Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

30 August 2020

About Love ~ God ~ Evolution ~ Virus (from Personal Reading)

Truly it is a time to tune into a higher force or to tune into the depth of the love you feel for anyone or anything. Finally, love is the only answer. Always out of curiosity the child will get into some mischief and getting into mischief always brings the shadow side out. Should I lie or should I tell the truth about what I did…? It pushes out the self-exploration, the self-examination and that is what is important at the moment for everyone. Self-examination. Everything is on the surface at the moment; therefore it is easier. Even though life may appear to be more difficult, it is easier to know thyself. That is the yin yang of the circumstances at the moment. The duality of the experience. The more challenging on the outside, the more …

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14 July 2018

Mud baths, Krinides Part II

Meditation Exercise for Lydia

Now that you have begun the release, we want you to focus on something that you know is coming in the future in your own lives. Either something that you are looking forward to, that you are trying to take or something that you are a bit afraid of, something that you are not necessarily looking forward to. We can use the example of the Sparrow who is anxious about the passing of her mother. What we want you to do when you get to the river is to visualize that experience; either what you are striving for or what you are a bit afraid of. We want you to put it into the river and watch it go with the flow. Let it go with the flow.

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Lydia River

You all must know that ‘there are no accidents’, particularly when you are working with this type of a Source…
So We begin…
Close your eyes and ground yourself here… send some energy into the earth, remember that exercise that you did yesterday – if you were present – and use that channel that you’ve created to the core so that you may be more affective… as you walk along your path of spirit, one of the most important things is to stay grounded…
You are on the earth for a reason…
First, it’s a personal reason
And then, second, it’s a more general reason for your entity field… of course, We are interfering energetically with this Operation going on alongside of Us (a catholic mass by the river) just like yesterday (a gathering of the farmers’ association)…
You know this is

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Cave, Loutraki, Aridaia

Does everyone feel successful for this exercise today?
(…) Not really…
You might try it again… don’t give up… you can even become water through listening to the water… so before you clear yourself, you might try again to send some of the flow…
what We want to do: We want to touch each of you and then you can go to the entrance of the cave or go inside – whatever you choose, imagining a strong force that pushes the flow out of your body through your feet…
you see, We instructed you to fill yourself with the water, now you’re going to empty that out through the bottom of the feet…
Any questions about today’s experience?
– (R.) We imagine the water going where?
Into the cave, into the earth… the earth will help with the clearing…
We create a magnetic pull in cooperation with

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Lydia, Baptistery

You know this is a very famous Site…
also, for the matriarchal society… this is where the children were born and this is where the elders came to die… it was honorable to die consciously… it was honorable to give birth consciously…many women gave birth in the running water… there was a great deal of activity here before Christianity came around the corner… now this place is honored as a Baptistery and we plan to baptize each of you into the energy of the New earth…
now this is sth you have to agree to… you can disagree if you like… because the transformative work in your physical forms will be accelerated… so take a few moments to consider those aches, those pains, those experiences you’ve been having in these last years and consider if you want to have that accelerated… we suggest you take approximately 5 min without talking

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Athens, Philopappou

You know that your city is taking the stress of your nation and each of you can feel it, each of you have an opportunity to turn it into something more palatable, tastier…
We have a small group which is appropriate at the moment – each person has their own flow and their own understanding of the general flow, but you’re all part of a new Energy Field… particularly those of you who were present at Delphi, you’re carrying a piece of Greece inside now… and that is Delphi… and We’d like you to give birth on the Rock this day, Acropolis…
This is the meditation for today…
Some of you have already, physically, given birth… one is preparing to give birth and two of you are of the male gender… We’d like you to use your imagination to walk on the Site, find a

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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Philippi, Kavala

They chose the Site according to the energy that they felt in the earth; this is how the Sites were chosen…
it wasn’t accidental or without reason
There were many scientists – earth scientists, who discovered remnants of the cultures before, many times, the matriarchal culture – and then the Sites were chosen…
This was a place for Healing, a place for Rejuvenation, for Celebration even – the habit to have theatrical performances here is ancient…
It’s no accident that the healing baths are very close; this was part of the ritualistic clearing…
This was also a place for marriages, for preparation for marriage in the matriarchal society…
The female priestess, We’d like to call her, and the priest were joined according to a tradition, according to their understanding of the characters and what they could contribute as a team…
This was when marriages occurred in the matriarchal

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From Our perspective, from Our perch, everything is going along smoothly, everything is taking its rightful course… you might imagine that the three of you – and there are a number of others who are involved,  met at a certain point, sent off in different directions with the intention to return to that meeting place…
So each of you is moving independently of the others, of course, with the energetic support from this Force, with the intention to join together at some point in time in space… and you’ve all been hesitating early on in your journeys, you’ve all stumbled many times, you’ve all stopped even but now each is moving along…
There’s very seldom any hesitation any longer in anybody – particularly those main persons to change, to alter, to move in a different direction or to embrace a companion, temporarily, to support the movement…
This is all about

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Athens, Philopappou

(dogs around)

Very nice to have these small creatures assist you to carry the Field; everyone can benefit
You might say that each of those represents a potential person to come and join the fun…

We guarantee that the tours will be fun, N.! We will see to that…
When you have something serious to work with, you have to balance it with a level of joyful acceptance like the catharsis today, D.
Afterwards, it’s very important to make space for Joy; this is why you released those emotions that tend to press on down so that there’s space for joy…

Life is filled with celebrations – even those insects (cicadas) are celebrating themselves; they like to hear themselves…

Now what’s happening?       
What do you imagine is the purpose of gathering in such an outdoor place?

The Energy can expand more easily

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We open a New Circle with those of you who are joining for the first time…
It’s important to understand that the energy moves from one person to the next; this happens naturally, always Energy is moving…
if you notice, you can recognize different flavors of energy
Whenever you come into alignment or contact or close to another person, you’re affected by their energy field; you can classify people in simple terms – whether they’re thoughtful or they’re putting their thoughts out or they’re pulling their thoughts in…
whether they’re dreamy
or whether they’re caught in a specific emotional plane e.g. if you get close to somebody who’s angry, you might start to feel anger or heat…
Also, increasing one’s sensitivity allows them to notice imbalances that exist in other energy fields or forms: you might come to recognize a physical disease or imbalance in others…
First and

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Agistron Springs, Serres

Good Thursday
These waters help to erase the past, you could say…
help to rewind the energy of the participant… 
When you enter into the flow, into the moving waters, you’re participating in that movement, in that energy shift…
This indicates that you may unwind yourself from any programming that you have – whether this is physical, psychological, emotional…
If you have a condition that’s affecting the health, this can be eliminated if the focus is on eliminating the psychological cause of that imbalance or illness
If it is something terminal or something that has been deemed terminal or if it’s from birth, it’s much more difficult to remove…
The waters, also, increase the sensitivity or the receptivity of the physical organism and electric or electronic instruments should be avoided…
When interacting with the water, the effect does not end when you leave the pool; it begins… you

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Dreams do come true…
Life is a dream you prepare dying those phases of living in between lifetimes and in one lifetime for another; in other words, the dreams you have at this present life may materialise in a future or a past life… those difficult concepts for the human mind are those of TIME, THE CLOCK…
It’s no accident that the hands of the clock go round and round and round – when you dream about something, daydream, you open a circle, an area to allow for the manifestation of a dream; if you, continually, put energy into that circle by continuing to dream, by making a type of ceremony, by taking action, by doing sth practical in order to support the manifestation of that dream, this puts even more energy into that circulation of flow of creativity…
The understanding of TIME that most minds

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