Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Update about Jayne & Delphinians

Well, I never succeeded in creating a physical center in Greece, but through all the travels, all the trials and tribulations, all the multiple sessions with our source I have managed to create that unmovable, indefinable center within myself. For this, I am grateful to each and every person who participated in this project of uncovering the sacredness of this wonderful land Hellas, and mostly I thank the land, the sea and the healing waters. Let us be blessed!
Thank you!
My personal path has gone full circle returning me to my birth land. Years ago the DELPHINIANS informed me that I had agreed to work on the East coast of the USA, so here I find myself as far south as I could dream, in beautiful, mystical Florida, Tampa Bay, home of the Tocobaga Native Americans….
And so the journey continues….

~ Jayne Claire ~…

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 2)

How many found themselves floating down the river last night in the dream? How many dreamt about the water?
Any dreams? Go on! We want to interpret the dreams first…
(Ef.) I dreamt I was somewhere with people I knew and others I didn’t and they were all white, also a dog – white as well…
– Didn’t you associate that with the light? Sometimes when the light is shining in the mirror, all you see is white… you were sharing the light that you gathered with some associates and loved ones – We want to say ‘patients’… so any time you are dealing with someone, if you don’t understand them, if they’re disturbing you, you can imagine that they’re turning white with light…
(M.) I found myself in an old, deserted house where a friend since childhood lived and he was using drugs – which

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Mudbaths, Krinides

(the first part of the reading didn’t get recorded)
At Pella, the dreaming after Pella… you might have tuned in to the consciousness of Alexander the Great, you might have seen one of your lifetimes lived during that period, you might have had a contact with the power that was shared there….
it’s important to keep records without even a thought of what they mean… you might not know until six months later when you look back at your own records…
so if you start your journal this month and you keep up with it, you keep up writing, writing whatever, maybe in January, when you read back, you begin to see your own progress as a prophet…
everyone has so- called ‘psychic abilities’… everyone has inner senses… it’s just that all the technology and the mindfulness of the times keeps you focused elsewhere...
 (R.) What

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Thessaloniki, Open

Certainly, you each have a personal concern that you’ve brought to this room – you might leave them outside the door…. You might imagine you stepped into a time warp and everything will change, particularly your relationship with Time…
you might have noticed that in this special year it seems that time has been accelerating, moving faster…
now for the next 2 months, it will be slowing down… time will be slowing down…
We’d like to greet each and every one of you, particularly the new faces who don’t really know who We are or what We do…
We come here to protect; We care about your country, We have deep roots here and We want to expose them… We would like the modern citizen to witness and realize the roots that exist in their Land…
and We’re not talking about the olive trees roots; We’re talking about the

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Thessaloniki, Open

Reclaim Your Roots
Not such a big group but big enough…
It’s your responsibility now to look after your city; how can you do that?
With your thoughts: you can bless the earth, you can be thankful for what you have and you can stop complaining, you can stop making excuses… This is one life, one! What are you going to do with it? Don’t go down with the ship, don’t allow the Media to choose your paths… Many of you have had experiences with this Source, many of you continue to participate, many of you have gone your own way, many of you have yet to arrive… but you’re all moving, there’s Energy moving through each of you – nobody is left out… everyone has a role to play in life… most of you play many roles: mother, father, lover, friend, businessman / businesswoman…
What do you want from

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Epidavros (2nd day)

Mothers’ day

There are many methods to shift your consciousness…
meditation is one, but using your senses is easier… 
you know about listening to the wind; this can clear the mind very easily, open the mind… the mind exists within the consciousness of being… at this moment, you’re being alive, you’re being human, you’re being Greeks, you’re being part of this Operation here…
You know that We cooperate with the Earth and We use each of you as a tool to pass the energy through your form to reach the earth… you can do this yourselves any time that you feel to or any time you have an impulse, any time you think about Us or anything that We’ve said: you can simply ask to have the Energy pass through your form… this can assist you to expand your consciousness awareness – this is the purpose of

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Epidavros (1st day)

Those of you who have been participating in this Operation are already feeling the Energy… you can say that the Spirit is sleeping in the air, and when you start to walk, you awaken the Spirit and you start to rise…
This is the purpose of this Project…
You all know what’s happening in your Land, on the surface…
it’s time to focus what’s happening inside… 
in some ways, the ancient spirit of Greece must lead in the revolution of an energy transformation in the humans

you’re all familiar with the DNA shifting; if you as humans don’t stay in contact, connected with the spirit of the earth, Ascension is of no value… you’re here on the planet for a purpose and that purpose is to transform the self… transform yourselves into super humans… you need the earth; you can’t do it without the earth…
so by participating

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Nisaki, Ioannina

Let’s begin with an energy game which you all know…
there’s power in numbers; if you all have the same thought at the same time, you can create, destroy or preserve with greater power, greater energy…
Now We’d like to offer a blessing to this body of water (lake) so that it may clean itself of the debris… take a moment… 
You know that of all the elements, water is the most needed for the physical form, you all know some exercises you can do with water e.g. if you have a physical ailment, a pain, you can take a vessel in your home and you can put your thoughts in the vessel to wash away the pain or that emotion or that problem and every day you have the intention on the vessel: you put water in the vessel, you cover it with sth – not

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DELPHI (Opening)

Certainly, We greet each and every one of you, old friends and new…
You can always make an old friendship new if you close the circle and open a new one and this is what We intend to do here: to open a New Circle…
You know the importance of numbers of working together on a common purpose; the purpose for this Ceremony is to acknowledge Greece… Is there anyone here who’s not Greek?
 (…) A couple…
 Have you forgotten the power of your Land?!
Have you put it aside so that you could focus on the present crisis?! 
The human population is presently in a spiritual crisis… dogmatic systems are collapsing and when they collapse, they carry those who believe in their doctrines with them; you don’t want to go down, you want to go up and this is Our intention: to lift each of you up

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Of course, We haven’t gone far from you… 
you know We have Our ways of keeping contact with those of you who are deeply involved with this Operation… sometimes you may feel that nothing is moving, but always from the inside of yourself you move outwards… with every inward motion there’s an equal outward movement – this is the nature of travelling on a so called Spiritual Path…
Those of you who have committed to Know Thyself are always receiving illumination, light and direction… times is necessary or Time is necessary to process the experiences that one passes through and sometimes it’s appropriate to rest, to relax and to take stock of the past deciding what you want in your future and then you begin moving again…
Certainly We greet you once again and We welcome you; what would you like to cover today?
 (D.) Thank you for

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Athens, Philopappou

Take a moment to ground yourselves here… 
when you exhale, you send the energy into the earth – very simple, very necessary…
Certainly, We have great expectations; there’s no time to waste…
Each person should be going through their items and discard what’s no longer necessary; if you have sentimental attachments to material objects, you’re holding yourselves back – give things away, get more simple…

(M.’s son mumbling…)
This is Our special guest here; he has a big future and We watch over him…

– (N.) I’d like to know why I went through jail…
– This was for a memory… as you’re in a plane, you can see a bigger picture below you, all of the former existences become one as you enter into the center of your entity… 
this is what happens when you’ve entered the plane so you can expect many surprises…

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8.9 R earthquake in Japan
We’re continually grounding the earth in this country stabilizing those lay lines of energy; this is Our method of creating stability…
D., sometimes We use a level of fierceness in order to break down the door… There’s a difference in unlocking the door or opening it… there’s a difference… if you lock yourself out, then you might have to do something with the door… sometimes you have to break down the door and this is when We become fierce – for your personal information and most who have been close to this Field and have felt that fierce Energy at one time or another…
For you, We’re working to break through the self-righteousness/being right or wrong… this is what needs to be opened so that you have a choice whether you’re right or wrong, you have a choice to believe that you’re

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Enlightenment is a responsibility of the individual in relationship to your own entity… Enlightenment is coming to Oneness with your entity: Know Thyself
If you explore every aspect of the self through every experience in life, as meet all of those other persons, personalities that were expressed by the entity, enlightenment is a possibility… and from that point, you move into a greater search of the self, of the creative self – just as the responsibilities of the baby are different than the responsibilities of the school-age child or the university student or the graduate student… on and on it goes…
Life mirrors the evolution of the spirit, Life is the Great Teacher…
Life is the moment – enlightenment comes in moments 
Each time that you come into that sense of knowing why you created the experience, that’s enlightenment, you’re enlightened… eventually, you know, every experience;

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Amidst all this stress and strain of these changing times, one still has access to Joy… perhaps it’s a greater challenge, but it does exist, it is present….
None in this room has been present in war, but most of you have ancestors or relatives who have passed through that… If you know anyone, if you can find anyone, you might ask them ‘what’s important in life’, you may seek out to find the elders in this society and ask them and see what they say….
The only way to deal with the so-called crisis is to simplify: your lives, your surroundings, your thoughts, your desires and especially your expectations..
Always consider what you need as opposed to what you might want or you might lose or what you might not be able to find… it’s exciting times, but very stressful nevertheless…
What’s your biggest stress

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Understand that this is Our First Line of Defense, this small Group…
You know that the battle is always with the self; there really is no enemy outside, it’s inside… 
there really is no evil, no good/bad… only Choices: you can choose something with good results or something that might have bad results…
Now We choose each of you because We suspect good results; you’ve all come from different directions in life and you meet in one Central Point: a degree of Involvement…
you’ve each managed in your own ways, your own methods, with your own will power to reach a pinnacle of evolution, and We congratulate you…
There’s always the opportunity to fall back and what happens with this association with Us: if you fall back, We catch you… that’s all We can promise… We won’t let you fall so you can keep climbing… there

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The surface of your planet has altered…
The actual dimension has shifted a vibration and this allows the earth to move more freely through her own transformation; at the same time makes it more difficult for the common man, let’s call him, to adjust to the environment, to the weather, to the circumstances of his/her own existence…  

It’s not easy to be on the earth at this moment…
In other centuries, in other times it may have been easier, it may have felt more secure or safer… of course, many persons in this particular land are questioning their security, their safety and this is a part of the transformation…

It’s important to know who your friends are, who’s with you or who’s not with you; this is another reason why J. was called Rock: so that she could clearly cut some persons from her Circle…
We’ve said previously that

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You have a very significant role in this Project of securing Greece, in creating an energetic structure on and in this Land itself, security…
Those of you who are the closest to this Source eventually become part of the actual structuring – and there’s a number, there are more approaching… and as you prepare the next phase of Operation to bring other persons here, you have the intention to call the other pillars… for this is what you’re doing e.g. look at the Acropolis, how many pillars were needed to hold the structure solid and strong; you can imagine how many pillars are necessary, you can imagine yourself as a pillar… and if you have this idea when you begin the projection of consciousness, for this is what happens: you project your consciousness out to attract those others who have agreed to participate in the Resurrection of the Golden Days

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Lifetimes have a tendency to fold one over the other and become a volume like a book…
Of course, you have understood you had many lifetimes, as many as you could fit in one volume that you yourself could pick up and carry… for, once the volume becomes too heavy, then the essence or the entity or spirit, when the existences become too much, then the energy is splattered, not destroyed but broken and spread into many directions to begin again… seeds flying and growing into trees…
You’re on the verge of this, you’ve come to that point in your evolution of deciding ‘do you want to continue? Can you continue to carry such a heavy volume of lifetimes?
Today We intend to move very rapidly through many, many of your existences so that you can finish them up, chapters that you can close so that you can

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Certainly you all know that the earth is rapidly transforming, she has her own design… just like each of you sometimes in your lives decide to take a new hairstyle or gain or lose weight, you change the style of your dress, the earth also has a style, also has a desire to evolve, to transform…

Each of you are lucky to be alive during this period because as the earth mother transforms, she offers you the opportunity to transform as well, to choose a new path, to change the way that you think, the way that you feel, to change your beliefs, to change your attitudes – anything that you like to change, you have the support of the earth…

There’s a great deal of receptivity in the earth now and this allows the Force of Spirit to meet with the earth and give even more support to those …

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Each person, each individual becomes very attached to themselves during life, they become identified with themselves…
When you know yourself completely, you can live in the moment, you can be present, inspired in every moment… and this is Enlightenment: when you know you’re bigger than your personality, than your identity, you’re no longer limited by your experiences… you learn and you keep moving energetically and this is about Consciousness, it’s not even about Spirituality…
Spirituality is a method of identifying Expansion of Consciousness
Religion has the tendency and the responsibility to limit this expansion of consciousness, to put a limit to it… you have a plant; in order to grow, you put it in a pot that co-operates with the size of the plant… once the plant is too big, you give it a bigger pot and you use the smaller pot for another plant…
So all systems

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Road Trip (Vouliagmeni Lake – Sounio – Delphi)

Vouliagmeni Lake, 12th March 2010

Always if you should enter the water, symbolically, if you don’t feel like putting your physical form in, you can do it with your imagination; it’s an opportunity to take even more strength from the earth, from the positioning of the earth… the earth is shifting and this is something that We’ve been expecting and waiting for, for many lines have fallen into place… the earth is always shifting: some co-ordinates are in better position now for aligning the human form with the earth… you see that you don’t have to make any extraordinary efforts in any direction; you only need to be receptive and available…  
Now as far as the structure goes, this area is for balancing the m and f aspects of the Self, of the soul, you might say… as you all know, you’ve had some lifetimes as male, some as female

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Samothraki Island

At the Temple in Samothraki
You come here so that the New System can express itself…
You see, there’s an underground networking of Energy Fields between the islands… and there was an agreement between this particular Site and the area in Ios, Santorini, Delos – all connected…
There was a type of movement within the Civilization of the Matriarch that you completed at the end of the life…
Of course, the travel wasn’t so frequent or without delay and the stay was much longer: years were spent in specific places in order to educate those who were, let’s call it, ‘the ruling class’…
Although it wasn’t a system with blood  it was a system designed on who deserved to rule so that throughout the educational process, the participants were evaluated and it was decided in which capacity within society or within the governing body,

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Ios Island

Everything is moving as planned…
There’s a divine Design that’s being followed, intuitive and actualized by this Joining of Fields

First, We join the Earth…

Μany times you look at humanity…first, it’s the joining of the masculine and the feminine…
What is the next step? What happens next?

First comes Love… then comes Marriage… and then the baby…

And this new Energy Field that is in the embryonic phase will be representing that joining; before a soul can seek the parents, the feminine aspect of that parent must find the masculine aspect… and then the soul has the capability of choosing the Mother and Father – dynamics

Now this new Field has been working through Th.’s resourcefulness as a medium and becoming more and more anxious for Birth – there’s a level of anxiety within that Field and almost a bit of desperation for Actualization…

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You don’t, necessarily, need to know your destination in order to move…
You can trust that you are moving in the right direction even if you are unsure which way you’re going, who you’re traveling with, who will accompany you or who will be at the final destination when you reach that point…
Of course, you haven’t made any mistakes, you’re not in the wrong way…
This is very important association for you this lady, E.; she has something to offer you she’s not even aware, she only knows that she trusts you… she feels an affinity for your energy field and she likes you and she trusts you… you don’t have to prove anything to her, you don’t have to go out of your own way to please or satisfy her; there’s an expectation that she will satisfy you
And that expectation is from the Cosmos, from Us

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Life is full of opportunities…
as you move towards a goal, the Universe offers many small chances to prove to yourself, and to the forces that be, that this is, really, the direction you hope to move in… there is always a great deal of co-operation within the universal Force of Life; it’s all about becoming a very good player!  
And as you become more aware, more conscious of the Self, of the needs of the Self, the methods in which one tricks themselves up, you learn how to play better this game of life… of course, there is always losses… and opportunities to win… maybe you, just, win a bit more time in the same position before there is a requirement to move…
You may begin!
– (D.) It’s a National Holiday today for Greece; I wonder if You’d like to make a comment about the situation

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Each person feels the pressure…
Each person is responsible for choosing to be here at this moment, this position on the Globe… some of you have come from a long distance to be here; some from a shorter
You can’t blame anyone else…
The Earth is pressing from below now… the last years, all of these, so-called, energies available coming down to the earth, entering the earth have managed to assist the earth in her own evolution…
Now if you can imagine that you have a head full of lice, what do you do?
You try to get rid of it…
you poison it actually… you poison your own head in order to kill off the eggs; actually, to kill the bugs and then you have to pick the eggs off…
Has anyone ever had lice?
Do you remember how challenging it was to get them off?!  

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Life, like any other subject, is not completely understood until it’s over!
This means that many passages, illnesses, relations are not, fully, comprehended, digested until you finish the circle of life…
Some clouds obscure all of the sun, you know, all of the beings of the sun, all of the sunshine when others, partially, obscure the light…
This is why the theme of Acceptance and Forgiveness are so major for any evolving spirit! At some point there are no questions – you, simply, accept life, you, simply, accept the meal that is being served, eat what you like or what you choose and leave the rest without any comment or any discussion of ‘why we are eating this today’, ‘What are the ingredients’ etc…
This is for energetic adjustments: this is why We are present! 
Everything else We can discuss but We can’t, really, fix anything

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You are witnessing a series of events that will affect the future of this country…
It may seem like a small insult at the moment but things have a tendency to grow from one small seed!
There is a seed of discontent within the citizens of Greece and these situations are like fertilizer for that seed… the only thing that you can do as individuals is to hope for the best and watch your own emotional field as it either turns away, moves along with or stands opposite the general consensus…
Who has any questions about this?
 (…) Could You be more specific as to what our attitude towards it should be?
– Watch from above as you have each chosen to go your own ways…
On your own pass towards understanding yourselves, you examine yourself how you react or respond to the scenes going on around you… if

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Certainly, We’re the ones causing, who are responsible for all the giggling around here because We do want to have fun with you human beings…
You take yourselves way too seriously!
Now, We want you to close your eyes and think about the most serious thing about your life this moment… take a moment to think about that!
Who has the most serious problem in the room? Seriously now!
We want you to raise your hands!
Jayne is raising her hand! Come on! Be honest with yourselves! Everyone thinks that their pattern, their project, their challenge is the most serious in the room! And it’s important that you feel that way: because you’ll never resolve a challenge if you don’t take it seriously, if you don’t believe it deserves your full attention! If you don’t give your challenge your full attention, then, you’re not serious about resolving it!

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To begin, D., greeting you, once again, energetically, welcoming you…

Understand that this is a time of great acceleration energetically, for humanity, particularly for those of you who are consciously expanding, those of you who are focused on the expansion of your consciousness…

Now, life is a journey controlled by the consciousness expanding – this journey is, many times, hazardous to the emotions, to the mind… always the journey ends in the death of the physical form, but the consciousness continues to grow, to expand… and it’s time for you to put yourself into a clear focus, to recognize that the experiences that you have, the challenges that you face are all a matter of choice and decision
you, yourselves, decide to move in a certain direction, consciously and you pull the rest of the sides along with you… you’re not victims of anything outside yourselves;

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We greet you all…
J. has the intention of sharing an exercise with the Group that would assist each person to step aside from their mind, We will say, because if there is a blockage to receiving this Energy, it is within the mind… and when the mind becomes a little tired of processing so much, then the mind steps back and relaxes and then We can sneak in!
We welcome you, once again, and each of you!
Now, there are many concerns and each person would do well to ask their own questions… this is why are trying to push Honesty and this Honesty is for yourselves; admit that you have concerns and questions, the Secretiveness is not necessary…
Now, We will call Yi. who has a question about his departed father – We would like to hear the question…
 (Yi.) Can I, at

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