Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material

Agistron Springs, Serres

Good Thursday
These waters help to erase the past, you could say…
help to rewind the energy of the participant… 
When you enter into the flow, into the moving waters, you’re participating in that movement, in that energy shift…
This indicates that you may unwind yourself from any programming that you have – whether this is physical, psychological, emotional…
If you have a condition that’s affecting the health, this can be eliminated if the focus is on eliminating the psychological cause of that imbalance or illness
If it is something terminal or something that has been deemed terminal or if it’s from birth, it’s much more difficult to remove…
The waters, also, increase the sensitivity or the receptivity of the physical organism and electric or electronic instruments should be avoided…
When interacting with the water, the effect does not end when you leave the pool; it begins… you might say that when you are immersed in the water is when you’re putting the fuel in the automobile… when you get out of the water, it’s when you start moving…
There’s a natural cleansing that happens for the aura
The energy field of the body is cleared – and what’s cleared are thoughts! Thought is what creates those blocks in the energy field that, then, gets transmitted into the physical form…
First, it’s important to be conscious of the thoughts that rise to the surface when you are immersed into the water…
to witness what wants to come out…
what is most surfaced on the energy field or comes out first…
To, deliberately, work on an issue can bring the Force deeper!
As always, three baths are, usually, necessary to witness a relief depending on the organism itself, the body: how deep, how old is the physical form and the issues that are being addressed…