Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Delphinians on Relationships

Delphinians on Relationships

Different extracts from Personal Readings

It doesn’t matter how the other feels, if you keep your heart open loving another and losing expectation in every moment; then your open heart has an effect to open the heart of the other.  If you have an expectation of another, to love you back equally, to treat you a certain way, to have the same desire as you have…then you are closing your heart.  If you can realize and label your own expectations, this can help you to keep your own heart open.


Letting go

Letting go is the greatest lesson…very often these are the most challenging relationships for anyone who is experiencing them.  Many times within a married couple this is not an issue because they are aware that any some point one of them will die and this is something that is accepted and almost expected.  If two people have agreed …

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DELPHINIANS closing ceremony for Greece

Delphi Closing Ceremony

6 June 2021

Close your eyes and take some deep grounding breaths. Connect with the Mother Earth. Wherever we take this body, she will be connected to the Earth and you can connect with us through that root. Many of you know that we have been working here for years, particularly on this site, to open the wounds that were inflicted with the years on a sacred site. You doctors know that you open the wound and you clean it out. The first years were clearing out. And then after that healing of the wounds, you came here to connect with the ancient spirit that resides here.

Meditation exercise
Today if you choose to go onto the site, you are going to have it in your minds that you are connecting. That you are opening through the soles of your feet, palms of your hands, your heart, …

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Personal Reading (About Transformation)

Personal Reading (About Transformation)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

5 June 2020 ~ Lunar eclipse Day

During this transition for the human race it is very important to focus on the future. The past has got to be buried under all the old emotions. Anything that did not satisfy must be put behind you. If you are moving forward, you cannot really see behind you. When you are driving, you can use those mirrors but when you look in the mirror to look behind you, you are no longer looking forward so you just glance at the mirror. If you are driving a vehicle you are never looking completely into the rearview mirror unless you are backing up. If anyone has the tendency to dwell on the past, they are moving backwards energetically. There is a huge power pushing each of you …

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Distinction between intuition, fear or desire

 How can I make a distinction between intuition, fear or desire?

“Make a list of that. When you are puzzled write something. Intuition tells me…Fear says…Take it out of your head and put it on paper. Give each a platform. Desire is a part of life; it is not necessarily as you are interpreting it. You are labeling many things as your desire. But desire has a firmer relationship with need than intuition or fear. Often you desire things that you need. You desire water because your body needs to be hydrated. You might have a strong desire for affection in a moment because you have been feeling insecure or something. So the need is for someone to love you. That is normal. Desire is not a bad thing at all. When you have a desire and you write I have a desire for this…you can ask yourself what

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Parents: Wish for your children

Parents: Wish for your children

Wish for your children

“Always in life there are happy moments and sad moments. Life is an educational process. Each persons life is full of everything, good  and bad, happy and sad, healthy and sick..there is not one life that is perfect. There’s not one life that completely stable, a straight line. As the heart rhythm  flows, up and down, that represents the life. Today you wake up and you feel fabulous, tomorrow you wake up and you feel depressed or low or sick. That’s the life and each day is valuable whether it is up or down. Each moment is valuable . This is the greatest  lesson that you can give to your children. No matter what is happening in your life make the best of it. Find out how you can grow from that experience whether it is good or bad. A good job, a bad job, a

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Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

11 September 2016

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Just as you have hospitals, places of healing in the modern age, the ancients had temples for healing. Of course, you know that wherever there are: humans, communities, relationships, there is imbalance. At some point it manifests in the physical or psychological form. So, you take your sac and go over to the temple for a healing. Now here as you might have understood, they chose this place because of the water. The water was very clear and fresh and they knew the value of the water. By the taste they could determine if there was an opportunity for balancing oneself. It carries on today, although the water is not coming here but you can pick it up over there. Today when you walk back past you can take the water and throw it at yourself or Jayne can throw it at …

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Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

16 July 2016

Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

Close your eyes and get with the elements here. This is a very sacred place above your city recognize since antiquity it has gone through different phases. You know we like to talk about the matriarch and certainly this was a point of great interest. The view, how far you can see, is important. Open your eyes now and look as far as you can. Decide for yourselves that you are willing to travel as far as is necessary to reach your goals in life. We have mentioned that we will be dealing with the balancing of the masculine and feminine here because this is one of the biggest challenges for every human. To balance themselves, to show both sides, to embrace both sides, to recognize both sides. Let’s play a small game: if you are a woman, imagine that you are a …

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Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

29 August 2015


Our interest is always energy moving, energetic connecting and Earth balancing so we will ask you all right away to stand and make a circle here. Stand in a circle. Most people take their problems to work with them; we are interested in taking your problems off of you today. Move close together. We want to walk around behind you, we are interested in energy moving and we want to touch you all. Close your eyes and let it all go to the Earth as you exhale.


Imagine two channels from the bottom of your feet going into the Mother Earth. This country belongs to you; the Earth here is welcoming for any of your stress. The Earth is always grateful to receive your gratitude. Do not forget. Do not put anything in your mouth before you thank the Mother, even a cigarette. Tobacco is …

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Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

Philipi ~ Delphinians Suggestions on Transformation of Greece

19 July 2015


Let’s have a talk. You must realize by now that life is full of challenges and as a Greek citizen it is time to come together as one. It is time to remember the law of brotherhood. Each time you have a selfish thought “What about me? What is going to happen to me? What will I do? Me, me, me…” Pause for a moment, stop your thoughts, sit down on the Earth and say, “We shall unite.” This is the mantra we want you to all remember; even if you have no idea the why, how or what. Repeat, “We shall unite”. Go around the circle and say it “We shall unite.” We want you to believe it. There is power in numbers. You are in a difficult position as a nation, you must unite! What else can save you? Say it again and mean …

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Laspoloutra ~ Healing Mud Baths in Krinides, Kavala


18 July 2015

Close your eyes for a moment. Settle yourselves, feet flat on the ground and your hands in an open receptive manner. We are greeting each and every one of you. The stress level in your country accelerates and this has the tendency of taking you off the Earth; destroying your centers. We want to work on your centers so that you feel better. Life is an experience of feeling and no matter what is happening if you are feeling okay then you really have nothing to worry about.

It is all about feelings. So we want you to just feel today, see what you are feeling.

Many times the thoughts are responsible for the feelings. Whatever the emotion consider what you have been thinking. If you can will yourself to become one with the source, one with God, you might find that you do not feel …

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Cape Sounio, Attica

You all know that Poseidon was, probably, your most fierce god – if you think he could not have beaten up his brother, Zeus, you are wrong… you know how the sea can wear away the earth… what can the earth do to the sea? Perhaps contain it, perhaps affect the currents, but control? Absolutely not!

Now, as you know, this god was the representative of the water… the first thing We want you all to do is to increase your intake of water, particularly, for the next two weeks – don’t drink the water from the tap unless you filter it… so you want the purest water you can find – if you live next to or near a natural spring, take the trip and carry some water back home, at least one liter more per day…

Not only do We connect you, energetically, with the Site, We introduce

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We ask each of you to sit in a receptive manner; this simply means that your feet are flat on the ground and your hands are open…

We have the intention to move a great deal of force through your physical bodies – Our intention is to bless this city…

You might all like to join in the blessing… first, those of you who joined Us at Meteora begin to say your prayer again and again and again… allow that vibration to move through your bodies into the earth and We will be working around the Circle first to greet each of you, energetically…
We ask you to bring the water… keep your prayers going…
A ritual follows
Ok, now We can begin with Our Meeting…
We were doing a clearing of your fields… also, We were connecting those of you who were not on the sacred land of Meteora

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Before the meditation
You all must understand that you are standing on Sacred Ground…
you know that those humans that have chosen to stay spend most of their time praying for you and the others – and this you should keep in mind when you are here… that there are others who are looking out for your connection with the Divine, they make it their life-mission to be the channel between the Divine and the humans below…
So you’ve come up here today…
you’ve come up to join them in their prayers… you are all Christians, are you not? Or were… so you might choose a prayer, one that you know by heart and begin to repeat it silently to yourself as you enter the home of those who pray; you pray – in this way, you connect with them… you, also, become a channel for the Divine allowing it

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Aptera, Chania (Crete)

(very poor recording)
Certainly We greet each and every one of you…
When you make a decision, when you put your will behind sth, you have an opportunity to receive inspiration…
maybe the biggest difficulty for the human beings is that they think too much – you try to solve problems with your mind and you often create obstacles for solution when you need inspiration…
it is a very good idea to use an affirmation ‘I’m open for inspiration, I’m now ready for inspiration’ and then you put your will to open further those channels to be inspired… you all know what inspiration means, you’ve all been inspired in your lives… if you think too much, you might sometimes toss yourselves out of following that inspiring idea…
it is very important to become more instinctual… if you have any pet, observe them, pay more attention to their instinctual nature…

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We welcome you all to this wonderful Site…
you are at the foot of the Holy great mountain; this Mt. holds the balance of the f and the m power
You know that the Greek gods had both genders… 
you know that the patriarch chose the male deity… you wouldn’t want the matriarch to choose only a f deity, would you? You want balance, don’t you?
We’re bringing to you the energy, the power of the gods and the goddesses who hold this Sacred Mountain each of you are to consider where you need balance first – the m side or the f… then you choose a god or goddess –  whichever one comes into your mind, whichever one you like or dislike… all are available
We will assist the connection between each of you and that deity you’ve chosen… for the next 7

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Of course, We haven’t gone far from you… 
you know We have Our ways of keeping contact with those of you who are deeply involved with this Operation… sometimes you may feel that nothing is moving, but always from the inside of yourself you move outwards… with every inward motion there’s an equal outward movement – this is the nature of travelling on a so called Spiritual Path…
Those of you who have committed to Know Thyself are always receiving illumination, light and direction… times is necessary or Time is necessary to process the experiences that one passes through and sometimes it’s appropriate to rest, to relax and to take stock of the past deciding what you want in your future and then you begin moving again…
Certainly We greet you once again and We welcome you; what would you like to cover today?
 (D.) Thank you for

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Athens, Philopappou

Take a moment to ground yourselves here… 
when you exhale, you send the energy into the earth – very simple, very necessary…
Certainly, We have great expectations; there’s no time to waste…
Each person should be going through their items and discard what’s no longer necessary; if you have sentimental attachments to material objects, you’re holding yourselves back – give things away, get more simple…

(M.’s son mumbling…)
This is Our special guest here; he has a big future and We watch over him…

– (N.) I’d like to know why I went through jail…
– This was for a memory… as you’re in a plane, you can see a bigger picture below you, all of the former existences become one as you enter into the center of your entity… 
this is what happens when you’ve entered the plane so you can expect many surprises…

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We greet many old friends here today – and some new ones…
We’re here for some energy adjustment, that’s why We enter into this environment; We’ve been busy all these years that We’ve been separated from you, old friends…
There’s a great deal of ground to be covered and also uncovered…

As you know many changes have come to your Land and it’s not all bad news either – there’s a lot of good news…
And it’s important always to keep the focus on something positive…
If you find yourself with negative thinking or depression, immediately lift yourself up with a positive thought; it works!
Whether you can believe it or not, you’re creating your reality with your thoughts, dreams, desires and intention
If you have an intention to stay positive, you can – no matter what you encounter in life…
As you know Life is a Journey of

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Athens (near Acropolis)

There’s a purpose for every journey…
You can’t count the hours spent in travel and compare one journey to another judging by how many hours were spent to arrive so it’s inappropriate to count how many hours We will be speaking when We bring this Channel to another location… We’re present whether We’re speaking or being silent, We’re active in your energy fields – you must have realized this by now… We’re not absent; We choose to invest in your movements: you, Jayne and a few others…
We make energetic investment like a deposit that you put in the bank; whenever you want to take from that account, you do because you deposited funds, energy into that account… We make energetic deposits in each of you that participate in this Operation and We work through those deposits… We make investments into the earth, We come here to make an investment

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It’s important to keep a record of your feelings, of how your emotions are telling you about your experiences in life, what they want from you or trying to tell you about the situation… In this way you will tell intellect apart…

There are different parts of the self within the human psyche influencing the action or the activity… and when one can know from which direction originate the impulses one has or the origin of the impulse, then one can make a clearer decision about what they want or how they want to handle the situation…

Life is full of challenges and it only becomes more pleasant as you reach your center and you move from the center of the self…

Grief is a positive process for the evolving self: it allows channels to be open to release stored emotion, to release any pain that was gathered from

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It is the time for increasing Joy and joyful experiences…
Those of you who are able to accompany Us here today will receive a gift: We have opened this Rock and there’s a vacancy within that has the power to absorb anything that you no longer need, that no longer serves you…
Of course, you’ve used the springs to make a giveaway, but as We have said before, here you can give away and receive
This is a place of balance in the city – one reason why We have been interested in protecting this area: this Site can secure the city in a way that nothing else can
Of course, We’re interested now in securing the new Museum because those items within are valuable for humanity
It is always positive to have a number of heirlooms in your family, some things that you don’t want

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We’d like to, energetically, bring this Group together…
Always when a number of persons have the intention to work together, cooperation is the goal: this is the topic that We would like to discuss with you here this evening…
Firstly, how you cooperate with yourself, how much you understand your own needs, how much you take care of your own needs, how much you expect from others – whether you expect them to care for you or to stay out of your way, the effect is the same on your energy field!
First, of course, We’d like to do energy work on each of you, this is Our purpose anyway of joining you here… you must protect your body…
 (S.) How can I make the most use of my potential?
 Pay attention to what you’re seeing wherever you are  this is the way to open

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