Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


Each person, each individual becomes very attached to themselves during life, they become identified with themselves…
When you know yourself completely, you can live in the moment, you can be present, inspired in every moment… and this is Enlightenment: when you know you’re bigger than your personality, than your identity, you’re no longer limited by your experiences… you learn and you keep moving energetically and this is about Consciousness, it’s not even about Spirituality…
Spirituality is a method of identifying Expansion of Consciousness
Religion has the tendency and the responsibility to limit this expansion of consciousness, to put a limit to it… you have a plant; in order to grow, you put it in a pot that co-operates with the size of the plant… once the plant is too big, you give it a bigger pot and you use the smaller pot for another plant…
So all systems of spiritual growth have limitations because the spirit is uncontainable, it has no limits, it can be growing… dogmatic systems are created in order to fulfill the human condition – body, mind, emotional body and spirit… so everything is valuable but there’s a limit to it…
You have a long history of connection with the Mystery Schools here in Greece in the matriarchal society which is virtually forgotten in history because they don’t want to give women too much – you were responsible for keeping records of advancement of students…
The Matriarch Schools were not secret, they taught the mysteries of life
In Ancient Greece there was a Mystery School for Women that you were involved with…
We want to talk about the Matriarch Society first…
You had a great deal of responsibility there to determine what the next step was for the students… each child was educated according to their needs whether about the physical form, their sexuality, astronomy – it wasn’t set up the same for each individual… so after they got a specific class or degree, they would spend some private time with you as long as you felt was needed: a week, a month, a year… you spent a long time interacting with the individual so that you could determine their degree of excellence – and this is a talent that shouldn’t be forgotten by you…
In Ancient Greece it was a different story because women were not so recognized… you came into that scene because of your mother and you were bored – you wanted to somehow be recognized in society as a beauty… you didn’t want to keep secrets to be a part of this society of women who wanted to have power…
You wanted to take power through a different route… you see how women in society manipulate men, don’t you? With sexuality, and you were more interested in that…
So you see that when you master something in life, there’s a chance you reject it in another life so that you can try something else… and by keeping the focus on something else through life, you can forget what you learned before…
So this can contribute to the recycling of the lifetimes… each life is about personal power, how you, as an individual, manipulate power; even being a victim is a manipulation of power… everyone has will and everyone has the power to create, to destroy and preserve – We’re talking about god now and life is about Balance…
First, the m and f sides of the self – this is why you have two sexes, you’re separated, the spirit is broken in two because of sex… the Adam and Eve story is true, symbolically…
Second comes the challenge to balance god as it is expressed by you as an individual and its balance of the three… the deception starts when Religion is behaving that it has god and you don’t – that’s the only mistake they make… many who operate in this New Age behave the same way: that they have something you must have
 (I.) What’s my mission?
– To lead others… We wouldn’t say a mission, We would say a bit of responsibility to lead others to their own truth as you see it in whatever way you choose… what do you like to do?
 (I.) I study psychology, I like it very much but I’m wondering if I can make it to the end…
– The fear comes from the society… you already are a psychologist… it also comes from the patriarchal society: you’re a woman after all… there’s a lot of attitude towards women in this part of the world – women have to struggle for their power… and there’s a lot of misuse of power by women in this part of the world… and you know it all, you know how to play both sides… you don’t want to misrepresent yourself to the world; you want to be real and strong but not to destroy anyone in the process, particularly yourself… all this brings the anxiety in the step you’re taking… if you fail an exam, can’t you take it again?! You just know that the education is not enough; it’s just the iceberg…
 (I.) What about the relationship with my husband?
– Always between two it’s a matter of choice… what you’re required to do with him is honour his f side even now… first, you protect yourself and then you start to respond to him as if he were a girl who’s overwhelmed with fear…
 (I.) I have a very bad relationship with money… I had everything but now I hardly ever have any…
– If you look around yourself, is it something personal or is there something common in this society? Money also has to do with personal power and self-worth
What is valuable, what is necessary in this society?
What do you have here in Greece that are for free which most people in the world can’t even buy?
There’s general disturbance on this planet… in this society there’s a necessity for the power of women to be cleaned up so that women express their power clean… money is only one slice of the Pie of Abundance… there’s a necessity for major change for men and this is Communal Living, Communities…

 (I.) I see people I don’t know and I feel I’ve seen them before…
– It’s common, it could be the past or it could be the future or connected to something you’ll be doing in the future… there are specific explanations for each time this happens… It’s time for people to come together and co-operate in a new way… if somebody catches your energy, you might immediately approach them to introduce yourself; in this way you start to unravel this energy…    
Life is more pleasurable when there are many surprises…