Spiritual Healing ~ Delphinians Material


Greetings to this Gathering…
very nice to see some new faces and very nice for some of you, Greeks, to visit some of the old places… you all know the history of Thermopyles and how many have given their lives here… what you might not know is what they received for that give-away
in order to be open to receive, you might consider giving sth away… even if you want to receive e.g. a new job, a new love, a new house, a new car, you can give sth you consider valuable to sb else, sb who you feel will value that gift… and you give it with the internal attitude ‘I’m giving this away so that I may receive this what I need, what I want’…  you don’t need to tell the other person; this is a conversation with the Universe so you’re talking with the Universe: ‘I’m willing to give this that I value to another so that I may receive this what I want’…
this is a game, a powerful game and you might consider that… you can use this game any time in your lives when you really want sth and you don’t know how to get it… you came here this afternoon to give sth to the earth…
you must know the power of moving water… this water is powerful for a number of reasons… one is because it’s so close to the sea… another is because it’s hot, it’s therapeutic… and, of course, it’s moving with force…
consider what you might like to give away here today from your own character, from your own emotional body so that you might receive the gift at Delphi…
What can you give away?
Some of you already know this game… frustration, confusion, anger, fear, imbalance, arrogance, greed, sadness, pride, indecisiveness, victimization
you all work with yourselves and you use this element of water to assist you to let go of it… e.g. if you have sadness, you’re probably attached to that – whether it’s from another life or future life or yesterday or tomorrow; you’re holding onto it…
so before you enter into the spring, you make your own personal prayer to the earth, to the water of the earth to assist you to release this… and then you go into the water and you keep it in your mind: ‘I release sadness’… if anyone has a physical ailment , imbalance, you can release that… let go at some point and let the water carry you … you release your physical form to the power of the movement of the water and you let the water carry you a bit to surrender to the flow… and you keep in your mind this prayer to release… of course, you can go in this water and talk and chat and… but that’s not really going to help you to release; it’s a matter of using your will and your strong desire to release this what you feel is blocking you in your life… this is what We propose for this Ceremony here…
Any questions?
– (K.) What if we have many things to release?
– Focus on one until you feel a shift happening inside you… and then you can change to another… don’t be greedy though… if you go under the waterfall, you can imagine it is washing that off of you…
– (Ch.) Would it be useful to use the same technique at other times here or in other places?
– Of course, certainly…
Now We’d also like to talk a bit about the Spartans…
you know that they left a great deal of power here… basically, before they came, they knew they were going to their death, they didn’t have any doubt that they were coming to give away their lives…
just like the Great Prince of Peace, Jesus, knew that He was giving His life to His Work – he never felt victimized by the betrayal from His friend – you know his name… He released…
and the Spartans did the same…
many of you in this Circle have connections with those individuals… some of you know who you are, some of the others are not so sure… after you feel a bit relaxed in the water, you can close your eyes and dream a bit… let your consciousness go into a type of a daydream and you might have visions, you might see faces…
We’re working with you now; when you join Our Circles, We join yours… and We mean the individual circle of the self – that means all of your past lives, all of your future lives, your relationships, your hopes, dreams, disappointment…We’re here to work with you… We’ve given you a simple exercise to do so that you prove that you’re receptive, that you want Us to assist you…
– (Gr.) Can you tell us a bit more about the history of this battle?
– They went to their death with courage… they believed that the next world was better… their training was quite severe so they expected that if they marched into battle strong and courageous, they would be rewarded…
when they write historical documents, when they make movies, they like to bring drama into it… of course, they said ‘goodbye’ to their women when they left knowing that they weren’t coming back… they took courage in their camaraderie because they were going together… they were not cowards… there was no expectation to survive… so they made peace with their lives – they were HEROES… that’s why they’re always considered heroic… they didn’t feel victimized by betrayal, they weren’t victims… it was a collaboration…
what else do you want Us to say? Do you want Us to make a movie?
 (Gr.) I’m feeling very emotional…
– (Gr.) Very pressed about what happened, I feel like crying…
– If you feel like crying, you shouldn’t say it; you should do it…
– (D.) Why are some people afraid of dying and some aren’t?
– For many different reasons…
incompletion is one…  afraid that you forgot to turn-off the stove when you left the house and the house might catch on fire and the whole village might go down because you died…  afraid that you could have done more and you didn’t…
– (D.) Is it a conspiracy that history doesn’t mention the 700 Thespians that often?
– For the same reason they talk about all the Jews that died in the war and not about all the others that died – a bit of an attitude that if you take life as sth very hard, then you’re a hero…
 (K.) Did the Spartans use to go to war like the kamikazes of today who give their life for Allah, for a greater reward that the afterlife would be better?
– A bit similar, yes… the belief that afterlife is better, if you give your life for your country, you will be rewarded… that you deserve a soft bed now…
– (Yi.) Does the accident I had half an hour ago in the village have sth to do with that place here?
– When you arrived, you shouldn’t have left… you had this session the other day about going back-and-forth… the earth was trying to pull you down… this coming here gives you an opportunity to really stop doing that… you can also give to the water any pain you have with those injuries… you can apologize for arriving and then turning your back to this place… when you left, the spring didn’t know if you were coming back… so if you’re feeling any discomfort, release it into the water with an apology…
This area, this point in Greece is a good place to die… so take care!
– (F.) Is this the reason why so many accidents happen here?
– Perhaps…
– (…) We saw one as we were coming here…
– If you’re connected to a Spartan who died here, maybe they want to catch your attention, they want you to honour that life that was lost, given away – it was a full end… end…
this is why you must have a very strong intention to end that sadness, victimization, discomfort, distress, anxiety… let it die here… when you’re stepping out of the spring, leave it there… have the clarity that you’re leaving it in the water… that it dies here…
the earth will transform it… you’re not hurting the earth, you’re not littering on the earth; you’re allowing the earth to work with your energy fields… She’s a Transformer; let her do her job… don’t forget her…
this is the top problem with the humans today: they forget the earth, they don’t pray over their food, they don’t thank the earth for her generosity… they’d rather complain about sth else…
 (Ir.) Earlier in the water, I did leave my body free and it floated from the waterfall downwards… I felt strange as part of me was cold and part was hot so I thought maybe the energy was changing in my body… but then I could feel my head was about to break up due to heat… I got out of the water red; was it anger and, if so, why wasn’t it released in the spring?
– You could have laid down on the earth and continue to release it…
– (D.) Many earthquakes all over Greece these days; why?
– You work really hard to keep positive thoughts but most people don’t… and the earth feels the vibration of your minds – that’s one reason… the earth is changing, shifting… there are always earthquakes…
– (Ch.) Apart from the personal quest of the group here, could you tell us sth about the influence of the outcome of the battle in the grand scheme of balance, movements, establishment of humanity of the time?
 The Greeks got a better reputation… there was a great deal of political intrigue, there was a greater respect for the lifestyle of the Spartans, how they died in honour and all…
– (Ch.) Any repercussions in Europe after the battle?
– Not so much… it was one battle – a special one but, nevertheless, it was one battle…
– (Ch.) So that leaves things with the battle at Platees the following year…
– In your personal life, with each battle that you win, the next seems to be bigger, broader… when you succeed in Knowing Yourself, it’s always a win, it’s always positive after all…
– (Chr.) Are this battle here and the battle the Greeks have been fighting for some time now related somehow?
– More within this Circle… this particular Circle can gain the strength and the courage the Spartans had to go out into the condition in the country and face it; you can take power from this Operation… and you might believe that the Spartans are supporting your path… or they’re backing you up… that they’re proud of you for coming to this spring to make this give-away…
– (M.) Do I have any relationship with Hecate?
– Why does it matter?
– (M.) She comes into my life somehow…
– Surrender… don’t resist… don’t be too mindful about it… let it flow… don’t try to understand it if you can’t…
– (K.) You said that the Spartans support us; is their energy still alive or is it us keeping it alive?
– Both… the earth remembers… so that if you remember too, then you empower that memory…
– (K.) So whatever we don’t erase from the past is still alive…
– Not always in a bad way…
– (Ch.) Is there a reason or a machination why this area is so historically suppressed? Would it make a difference if it were brought into the light again, into people’s attention?
– Do you know how many people stop to look at that statue over there? You know that many people are afraid of power… if this place has the power to destroy or to kill, who wants to go there?!
– (Ch.) But it has the ability to empower too…
– You have to know how…
the power – or the path to the power- is somehow hidden… We just revealed it… as you asked previously, you can go to many springs and do this exercise but this is the strongest you will find in this country… as you have Our protection while you’re here, you won’t die but you can release parts of yourselves you feel that are killing your joy or your celebration in life… or your evolution in life towards that inner bliss… it’s protected from the mass…
– (G.) Because the mass might misuse that power?
– That’s always the case…
– (N.) Talking about battles, every time I see sb giving any kind of spiritual battle, not only do I get emotional to the point of crying but I feel unable to explain why I have this feeling; is it about sth I haven’t managed so far, sth from the past?
– It’s compassion, it’s the opening of the heart; it’s not bad… you can place your right hand on the person’s neck… and if you want to cry, go on and cry – you might shock them into a condition of enlightenment, you might enlighten the moment for them if you let your heart bleed for them…
 (D.) In this Group, we have recognized some of those 300; is there a connection with what we do? I find it a bit strange…
 Sure (giggle)… of course…
We told you We want leaders; We don’t want followers… the Spartans were not followers; they were trained to lead themselves into their lives, into their self-realization… Know Thyself… many have had the suspicion, correct, D.?
– (M.) How can I protect myself from theft of reputation?
– Keep yourself integral…
– (M.) I had a warning in my sleep that my name is going down and that there’s a suspicious woman who’s approaching me…
– Wait and see how you maintain your integrity… give away your fears today for that encounter, if it occurs…
Ok, We want to greet each and every one of you, energetically, and We will meet you in the spring… and We will see you tomorrow…