Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Delphinians on Relationships

Delphinians on Relationships

Different extracts from Personal Readings

It doesn’t matter how the other feels, if you keep your heart open loving another and losing expectation in every moment; then your open heart has an effect to open the heart of the other.  If you have an expectation of another, to love you back equally, to treat you a certain way, to have the same desire as you have…then you are closing your heart.  If you can realize and label your own expectations, this can help you to keep your own heart open.


Letting go

Letting go is the greatest lesson…very often these are the most challenging relationships for anyone who is experiencing them.  Many times within a married couple this is not an issue because they are aware that any some point one of them will die and this is something that is accepted and almost expected.  If two people have agreed …

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Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

Personal Reading (About New Reality ~ New Earth)

An Interesting Personal Reading with relevant information about the collective transformation that we encounter at the moment

29 December 2020

The ending of this year is a time for gathering. Gather what is most important to you: what really matters, what is of value and what can be discarded. It can be physical, material things, it can be emotions, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, desires…it is a time to really clear it out. To empty the self of the past, of whatever is not needed for the future because the future is rapidly approaching now. As you well know from your investigations, new energies are arriving on the Planet Earth. The Earth is entering into a new vibrational position in the solar system and this is one of the causes of the great disruption that is happening at the moment within your civilization. As you see that there is not one area …

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Ancient Dodoni

First part

We help you all to take a moment to ground yourselves, your feet flat on the ground and use your exhalation to join your Mother…

every time that you get caught up in your thoughts, particularly if you’re worried or unsure, you lose your ground, the security and you know this is your Mother, the one who’s feeding you, who protects you, and who’s forgiven you… and this is very important: to know that you are embraced by the Mother, that you’ve done your work to break the dependence on the social system that surrounds you… 
it exists, you know you’re affected by it, but you’re no longer attached to it… you’ve been connected to another Line through your own efforts… 
you’ve each managed to ascend and it’s important to remember that; don’t let them pull you down… keep you heads above water…

For today,

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We welcome you all to this wonderful Site…
you are at the foot of the Holy great mountain; this Mt. holds the balance of the f and the m power
You know that the Greek gods had both genders… 
you know that the patriarch chose the male deity… you wouldn’t want the matriarch to choose only a f deity, would you? You want balance, don’t you?
We’re bringing to you the energy, the power of the gods and the goddesses who hold this Sacred Mountain each of you are to consider where you need balance first – the m side or the f… then you choose a god or goddess –  whichever one comes into your mind, whichever one you like or dislike… all are available
We will assist the connection between each of you and that deity you’ve chosen… for the next 7

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The physical form itself is being altered, is being reformed…
Your child belongs to the new humans arriving to the earth who have adapted to the shifting vibration that’s occurring as a result of the transformation of the earth herself…
All of this may sound far out but you can take it and make use of it… the royalty must accept everything that’s happening in their kingdom if they want to continue to rule
 (F.) I’d like to ask about my relationship with my wife – I fear we’re becoming parents only…
 Families and marriage are institutions and thus crumpling… institutions are finding it difficult to strengthen those pillars to hold up the ceiling…
A general advice: it’s always a better choice to agree to be parents than it is to agree to be husband and wife at this point of the evolution of the human…

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Athens, Acropolis (Election Day)

Certainly those of who have joined Us at Delphi may have a suspicion what We plan to do today: We’re bringing the Sites together… these are represented within each of you like the pillars at the Parthenon…
What We want you to do today when you walk on the Site is to become one with the pillar… you choose whichever one that attracts you, you go to your center and then you go to that pillar…
Your goal is to discover which portion of that pillar you have writhen to… you know that they are in pieces and the spiritual path tends to come in pieces or chapters and as you’re building now with a very strong foundation…
Delphi was a line of the foundation; if you weren’t there, you can imagine yourself there first before you become one with the pillar and you will receive

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Lifetimes have a tendency to fold one over the other and become a volume like a book…
Of course, you have understood you had many lifetimes, as many as you could fit in one volume that you yourself could pick up and carry… for, once the volume becomes too heavy, then the essence or the entity or spirit, when the existences become too much, then the energy is splattered, not destroyed but broken and spread into many directions to begin again… seeds flying and growing into trees…
You’re on the verge of this, you’ve come to that point in your evolution of deciding ‘do you want to continue? Can you continue to carry such a heavy volume of lifetimes?
Today We intend to move very rapidly through many, many of your existences so that you can finish them up, chapters that you can close so that you can

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Each person, each individual becomes very attached to themselves during life, they become identified with themselves…
When you know yourself completely, you can live in the moment, you can be present, inspired in every moment… and this is Enlightenment: when you know you’re bigger than your personality, than your identity, you’re no longer limited by your experiences… you learn and you keep moving energetically and this is about Consciousness, it’s not even about Spirituality…
Spirituality is a method of identifying Expansion of Consciousness
Religion has the tendency and the responsibility to limit this expansion of consciousness, to put a limit to it… you have a plant; in order to grow, you put it in a pot that co-operates with the size of the plant… once the plant is too big, you give it a bigger pot and you use the smaller pot for another plant…
So all systems

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We’re always hovering around…

We want each of you to take a moment to ground yourselves – simply have your feet on the ground and imagine with your exhale breath energy going into the earth…
You may awaken some of the tenants in the lower floors, but We won’t worry about them, will We? 
As you do this with your imagination, We will be bringing energy into your crown chakras…
This is the time for a new beginning; you know that the Chinese calendar is more accurate than the traditional Jan 1st, so each of you should be well on your way to greater satisfaction…

You know that the earth is changing, that she’s shifting and however you’re affected by her changes, you can use that for your benefit of your spiritual evolution…
although many of your brothers and sisters are facing tragic circumstances, most of you are in

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We greet you once again welcoming you to this communication, this Gathering as We have been drawing in extra help, more troops, more force, more energy…
You see, as the earth continues with her transformation, those of you who are walking on her surface must find your own avenue, your own path to join her: you must continually transform yourselves, keep yourselves abreast of what’s happening in the world of transformation…
We don’t even have to use the word spirit
It’s more about developing into your self, more about knowing yourself…
How can you accept yourself if you don’t know yourself?!
You must be able to guess e.g. how you might react to a certain circumstance when it occurs in your life… in this way, when you experience that circumstance, you’re not surprised by your reaction no matter how dramatic it is…
It’s not about comparing yourself to

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Life, like any other subject, is not completely understood until it’s over!
This means that many passages, illnesses, relations are not, fully, comprehended, digested until you finish the circle of life…
Some clouds obscure all of the sun, you know, all of the beings of the sun, all of the sunshine when others, partially, obscure the light…
This is why the theme of Acceptance and Forgiveness are so major for any evolving spirit! At some point there are no questions – you, simply, accept life, you, simply, accept the meal that is being served, eat what you like or what you choose and leave the rest without any comment or any discussion of ‘why we are eating this today’, ‘What are the ingredients’ etc…
This is for energetic adjustments: this is why We are present! 
Everything else We can discuss but We can’t, really, fix anything

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You are witnessing a series of events that will affect the future of this country…
It may seem like a small insult at the moment but things have a tendency to grow from one small seed!
There is a seed of discontent within the citizens of Greece and these situations are like fertilizer for that seed… the only thing that you can do as individuals is to hope for the best and watch your own emotional field as it either turns away, moves along with or stands opposite the general consensus…
Who has any questions about this?
 (…) Could You be more specific as to what our attitude towards it should be?
– Watch from above as you have each chosen to go your own ways…
On your own pass towards understanding yourselves, you examine yourself how you react or respond to the scenes going on around you… if

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Certainly, We’re the ones causing, who are responsible for all the giggling around here because We do want to have fun with you human beings…
You take yourselves way too seriously!
Now, We want you to close your eyes and think about the most serious thing about your life this moment… take a moment to think about that!
Who has the most serious problem in the room? Seriously now!
We want you to raise your hands!
Jayne is raising her hand! Come on! Be honest with yourselves! Everyone thinks that their pattern, their project, their challenge is the most serious in the room! And it’s important that you feel that way: because you’ll never resolve a challenge if you don’t take it seriously, if you don’t believe it deserves your full attention! If you don’t give your challenge your full attention, then, you’re not serious about resolving it!

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