Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Athens, Philopappou

Summer solstice
Very nice to find you here…
You see, We have a connection with this place and you might have guessed We have had residents around the Big Rock and it’s a bit like a homecoming for Us…
We greet each one of you individually…
You know We always work energetically on your forms when you’re in direct contact with Us or indirect contact when you ask for it…
you can ask any time that you like – for healing, for adjustment, for balance, for messages even
and We’ll try to get through…   
The opening is the most important part of it; this means that you yourselves agree to come before this Force: that’s the opening
After that it’s your choice how open you stay – whether or not you stay open…
Now this is the lightest day of the year, but would any of you want to stay light for the whole 24 hours?!
Do you enjoy the darkness?’ is the question We ask…
– (…) We do at times…
– You don’t have fear of the dark, do you? Better to work on that…
– (…) How?
– Make a room very, very dark and put yourself in there in a meditative state; lie down and ask for your fears to be revealed to you: invite your fear into the room…
Darkness is necessary as a painter nose: you must put some shadows in order to bring the painting alive…
Without a depth, you don’t see very much
In order to see clearly into your own souls, you need to use the darkness… as you begin any new venture-business or otherwise motherhood, you might accept that the darkness will show, the shadows will appear…
And if you simply define that for yourself ‘here comes the darkness’ – whether it’s a person, your own emotional state, some block…
if you define it, if you give it recognition, it will reveal itself more…
Don’t people generally have the tendency to reveal themselves if you give them attention? 
What do you think?
– (…) Yes…
– If you compliment them, for instance, or you ask them a personal question, then they will reveal themselves…
Darkness is the same…
What do you want to talk about?
You see, We want a meditation…
as the sun is setting, you will imagine the sun entering into the earth, going to the core of the earth – this will offer a level of protection for your city here as the fire season gets in the way…
You don’t want it to come too close to you individually, do you?
So you make an offering to the whole city…
you bring yourselves here offering your forms to this Force to bring the sun, the power of the sun…
The sun represents the center of the solar system, does it not?
What do all the planets have in common?
– (…) Lately I’m concerned about my ego: I’m not sure what its position in my life is…
 Your ego is a necessary tool for development; it helps you to stay focused, it helps you to know who you are and to see yourself…
The ego is not going to go away, it’s going to become absorbed by the Spirit or the Essence of the Self…
It is a process: you can’t do it; you have to become it… it’s not something that you do: to put the ego in a place…
you become less egotistical as you evolve witnessing your ego…
Other questions?
– (…) Being a new mother many times, I feel like leaving my child and be free or out with friends… …
– Are you surprised?
– (…) Yes, I am because I wanted this child very much but now many times I say ‘That’s enough, I can’t stand any more crying, I want to be alone now’ and this makes me feel guilty…
– Would you like to put your child up for adoption?
– (…) No!
– Why not?
– (…) I want us to be together…
– Now you’re contradicting yourself…
– (…) I have mixed feelings!
– Very well, that’s normal…
The most important thing is that you know yourself: this is the type of mother that you are… there are different types of mothering techniques… some are smother mothers… 
if you were a child, would you choose a mother who smothered you with attention or an independent mother who would let you be free?
– (…) As a child I had an independent mother and probably I’m afraid of continuing this tradition…
– Why? How has this damaged you?
– (…) Many times she wasn’t there when I needed her, and this has hurt me… but, generally speaking, I got stronger…
– First, it’s important to accept that your daughter chose you as a mother; you didn’t choose her – for what reasons, it will be revealed…
The only way to resolve this is to accept yourself…
you’re not neglecting her if you’re leaving her with somebody who’s caring for her; you’re taking care of your needs as well as taking care of her needs…
The relationship is new; it’s like a love affair: you have to get to know the person – and you need at least six months before you know her and know when she really needs you…
you idolized what you didn’t have: total devotion of the mother to the child thinking that that would be better…
– (…) I feel my husband acts more as a mother than a father…
– That’s good, isn’t it?
– (…) It’s good because it’s a relief for me…
but it makes me wonder whether I’m an adequate mother…
– If you want to live in this dualistic mind of good-bad, carry on…
if you want to accept this new picture of parenting, more balanced: one parent is not holding onto all of the feminine energy and the other holding all the masculine and becoming caricatures of genderized human beings…
Each person has both feminine and masculine characteristics…
The new children know it and they’re lucky if they see it, if their parents are wise enough to let down their masks of gender and be real…
you and your husband are being real…
From Our perspective this is positive, it’s been designed that way… it is the truth of her choice, that’s what she needs…
Do you remember when you thought she was a boy?
– (…) Many times…
– And We agreed with you, remember?
That was when you were living in your idealistic mothering mind believing that you would become ‘the devoted mother to your beloved son’…
– (…) Even now many times I feel confused about the sex thinking she’s a boy, so strong, stronger than a boy…
– That’s also positive from Our perspective…
Next customer!
– (Ch.) My brother was driving very recklessly as he was taking me to the airport yesterday and the fact that he has a two-month-old boy made me wonder whether I should write him a letter expressing my stands on the issue… I’m not quite sure though…
– You probably shouldn’t have got in the car in the first place…
If you had suspected that he was under the influence better not to even enter into the car…
didn’t you have an impulse before you got into the car to take the wheel?
– (Ch.) Yes, I did, and I asked him if he felt ok to drive…
– Next time you will say ‘I’ll drive!’ 
Do you see the difference?
The point We’re making is that you knew before you got into the car; you didn’t need that experience…
If you want to write the letter, write it; it’s for you so that next time you follow your impulse… you knew he wasn’t in a position to drive…
your impulse is acceptable, particularly if it’s about your personal safety…
your own trust in what you know wants to come out… don’t send the letter to him…
– (Ch.) The message that’s trying to surface touches many aspects of my life and my interaction with others…
– You want to be accepted first…
First, you accept yourself…
Then, you will be accepted and rejected without reacting to it; it won’t matter to you because once you accept yourself, you don’t need acceptance from others: you already have it…
Of course, everyone works in their family fold with this issue of acceptance…
Families are funny tribes, aren’t they?
Maybe you chose your family, but you chose them unconsciously…
it’s a lot different than choosing a tribe, than choosing to associate with somebody consciously…
This is why the questions come up like this:
 ‘Am I doing the right thing for my baby?’ or
Can I have an interaction with my brother without setting him off?’
The family is available for each of you so that you can heal yourself; you can’t heal your family member…
don’t even try, don’t even bother – whoever it might be…
– (Ch.) So what does healing mean? How does it work?
– Witnessing the Self… only through the moments can you evolve – in any relationship…
you witness your reaction to the interaction; that’s the key e.g. what makes you react to want to write a letter?
You want to prove something, you want him to accept that you’re right about something…
 (Ch.) Perhaps a few years ago, I wouldn’t have been that concerned about that… frankly, now I’m more concerned about the safety of the child and his well-being…
– Why?
– (Ch.) If something happens to them, the child will be left…
– … with you…
– (Ch.) I guess, eventually and I wouldn’t mind…
initially with the grandparents…
I’m asking You because You avoid the dualistic good/bad aspect as I’m trying to figure out the balance of relationships…
You obviously talk from a different level of acceptance of life and occurrences and teaching…
Is there a hierarchy of souls or an unethical contact You’d prescribe? I’m trying to figure out where You’re coming from…
– Anyone has any answers? N., can you answer that?
– (N.) You said there’s no right-wrong, just witness when acting…
– Truth… Truth…
– (Ch.) So what is the truth about parenting?
When parents take care of themselves, then they can take care of the child, isn’t it true?
– There’s a specific definition for neglect…
there are many judgments around that topic… one person might say that D. is neglecting her daughter right now…
Another person might say that she’s doing the best that she can for her daughter by being in this company…
you might say that your brother was neglecting his responsibility to his child by driving under the influence – he wouldn’t, necessarily, agree with you…  
What’s most important from Our perspective is that you come to a point of trusting your own impulse without needing anyone else to agree with you – you know what you know; that’s all!
and that you have no care if somebody agrees with you or not – it doesn’t affect you…
We work differently with every person; We work directly in their way
Every person has their own characteristics, their own way of thinking, feeling, being… We work to put you in your center to create openings inside of your energy field so that you can access your own Well of Wisdom…
There is no hierarchy, there is no dogma in this system; and there’s no necessity to commit to this Contact…
you make your own decision as you move along your evolutionary path…
Each person evolves in their own way, at their own speed and their own time…
Everyone comes into life with the idea to become enlightened, but most people give it up early on – it’s too big for most people!
It certainly is not easy; and We cannot guarantee it – but We guarantee evolution
Anyone who’s close, knows what this is about without knowing, correct, K.?
– (K.) I don’t want to be enlightened…
seriously, I don’t care although there’s an impulse going to that direction… I don’t care if it happens now or in a thousand years…
– That’s good news: for you… of course, the more you come into this Field, the less you think about enlightenment… do you care, do you think about it anymore?
– (K.) No…
– You don’t have to care, it just happens on its own…
– (Ch.) I recognize and trust the strong impulse to be in this Field…
– You’re a wise man…
Now how is the sun doing?
– (…) A little bit more…
– Now enter into a consciousness of putting the sun into the earth and this will bring you each into your own center – especially for you, K.   
We greet you and We welcome you…