Loutraki, Aridaia
Aptera, Chania (Crete)
(very poor recording)
Epidavros (1st day)
Delphi (Opening)
Don’t forget the elements are part of this Operation; there’s a divine co-operation here…
Each of you have had your own personal reasons for participating; Our reason is to share what We have accomplished on the Site… a few of you were part of the initial Opening here, and now you’ve come to receive your rewards…
Of course, We were working with your spirits and it’s your spirits that animate your lives… it’s your spirit who wants you to live… it’s your spirit who draws you to the Sacred Sites…
Now you’re above one of the most sacred Sites on this planet – there are many but this one is the Centre… this one has the potential to secure the Earth through her transformation… and this is why We’ve asked you to come here!
Each of you have the responsibility for yourselves! No matter how you align with each …
We like the intimate group: it brings energy fields closer or more compact – like most intimate relations between two persons… and when the baby is born, most often, the real troubles begin between the two…
this is not something simple, not something human and each of you who enters into the Inner Circle have your own commitments, your soul…