Certainly, you each have a personal concern that you’ve brought to this room – you might leave them outside the door…. You might imagine you stepped into a time warp and everything will change, particularly your relationship with Time…
you might have noticed that in this special year it seems that time has been accelerating, moving faster…
now for the next 2 months, it will be slowing down… time will be slowing down…
We’d like to greet each and every one of you, particularly the new faces who don’t really know who We are or what We do…
We come here to protect; We care about your country, We have deep roots here and We want to expose them… We would like the modern citizen to witness and realize the roots that exist in their Land…
and We’re not talking about the olive trees roots; We’re talking about the roots of your heritage, of your Ancestors… the roots of the Ancient People who walked on this Land … this small portion of the Earth has been Sacred for longer than any of you can remember… some of you have walked here before… when you walk now, you might ask the power to come up and meet you… particularly, if you’re not feeling so enthusiastic about the day, you can request power from the earth-mother…
Who wants to speak?
Why don’t you begin, T.? Tell Us why you came here today… We have some old friends in the audience as well…
– (T.) Friendship, for starters… and the fact that from J. and the Delphinians I have been greatly helped; every time I leave more peaceful and calmer, even when I hear things that are not the way I would want them to be… with an expectation that I will listen to some things which will make my life easier for the next 2 months…
– The quest for inner peace is shared by all humanity…
what is God, what is Spirit without Peace?
You know the myths of the Great Gods have a lot of drama woven in… they didn’t speak so much about Peace but this is the Goal, is it not? Who doesn’t want peace? Anyone in the room enjoy fighting with others? Arguments, debates… nobody likes that? Be honest with yourselves… some people like a good fight once in a while…
So, you in the second row, in the 3rd seat, stand up… when was the last time you had an argument? Do you remember?
– (Al.) Yes, I do; 20 days ago…
– How did you feel after that?
– (Al.) Awful…
– Why?
– (Al.) I didn’t like what I said, how I felt, how I handled it…
– What was the nature of the battle?
– (Al.) At work…
– Thank you, sit down, please… who else within the last 20 days? Who can top that 20 days?
– (N.) Only yesterday…
– Did you win?
– (N.) No, I gave it up because in this type of fight nobody wins…
– How did you feel?
– (N.) I felt better because I put an end to it, sth I wouldn’t do in the past…
– You walked away… ‘you turned the other cheek’…
– (N.) I put the armour down just like You said in Lydia…
– And anyone had an argument today?
– (M.) I had an argument with my father today…
– And how did you feel?
– (M.) Very bad…
– Why?
– (M.) Because he interferes with areas at work with which I’m dealing with…
– Who started the fight?
– (M.) I did…
– You snapped at him… what do you want from him anyway?
– (M.) My peace…
– Everyone close your eyes for a moment and imagine the most peaceful environment that you can… whether it’s the forest, the stars, the beach – where your peace is…
Next time that sb or sth or anything annoys you, just close your eyes for a moment and bring back that image you put in your head right now and We’ll come in and help take you to the peace…
We can’t manifest money so you don’t have any financial problems – We’re not so interested in money, We’re not so interested in materialism unless it’s the earth who is crying for attention, you know…
usually the baby cries for the mother; now the mother is crying for her baby – and you are all her babies, you are all made of earth matter… of course, you have a fragment of godness inside of you… but you are earthlings…
it’s important to understand the generosity of the earth and also the power of the earth to give and to take…
What is Death? Is it not earthly?
What is Birth? Is that not earthly?
Who wants sth besides peace and security? Who feels they’re unstable on the earth? Anyone?
– (G.) I’m pretty unstable; I don’t know why…
– What are you worried about?
– (G.) Money…
– Do you want some?
– (G.) No, I don’t want it any more…
– Do you want to donate it?
– (G.) I want to step out of society…
– You’re already out… you’re not normal, you know… you’re not believing that this is the reality: the crisis, the earth changes, the people’s minds – you don’t connect with them, do you?
– (G.) No…
– You never did; it’s not your way… where’s your peace, your image of peace?
– (G.) Within me… but it’s yet to be found…
– You can’t find a place on the earth where you feel peaceful?
Go into a church when it’s empty and sit down and open yourself and ask for peace… peace from the thoughts that trouble you, from the hectic city energy… would you do that?
– (G.) Sure…
– (N.) I feel I’m in a constant worry but without knowing the reason why…
– You’re running, you’re fleeing, you’re trying to escape rather than accept whatever is… what’s your biggest worry?
– (N.) The death of my beloved ones…
– That you might lose that connection… would you rather die before he does?
– (N.) Not a bad idea…
– Do you think that he could handle it easier than you could? There’s always agreements between people when they create partnerships… even if you were to pass through death together, you might not find each other… you may choose to be grateful for the time that you do share… rather than project into the time that you won’t be able to share…
What do you think about this Gathering, P.?
– (P.) That it helps people open up…
– Don’t you think that it’s a pretty heavy atmosphere in here?
– (P.) Yes, it is…
– Why do you think that is?
– (P.) We may carry lots of negativity we didn’t leave outside…
– Maybe it’s because your city is having a cloud pass over it that’s raining thoughts into the people’s minds… maybe it’s the Mass Media… maybe it’s because there’s earth changes that are occurring far, far away but nevertheless they still affect every human…
What do you want to say about this Gathering here, Gr.?
– (Gr.) I think it’s more about people gathering information about what’s going to happen in the next 2 months… sometimes, we people, do want power but we’re not willing to take it and we face a great apathy in our country and we’re all waiting for sb else to come and save us…
– We agree…
it’s time to start swimming, everyone has to save themselves from the power of their own thoughts… if you give yourselves the suggestion “I will only think positive thoughts this week, this month’… for the next month, try it… ‘And every time I think a negative thought, I will pinch myself’…
– (D.) We’ll be bruised all over…
– No… after one week, you will notice a shifting in your thought processes because you will be paying more attention to yourselves, to your thoughts…
What is a negative thought anyway? Let’s say a destructive thought instead of a negative thought… ‘I won’t be able to pay my bills’ – that’s a destructive thought… if you find yourselves saying that, pinch yourself and then say ‘the earth gives me everything I need’… Do you want to try it? Anybody will try that?
– (N.) By the time we reach Mt. Olympus, we’ll all be full of bruises…
– It’s the thoughts that create your reality…
and the human mind is very, very fast to create thoughts… you see, you’re already thinking you will be bruised – that’s a destructive thought already… you can pinch your cheek then so you will have rosy cheeks… how many times have you seen an adult pinch the cheeks of children? Why do they do that? Anybody know?
– (D.) To steal some of their innocence?
– You are warm…
Who wants to ask a question?
– (D.) What is the connection between Love and Light?
– When you fall in love, don’t you feel light? Doesn’t it lift your heart – at least, momentarily? Don’t you have positive thoughts, momentarily? At least for a week… maybe for a month…
Why don’t you all imagine that you just met the greatest love of your life? So for the next month, you are in love… you don’t even have to give it an identity – why don’t you fall in love with godliness, with the Divine? So that you allow yourselves to drown in love… when you wake up, when you’re in love, you’re very happy to greet the day… you create your reality with your thoughts and also with your imagination so if you imagine you’ve fallen in love and you are only thinking creative thoughts, not destructive thoughts, you can change your whole reality, your whole experience of life…
Now the next step is everyone that you meet, is that great love that you’ve fallen for – It’s a game but it works…
We’ve said that Greece is the scapegoat of the EU; when you’re chosen to be a scapegoat, it means you have sth that everybody else wants – that’s why they chose you, the scapegoat…
– (…) And what is that they want?
– What do you think?
– (…) The earth…
– They want to pull the earth from under your feet… they want Greece, the Land… so they can take a nice vacation… so they can set up big business… and other reasons…
– (T.) Are they interested in what there is inside the earth?
– It’s more the pathways they can create through Greece…
– (M.) Energetically speaking?
– No… literally…
you have sth so valuable here, everybody wants it so they try to scare you away… of course, there’s also great power in this area on the earth… but the EU is not that interested in that… the more persons who realize and access that power in the land, the safer – it’s your country and its citizens… that’s why We are here…
– (Al.) Will the ones who want to take our Land make it?
– We hope not… how do you feel?
– (Al.) Confident that they won’t succeed… people are beginning to awaken… yes or no?
– Difficult to get Us to say yes or no… that’s the Plan anyway… if you share power, you protect yourselves from thieves…
– (T.) Astrologically speaking, it is said that after April 2013 Greece will move forward…
– We’d rather start picking up right now… this small group, if you insist on creative thinking for one month, you can do a great deal for your city… if you do it for one week, you can start pointing it out to others, friends, neighbours: ‘that’s a destructive thought you’re thinking’…
– (…) What’s the difference between a creative thought and a positive thought?
– A creative thought and a destructive thought – there really is no difference… but positive and negative are putting you in a dualistic mind… probably better to consider creative thinking and destructive thinking… if you like to eat cake and you’re concerned about your weight, if you eat it thinking ‘I’m going to gain 5 kilos from this’, that would be considered a destructive thought to your diet… now if you eat and change your thought immediately, ‘my body digests this cake easily and effortlessly’, that’s a creative thinking…
– (…) Escaping your own reality…
– You create your own reality whether as an individual or as a mass; it has to do with the power of your will…
– (A.) Does all this instilling fear in us mean that they have discovered some kind of power we still haven’t?
– Of manipulation… that’s the cloud that’s going over the city… or the country… do you have any children?
– (A.) No…
– Did your parents ever blackmail you when you were a child?
Everyone knows how to manipulate others, everyone manipulates others… you just might not realize how… when you do it deliberately, by instilling fear or jealousy, you’re working with the destructive forces…
– (M.) Could we also have a social action or is it of no use?
– (Gr.) Protest, for example…
– To whom?
– (M.) The government…
– Haven’t you tried that? Did you feel successful?
– (M.) It was a joke…
– (T.) A whole nation has placed all its hopes on god – we do nothing, we have fear, and we hope that sth will happen somewhere and Greece will be saved…
– Who told you that?
– (T.) I feel it around me…
– That the common person has surrendered?
– (T.) There is lots of anger and stillness…
– What can you do to change that?
– (T.) I don’t know, that’s what I’m asking…
– You know that Life offers many opportunities to ascend beyond the common mind… the Divine is not a servant to the human… in order to have contact with the divine parts of the Self, many times an individual must pass through great challenging life experiences… do you agree?
– (T.) Definitely, yes…
– Unfortunately for the common Greek citizen, that’s the Divine Plan, you might say… in order to awaken the mass… you’re living in a time where most individuals have forgotten about their Essence… they have forgotten God… only to blame God if things are not going so great in life… not to praise God any longer or to thank God…
Who goes to church to pray? Do you pray in the church? Or do you just follow the church gossip? Do you trust your leaders in the church?
– (R.) I trust them; due to their position, not due to their personality…
– (…) We can’t generalize; some we can trust, some we cannot…
– Do you trust that they will help if the citizens are hungry?
– (…) They already are helping but they could do much more… it depends on the parish…
– You must press them to open their wallets…
– (…) But they claim they’re about to go bankrupt as well… like monasteries and Athos…
– Do you believe it?
– (Gr.) No, they’re trying to avoid taxation – even the Holy Mountain…
– (M.) I’d like to ask about the affirmations… if sb is experiencing a karmic lesson and has to complete the circle, and they’re affirming relatively, can they influence the lesson?
– Affirmations can work to help you feel better as you go through the test of life… you do have specific experiences that you programmed into your life, everyone…
if you work with positive affirmations, you can shorten the duration of sufferance, for instance… you can lift yourself out of an uncomfortable experience or condition… they won’t necessarily prevent you from passing through the challenges that are necessary for growth, but they can help deal with it with a clearer, creative mind…
Always Life is filled with challenges…
If you find creative solution, then you develop with a more optimistic approach to living… if you use destructive thinking, you can extend the duration of suffering or dissatisfaction…
it has sth to do with time: wouldn’t you rather take a ten-minute-test than a three-hour exam?
– (M.) Can it be a cover-up for other issues?
– If they’re making positive affirmations, probably they know what they’re dealing with, they know the topic… whom are you speaking about?
– (M.) A friend of mine who’s been affirming for years, it’s become like a discipline exercise for him – 20 affirmations per day… and despite that, he attracts negativity so he ‘s wondering about their effectiveness…
– Perhaps he’s not doing the affirmations consciously any longer… he’s not thinking what he’s affirming; it became mechanical or routine…
– (A.) I’d like to go back to the meditation on Delphi… every time I enter the Site, I feel peace and calmness like coming back home… this time it was more intense after the shower of light and the meditation but at some point when leaving I felt an intense pain on the solar plexus and it happens every time I think of Delphi… sadness, grief, like I was drawn violently from that place… like sth remained unfinished… like a separation…
– Have you returned there?
– (A.) No, but I feel a calling…
– Why don’t you? It’s power, you see, that’s coming to you, that’s what you feel here, at the power centre…
– (An.) Can you be more specific about Time? Also, in regards to what is happening on the earth, the hurricane in America, the volcano in Santorini; will things go better?
– It’s a sensation… you will feel that the time is dragging a bit…
it’s not so much associated with the earth changes as it is associated with the changes that are occurring in the human in association with those earth changes…
– (An.) But we’re earth material, matter; we live on the earth… and this forms a part of the crisis we’re experiencing, the material… we’re on a planet on which we will learn to deal with Matter…
– Your thinking is correct…
– (An.) What about tomorrow? Thought requires action…
– Thoughts create action…
– (An.) It’s very difficult to deal with all this negativity around us, it’s overwhelming – you fight it at first but at some point you get tired, you get bored, you want to stop listening… but if we do that, we won’t contribute to the creative thinking… how can we deal with that?
– You might just respond ‘that sounds like a very destructive thought you’re expressing’…
– (K.) I’d like to ask about Santorini, its volcano and what is happening there…
– She’s alive, the volcano… she lives…
– (An.) So it’s female…
– (K.) Is she considering eruption?
– Not really… she’s just blowing-off steam…
– (K.) But now they’re saying sth else is happening there…
– (An.) Most women are blowing-off steam lately…
– We’re doing our best to keep her satisfied…
– (N.) I want to go back to Delphi as well… after leaving the Site, I had a discussion under a plane tree near the water from which I took a leaf when I left – and that was my peace place although I tried other options… on Delphi though, after the reading I felt shaking and shivering, I couldn’t control my breath and Jayne brought me back… but when at home I tried to meditate Delphi by touching the leaf, I had exactly the same feelings… what is it that brings me at the same time peace and all this worry? My constant fighting perhaps?
– How did you recover?
– (N.) I tried to apply a tai chi breathing technique…
– And how did you feel afterwards?
– (N.) I recovered but I felt some fear – where does this fear come from?
– This is a shifting occurring in your energy field – ascension, lets’ call it… and you panic… you don’t release your mind, you see… you tighten up rather than surrender… does that make any sense to you?
– (N.) Yes, it does…
– You want to keep fighting even when you’re injured… this is a past life memory that’s like a recurring dream…
Anyone else who was at Delphi? Have you tried the meditation again?
– (M.) Yes, once…
– And what happened to you?
– (M.) I felt complete emptiness of the mind and of energy – a pleasant void…
– (Gr.) If I do the breathing exercise first and then the shower of light, it’s great… I did it again while on Mt. Athos and it was a fantastic experience…
– And if you bring the light without grounding first?
– (Gr.) It’s more difficult, the mind creates obstacles…
– Make sure you always do the grounding first…
– (D.) I‘d like to ask about the Holy Mountain – why is it important? If it is that important after all…
– Mt Olympus is the Holy Mountain…
– (M.) Did they call Athos Holy on purpose in order to attract the attention there and leave from the core of power?
– Who?
– (M.) The church…
– Unfortunately the Church has been unable to instill a sense of divinity into the citizens… the land on that mountain, Athos, is holy but the humans are not necessarily walking in balance: there are no females…
– (D.) And, yet, they call it the ‘Garden of Mary’… why is Mt. Olympus Holy?
– The home of the gods…
– (D.) And why were the gods gathered there?
– It was the Chosen Land…
– (D.) By?
– The Heavens…
– (K.) I heard that Mt Athos was dedicated to goddess Artemis and then the Christians knowing there was power there turned it to a Holy Mountain…
– You’re going back to the matriarchal society… it’s true what you say…
– (L.) What is it that makes sb feel free?
– Peace…
– (R.) I’d like to know what is keeping me away from healing…
– Are you sure that you’re not healing yourself?
– (R.) I haven’t seen any results in the last 3 years…
– You haven’t improved at all?
– (R.) I have improved inside but the body does not follow…
– It takes time for the body to heal… did you ever watch how long it takes even a cut to heal completely? Or a bruise? When it’s sth deeper, it takes longer… don’t give up!
– (R.) So I’m on the right way…
– Keep going…
– (R.) Thank you…
– (M.) I have realized I have a fear regarding betrayal which has unconsciously moved all my life – how can I handle that?
– Accept it… don’t resist…
Now We’d like you all to think about sth you want to release – anxiety, fear, intolerance, apathy, pain, disbelief… We want you to take it out from the top of your head and give it to the earth… and she will transform it… so you sit relaxed, close your eyes, and think of what you don’t need…
and We’d like to take that with Us… so that you can walk a bit lighter…
Now We’re greeting each and every one of you here and We welcome you and We leave you…