Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 2)

How many found themselves floating down the river last night in the dream? How many dreamt about the water?
Any dreams? Go on! We want to interpret the dreams first…
(Ef.) I dreamt I was somewhere with people I knew and others I didn’t and they were all white, also a dog – white as well…
– Didn’t you associate that with the light? Sometimes when the light is shining in the mirror, all you see is white… you were sharing the light that you gathered with some associates and loved ones – We want to say ‘patients’… so any time you are dealing with someone, if you don’t understand them, if they’re disturbing you, you can imagine that they’re turning white with light…
(M.) I found myself in an old, deserted house where a friend since childhood lived and he was using drugs – which

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Loutraki, Aridaia

Once again, We welcome you to your own homeland…
and, of course, this is a Ceremony dedicated to Macedonia with the intention to send a healing energy through Thessaloniki…
What you will do today when you go into the healing waters: you will allow the water to enter you...
you have many orifices in your body, you can use any one you like, you can use your pores and you’re going to bring the water into you… imagine that you become the water… you can surrender to the sound of the water… you can put your hand underwater… you can allow your body to flow freely in the water…
Once you have the sensation that you become the water, you’re going to go into the earth… imagine that you’re connecting with the flow of the water that’s deep in the earth – you all know there’s a lot of

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Aptera, Chania (Crete)

(very poor recording)
Certainly We greet each and every one of you…
When you make a decision, when you put your will behind sth, you have an opportunity to receive inspiration…
maybe the biggest difficulty for the human beings is that they think too much – you try to solve problems with your mind and you often create obstacles for solution when you need inspiration…
it is a very good idea to use an affirmation ‘I’m open for inspiration, I’m now ready for inspiration’ and then you put your will to open further those channels to be inspired… you all know what inspiration means, you’ve all been inspired in your lives… if you think too much, you might sometimes toss yourselves out of following that inspiring idea…
it is very important to become more instinctual… if you have any pet, observe them, pay more attention to their instinctual nature…

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Epidavros (1st day)

Those of you who have been participating in this Operation are already feeling the Energy… you can say that the Spirit is sleeping in the air, and when you start to walk, you awaken the Spirit and you start to rise…
This is the purpose of this Project…
You all know what’s happening in your Land, on the surface…
it’s time to focus what’s happening inside… 
in some ways, the ancient spirit of Greece must lead in the revolution of an energy transformation in the humans

you’re all familiar with the DNA shifting; if you as humans don’t stay in contact, connected with the spirit of the earth, Ascension is of no value… you’re here on the planet for a purpose and that purpose is to transform the self… transform yourselves into super humans… you need the earth; you can’t do it without the earth…
so by participating

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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Understand that this is Our First Line of Defense, this small Group…
You know that the battle is always with the self; there really is no enemy outside, it’s inside… 
there really is no evil, no good/bad… only Choices: you can choose something with good results or something that might have bad results…
Now We choose each of you because We suspect good results; you’ve all come from different directions in life and you meet in one Central Point: a degree of Involvement…
you’ve each managed in your own ways, your own methods, with your own will power to reach a pinnacle of evolution, and We congratulate you…
There’s always the opportunity to fall back and what happens with this association with Us: if you fall back, We catch you… that’s all We can promise… We won’t let you fall so you can keep climbing… there

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The surface of your planet has altered…
The actual dimension has shifted a vibration and this allows the earth to move more freely through her own transformation; at the same time makes it more difficult for the common man, let’s call him, to adjust to the environment, to the weather, to the circumstances of his/her own existence…  

It’s not easy to be on the earth at this moment…
In other centuries, in other times it may have been easier, it may have felt more secure or safer… of course, many persons in this particular land are questioning their security, their safety and this is a part of the transformation…

It’s important to know who your friends are, who’s with you or who’s not with you; this is another reason why J. was called Rock: so that she could clearly cut some persons from her Circle…
We’ve said previously that

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Delphi (Opening)

Don’t forget the elements are part of this Operation; there’s a divine co-operation here…

Each of you have had your own personal reasons for participating; Our reason is to share what We have accomplished on the Site… a few of you were part of the initial Opening here, and now you’ve come to receive your rewards…

Of course, We were working with your spirits and it’s your spirits that animate your lives… it’s your spirit who wants you to live… it’s your spirit who draws you to the Sacred Sites…

Now you’re above one of the most sacred Sites on this planet – there are many but this one is the Centre… this one has the potential to secure the Earth through her transformation… and this is why We’ve asked you to come here!

Each of you have the responsibility for yourselves! No matter how you align with each …

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Each person, each individual becomes very attached to themselves during life, they become identified with themselves…
When you know yourself completely, you can live in the moment, you can be present, inspired in every moment… and this is Enlightenment: when you know you’re bigger than your personality, than your identity, you’re no longer limited by your experiences… you learn and you keep moving energetically and this is about Consciousness, it’s not even about Spirituality…
Spirituality is a method of identifying Expansion of Consciousness
Religion has the tendency and the responsibility to limit this expansion of consciousness, to put a limit to it… you have a plant; in order to grow, you put it in a pot that co-operates with the size of the plant… once the plant is too big, you give it a bigger pot and you use the smaller pot for another plant…
So all systems

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Always the personal evolution of any member, of any organization is significant in the movement of the whole; each expansion contributes to the whole – whatever organization that happens to be… whether it’s your personal organization of your different aspects of yourself…
As you grow emotionally, that growth contributes to your spirit…
As you grow spiritually, that growth contributes to your emotional body…
You see, nothing is isolated; no human is isolated from the mass…
Forgiveness is a necessity in every interaction that occurs between two – this is a very important step towards Unconditional Love or towards the Central Point…
And each time that one individual reaches that central point, they expand, there’s expansion at the point of the boundaries or the most distant point is where the expansion occurs…
Life is really about moving to the center and then moving out again, moving to the center again, moving

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Each time that you, deliberately, ground yourselves here, you move the Energy deeper into the earth: this is why We’ve given the advice to ground yourselves at Delphi… and that advice stands for the rest of your lives…
We’ve given this advice to the four of you who were here for ‘the joining of the earth and the heavens’
We represent the heavenly bodies, as they’re called – whether you want to see angels or whatever anyone likes to imagine; it is valid according to their own dreams…
You might say that this life is a dream; so are your thoughts and your imaginings: they expand the dream
Whatever you want to believe about the so-called heavenly bodies – whether you even call them stars or representatives from the stars or the star system, all of it is acceptable from Our perspective…
Now each

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Of course, you understand that We’re always listening in on your conversations…
We’re always somehow accompanying each of you wherever you go… We don’t forget you now…
As things become more fine-tuned, We need to be grounded more often, We need more anchors… We need to be even more attentive as each of you let go of controlling the future, let go of worrying about it releasing their judging minds that ‘you aren’t good enough’…
Who else is better to do what you’re doing?
Whenever you question yourself, ask yourselves ‘who can get this close without getting burnt’ or ‘Who can do it better than you?’
Many persons have tried and fallen out of line… 
This is all for the strong and the courageous and a little bit about the desperate; all of you have felt desperation in your life at some point whether that

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If you see that life does not necessarily become easier, the wiser one becomes…
Many times, it becomes more complicated in order to allow those participants in the life to evolve, to develop, to put their wisdom to good use…
At this moment in your life, it’s appropriate to accept that you have this wonderful position in the life of your child… to accept that your child has chosen her position on the earth, her position within the family, her position in her life at the moment…
She’s not a typical human being!
These children – and they are not indigo children – are crystallized
And this means that her emotional body takes on a different form… or responds to life in a different, a new way or method than the old model, which is you, your wife
E.g. consider the automobile: now you have an automobile that

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We like the intimate group: it brings energy fields closer or more compact – like most intimate relations between two persons… and when the baby is born, most often, the real troubles begin between the two…

Now, certainly, there is a shift, another fine adjustment; it takes about 3 or 4 days – this is the 3rd day…

 (El.) Is something happening now, these days?
– Yes, with the earth: the earth continues to adjust herself…
she has a goal, you know: and that is Harmony
as each of you harmonize yourselves with the shifts that occur, you feel more stable… perhaps you feel like sleeping these last few days or sadness

What do you say? Anyone feels that way?
 (El.) I do!
 (M.) I feel uneasy…
– A couple more days! And then things will start to appear a bit brighter… 

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Now, you see and you feel the great acceleration that comes along with this Project; for this is a Project that We have been preparing beyond Space and time, beyond this dimension… 
this is not something simple, not something human and each of you who enters into the Inner Circle have your own commitments, your soul…

It’s your spirit that puts you here and you know this!
You as an individual felt it from the beginning: you knew what was coming and you’ve been waiting all your life, you’ve been preparing yourself; that’s why you chose this type of acceleration of spirit, that’s why you press yourself to get on top, to be the top of the class! You’ve, always, been the top of the class…

And you understand that if you are right under the spring, it’s your responsibility to build the dam along with the others, to know

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To begin, D., greeting you, once again, energetically, welcoming you…

Understand that this is a time of great acceleration energetically, for humanity, particularly for those of you who are consciously expanding, those of you who are focused on the expansion of your consciousness…

Now, life is a journey controlled by the consciousness expanding – this journey is, many times, hazardous to the emotions, to the mind… always the journey ends in the death of the physical form, but the consciousness continues to grow, to expand… and it’s time for you to put yourself into a clear focus, to recognize that the experiences that you have, the challenges that you face are all a matter of choice and decision
you, yourselves, decide to move in a certain direction, consciously and you pull the rest of the sides along with you… you’re not victims of anything outside yourselves;

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Now, D., you have your own contract with this Force of Energy…
When the invisible ink is exposed to the right light, it’s revealedthis is how We operate: when the individual allows the subject, the topic, to be illuminated, then, We reveal the informationWe work along with the subjectyou may say that We step alongside with the subject, moving along their path…
Targets are important in life, goals: what is the goal in your association with this Force, what is your target, what is your own personal purpose in coming in line with this Μovement, for, We guarantee movement… We have a purpose in being here! We invest energy into the movement of the individual; it’s their responsibility to steer themselves to their chosen destination… in any project, in any endeavour, there’s a destination or a goal and to know, to

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Dreams do come true…
Life is a dream you prepare dying those phases of living in between lifetimes and in one lifetime for another; in other words, the dreams you have at this present life may materialise in a future or a past life… those difficult concepts for the human mind are those of TIME, THE CLOCK…
It’s no accident that the hands of the clock go round and round and round – when you dream about something, daydream, you open a circle, an area to allow for the manifestation of a dream; if you, continually, put energy into that circle by continuing to dream, by making a type of ceremony, by taking action, by doing sth practical in order to support the manifestation of that dream, this puts even more energy into that circulation of flow of creativity…
The understanding of TIME that most minds

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