Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


The physical form itself is being altered, is being reformed…
Your child belongs to the new humans arriving to the earth who have adapted to the shifting vibration that’s occurring as a result of the transformation of the earth herself…
All of this may sound far out but you can take it and make use of it… the royalty must accept everything that’s happening in their kingdom if they want to continue to rule
 (F.) I’d like to ask about my relationship with my wife – I fear we’re becoming parents only…
 Families and marriage are institutions and thus crumpling… institutions are finding it difficult to strengthen those pillars to hold up the ceiling…
A general advice: it’s always a better choice to agree to be parents than it is to agree to be husband and wife at this point of the evolution of the human…
 (F.) Is it a realistic objective to continue to be involved sexually after so many years together?
– If two humans became lovers in a manner that was respectful towards the development, the evolution of the spirit within each, it’s possible… but this is something that doesn’t really exist, does it? It’s idealistic… do you feel attracted to your wife or she to you?
 (F.) Not anymore…
– This is when it becomes cloudy because the marriage vows are illusionary rather than being realistic or practical… maybe they should agree to discuss this erotic affair after, say, two years… because usually within two years, it starts to change, it turns into something else… now this is not something bad, but it makes the couple grow apart because they’re not able to discuss it openly; it’s threatening to both parties as it shows that something is changing and will change even more…
 (F.) So is it approved for a couple to have separate lovers?
– If there was honesty! If you start the secret rendezvous things, this is only deceiving the self because the partner surely knows… this creates a great deal of intrigue and tension which is put into the erotic self and makes the affair even tastier like salt in the food…
So to have lovers and keep the wife in her place is the old way when women were not in power, when they were kept in bondage with their marriage and vows… ‘women are obliged to keep their vows when men are free to stray’: this is almost a common belief in this society…
Now what has happened as the women take more power is that they’re also straying… lies from both sides – not a healthy environment in order to raise children…
That’s the bottom line: the children become responsible for being the pillars of the marriage while the husband and wife go their separate erotic ways… the children end up carrying more of the burden…
If you can admit to yourself that you love your wife, then you want her to be a part of your life, you want her to be in your life, you want to see her every day for the rest of her life… then We would suggest that you take a different approach to your erotic relationship with her, to your sexuality with her…
First, you decide that ‘this is the icon of the woman for me’ and she the same about you…
Then you put the power into reestablishing the flame of fashion that fuelled this wedding…
Or else you have to decide for yourself: do you want to give it up? Do you want to begin a practice to transform that energy into a higher place in your life in your physical body or do you want to explore other women?
There is no right/wrong
If you were to take another vow e.g. to become a monk – this is what marriage is: an institution…
Now children always complicate the marriage because they make it worth staying together… Most people have the idea that the children want the parents to stay together forever… if you look back at the marriage of your parents, was there a time when you thought they should separate? Would you say that your marriage is harmonious?
 (F.) Not at all!
– Do you feel that you make too many sacrifices, energetically? What is it that she does that disturbs you the most? What do you disrespect the most about your behaviour?
 (F.) She’s being negative and harsh on me… her response to my remarks is that she’s under a lot of pressure at work…                                                            
– She has a point… but you have a royalty which deserves respect… and she takes you for granted, she doesn’t see you anymore… is she willing to work on your relationship? Are you?
It’s unrealistic to make a lifetime commitment
Do you think divorce is intentionally hurting the children? What if you took a divorce and allow your children to know what they know? Unfortunately, the parents think they know better than the children… in this marriage people go into their routines and they get them into their own cabin in the train of life and they just move side by side, they’re not even together…
Why don’t you take her for a meal and discuss with her, ask her straightforward ‘are you satisfied with your marriage?’ List what you know and feel and then ask her the same questions when she loosens up a little bit…
There’s a mirror in marriage you’re not looking at and you’re both distracted, busy and distressed and unconscious of who’s feeling what… perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your marriage; you don’t want a bomb to go off between you: when you get a lover, when you start with somebody else before you look at each other again…
 (F.) Whose fault is it?
– She’s not aware of her own destructive impulse… perhaps you break a pattern with her…
You know that Life is very short… the Ego thinks that it’s got the luxury of time at its disposal but time is ticking away very quickly… so that the worst thing in life is to have regrets
Children are very flexible, they can adjust to almost any situation…
The ideal situation has them raised within a tribe so that when the mother or the father stop their erotic affair, the children don’t even notice it… it’s not such a big deal because they’re still in the tribe and they also have many other fathers and mothers…
In order to protect your children, you have to come to some decisions in your marriage… Children are not naive, they’re innocent  they’re looking at the dynamics…
Sometimes, in order to wake up, you have to get your feelings hurt, you have to hear some truth that you know but you don’t really want to face… when you do not have the intention to hurt another person, you’re not responsible for them being hurt by the truth… it’s not you, it’s the truth that’s hurting them… just because you say it, you’re not responsible for how they feel… every human being has old wounds somewhere there and if you touch them, they will hurt… are you responsible for them? No! They were there all along…