Sidirokastro Spring (morning)
This is an Operation that has been in preparation within all of your Fields – many more than even you would imagine… there are more than three of you (J., N., D.) who are involved in this; it’s a matter of time…
as the necessity for service appears, the appropriate candidate will step up to battle…
There’s a Team that is being formed…
Now you know that some come into service and have been retired, others have been called to service and have stepped back or avoided their responsibilities – but they’re all on the sidelines… they’re still in the audience; if they’re not actually on the playfield or sitting on the bench, they’re sitting on the benches watching and actually waiting for the call to come back…
J. has the responsibility of orchestrating the flow and she has been working on that for as long as she has been in service…
Now you come in to help with the structure, to give your advice and to be a source of strength and support… your big responsibilities haven’t appeared as yet – you will get more involved in the journalistic side of it, you might call it, the putting together the written words… you’re already involved in it, you’ve already begun… you’re just in the process of gathering, still, you’re still gathering the inspiration as well as the information…
Of course, J. is more prepared than anyone…
the realization that you’re involved in something that is beyond your capability, intellectually, to contain, to understand – not being able to see the front line or the CEO causes stress… also, the way that We deal…
We’re not necessarily looking for subordinates; We’re always looking for leaders… We need to have leaders on Our Team because each person must be responsible for their parts of the Operation as leaders…
J. is not responsible to boss everyone around…
Of course, she’s always available for advice and support just as you are available for advice and support…
Now what do you have in mind?
– (D.) You keep using the word service which conveys such a huge meaning; what do You mean?
– This is why if it’s so big, it’s not something that you can describe in a few words, it’s not something that can be explained…
You know that there’s a challenge within humanity, you know that you have been serving humanity throughout your life…
Now this Project is about serving the earth as well as the humans – the humans benefit from this operation, correct? And the earth also benefits – it’s a process of aligning again in a harmonious way with the earth as, generally, humanity has come into a disharmony with the earth…
So the Service is for each individual to be more conscious of what they’re serving in any moment… what part of themselves they’re serving…
Do you understand?
– (D.) I had the idea that we serve people in need and this makes me think of destructions, of urgent situations, Civil Protection… and that alarms me somehow to think of negative situations where service is desperately needed…
– You might pray – this is service if you pray for the good of all… if you have in your affirmation that ‘if it’s for the good of all, I want this in my life’ rather than ‘I want this’…
That’s the highest form of service to consider everyone, not just the self…
or not just to consider another but to consider yourself as well, to understand how you’re serving yourself, in fact…
how the self is being served whether that is egotistical self…
to always keep the eye on developing awareness, on expanding the awareness of the whole picture of the self, on changes that are occurring…
– (D.) I’d like to ask about J. as very often she gets affected at the Sites – how can she prevent that?
– It’s really not preventable!
Of course, grounding is appropriate before any Operation – this is something that will continue unfortunately…
– (D.) But what is the cause?
– Adjustments that are being made within her physical form in order to harmonize her with the actual Site; this happens most often at Delphi…
What’s happening is that she’s becoming the Site, she’s becoming one with the actual earth there… so if there’s an imbalance there, she processes it through her own physical form…
If there’s any imbalance in her body, it might manifest as an illness or something momentary… you know this is not unusual, this has been happening to her through all the years of the work – she processes the clients…
Now she begins to process the earth, this is what’s happening – her understanding from the beginning…
– (D.) But if her presence there is vital and her physical body gets affected, doesn’t her capacity to perform her role get affected as well?!
– That’s what’s needed from her!
She’s absorbing temporarily the imbalance from the Site so that We might clear it out, clean it out…
The same thing that has been happening with the clients: J. temporarily takes their imbalance so that they might experience a shift in their reality, let’s call it, and then she recovers…
Now the same begins to happen with the earth: she absorbs the wound that was inflicted by humanity to that earth temporarily… she manifests it in her physical form and then she recovers…
– (D.) Are you referring to the Roman Occupation?
– Not only that…
You can understand, historically speaking, what types of wounds have been inflicted onto the Sacred Sites in this country…
One way to support her is to have a team approach – more persons involved in the Operations, this is the projected future…
Now others might have this type of experience and this can always benefit the participant in realization, in awareness, in expansion…
Each time that this happens, J. grows energetically; her Field grows because almost the collapse at the Site represents an opening in her energy field, something opens and she expands, she takes more spirit…
it’s a give- away of force or a give-away of the human side of the self in order to take more spirit or take a greater Field…
so she goes to the Site, she does the ceremony, she takes a part of the wound, she processes it for the Site through her own experience, she’s processing that wound and the benefit, the result is more spirit, bigger or more encompassing…
her spirit grows, her light gets bigger – and with the expansion of the light more people can see…
So this means that everyone who’s involved in this gains more clarity from that experience of the, let’s call her, the Leader… everyone gets an inspiration or in a way something clears up…
It’s not just for the benefit of the earth; it’s for the benefit of the whole tribe! The Leader goes into the power-ceremony; and then, of course, J. knows more than she admits…
If you fast days before the experience, if you do detoxing, then the system is clearer so that the results of the opening are less dramatic… so she knows what to do, she knows how to handle it; We don’t have to tell her…
Maybe she doesn’t completely understand what’s happening, but she knows the rules, let’s call them…
– (D.) Are You securing something?
– We’re attempting to secure the harmonious connections between humanity and the earth… you understand that the earth is a bit frustrated with the humans, she’s no longer obligated to humanity…
so through work on the self, through understanding one’s own creative force, you can become a benefit to the earth… the earth might want to have a relationship with you – these are some of the benefits of having readings with this Force…
So in Thessaloniki We move around…
In Athens We stay near the Rock, you noticed, because it’s safe for Our Channel!
Now We can secure the Field in Kavala next to the mountain…
J. is a migrant worker – she doesn’t need one home, she needs many because she must keep moving… More places are opening up so that any place that she’s been, she will be there less often – it’s already happened…
– (D.) Why are J. and I spending these Easter days together again?
– There’s always something being formulated…
Haven’t you begun to talk about the big challenge at Delphi the last time? Vanity…
Perhaps it’s time now to make a tour just for vanity’s sake…
Vanity has a purpose: self-satisfaction, aligning with the beauty… Beauty is one of the purposes of coming into life: to create beauty…
And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be beautiful… the problem comes if you use it to manipulate others – with women…
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your own senses; but if you try to manipulate men, then you can get into trouble… So this is a place for vanity, to enjoy and, of course, also, to reconnect and to meet with the Thessaloniki Tribe – this is very important…
– (D.) How does Loutraki get in the middle of this?
– The water is a benefit to the system…
always the waters are for healing; they help to heal… it’s always a positive thing…
Don’t you always come to the waters on Easter time?
So maybe you start something…
maybe by next Easter, you will have a formulated plan of resurrecting the self, the beauty of the self…
– (D.) Ok, thank you!
Loutraki Springs, Aridaia (later that day)
You see that the distance between two points has something to do with time; it’s not necessarily something static…
it depends on what type of vehicle you’re utilizing in your travels…
and the point of introduction to an energy field – whether that is a place on the earth or in the earth has to do with movement…
Go on!
What is the enquiry for this evening?
– (D.) At Delphi a month ago, You said that You gave us three (J., Nat. and me) some tests we passed with flying colors; could You mention a few?
– No, because this is for you to figure on your own… you know it doesn’t serve to go back!
– (D.) It could be seen as some kind of encouragement for the future…
– It’s of no value… would you take your students at the end of the year and review the first test they took?
– (D.) Yes, I could because they can see their progress, how far they’ve gone…
– This is for the ego, you know…
This encouragement was given to allow each of you to accept that you’re moving in the right direction… each of you is closing in on your position… and you’re passing… you’re not failing any of the exams…
We don’t necessarily care to review – you should know that by now; it’s a waste of J.’s energy to back up…
You must go forward: what tests you’re facing at the present is a more appropriate question than what tests you passed…
– (D.) How do You define protection?
Also, is there protection for something we can’t imagine at the moment?
– The protection that We offer is the security that when you pass through this experience, in this present dimension, you will gather the wisdom, it will be revealed, it will be obvious…
If you’re asking generally, the protection refers to Wisdom that is available for each of you… this means that when you pass through an experience that you yourself have created, your wisdom from that experience will become evident to you without much searching… it won’t be covered or obscure, it will be obvious…
this is the first protection because this life is one life, one experience of a life; there have been many… and in many lifetimes, you have forgotten a great deal…
We protect what you have gathered, the wisdom, so that when you awaken from unconsciousness – whatever point in your evolutionary process you become unconscious, We show you the wisdom from the experience…
That’s what We can protect!
We can’t protect you from yourselves, from your own choices; We can protect you from Ourselves…
We can protect you from negative or unsavory experiences of life…
We can protect you from some specific energy fields that might wish to utilize your expansion for their own purposes…
So We put up a shield around your developing selves – like when you plant a tree and then you put around one of those plastic protectors so that it doesn’t break…
This is what We’re doing…
We can protect you!
We can’t necessarily protect you from the elements – whether they are the political or the financial condition of your country…
How can We protect you from the reality of your experience?!
No-one should be protected from the reality of their experience, should they?!
You should have a realistic attitude or understanding of your experience of life and this can lead you to a greater strength, to greater stamina…
If you’re unrealistic about your experiences, then you’re not grounding this, you’re not in reality…
As for the second part of the question, of course, there’s protection… of course…
Also, if you have an opportunity to be present during any cataclysmic earth change, you will be warned, We will warn you – you won’t die unconsciously!
It’s for each of you to notice the fine details of what We’re saying…
We’re not intentionally trying to be ambiguous, but We’re not willing to control anyone either… and if you don’t use a bit of ambiguity, the directness can become a type of control; We do not intend to control anyone!
– (D.) The economy of Greece goes down and we just sit and observe? What can we do for our country?
– Pray, of course!
Practically speaking, is there anything that you can do? Practically… that you’re not already doing?
– (D.) I’m not sure!
– Now you know that what We’re formulating is to benefit this country…
– (D.) Yes, in the long run…
– Energetically, of course…
Now in order to build a new structure, the one that’s standing must be removed, correct?
– (D.) How is happiness defined between a man and a woman? How can we find it?
– Harmony…
– (D.) … as in Acceptance?
– What is Harmony?
Willingness to work things out!
– (D.) Is there a difference between disappointment and pain?
– Yes, pain is so much heavier…
– (D.) Of course… and how does one keep the pain away?
– By lessening your expectations…
You might get a bit disappointed, but you don’t have to go to a painful place because something is not necessarily going the way you expect it to go…
In life, generally, it’s better to take that type of approach…
– (D.) Ok! Thank you for making things clearer…
– Ok, then…