28 May 2017
Everyone can relax as you have your day of rest today. It is always important in life to choose a day of the week that you rest and perhaps it is a rest from thinking. You probably have at least one day off a week from the job but you might be thinking about your job when you have that day off. Always when you rest from thinking about something you give space for new inspiration. Most people keep their minds very busy and occupied. This tends to tire the whole system, particularly the spirit of the being. It tires from too much thinking. This is why there is such a thing as meditation, to break up the patterns of thought. When you break your pattern this is when you allow for greater inspiration. We have said many times to couples to pretend you do not know the other person. In this way you break a pattern of thoughts, beliefs about the other. If you stop thinking about your work, your job or your dreams for one day per week then you open the door to your spirit to come through.
Hopefully, each of you has a journal that you are writing. If you do not write everyday, you should. You know that in the business the individual has the tendency to lose themselves. If you lose yourself, you lose touch with who you are and you lose touch with your inner self, whether you are busy with your job or child or projects. So by writing you are connecting with yourself. You are communicating with yourself and this is why it is so important to take three minutes per day and write what you are thinking, what you are feeling and what you are doing. Very simple but by the end of the year, a very profound review so you write everyday of the year- from January to November and then you go back and read the book. In this way you gather a good feel of what the year was about. And what your life was all about whether you were happy or sad or whether you were satisfied or not and then you take those last two months of the year to make decisions about what you want to change. If you go through year after year and you do not communicate with yourself you might feel like you have lost time, what’s happened to your life? Where did it go? It is never too late to begin. If you have not been doing this simple exercise you might start it. Once again everyday you jot down three things: what you are feeling, what you are thinking, what you are doing.
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