Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

Motherhood and Family Dynamics (from personal reading)

4 April 2024

It is always good to bring up the humor! Laughing has the ability to break into belief systems; to loosen the hold on whatever the mind believes is truth or relevant to being. Sometimes it is better to be without any beliefs just open-minded and open-hearted. If you are empty headed then it is easier to go into life, to learn to trust life as you meet it if you are not filled with expectations or anything that you believe that you know. Knowing is valuabale up to a certain point then it becomes a limitation. It can limit one from expanding on any topic, so it is always a positive thing to be receptive, to be open, and to hear what the universe has to offer to you. You have a mothering instinct toward others and that is positive, that is love.


Advice on helping family

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Family Dynamics (From Personal Reading)

Family Dynamics (From Personal Reading)

26.10.23 ~ (From Personal Reading)

What do you hope for? Peace and love. Then you become that. That is as simple as it gets. You become what you hope for and then wait to see how that works out. Something else?

Humans are meant to be multidimensional and multi-faceted and have multiple intimate relationships in life, it is necessary for self-development. It is about respect. With intimacy often comes a great deal of disrespect for others. This is just a human emotional thing. People come together intimately and expect the other family members or whoever should disappear but that is not going to happen. It exists. There is not just one-for-one and forget everybody else. The best direction to take in a relationship is to just pipe down, to be neutral. Freedom. There is a need for freedom. That is the only way to understand the multidimensional self. When there …

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El Meco Archeological Site Cancun, Mexico

El Meco Archeological Site Cancun, Mexico

”An essential part from the reading that took place at the site”

What happens when you visit places that matter, it is very beneficial to have a clear intention when you are going to a foreign country. Not just to vacation but why do I want to go there?
What do I want to take?
What do I want to give?
What am I looking for?
What is my purpose to revisit this point on the Planet Earth?

All those questions will help you to stay protected from something that you wouldn’t necessarily choose to manifest in your physical body. This is general information for anyone. Anyone visiting a foreign land might have the intention to create clarity inside of themselves in relationship to that place, a general direction for anyone. This is in order to protect yourself. If you have a strong connection with that place you might be …

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If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle

If You miss: SUMMER SOLSTICE Healing Circle


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God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

God ~ Truth ~ Meditation ~ Intuition (from Personal Reading)

7 July 2021 ~ (from Personal Reading)

More than ever, it is time to turn your attention to the Lord, to God. Every thought that you have, realize that God is listening, ok? You might say that now is the moment in time that the chosen are being chosen. You could say that God is paying more attention to the human beings during these moments of crisis than in the last few hundred years because it is the time for transformation. It is the time for the preparation for the New Earth and who is welcomed and who will be left behind. It has more to do with the train of thoughts than it does with almost anything else. We have said it before that no matter what happens in one’s life you are in control of what you think. What are your train of thoughts during the day? How …

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DELPHINIANS closing ceremony for Greece

Delphi Closing Ceremony

6 June 2021

Close your eyes and take some deep grounding breaths. Connect with the Mother Earth. Wherever we take this body, she will be connected to the Earth and you can connect with us through that root. Many of you know that we have been working here for years, particularly on this site, to open the wounds that were inflicted with the years on a sacred site. You doctors know that you open the wound and you clean it out. The first years were clearing out. And then after that healing of the wounds, you came here to connect with the ancient spirit that resides here.

Meditation exercise
Today if you choose to go onto the site, you are going to have it in your minds that you are connecting. That you are opening through the soles of your feet, palms of your hands, your heart, …

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Delphinians Reading for the New Generation

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“The last year I am concerned about time…

It is because you are in tune, in touch with the accelerating energies that are present. You are aware that things have sped up. What you can do to balance that, do you do any aerobic exercises? We suggest that the first thing you do is accelerate, whether you run or walk very quickly, you speed up. In order to balance this feeling that time is rushing by, because it is.

For everyone?

Yes, for humanity. It has to do with the shifting into a new age, into a new Earth, a new vibration. Think about physics for a moment, when you are at a finer frequency it moves faster. Think about music, the higher octaves have a higher frequency. This is what is impressing you, because you are impressed, you have an impression in your energy field. Your mind

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Spring Clean Up at Delphi

Spring Clean Up at DELPHI

The ancient site of DELPHI offers the visitor an opportunity to have direct contact and deeper connection with their own personal entity field, or SOUL. This contact has the potential to create a more inspired degree of living and being.

Between 2006-2018 we have worked with the Delphinians and the energies buried at the archeological site of Delphi to create and secure a clear and clean connection between you and your entity whenever you visit the site. Each year we are instructed to make ceremony to ensure that this pathway is free from debris. This debris is created by visitors who unconsciously litter the site with unawareness.

On the weekend of APRIL 20-21, 2019 we will be making a ceremony at DELPHI geared towards cleaning the site and clearing our own shadows. Please join us!!

On SATURDAY APRIL 20, 2019 we will be visiting the …




15 July 2018


Feel the wind now. Close your eyes and get with the elements here. Allow the sounds created by the wind to clear your minds. The ancients were more in tune with the elements than the present humans. They did not believe in accidents, they knew that everything had a purpose; everything had a reason to be. No experience was rejected. It was appropriate to explore the experience to find the hidden messages. So therefore, you stay in the flow if you take this type of approach to your life, you do not reject anything, you just move with what is happening in the life; you keep going. If you reject or resist your experience then you are basically spinning around in a circle. Meditation exercise

Thoughts tend to move in a spiral, the infinite mind moves in the infinity sign, the figure eight and this …

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The Olive Tree of Vouves, Crete (Ancient Olive Tree)

The Olive Tree of Vouves, Crete (Ancient Olive Tree)

The Olive Tree of Vouves, Crete

17 June 2018


Use your imagination to follow the roots of these giant trees. See how deep you go. It is a very grounding experience to connect with such an old mother, let’s call this tree over there, who is still giving and giving. This is the reason why she attracts so many visitors. She can give you some wisdom of the ages as she has seen so much. It might sound a bit unusual to say that trees can see, but they have the psychic sight, let us call it. Any questions?


Meditation Exercise

Go close to the tree, ground yourself with your own feet. Imagine the tree’s roots and make your own roots as well with the tree. Have your hands on the tree, you can do this with any tree. This will assist in the awakening of the ancient …

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Chania, Crete (Archeological Site Crete)

Chania, Crete (Archeological Site Crete)

16 June 2018

Chania, Crete

Make sure your feet are flat on the ground and somehow bring your hands together. We are greeting you energetically. Of course you know it is all about energy. Before we get into the job today we would like to work energetically on each of you. We will start on this side. Just breath, feel the air. You are all working to survive this life and some are flourishing and some fading away. Regardless, there are always new opportunities for growth. We can say that the four who have gathered here today have balanced their feminine self which is one of the goals of the present lifetimes for everyone. As the power is shifting from the male to the female it is very important that the feminine aspects of the self be acknowledged, recognized, expressed and then of course balanced. Each expression needs balance, you …

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Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

11 September 2016

Crete – Temple of Asclepius

Just as you have hospitals, places of healing in the modern age, the ancients had temples for healing. Of course, you know that wherever there are: humans, communities, relationships, there is imbalance. At some point it manifests in the physical or psychological form. So, you take your sac and go over to the temple for a healing. Now here as you might have understood, they chose this place because of the water. The water was very clear and fresh and they knew the value of the water. By the taste they could determine if there was an opportunity for balancing oneself. It carries on today, although the water is not coming here but you can pick it up over there. Today when you walk back past you can take the water and throw it at yourself or Jayne can throw it at …

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Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis, Crete

Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis, Crete

10 September 2016


Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis

Fortunately you have reincarnation. This is why it can become easier to accept the closure of the present life that you live. If you had to design a future life, what would you take with you? What would you leave behind? Would you take your technology? You always want to destroy it and leave it behind? You really have to think about it. The nature of the human is to evolve and to improve not to collapse. It is important as you age to expect to feel better; to expect to be more at peace with your life; to expect to be more satisfied with the life. There are systems that convince the human that aging is a decaying process. But it does not have to be that way.

Let’s say a little about this place here. This is a …

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Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

16 July 2016

Monastery of Vlatadon, Thessaloniki

Close your eyes and get with the elements here. This is a very sacred place above your city recognize since antiquity it has gone through different phases. You know we like to talk about the matriarch and certainly this was a point of great interest. The view, how far you can see, is important. Open your eyes now and look as far as you can. Decide for yourselves that you are willing to travel as far as is necessary to reach your goals in life. We have mentioned that we will be dealing with the balancing of the masculine and feminine here because this is one of the biggest challenges for every human. To balance themselves, to show both sides, to embrace both sides, to recognize both sides. Let’s play a small game: if you are a woman, imagine that you are a …

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Vergina Archeological Site Ceremony

Vergina Archeological Site Ceremony

6 December 2015


Here you have a relatively balanced land as far as the feminine and masculine energies go. This is why it is a good place to take down the patriarch. What does that mean? Just step off the throne and allow the feminine consciousness to rise and take the place. No need for battle or arguments, it is always important between the man and the woman to understand that they are coming from different directions. They have crossed different territories to reach the same position so neither is necessarily right or wrong. Even if you are angry, frustrated with your partner, put that in your mind that you have come from different directions. Therefore what you know is right about the journey is probably not the same thing that he/she knows. So if you find yourself frustrated, angry bring in an element of curiosity as to how …

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Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

4 December 2015

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki

You have managed to find a very sacred site within your city. Most churches are built on particular ley lines within the Earth. Maybe Christianity thought it could wipe out paganism, but it was following paganism. Christianity was built upon the celebration of life which was paganism. Perhaps the religious leaders thought the humans were having too much fun. They were too immersed in the sensual pleasures of life and they needed to believe in suffering. So they created the mythological stories of the suffering on the cross and they tried to instill guilt. You know that sometimes you can feel guilty about enjoying your life. Particularly, if you are well off during these times of economic crisis in your country, there might be an element of guilt when you choose to satisfy your desires thinking about your fellow man that is suffering. So what …

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Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

Elefsina Archaeological Site ~ Day 1

29 August 2015


Our interest is always energy moving, energetic connecting and Earth balancing so we will ask you all right away to stand and make a circle here. Stand in a circle. Most people take their problems to work with them; we are interested in taking your problems off of you today. Move close together. We want to walk around behind you, we are interested in energy moving and we want to touch you all. Close your eyes and let it all go to the Earth as you exhale.


Imagine two channels from the bottom of your feet going into the Mother Earth. This country belongs to you; the Earth here is welcoming for any of your stress. The Earth is always grateful to receive your gratitude. Do not forget. Do not put anything in your mouth before you thank the Mother, even a cigarette. Tobacco is …

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20 June 2015


It might not have been a warm welcome but it was a cool welcome. We want you all to have a drink of water from the spring that is running over there after we finish here. What we were doing was clearing your energy fields so that you could receive this ceremony this morning. Each person is unique, each person carries their own history and this is what we will be working on today. When you find a nice quiet place we can gather and go into more details. Greetings to all.

A very good location because what is the goal of today? To go out of your mind, to complete the history of this life so you can go forward to a greater state of enlightenment. Each time a car passes by, send your consciousness to follow the car. Can you do that? Can you …

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Mt. Olympus ~ Mountain of the Gods

Mt. Olympus ~ Mountain of the Gods

9 May 2015

Mt. Olympus


Opening meditation

The first step is to put the water into your heads. Just listen to the water, get the sense of how it is moving, how it is running. Probably everyone has something inside their minds and first we want to empty that and you participate by opening your ears. Close your eyes.


Everyone likes to know that they are spiritual beings, today we want you to focus on being a human being because being a human being is what leads you to your spiritual presence whether or not you choose to go to church and pray or you go to the Buddhist temple and prostrate yourself or you do yoga. Whatever path you choose you are a human being walking that path.


Meditation exercise

So what we want you to do today as you are taking this short walk that …

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Lydia River

You all must know that ‘there are no accidents’, particularly when you are working with this type of a Source…
So We begin…
Close your eyes and ground yourself here… send some energy into the earth, remember that exercise that you did yesterday – if you were present – and use that channel that you’ve created to the core so that you may be more affective… as you walk along your path of spirit, one of the most important things is to stay grounded…
You are on the earth for a reason…
First, it’s a personal reason
And then, second, it’s a more general reason for your entity field… of course, We are interfering energetically with this Operation going on alongside of Us (a catholic mass by the river) just like yesterday (a gathering of the farmers’ association)…
You know this is

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Mud baths, Krinides

Of course We have a bigger audience here (a farmers’ gathering nearby)… you know even if they’re not participating within this circle, they are affected… It’s very important food, isn’t it… if you don’t grow your own food then you’re dependent on these individuals… and they are the ones who are dealing directly with the mother earth… so your first blessing today is that they are a part of this operation…
You know We like to work outdoors because We have a very big aura…
Today you are going to go into the Earth over there… you’re going to ground yourself… of course this is a very grounding experience… but if you use your imagination and ground yourself even more your energy field will connect to the core… this is what We want you to do today… to imagine that you’re connecting with the core of

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Vouliagmeni Lake, Attica

Of course, We are here, We are with you each and everyone… please sit in an open manner; don’t cross your arms or legs so that you may allow the energy to move without blocks…
If you want to protect yourself from a situation or the energy of another, you can cross your fingers in front of your solar plexus – thumbs as well… in this way you maintain your own field… you know with the left you receive and with the right you give – by creating this type of circuit, you move the energy inside of yourself or around your own centre…
So, say you are at a meeting and you feel yourself becoming a bit emotional about the exchange of information; if you, deliberately, close yourself like that, close your eyes for one moment and you will begin to return to your own center – that’s a

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 2)

How many found themselves floating down the river last night in the dream? How many dreamt about the water?
Any dreams? Go on! We want to interpret the dreams first…
(Ef.) I dreamt I was somewhere with people I knew and others I didn’t and they were all white, also a dog – white as well…
– Didn’t you associate that with the light? Sometimes when the light is shining in the mirror, all you see is white… you were sharing the light that you gathered with some associates and loved ones – We want to say ‘patients’… so any time you are dealing with someone, if you don’t understand them, if they’re disturbing you, you can imagine that they’re turning white with light…
(M.) I found myself in an old, deserted house where a friend since childhood lived and he was using drugs – which

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We want to welcome this Circle as it grows…
there is Power in Numbers… any time two people put their heads together, they have doubled the power to create, doubled the power to destroy – watch how you argue with another… know that the earth is absorbing everything…
some years back the earth awakened from her slumber and started to participate in each of your energy fields; just as if sb moves into your home with you, they become part of your family, the earth became part of the family of your individual energy field…
each one of you is an electromagnetic field and you exchange energy with anyone with whom you communicate, any circumstance that you put yourselves in…  any experience that you have, you’re participating energetically, you’re affected…
now the earth is available to support you…
after all she’s been sustaining your life, hasn’t she? She’s

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Mud baths, Krinides

You’re all part of a Master plan…

and this plan is for the evolution of humanity…

you open the way:  you heal yourselves and in so doing, you assist the earth and you offer your vibrations to anyone you encounter… there’s a very healing vibration in this body of clay, and you will be carrying it with you… For those of you who were absent yesterday, you will be giving away to the clay your incompletion, your imbalance… the only thing that causes illness is imbalance… if you can walk in balance your whole life, you won’t be ill…

so, first, you give your imbalance to the clay…  when you exit, you’re closing the circle in a clockwise direction… so you have the idea of a spiral going around you… we’re repeating ourselves because everyone will be doing the same thing, only today you have another exercise as well: …

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Mud baths, Krinides

You’re all part of a Master plan…
and this plan is for the evolution of humanity…
you open the way:  you heal yourselves and in so doing, you assist the earth and you offer your vibrations to anyone you encounter… there’s a very healing vibration in this body of clay, and you will be carrying it with you… For those of you who were absent yesterday, you will be giving away to the clay your incompletion, your imbalance… the only thing that causes illness is imbalance… if you can walk in balance your whole life, you won’t be ill…
so, first, you give your imbalance to the clay…  when you exit, you’re closing the circle in a clockwise direction… so you have the idea of a spiral going around you… we’re repeating ourselves because everyone will be doing the same thing, only today you have another exercise as well:

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Thessaloniki, Open

Reclaim Your Roots
Not such a big group but big enough…
It’s your responsibility now to look after your city; how can you do that?
With your thoughts: you can bless the earth, you can be thankful for what you have and you can stop complaining, you can stop making excuses… This is one life, one! What are you going to do with it? Don’t go down with the ship, don’t allow the Media to choose your paths… Many of you have had experiences with this Source, many of you continue to participate, many of you have gone your own way, many of you have yet to arrive… but you’re all moving, there’s Energy moving through each of you – nobody is left out… everyone has a role to play in life… most of you play many roles: mother, father, lover, friend, businessman / businesswoman…
What do you want from

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Aptera, Chania (Crete)

(very poor recording)
Certainly We greet each and every one of you…
When you make a decision, when you put your will behind sth, you have an opportunity to receive inspiration…
maybe the biggest difficulty for the human beings is that they think too much – you try to solve problems with your mind and you often create obstacles for solution when you need inspiration…
it is a very good idea to use an affirmation ‘I’m open for inspiration, I’m now ready for inspiration’ and then you put your will to open further those channels to be inspired… you all know what inspiration means, you’ve all been inspired in your lives… if you think too much, you might sometimes toss yourselves out of following that inspiring idea…
it is very important to become more instinctual… if you have any pet, observe them, pay more attention to their instinctual nature…

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Epidavros (2nd day)

Mothers’ day

There are many methods to shift your consciousness…
meditation is one, but using your senses is easier… 
you know about listening to the wind; this can clear the mind very easily, open the mind… the mind exists within the consciousness of being… at this moment, you’re being alive, you’re being human, you’re being Greeks, you’re being part of this Operation here…
You know that We cooperate with the Earth and We use each of you as a tool to pass the energy through your form to reach the earth… you can do this yourselves any time that you feel to or any time you have an impulse, any time you think about Us or anything that We’ve said: you can simply ask to have the Energy pass through your form… this can assist you to expand your consciousness awareness – this is the purpose of

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Epidavros (1st day)

Those of you who have been participating in this Operation are already feeling the Energy… you can say that the Spirit is sleeping in the air, and when you start to walk, you awaken the Spirit and you start to rise…
This is the purpose of this Project…
You all know what’s happening in your Land, on the surface…
it’s time to focus what’s happening inside… 
in some ways, the ancient spirit of Greece must lead in the revolution of an energy transformation in the humans

you’re all familiar with the DNA shifting; if you as humans don’t stay in contact, connected with the spirit of the earth, Ascension is of no value… you’re here on the planet for a purpose and that purpose is to transform the self… transform yourselves into super humans… you need the earth; you can’t do it without the earth…
so by participating

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Petra on Mt. Olympus

Greetings to each of you…
We understand that some of you have taken your anesthesia last night – alcohol is one of the early anesthetics so you might not witness the results or the effects of this Field…
you might be a close friend, so you have become accustomed to the Energy; the more recent is your contact, the more you might be affected by Our Operations… 
it’s important to accept that We do no harm – Protection is Our first step towards each and every one of you…
Of course, you might not have met yet the Essence of your god or goddess, but this is the intention you each should have: to reach the Essence – this is the Centre, this is the entity of the god or goddess that you want to access…
Now We want to open the floor so that you may deposit any blocks

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