Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Petra on Mt. Olympus

You all realize that you carry this Force with you, so take care for it, don’t misuse it… Life is a process of collecting personal power
what do you do with it?
If you throw it to others, you misuse it…
this is why We were speaking the other day about arguments… it’s much clearer ‘to agree to disagree’ – not to work to convince the other how you see things… let them see it their own way…
What do you want to talk about today?
We want to have a Symposium; we don’t like lecturing, it’s not Our way…
We don’t even like to talk so much; We appreciate Silence… each of you should explore for yourselves what is silence… the purpose of Meditation is to discover silence between the thoughts – that silence opens the pathway to pure consciousness…
 (M.) I’d like to

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Each person, each individual becomes very attached to themselves during life, they become identified with themselves…
When you know yourself completely, you can live in the moment, you can be present, inspired in every moment… and this is Enlightenment: when you know you’re bigger than your personality, than your identity, you’re no longer limited by your experiences… you learn and you keep moving energetically and this is about Consciousness, it’s not even about Spirituality…
Spirituality is a method of identifying Expansion of Consciousness
Religion has the tendency and the responsibility to limit this expansion of consciousness, to put a limit to it… you have a plant; in order to grow, you put it in a pot that co-operates with the size of the plant… once the plant is too big, you give it a bigger pot and you use the smaller pot for another plant…
So all systems

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We greet you once again welcoming you to this communication, this Gathering as We have been drawing in extra help, more troops, more force, more energy…
You see, as the earth continues with her transformation, those of you who are walking on her surface must find your own avenue, your own path to join her: you must continually transform yourselves, keep yourselves abreast of what’s happening in the world of transformation…
We don’t even have to use the word spirit
It’s more about developing into your self, more about knowing yourself…
How can you accept yourself if you don’t know yourself?!
You must be able to guess e.g. how you might react to a certain circumstance when it occurs in your life… in this way, when you experience that circumstance, you’re not surprised by your reaction no matter how dramatic it is…
It’s not about comparing yourself to

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You see, Jayne brings the seriousness to this experience in order to prepare and protect each of you, individually… she is a big Mama and into coming to terms with that role, she becomes more open to express her concerns to each of you…
You know, it’s not something simple to be standing in front of this Force of Energy; most of you have understood the effect!
Now what’s happening is that We become more invasive; We’re going deeper inside each of you!
We want to have a Question-and-Answer today – this is Our intention…
We want you to begin and clockwise We want to cover your personal concerns…
Also, We would like you to consider what it is you would like to get rid of, what you want to give away today… something about yourself: it could be an emotional state, a physical condition, an addiction

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Certainly, We’re the ones causing, who are responsible for all the giggling around here because We do want to have fun with you human beings…
You take yourselves way too seriously!
Now, We want you to close your eyes and think about the most serious thing about your life this moment… take a moment to think about that!
Who has the most serious problem in the room? Seriously now!
We want you to raise your hands!
Jayne is raising her hand! Come on! Be honest with yourselves! Everyone thinks that their pattern, their project, their challenge is the most serious in the room! And it’s important that you feel that way: because you’ll never resolve a challenge if you don’t take it seriously, if you don’t believe it deserves your full attention! If you don’t give your challenge your full attention, then, you’re not serious about resolving it!

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