Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side?

Why many GURUS have a dark side? Why do they acquire a bad reputation??   It makes me feel hopeless..

There is no hope for humanity. As a human you always have foibles. And the pilgrim who is looking for God wants to SEE God . If you are traveling and going someplace you have never been before, let’s say Rome.. you are driving on roads that you don’t know. How do you feel when you see a sign that says Rome with an arrow? Don’t you feel relieved? And you continue driving, you still don’t know where you are going and you see another sign with an arrow pointing to Rome. You may think ‘ did someone turn that sign, is this the right direction, did I take a wrong road? ‘ Until you see another sign that says Rome, Rome…100 K…and then you feel ‘ Yes , Yes!!’  And …

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Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis, Athens

30 March 2019

Acropolis, Athens

At least you do not have to run a marathon today. We brought you here to walk. Walking is a very grounding experience. Whether you realize it or not whatever you are thinking of as you are walking you are encouraging the energies of the Earth to support that manifestation. It is always important that you are attentive to your thoughts. There is no easier way to know yourself. The human form is an energy system and the thoughts are part of the operating mechanism. You must have all had the experience of the manifestation of a thought in a moment in order to realize that the thought comes before the action. Usually you do not move before you think about it “I am going to get up and walk around the acropolis.”

Meditation exercise

Today as you are walking we want you to get …

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