Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


We greet you once again welcoming you to this communication, this Gathering as We have been drawing in extra help, more troops, more force, more energy…
You see, as the earth continues with her transformation, those of you who are walking on her surface must find your own avenue, your own path to join her: you must continually transform yourselves, keep yourselves abreast of what’s happening in the world of transformation…
We don’t even have to use the word spirit
It’s more about developing into your self, more about knowing yourself…
How can you accept yourself if you don’t know yourself?!
You must be able to guess e.g. how you might react to a certain circumstance when it occurs in your life… in this way, when you experience that circumstance, you’re not surprised by your reaction no matter how dramatic it is…
It’s not about comparing yourself to anyone else, it’s not about judging yourself; it’s about accepting yourself knowing who you are, what makes you tick as the expression goes, what you like, what you dislike, what your habits are and how you can co-operate with another accepting their habits, accepting their likes and dislikes without altering your own…
You don’t necessarily have to change yourself in order to accept who you are… Always understand that you’re unique, you’re the only one who can express yourself…
You might call it the spirit, the essence; you don’t have to get caught up in the High Self or the Lower Self of Dogma… just what is at the core of you, what your essence is and of course, the joy… at the essence of every human being is Joy!
And in order to truly experience that core self, you have to accept who you are in any moment… forgive yourself and move on!
What do you want to talk about?
 (L.) I feel I’m getting very jealous with my boyfriend, N., insecure and uncertain about the future…
– Have you discussed it with him?
 (L.) He believes I’m exaggerating… but I’m jealous of women at his work and …
– Who is it that you mistrust: the females or him?
 (L.) Both! I feel inferior to him… and that next opportunity he sees, he’ll go after somebody else…
 It’s natural if you believe you own something, to be possessive of it…
When you get in an intimate relationship with another person, the tendency is to believe that they belong to you rather than seeing truly that each person needs many openings in their energy field in order to know themselves…
Would you say that N. is self-realized, that he knows himself?
 (L.) Not really!
– So therefore he needs some type of interaction with others in order to find out who he is and how he feels… it’s important that you accept that you’re the jealous type… There’s not anything to change really…
 (L.) I don’t like being jealous, I want to get rid of it…
– This has more to do with self-love than it does with N.; you’d feel the same with anyone else…
You make up stories… you’re comparing yourself to others, and that’s self-defeating, of course… there’s no way anyone can be you and there’s no way you can be anyone else!
N. is not so much interested in other women as you imagine he is…
Men have the tendency to admire women; women have the tendency to admire men, don’t they? It’s natural! You can’t continue to put this at his plate to eat because he will get indigestion!
You can instead write it down and burn it, every time you get creative about him… with different men every time, even imaginary…
You’re actually struggling with your balance with your m and f sides: you haven’t fully integrated your m self, and your f self is feeling too possessed with men so that you maintain the opportunity of relating, of integrating, of feeding your m self when relating with them...
So every time you get jealous, write a small paragraph: my man is interested in this woman because she’s such and such and such… allow your imagination to go way out, release it… you’re in the process of gathering your m selves
Know that your spirit is neither m nor f…
When you incarnate into life though, you send out a gender
As a woman you lost a bit of touch with your m selves so now every time you’re with a man, you’re imagining what you’d be doing with a beautiful woman if you were a man…
Does it make any sense at all?
You’re not any different than anyone else, you know… it’s simply a dynamic of relating… N. feels more secure with you… and if you become a mother, you’ll feel more confident with yourself; and it doesn’t have to do with the baby, but with you…
 (L.) I need kids desperately…
– Why don’t you decide that after the 1st of the year, you want to become pregnant?!
 (L.) He’s not ready yet and I can’t force him to…
– Of course not! That’s not what We’re suggesting!
Take the next week and you think about it: if after that date you’re ready
If you come to the conclusion that this is what you want from that relation, sit down with him seriously, on a special date, something well-planned…
It’s important to accept that you have the power to make decisions in your own life, to make changes in your own life…
If you’re working to collaborate with another, somebody has to take the lead, to make a step! You can’t say ‘some day we will…’
You decide what you want and express it!
You have to base your decision and movement on trust!
Start thinking: is this really what I want? Do I want a baby?
If you reach the conclusion: yes, that’s what I want, then you sit down with him and express it!
You express suspicion and jealousy because you’re not expressing what you want! You’re not giving the man the opportunity to give what you want or tell you ‘I can’t give that!’
You know how manipulative women can be – that’s not the right way to do anything behind somebody’s back and trap them!
It’s much better to create an atmosphere of celebration because you’ve reached the conclusion for yourself, you’re ready to become a mother, to carry the seed of somebody you love! And you can express it in that way…
 (L.) What if I lose him then?
– There’s no loss! This is the trusting: there’s no loss…
Let him think about it for a week and tell you his decision next time you meet! You may even decide you don’t want a baby!           
Do you know why a woman needs a man?
Have you seen many successful marriages around you?
Have you seen many dissatisfied women around you?
Have you seen any men cheating on their wives?
What does this tell you?
Number one: something is wrong!
Number two: people aren’t playing it straight, are they?
They’re getting tangled up with each other and then they’re living in lies and deceit…
This is not Love!
This is some type of underground manipulation and this is something you don’t intend to become part of!
So if you fall in love with a man and there’s a chemical reaction, your body tells you that this is a good candidate for a mate…
If you want to become scientific about it, this is what’s happening: the Law of Attraction!
And you’re not expressing him this to convince him! You’re not trying to possess him!
We’re not supporting marital contracts!
Contracts are best to be made between parents: we will raise this child co-operatively  not get married and ‘live happily ever after’
It’s not necessarily happening anywhere!
 (L.) I’m not even sure I will be a good mother!
– There’s no such thing as a good or a bad mother!
Motherhood helps the woman to get organized and become focused on what’s most important in any moment…
Raise a baby with love: that’s the right way – not with luxury, not with everything brand new…
 (L.) What if he says he’s not ready yet?
– How do you feel about that? Are you willing to wait for him or will you open yourself up to perhaps meet a better candidate?
 (L.) I really like him!
– It’s not really about asking him; it’s more coming to the conclusion about what you’re ready for in your life!
How old are you?
 (L.) 37…  
– You don’t have to respond to his initial reaction to your expression!
Give him time! You don’t want to trap him; every man has a fear of getting trapped! Explain to him that you’re not going to play the typical game most women are playing to trap a man… that you love him and that you express yourself through love…
That’s why you’re good for him! You’re not thinking some way of manipulating him in the back of your head, to capture him…
Do you want to wait for him? You really can’t know at this moment in your life!
Give him time along with the opportunity to share the joy of new birth… ask him if he wants to participate… you don’t necessarily need to get married!
 (L.) I don’t care about that!
– You can tell him that as well: that you’re not looking for some type of a contract…
 (L.) But I’d like to live with him!
– Of course! You can perhaps accept that life is waiting for you to make a decision!
Life or the Universe doesn’t make decisions for people unless they’re hesitating and hesitating – then something will happen in the life to change one’s course!
If you want to be successful in knowing yourself, the only success is full realization! Every other small success in life-business, marriage etc is just small celebrations on your path… make a decision about what’s important to you…
 (L.) A family and, because of my debts, more money and creativity in my life, but I do nothing!
– You want to become more self-expressive and bring out greater satisfaction…
You know that you have a vivid imagination and you could have success with writing, with drawing…
 (L.) I’m lazy; I don’t do anything with my talents…
– This is also a choice!
 (L.) I want to actualize my intentions!
– You have a free spirit captured in a way by the structure of your own life and the society… you’re like a butterfly: it’s living for one day, you know…
View your life differently: born every morning and die every night as you go to sleep! Put into your mind and break out of this cocoon! You’re afraid to be yourself!
Have you ever thought to create jewelry? 
 (L.) I drew some and my boss created them but I didn’t pursue it…
– Start to conceive yourself a bit differently! Stop being captured!
Love is inspiration and real love is freedom…
How one reacts to the love they’re receiving from another, determines the kind of freedom that can reside, that can exist in the relationship…
N. loves you because of your changeable nature or irresponsibility, the part of you that’s free, that can fly…
There really is nothing to lose in life; if you love somebody, set them free!
You set yourself free… at the same time you set N. free within the relationship by seeing you’re a caterpillar that wants to become a butterfly: a mother… you’re ready for that step, that transformation…
Every day is a new life!
Even if you get the seed from the man, even if the man is the father, the most important thing is what’s happening to you: the transformation from the maiden into a mother…
After a week you’ll know what you want, not what they want!
That’s ok up to the point! Then comes the point when the other person knows what’s going on, they know that you’re denying yourself so they can become suspicious why you’re doing that…
 (L.) Yes, he’s suspicious… he’s saying that all women are the same…
– Show him that all women are not the same by expressing what it is that you want! Give him a week to think and let him worry about a week!
Why do you have to be the one who’s always jealous?!
Let him wonder!
If you believe he doesn’t care, why would you spend time with him?! Why is he spending 18 months with you back and forth?!
 (L.) I feel very insecure with all the issues our relationship is facing… and he said from the beginning how he sees me…
– So he put you down from the beginning so that he can step on top of you and you allowed him to! And if you underestimate yourself, you don’t give him the opportunity to see what he has a chance to lose!
Why do you believe that if you separate, you only get to lose something and not him as well?! He will lose you!
 (L.) Sometimes he gets far energetically from me…
– How does he react when you start to behave with jealousy?
 (L.) He gets icy… or accusative…
– And you agree with him!
 (L.) I tell him he triggers it…
– Can’t you see that he has his own methods of putting you down?!
Making sure that he stays ahead of the game?!
You gave him the right to make all the decisions!
If you take back that right by expressing what you’re considering in your life, that you thought about it and you decided that you’re ready to become a mother, are you relatively certain that that’s the conclusion you will reach? That you’re ready to become a mother?
 (L.) Yes, I miss that role, but I have this money issue… I can’t be totally sure I can cope with…
– You’re running ahead deciding why it won’t work rather than understanding that it’s a transformational process, and that once you reach that point, you’ll feel a lot different about everything that We’re discussing about this moment…
If the ‘key’ doesn’t fit to the door, better to let go and wait for a better proper key… Moving into life…
Life is your gift; it’s not a burden or a puzzle!
It’s about knowing what you want and moving towards it opening to receive it!
In order to open, one must go through fear… must face the unknown…
If he says no, can’t you see it’s better and open yourself to love another who’s ready to fulfill your desire rather than spend another 18 months torturing yourself with jealousy, suspicion and uncertainty?!  
 (L.) If he says ‘ok, in 2 years’?
– You can’t wait that long – biologically, you’re better!
Of course, they’re trying to move the age from 35 to 40, but it’s still 35-36…
You’re so willing to put yourself down! Why wait for his decision?! You want him for the baby because you love him… and you loved the one before him…
 (L.) But it’s different with him!
– Of course! Every relationship is totally different!
He’s receptive to you if you express your strength, your ability to function independently… he doesn’t want anyone, particularly you, to become overly-dependent on him… you must learn to become more independent, more conscious of what you need rather than what he needs…
And you’re allowed to have an opinion about your relationship… what you feel and what you want and what you need is your business!
 (L.) Till now I was judging my feminine side!
Something financial: how can I cover my debts?
– You’re not the only person! Never use plastic money!
Finances is a sore subject for many persons because there’s a pressure all over the world, all those who thought they could buy anything with plastic, with credit…
You can’t squeeze stone for water; if you don’t have it, you can’t give it to them!
The abundance issue has more to do with self-esteem!
And the financial picture is pressing everyone as it’s part of the change that has to occur inside the society in order for people to know what is really valuable what really matters!
We can’t solve money problems!
You have to make a decision how you want to spend your money…
We greet you and welcome you once again…