field… particularly those of you who were present at Delphi, you’re carrying a piece of Greece inside now… and that is Delphi… and We’d like you to give birth on the Rock this day, Acropolis…
This is the meditation for today…
Some of you have already, physically, given birth… one is preparing to give birth and two of you are of the male gender… We’d like you to use your imagination to walk on the Site, find a

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Of course, We haven’t gone far from you… 
you know We have Our ways of keeping contact with those of you who are deeply involved with this Operation… sometimes you may feel that nothing is moving, but always from the inside of yourself you move outwards… with every inward motion there’s an equal outward movement – this is the nature of travelling on a so called Spiritual Path…
Those of you who have committed to Know Thyself are always receiving illumination, light and direction… times is necessary or Time is necessary to process the experiences that one passes through and sometimes it’s appropriate to rest, to relax and to take stock of the past deciding what you want in your future and then you begin moving again…
Certainly We greet you once again and We welcome you; what would you like to cover today?
 (D.) Thank you for

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Athens, Philopappou

Take a moment to ground yourselves here… 
when you exhale, you send the energy into the earth – very simple, very necessary…
Certainly, We have great expectations; there’s no time to waste…
Each person should be going through their items and discard what’s no longer necessary; if you have sentimental attachments to material objects, you’re holding yourselves back – give things away, get more simple…

(M.’s son mumbling…)
This is Our special guest here; he has a big future and We watch over him…

– (N.) I’d like to know why I went through jail…
– This was for a memory… as you’re in a plane, you can see a bigger picture below you, all of the former existences become one as you enter into the center of your entity… 
this is what happens when you’ve entered the plane so you can expect many surprises…

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Thessaloniki, Open

Days after Sai Baba’s departure
Surely you know that the things are getting more serious now…
If you look around, you may witness former members of tribal life; you’ve shared many lifetimes with others in this Gathering…
This is the future; it’s time to start looking for your tribe
in order to co-operate with each other, the humans beings must separate…
you know you can’t get along with everyone…
you know there are some persons that have beliefs you can’t accept…
There is no time for debate any longer
There is no time for arguments or ill feelings – you simply separate yourself…
You know the great degree of greed that exists within humanity and you know they’re not going to win the race
Those of you who search for self-realization, who open to wisdom, truth, love, harmony, co-operation have a great chance…
Now the Great Light

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