Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material



Mud baths, Krinides

14 July 2018


Certainly we welcome each of you energetically. You are on the Earth so please put your bare feet on the Earth now as you have quite a magical situation here with the wetness and it is very good for your systems. Self-healing is a very important aspect of life. First it is very simple to recognize when your body is healing itself. You can watch it. If you cut or bruise yourself, you watch it transform. So it is very important to keep this in mind as you go through your lives. It is very important that you forgive yourselves if you do any damage to your physical bodies. If you have an accident, trip or fall, immediately begin the self- healing with forgiveness. The first necessity in loving the self is to forgive the self. Think about this last year, is there …

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Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis, Crete

Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis, Crete

10 September 2016


Minoan cemetery, tombs of Armeni Necropolis

Fortunately you have reincarnation. This is why it can become easier to accept the closure of the present life that you live. If you had to design a future life, what would you take with you? What would you leave behind? Would you take your technology? You always want to destroy it and leave it behind? You really have to think about it. The nature of the human is to evolve and to improve not to collapse. It is important as you age to expect to feel better; to expect to be more at peace with your life; to expect to be more satisfied with the life. There are systems that convince the human that aging is a decaying process. But it does not have to be that way.

Let’s say a little about this place here. This is a …

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Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki Ceremony

4 December 2015

Taxiarches, Thessaloniki

You have managed to find a very sacred site within your city. Most churches are built on particular ley lines within the Earth. Maybe Christianity thought it could wipe out paganism, but it was following paganism. Christianity was built upon the celebration of life which was paganism. Perhaps the religious leaders thought the humans were having too much fun. They were too immersed in the sensual pleasures of life and they needed to believe in suffering. So they created the mythological stories of the suffering on the cross and they tried to instill guilt. You know that sometimes you can feel guilty about enjoying your life. Particularly, if you are well off during these times of economic crisis in your country, there might be an element of guilt when you choose to satisfy your desires thinking about your fellow man that is suffering. So what …

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We greet you once again welcoming you to this communication, this Gathering as We have been drawing in extra help, more troops, more force, more energy…
You see, as the earth continues with her transformation, those of you who are walking on her surface must find your own avenue, your own path to join her: you must continually transform yourselves, keep yourselves abreast of what’s happening in the world of transformation…
We don’t even have to use the word spirit
It’s more about developing into your self, more about knowing yourself…
How can you accept yourself if you don’t know yourself?!
You must be able to guess e.g. how you might react to a certain circumstance when it occurs in your life… in this way, when you experience that circumstance, you’re not surprised by your reaction no matter how dramatic it is…
It’s not about comparing yourself to

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