Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


It’s important to keep a record of your feelings, of how your emotions are telling you about your experiences in life, what they want from you or trying to tell you about the situation… In this way you will tell intellect apart…

There are different parts of the self within the human psyche influencing the action or the activity… and when one can know from which direction originate the impulses one has or the origin of the impulse, then one can make a clearer decision about what they want or how they want to handle the situation…

Life is full of challenges and it only becomes more pleasant as you reach your center and you move from the center of the self…

Grief is a positive process for the evolving self: it allows channels to be open to release stored emotion, to release any pain that was gathered from the present life… even pain from previous existences can be relieved during the grieving process...
Grief affects everyone differently… it’s not really productive to be stoic, to try to hold down the emotion… if emotion comes up, better to let it pass through, let it go and understand that there is an end… it’s an emptying process and it’s always appropriate to give space for the expression of grief…

It takes time to feel balanced again… there’s an energetic web that you stand on and all of those with whom you have intimacy, they also stand on the web and they stand very close to you… when they depart from life, there’s a vacancy, that emptiness very close and also there’s the imbalance that comes within the individual – like on a trampoline when somebody gets off and everyone gets shaken… and those who reside on the other side are always there to assist and guide you when you go over there to their environment…
When you need guidance, ask for it – it will come from any Source you can identify or not… pray, be receptive, meditative and you will receive help

If you can’t attend the funeral, you can imagine that you’re going to visit the departed – put her where you saw her the most happy… lie down and have this imagination that you’re going to say goodbye to her, to have a farewell – and she will feel it…
The funeral is not anything so important – it’s a ceremony where without the right attitude, one cannot necessarily contribute anything to the passage of the departed…
You can have your own funeral… have the feeling that you’re seeing them off for a journey… and let it come out…

Death is a healing for the soul, it’s a very big, important part of the evolutionary process of the soul…

Life is complete… many times there are emotional situations that are incomplete and those who are left on the earth have the responsibility to complete those emotional issues – whether it’s love or hatred
The first six weeks are the most difficult – there’s also physical exhaustion and then in the next six months many things are resolved…

If you’re obsessed with somebody, it creates a power of attraction so that you could attract what you’re obsessed with… it’s very consuming for the thoughts, the emotions… they should be buried, resolved and forgotten – this is the ideal situation with Death so that you don’t necessarily bring it back up in some future existence when you don’t really want to face a similar situation…