Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 2)

How many found themselves floating down the river last night in the dream? How many dreamt about the water?
Any dreams? Go on! We want to interpret the dreams first…
(Ef.) I dreamt I was somewhere with people I knew and others I didn’t and they were all white, also a dog – white as well…
– Didn’t you associate that with the light? Sometimes when the light is shining in the mirror, all you see is white… you were sharing the light that you gathered with some associates and loved ones – We want to say ‘patients’… so any time you are dealing with someone, if you don’t understand them, if they’re disturbing you, you can imagine that they’re turning white with light…
(M.) I found myself in an old, deserted house where a friend since childhood lived and he was using drugs – which

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Loutraki, Aridaia (Day 1)

(at a plateau near the waterfalls)

Of course, We’ve been storing energy for each of you…
Sometimes in your life, you can’t see the big picture, you can’t see the forest because you’re looking at just one tree; hopefully, after this journey today, you will be able to see the whole forest…
This doesn’t mean that you will be walking for hours, but you are going to be walking for a short time… We want you to ground the Light so as you sit here now, start absorbing the light from the sun and bring it down – how do you do that?
Just feel it, surrender to it, close your eyes and let the sun fill you with energy… when you are walking, after this Meeting, you are going to be sending the light out through this right leg… every time

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Cave, Loutraki, Aridaia

Does everyone feel successful for this exercise today?
(…) Not really…
You might try it again… don’t give up… you can even become water through listening to the water… so before you clear yourself, you might try again to send some of the flow…
what We want to do: We want to touch each of you and then you can go to the entrance of the cave or go inside – whatever you choose, imagining a strong force that pushes the flow out of your body through your feet…
you see, We instructed you to fill yourself with the water, now you’re going to empty that out through the bottom of the feet…
Any questions about today’s experience?
– (R.) We imagine the water going where?
Into the cave, into the earth… the earth will help with the clearing…
We create a magnetic pull in cooperation with

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Part of Our agreement was to use the English language because this is the present-day universal language; it’s as simple as that… We want to be able to reach as many ears that are open on your planet earth…. as this is the language required at schools, it’s also Our requirement… 
some years ago it would have been French, correct? Not Greek, unfortunately…
Of course, the spirit speaks all languages, the spirit knows the nuances that flow through any language and anyone can understand anyone else if they choose, without words… you can understand your husband without even speaking to him – If he has an emotional dramatic response to something, you will feel it or your children…

We’ve been discussing the value of the emotional body, to have contact with how you’re feeling… not to overlook the emotional response to any circumstance in your day…

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We greet many old friends here today – and some new ones…
We’re here for some energy adjustment, that’s why We enter into this environment; We’ve been busy all these years that We’ve been separated from you, old friends…
There’s a great deal of ground to be covered and also uncovered…

As you know many changes have come to your Land and it’s not all bad news either – there’s a lot of good news…
And it’s important always to keep the focus on something positive…
If you find yourself with negative thinking or depression, immediately lift yourself up with a positive thought; it works!
Whether you can believe it or not, you’re creating your reality with your thoughts, dreams, desires and intention
If you have an intention to stay positive, you can – no matter what you encounter in life…
As you know Life is a Journey of

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