Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Athens (near Acropolis)

There’s a purpose for every journey…
You can’t count the hours spent in travel and compare one journey to another judging by how many hours were spent to arrive so it’s inappropriate to count how many hours We will be speaking when We bring this Channel to another location… We’re present whether We’re speaking or being silent, We’re active in your energy fields – you must have realized this by now… We’re not absent; We choose to invest in your movements: you, Jayne and a few others…
We make energetic investment like a deposit that you put in the bank; whenever you want to take from that account, you do because you deposited funds, energy into that account… We make energetic deposits in each of you that participate in this Operation and We work through those deposits… We make investments into the earth, We come here to make an investment into this area…
It’s important to secure this area: there are many sacred items for humanity – not even for Our particular interest but for the human interest as it relates with the earth…
This is why We like to come here to this place: it’s a very energetic, very alive place in Greece… there are many persons who passed this area not only this year but in other past decades, many interesting persons who have vital force – if you care to review, you will see through the ages many so-called famous persons have passed through this area in order to view the Site, to walk on it… it’s an important place, you agree, of course… you can’t come here often enough is what We will say – no matter how many lifetimes you passed on the planet, you might be drawn back at least to visit this area… this is actually the most frequented place in Greece obviously so We like to come back again and again through this form (Jayne)…
So you come as a special guest, you feel it… there’s something happening that is intangible, something you might be able to feel during these days here: there’s a change, a more obvious connection occurring with the earth energies this year… there’s a response in the earth, a receptivity that the earth is offering; it’s important to acknowledge, to respond to that receptivity in the earth, to become more aligned with the earth energies as she shifts and changes…
For every human: if you’re centralized in the earth, you have a greater chance to maintain balance… if you’re secure at this area of the solar plexus, from the central point, you can maintain balance through the shifting and changing of the earth’s atmosphere… the earth’s vibration is changing – now, at this moment, there’s a pause as the earth becomes more receptive to embrace more of the human energy…
How do you manage to respond in order to achieve a greater state of balance?
First, you use your awareness to feel this pull from the earth or to sensitize yourself to the gravitational pull from the earth… to choose to spend more time, consciously, communicating with the earth… and to continue in a movement or a motion with balance…
Every step needs balancing before taking another step… it’s as if you’re walking on a tight rope: you don’t walk rapidly, you walk with balance…
 (D.) First time that I find myself in Athens feeling lighter, welcomed, at ease unlike other times…
– You’ve reached a pinnacle in awareness or self-realization; you’ve been promoted, you’re higher up on the mountain so rather than being under any heavy vibration that exists in this city, you’re elevated – that’s why…
 (D.) What defines a Site as Sacred?
– The balance of energetic forces from the earth and from the spirit or from the entities that have interest in maintaining peace…
 (D.) So it doesn’t have to do with Temples, really or does it?
– The Temple itself, the stone holds a vibration of creation… you know that when many of the Temples – the Marbles, were created, there was a great excellence expressed through the artist… and this excellence requires this balance We’re describing: the balance of the earth with the spirit so that the individual who created the artwork, the excellence had a gift to give to others – a gift of balance or harmony… Harmony was the most important element, wasn’t it?
 (D.) And one of Your favorite words, I understand…
– Harmonious lines, harmony between the left and right… if you look at anyone’s face very seldom is there harmony between one side and another… when you go to the Museum and you’re viewing the statues, the busts, keep this in mind… view the harmony from one side to the other – this is the point in protecting and maintaining those Sacred Relics… what Modern Art today is harmonious?
 (D.) Is it really?!
– That’s a good question… is there any harmony displayed in the artwork today or is there a force, a type of destruction? So harmony is a part of preserving the beauty or peace or serenity, correct?

 (D.) I’m wondering if there’s a sculptor amongst You! Is there a Site You’d connect me with?
– You might prefer Olympia, you might feel more expanded there… open your arms and grab the spirit of the Ancient World…
 (D.) Have You connected Olympia with Acropolis and Delphi already?
– Yes, but there needs to be more movement in that direction… you might like to plan a trip there…
 (D.) Ok, we can do that… I have to ask again: what about Santorini, what is it stuck in my mind?
– There’s something there…
 (D.) Why do I feel that I was there when the volcano erupted?
– Why not accept what you feel… you’ve been there, for sure, in a few lives…
 (D.) Why are some places so susceptive to Natural Disasters and some aren’t? What defines which place will be destroyed and which will not?
– There really is no answer to that question… as the times shift, so does the Path of Destruction… just because it seems it didn’t happen in one place, doesn’t mean it won’t happen!
 (D.) Australia is suffering these days: unbelievable floods, reptiles crawling in the cities – it feels like watching a sci-fi or a horror movie…
– It’s time for shifting… there’s a shift towards a more spiritual approach to being human… there’s a shift away from materialistic concern – humans have a tendency to be overly-concerned with material whether this is their cars or their homes or their possessions or even their finances, the technology… all of this is material…
There’s a shift towards more subtle energies
What does it mean? What’s behind all the destruction of material or the creation of new technology? What is the subtlety behind it all? And it takes a great man or woman to figure it out, to know and those who are on the Path to Knowing are the ones who are being lifted out of the materialistic vibration into a more refined vibratory state… you know yourself that you’ve changed a great deal as far as your attitude towards material in life, towards any so-called materialistic concerns…
 (D.) Not that I was ever attached to matter but maybe I understand what You mean…
– It’s not about comparing how attached you were or weren’t – probably those who are overly-attached to Matter don’t even have a chance to be shifted… anyone who’s able to be released has been having the same attitude as yourself: not so materialistically attached… so it’s a matter of degrees of releasing, more opportunities to release… the human being lives and suffers through life, it’s not all pleasure; it’s suffering and pleasure, it’s a type of dualistic back-and-forth of satisfaction/dissatisfaction, good/bad, happy/sad… there’s a great disturbance in the earth and she’s not going to stop to consider how her reactions might affect the humans or any other creature on her surface…
 (D.) Are You telling me that when a Natural Disaster occurs somewhere in the world, it’s meant to set an example for the rest of the world as far as awakening is concerned?
– You can say that, that’s part of it…
 (D.) Australia is so far away from us but I dread the idea of people walking in the streets and having to survive reptiles among all their other misfortunes – so is it like a general awakening, a general call?
 As you see yourself one with all humans… you know you can be here and know how it feels without being there, you can be anywhere and imagine what it could be and then you can be happy for where you are whether it’s hot or cold…
 (D.) I’d like also to ask for Your comment on those mine-workers entrapped for so long in Chile and I hear of more incidents elsewhere… is this happening more often now or is it due to the Mass Media that we get well-informed?
– Both! Mining is becoming more frequent so it’s happening more often…
 (D.) So I suppose it’s out of control, it’s greed
– Isn’t it?!
 (D.) But we buy stones and jewels so isn’t that shared responsibility?
– You’re not benefiting from the industry, you’re not a middleman in the industry so they’re the ones that will pay the most from the operations – the miners are forgiven…
 (D.) Talking about punishment… if few people are accumulating most of the wealth of the earth leading humanity to despair, what does instant karma mean to them?
– It’s important to know that eventually ‘you will pay the fine’…
 (D.) What pushes them to do that to humanity? Are they humans really?
– Opportunistic…
 (D.) But how much is enough for them?
– Each person is an individual and some people are never satisfied no matter what they have or no matter how far they travelled… why do you care?
 (D.) Because I think or do something ‘bad’ and I get instantly punished like I’m forbidden to do it so I’m wondering ‘what about them?’
– You don’t know what’s in store for them… how much suffering can come and how something minor can expand into something major, a small irritation turning into a major…

 (D.) What are the crucial factors, the prerequisites based on which one is ready to leave for the New Earth?
– First of all, a willingness to change, to alter, to become new, to shift things…
Why We suggest to people to cut their hair, remove their furniture: small exercises to prepare them for a new form, to embrace a new form… We’re not going to turn this into a science or a philosophy by giving a list of rules and regulations, it’s an individual thing… this is why We work with individuals, and when We work in groups, We give directions that pertain to all of the participants…
Now this question can be answered by revealing the sessions that We’ve given, you can figure it out… We don’t need to summarize because there’s always something new, for each individual there exist specifics: what they must transform in order to be able to function… imagine the space shuttle and the astronauts who have a great deal of preparation in order to function in that atmosphere and the preparation is not only physical but psychological as well, emotional… so it’s a whole passage of alterations,  there are certain signs within individuals that that is their direction… if they’re apparent, then We direct them towards this transformation…
 (D.) All this sounds like small tips but You’ve said that impeccability is necessary so I’m wondering how feasible this is for humans…
– It is!
 (D.) But we’re all struggling with little human behavior, with small, pathetic issues every day…
– And you always will be, that’s the game of life…
You learn how to play the game but you still have the same challenges, you still have to throw the ball into the net or throw it so that the other can catch it… it’s not as you’re not going to be faced with challenges; then what’s the sense of living if you don’t have something to deal with, something to work with? What good is a sculpture without a piece of clay or a piece of marble? Everything is only in the mind, in the imagination; you need something tangible to complete the circle of creation
so the human condition is valuable and can be viewed as something very sweet and not a burden… many persons who are preparing for the New Earth have felt that life is a burden, that it is uncomfortable; there is a moment where they overcome or that they pass the goal on and they see how sweet, how beautiful life is… this is one of the prerequisites: you can never really close on a bad note, you must close on a positive note or with good will
 (D.) Are those preparing to leave for the New Earth in Your Circle only?
– No, of course not! We don’t own the New Earth!
 (D.) Who’s preparing them?
– Some people are preparing themselves; We’re only offering assistance…
 (D.) How can they manage that? I’ve been receiving Your guidance for years and I feel I’m still in Junior High…
– There are a lot of people in this world…
 (D.) I see inside me, I see around me, I go through the readings of many and I find people who’re fighting against their shadows, their human nature and that there’s still a long way to go… so I’m wondering what we’ve done, what’s so different about us to deserve the chance You’re offering us concerning this New Earth …
– Courage!
 (D.) To face our shadows? But many people go to therapists to do that so where’s the difference?
– Are you sure? Or are they just talking?
You can compare this to an experience with a therapist but after you had that experience, you might see it very different… it’s a different process, it’s from a different prospective… most analysts have a dogma that they’re following and they fit the client into that structure… on the other hand, We see your structure and We fit you into that… We see the structure of your entity and of your personality and We attempt to marry the two, to put a fluidity between those two… We don’t attempt to fit you into a Freudian structure or a Jungian or a more recent one… We don’t try to fit you into a structure that you will then have to break later… We work to fit you into the structure that is you… it’s much more difficult to come here than to go to a psychiatrist…
 (D.) Yes, but the benefits are also different; You offer us a potential future…
– But We don’t want to say that to everyone…
 (D.) But I’ve been with You for years, with all this access to privileged information and sometimes I feel blessed and others loaded with responsibility… many times I wonder what I’ve done to deserve that – it’s an honour and it’s a good deal for having to smack my ego a few times, I guess… 
– You work very hard as well, you have a great deal of self-examination… many times when you go to a therapist, you’re given an opportunity to have a shoulder to cry on and you’re talking to somebody who’s heard a great deal so they can give you some direction how to resolve what’s happening inside – it’s a slower process than that We offer…
 (D.) I’m not comparing, of course… I’m stating how impressed I feel by what You’re offering us… Delphi was quite an experience… I should say though that this great gift of co-operating with our entity is too much to handle – how can we make the most of this present? I find myself asking favours and sometimes it is pure magic and others it’s not happening; so is it like the kid asking for an ice-cream and getting it depending on their behavior?
– No! You’re willing to receive when you have the results and you’re willing to let go when you don’t…
 (D.) So what happens when we don’t get what we want? We’re not ready? We don’t deserve it?
– Perhaps it’s not necessary…

 (D.) I have difficulty praying – I know it’s not about words…
– Imagine light reaching the earth… ask for the Christ Energy to embrace those who are suffering – that’s prayer, an internal dialogue… everyone is praying as they think, what they want, their desires, their imaginations… the circling thoughts become prayers as you empower them with will
Now We give imageries: imagine the rainbow over the earth – this is a bridge for those who are passing over… every time that you see the rainbow over the earth, you’re offering one of your brothers or sisters a pathway to spirit, to release… when you have death, you have a release, there is a release from Matter, from the physical form – it’s not always pleasant, it’s not always easy and it’s not always effortless… these images that We’ve been planting in the minds are for that purpose…
 (D.) What about my Dad?
– He’s set up, he’s satisfied where he is… he’s looking into a future military experience – this is what he likes anyway…
 (D.) So have I taken it from him this discipline, duty thing?
– Yes, certainly!
 (D.) Have we been in the Army together?
– Sure! You want to be proper, you want to do what you’re supposed to do…
 (D.) I hate this…
– It’s not bad, it just limits your freedom or your sense of freedom from time to time…
 (D.) How do I break out of this?
– First, you have the desire… you might try some free dancing if you like to wildly move your body around to remove your structuring – there’s a great deal of structuring…
 (D.) Around Christmas and onward, You keep referring to Jesus and His Field more and more – why now?
– Why do you think? Because it’s time, that’s why – it’s the right time to transfer the selfish thoughts of bringing Christ to the self to bringing it to the others…  it causes an alteration inside of the field of the one who’s passing the Energy, it removes the selfishness and, of course, you know what is the cause of all this: Greed… even greed for life, you could say…
 (D.) I can’t quite make the connection between Delphi and the Twelve Gods and Jesus and Christianity…
– Christianity is not Jesus Christ – this is the illusion… Jesus Christ was a simple, humble servant – to whom? God or the Gods or the Goddess, the Shift… working to bring peace, harmony, compassion into the selfish minds and hearts of the humans
 (D.) And why would Jayne go to Mt Olympus to meet this Field?
– Purity, balance; this point has both… it has balance between m and f…
 (D.) I still have difficulty to see the balance of the two sides concerning a mountain…
– You haven’t explored earth in that manner, you haven’t been looking for m and f parts whether it’s a rock or a mountain or… you can do it with your intuition; it’s about knowing and slowly, slowly, slowly as one becomes more aware of themselves, then that aspect of knowing also grows and develops… you just know some things, don’t you? As you develop, this knowing self expands…
 (D.) Do we all have a connection with the entity of Christ? I suppose it’s a matter of choice, right?
– It’s a matter of words…

(D.) So ‘he who asks shall receive?’
– Not necessarily – some persons come into life to take, to receive or to explore the greed…
– (D.) So it’s about deserving – some people are more deserving…
– Some people feel more deserving and then they receive more… of course, if you’re born into a wealthy family, does that mean that you deserve more health than somebody who’s born without wealth? Or does that mean you have lessons to learn for being wealthy that you’re not going to learn if you are poor or if you are middle-class? 
Life is designed as an educational process – the entity doesn’t want all of its family to wealthy or poor but in order to have a full, fulfilling experience of Matter, you have to have it all ways… 
 (D.) Going to extremes, I’d like to ask about Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator and the Civil War there…
– He’s very devilish this character, he’s misusing power and a destructive force is moving through him…
 (D.) I suppose though that he’s playing his role, he must have been created for some reason: to set a very negative example maybe… I was wondering about Hitler as well – what’s the role of such personalities?
– This is an individual thing… if you have direct contact with them, then you can witness how you’re affected by that force… Power in the wrong hands is very destructive, power can be misused easily and has been throughout history… this is also a mess, a situation that can encourage the witness to want to separate from those theatrics of life… Greed again – so obvious in the world…

 (D.) Thank you very much!
– Certainly!