Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material




15 July 2018


Feel the wind now. Close your eyes and get with the elements here. Allow the sounds created by the wind to clear your minds. The ancients were more in tune with the elements than the present humans. They did not believe in accidents, they knew that everything had a purpose; everything had a reason to be. No experience was rejected. It was appropriate to explore the experience to find the hidden messages. So therefore, you stay in the flow if you take this type of approach to your life, you do not reject anything, you just move with what is happening in the life; you keep going. If you reject or resist your experience then you are basically spinning around in a circle. Meditation exercise

Thoughts tend to move in a spiral, the infinite mind moves in the infinity sign, the figure eight and this …

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Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

4 December 2015

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki

You have managed to find a very sacred site within your city. Most churches are built on particular ley lines within the Earth. Maybe Christianity thought it could wipe out paganism, but it was following paganism. Christianity was built upon the celebration of life which was paganism. Perhaps the religious leaders thought the humans were having too much fun. They were too immersed in the sensual pleasures of life and they needed to believe in suffering. So they created the mythological stories of the suffering on the cross and they tried to instill guilt. You know that sometimes you can feel guilty about enjoying your life. Particularly, if you are well off during these times of economic crisis in your country, there might be an element of guilt when you choose to satisfy your desires thinking about your fellow man that is suffering. So what …

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20 June 2015


It might not have been a warm welcome but it was a cool welcome. We want you all to have a drink of water from the spring that is running over there after we finish here. What we were doing was clearing your energy fields so that you could receive this ceremony this morning. Each person is unique, each person carries their own history and this is what we will be working on today. When you find a nice quiet place we can gather and go into more details. Greetings to all.

A very good location because what is the goal of today? To go out of your mind, to complete the history of this life so you can go forward to a greater state of enlightenment. Each time a car passes by, send your consciousness to follow the car. Can you do that? Can you …

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We ask each of you to sit in a receptive manner; this simply means that your feet are flat on the ground and your hands are open…

We have the intention to move a great deal of force through your physical bodies – Our intention is to bless this city…

You might all like to join in the blessing… first, those of you who joined Us at Meteora begin to say your prayer again and again and again… allow that vibration to move through your bodies into the earth and We will be working around the Circle first to greet each of you, energetically…
We ask you to bring the water… keep your prayers going…
A ritual follows
Ok, now We can begin with Our Meeting…
We were doing a clearing of your fields… also, We were connecting those of you who were not on the sacred land of Meteora

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Thermopyles Springs

Before the give-away
It’s quite easy to greet each and everyone of you today and We won’t hold your for long…
You know you came to receive a gift from Delphi…
You’ve all been born – you’ve all received the gift of life from your mothers from that point, so you go to Delphi for new life You come here today to this healing water to give away your old lives… You might all imagine that you’re on a spiritual path; now you’re going to put your life on a spiritual path…  
Before you enter the water, you ask the water to receive you, you ask if you’re welcome… as you get into the water, you ask what it is you need to leave behind… you just keep asking until you get the answer… once you get the answer, you can focus on that… maybe it’s impatience, maybe

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Thessaloniki, Open

Certainly, you each have a personal concern that you’ve brought to this room – you might leave them outside the door…. You might imagine you stepped into a time warp and everything will change, particularly your relationship with Time…
you might have noticed that in this special year it seems that time has been accelerating, moving faster…
now for the next 2 months, it will be slowing down… time will be slowing down…
We’d like to greet each and every one of you, particularly the new faces who don’t really know who We are or what We do…
We come here to protect; We care about your country, We have deep roots here and We want to expose them… We would like the modern citizen to witness and realize the roots that exist in their Land…
and We’re not talking about the olive trees roots; We’re talking about the

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Understand that each of you carries this Energy with you!
Into the energy form We enter in the neck area… and through the solar plexus, the center of the will power, is the way to come in association with the physical bodies…
And you can communicate with Us in many ways, there is not an obstacle…
It’s ok when you think it’s your imagination; We like you to use your imagination anyway!
It’s an error, a fallacy for the human to think that they are alone!
Each of you live in a body of thoughts: your own thoughts and of those around you, the thoughts that you’ve had historically… also, the fantasies and the dreams that you have for the future!
Who wants to talk about dreams for the future?
 (K.) I want to be able to live in the moment freeing myself

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