29 March 2020
On love and relationships
When you love someone it doesn’t stop. Love is not something that you can turn off. Many people try. People use their minds to manipulate love and loved ones. You can never stop loving, you can’t turn it off. To keep an open heart towards those that you love without judgment is the name of the game. Call him just to say I am thinking of you and I’m hoping that you are well. You don’t even have to ask any questions. You don’t have to impose on another to tell them that I love you and I hope you are well. You see? In this way you elicit from them a different response. If you go to a past lover with questions then you might open up doors that might as well stay closed. If you go to a past lover and tell them how you are feeling: I am thinking of you. I hope you are well. You see the difference? It is all about communicating. It is not necessary to achieve an outcome that you imagine is the best with any love affair.
Love affairs are meant to educational processes. Of course you always strive to do your best in every class. Some people want to be good students; others just want to pass the class, they just want to get through. They don’t care what grade they get, they don’t put a lot of effort into learning. They sit in class and daydream and fiddle around. How much do they learn? It’s questionable. When you are in a love affair, you want to get an “A”, you want to do your best but maybe that lover doesn’t really want to. There is a discrepancy to meeting with open hearts. Wanting to get the “A” in the class of loving relations means you are opening your heart. It means you are trying to keep your heart open. Going into the classroom of love affairs and not really caring if you are getting a good grade – then you are keeping your heart more closed.
So, if you look at your relationship you may see that he was not necessarily giving all his attention to make the relationship the best that he could. Some people go through life; if they fail at a marriage they don’t want to give much effort. They carry that failure with them. Let’s say you go through school and fail math class, then the next class you may believe you will fail as well, you understand? You self limit, you don’t believe in yourself to say “I will ace this class.” This is the optimal way of approaching any project or anything is with your will because that is how you express your will. “I will succeed”. I will get a good grade in this math class. Even if I failed 10 math classes, this one I will succeed. Some people who have failed in relationships, they never forgave the other person or they never forgave themselves, part of their hearts belong in the past and are distracting from this present opportunity to learn to grow, to love; to become love. The goal of every relationship is to become love. It doesn’t matter who you are with, you just love them. They can love you as much as they can. Their education is their challenge not yours. It is the same reason why children don’t want to open a book. They know they have to pass the class but they delay. They do not want to open the book because they will find they have more things to learn that they decided they do not want to learn.